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Oriental Medicine Physicians in Japan developed unique abdominal diagnosis from introduction of
Chinese medicine till today. Our ancestors have constructed many theories and guidelines. However, I
use it very differently. Please understand this first before starting the treatment

Reflex point of each organ is based on Mu point and actual location of organ in Acuzone Therapy.
However, just because you found one tender zone does not indicate that one point is used to release
that tender zone. Do not think of using one point to release just one area first.

For example, we have a patient who complains of pain in the neck to shoulder area of trapezius on the
left side with tenderness on the Stomach and Pancreas zone and left ST27 in abdomen. Diagnosis and
treatment occurs concurrently. We will start from treating Ren line (stomach zone) first by inserting
needle at upper Yin Tang. At this stage, do not underestimate the effect of releasing Ren line, it may
release the other tenderness, too. Thus, check the other areas for presence of tender zones. If they
are still there, think of using left SP4 for releasing Pancreas zone and left ST 27. Tenderness in
abdomen tends to correlate to neck and shoulder issues. Moreover, C3 and C4 of neck area shows up
in the hypochondriac regions. Since this patient has tenderness in Pancreas zone, the use of left SP4
should release trapezius muscle.

Here is updated description of each organ’s zone:

• LU Zone: LU1-LU2 area
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, BL2
o Synthesis Pt: LU7 of same side
• HT Zone: Left SP20-KI22/23 area along sternum
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, Left BL2
o Synthesis Pt: Left HT5
• PC Zone: Around Ren18-Ren16 +HT zone
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: Left PC6, if needed Left SP4
• LR/GB Zone: Right hypochondriac area, xiphoid to rib corner: GB, the rest is LR. Dig under the
ribs after 11th rib to look for the tenderness.
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, right BL2
o Synthesis Pt: Right LR3, if needed, right PC6, if only GB remains, GB41/42
• SP/Pancreas Zone: Left hypochondriac area, xiphoid to rib corner: Pancreas, the rest is SP
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, use left BL2
o Synthesis Pt: Left SP4, if needed left PC6 or sore ST43/Outer 43
• ST Zone: From Ren 15-10
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: Left PC6, then left SP4 if needed
• Navel Zone (KD&SI): KD16, Ren9, Ren7 (Choose Either KD or SI based on symptoms/Dx)
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: KD6 (Fatigue/Repro/Urinary/cold issue) SI3(Digestive issues)
• LI Zone: Area of ST25-ST28 & SP13-SP15
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, use BL2
o Synthesis Pt: If only LI reflex, use sore ST43/Outer 43. If needed, LI4 on same side.
o Synthesis Pt: With tenderness within LR/SP zone, use left SP4 and right LR3
• KD Zone: KD 16 & Ren6, area of BL22-24 & BL51-52
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: KD6 or KD1 (Yin Deficiency heat like night sweat)
• BL Zone: Ren2-3 area
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: GB26 (w/tender groin) or KD6 for tender KD11-12
• Uterus Zone: Ren3-4, uterine fibroid can show up at KD12-13
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang
o Synthesis Pt: GB26 (w/tender groin) or KD6 for tender KD12-13
• Prostate/Ovary zone: ST29-30
o Essential Pt: Upper Yin Tang w/ tenderness on Ren line, if not, use BL2
o Synthesis Pt: GB26 (w/tender groin) or sore ST43/Outer 43

Important! Focus of this acupuncture style is to needle the point that covers the most of what a
patient’s body presents. Many reflex zones and various symptoms & main complaints are all
considered to choose a point. Do not just focus on where the reflex zones are. Don’t simply choose a
point for each zone one by one. I mostly use 3 to 5 points, at maximum 7.

Caution! If you find the pulse around Navel and Stomach zone, please limit the release of these zones
to 50%. Do not try to release 100% on pulsing reflex zones. If you palpate too much and too strong, it
can cause nausea and pain. This can lead to stress that you want to avoid in acupuncture treatment.
In this case, focus on other tenderness reflex points to treat.

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