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Conduct Disorder OSCE Script

You will be speaking to a parent.

 Onset
 At what age did you first notice him behaving like this?
 4 DSM Critieria
 Is your child violent or aggressive to other people?
 Is your child violent or aggressive to animals?
 Has your child destroyed or attempted to destroy any property or
 Has your child ever set fire to any property or buildings?
 Has your child broken into other peoples’ homes before?
 Has your child stolen things before?
 Does your child go against your house rules for e.g. staying out late
without your permission?
 Has your child run away from home before?
 Does your child have issues complying with school rules e.g. has he
played truant from school?
 Type – socialised vs unsocialised
 Does your child act like this around the family only or is it in school as
 Does your child have good relationships with friends or is he more
 Legal impact
 Has your child been sent to a home before?
 Have there been any issues resulting in a family court involvement?
 Does your child get annoyed easily?
 Does your child tend to argue a lot with others?
 Does your child tend to blame others in fights?
 Does you child refuse to comply?
 Does your child show defiance?
 Does your child hold spitefulness or vengeance against others?
 Comorbidity
 Any ADHD - difficulty paying attention in
 Any learning difficulties?
 Any somatisation?
 Any substance abuse?
 Etiology
 Any family history of ASPD
 Antenatal alcohol misuse/smoking?
 Parenting factors – harsh punishment, inconsistent parenting

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