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Holmes solved the case after visiting 7 locations: The Staple, Henry Irving’s, Thomas Alexander’s, The
West Indies Steamship Company, Scotland Yard, Squire & Sons, the Spanish Embassy


1. Who killed Henry Irving? Emma Irving (20 points)

2. Why? Being a terrible father and husband (20 points)

3. What was stolen from Henry’s body? Secret Spanish blueprints (20 points)

4. By whom? Rodney Valentine (20 points)

5. Who killed Rodney Valentine? Salvador del Castillo (20 points)

1. Who is Antonio Rivera? Henry Irving, in disguise (10 points)

2. Who is Mrs. Irving’s suitor? Johnny Happ (10 points)

3. What is the name of Wiggins’ twin brother? Edward (10 points)

4. Where is Isabelle Botella? The Spanish Embassy (10 points)

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