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Á lvaro Cedrés Pérez B2 G5

Describing a famous person

In this writing I´m going to describe a famous man. Who all people know
nowadays. Ican´t tell you who he is, but I´m sure you can guess.

I have chosen this person because most of the people can have an opinió n of him.
Whether you like it or not, he is a great influence in the world. His influence can be
positive or negative, that depends on your opinió n.

He is tall and somewhat fat, quite the opposite to his wife. He has strange blond
hair. It´s so strange that he always has to be careful with the wind.

His personality is strange and difficult. He can think one thing and the opposite.
And then, he can also make decisions without thinking about the consecuences. In
fact he necer thinks about the consequences.

On the other hand, you can see that he has a silly humour. He can smile and make a
joke while he talks about someone´s death.

Finally, he thinks that the environment is perfect, that global warming is a lie, a
silly invention.

In conclusió n, this is an interesting person that we could study to avoid repeating.

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