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the findings of this study is to overcome the problems that may affected the students life style in

the university because of spending too much on playing online games. Firstly, time management
is the most important thing that students should do wisely to make sure that students can
maintain their academic rather than tend to suffer from poor academic performance and it also
will assist them to construct effective method to reduce the addiction of online gaming. This
finding will provide them most of relevant information to overcome their addiction towards
online game. Therefore, students should take action once they have identified their problems
before becoming worst in the future.

Based on our significance of the study, we focused on how to overcome the problems among
UiTM students who are addicted to playing online games to make them get a better lifestyle.
These are the problems that students face when they are too addicted to playing online games.
First , they will lack of time management. Second, is poor academic performance. Next, how to
overcome the problems that students face? First thing first, teach them how to make a schedule
and stick to it because it will improve their time management skills by organizing their days and
weeks in advance. Next, set goals because. The process of setting goals will makes students to
plan their time more effectively and quantify their progress. Lastly is prioritize. The students
should decide which are most important to them and which will give them a positive impact in
the long term.

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