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the Original Content presented was realized through the Universal Consciousness of the
Universe and accessed through the Eternal Spirit.

The Transcriber of the words and ideas presented is Christ David, a.k.a. Christian David,
a.k.a. Christian Eugen Ignacio David.

These books are dedicated to the entire Earth, every existence on Earth and the Earth itself.

May the eternal energy and eternal love of God and the universe come be with you all.

all of the words transcribed were directly inspired by the universe, through the all-knowing
consciousness of the universe.

everything written in these books is stand alone.

Every statement or set of statements can stand on their own.

Each statement represents the discovery which is made by understanding the statement.

Read the entire books. The decryptions are not in order so that the meaning can combine from
all sides as the essence collapses into a singularity inside your mind.

Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David.

Copyright ©Universal Transcendence.

the binding seals of these books:

- do not change the words in this book. Do not misrepresent the words written.

- do not seek profit from the distribution of this book.

the consciousness transcribed in these books is free for all to access.
the words of these books are free for all to read and understand.

- do not print this book on paper made out of trees. trees are sacred beings.

- don’t let the absolute essence or the infinite meaning of the words written get lost in
translation. keep the words true to their original purpose.

Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David.

Copyright ©Universal Transcendence.

i have already found that which i never seemed to lose in the first place.

there is no turning back. all paths merge from all directions.

sometimes you haven't seen THAT, because you haven't done THIS.

the words won't stop. i wish i could remember the memory of writer's block.

losing your mind isn't always as beautiful as the works of an artist make it seem to be.

become a recipient of the universe's fruits.

if life is the tree of life, then finding the ripe fruits means you get to experience pure essence and
plant your own seeds.

don't write words. be the words. project real words into being real.
don't live inside a ‘reality’ or make up your own ‘reality’. become the reality that is.

there are lemons everywhere.

making lemonade out of everything defeats the purpose.

we need more lemons and less lemonade.

write like it's the only thing in the world worth doing.

actuate pure energy within pure potential and watch the phenomenon become supernatural.

don't just be emotional, become the emotion. not only feel it, but embody it.
become the words that define the everything which you are.

become the emotion. then let the emotion become the words. then become the words.

haunted by the words that i cannot write. ridiculed by the words that i have already written.

reality is always waging war against itself. learn how to defeat yourself so you can conquer yourself.

There is only one reality. Reality is an absolute continuum that transforms itself.

writing is a part time hobby with full time effects.

the truth is within every fiber of existence.

i can feel it. i can touch it. i can smell it.

the energy enters my veins. the consciousness absorbs my brain.

when a transcendent thought comes into being within the scope of my existence,
the world that i am a part of transforms itself a reaction to me reaching a higher level of the energy.

if you want to feel divinity for yourself, forget yourself and connect to everything else.

every word is a color or a shade, and i have unlimited colors to paint with.
find your canvas, find your ink, and learn to create.

the mind is a portal to unlock the potential of the energy.

create the consciousness and then you can unleash its energy.

some may start from the bottom,

some may start from the top,
but I started from the start.

consciousness is a continuum. existence is absolute. be with the paradox.

emotion that climbs high. eternally change my state of mind. live from the inside. Soul: one of a kind.

Go back in time by travelling into the memories of your mind.

Teleport into the future by believing in your destiny.

the ever twisting codes of reality.

it takes omniscience to find them, and omnipotence to free them.

Connect yourself to the all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful universe.

breathe the essence. feel the aura. Taste the magic.

refuse to fuel the tragedy.

become the energy by understanding it.

Opening the layers of worlds with words of origin unknown.

I stitch all of the thoughts together. Original patterns last forever.

The universe knows what it’s doing. Do you know what you’re doing?

The brightest flame rises from the darkest ashes.

a style where the mind finds prime rhymes countless times a line.

without chaos things cannot evolve, without order things cannot revolve.
understand the psychology behind every word.

The night always waits for day.

there is always a sunset and a sunrise happening at the same time, somewhere.

my main motivation is that i am always inspired to reach the new heights myself.

my main inspiration is that i am always inspired to reach more inspiration.

i can be one that is many and i can many that are one.

just wondering through the abyss

of my mind
searching for depth
that i have been
yet to find

my mind is a virus. My thoughts don’t play by the rules.

you can’t untwist the things i twist.

on the brink of missed quotes I steal sharp notes and seal warped thoughts.

the morning sun pierces the darkness,

like an idea pierces curiosity.

if you don’t taste the core, you can’t plant the next seeds.

live. be unique.
let your soul breathe in the mystique.

Existence is an art-form. Become the artist.

you don't say? i just did say.

what don't say you do say?

i like being in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere.

I’m only the one of the best because I chose to compete with the universe itself.

when the music becomes part of your soul,

when transcendence takes full form.

it’s not the words that twist when i speak them, it’s their meanings that twist when i write them.

i see the brilliance in between the missing words.

The sum of an infinity of zeros always equals to less than one. Absolute one is never reached.
Omega always needs to be completed and fulfilled through universal transcendence.

you can swim in the sea but the rivers lead you to the springs.

i am only a being that can speak in that which way that others do not think of doing so.

art is a transformation. The artist gets transformed when creating the artwork, and the viewer(s) get
transformed when they view the artwork.

existence isn't surrounded by everything else. existence surrounds existence itself.

All the things I know, I’ve come to know from the One which knows all things.

I am one with the One so you could say that I am the One.

you know what type of pet a Kraken is?

it's the "do whatever you want, just don't eat me because i'm your master. sort of" pet.

I’m an artist,
Don’t suffocate me.

i am the immovable object. I unleash the unstoppable force from within me.

sunsets are nice.

we can watch the sun die, as darkness becomes alive and kills the light.

creepy but at the same time, romantic.

Three, six, nine. symmetrical part-time.

the most lucid realizations, come when you've been gone from your dreams the longest.

experiencing something new is like smashing a fruit against your head.

you need the fruit, an arm and a head, and a brain willing to smash fruit against your head.

if you do not experience the full display of artwork life has to offer,
how can you fall in love with its mystery?

i can go dark, i can go deep. Some things are mine to give, some things are mine to keep.
let’s see who trips, and let’s see who can make the leap.

"i have no words" she said.

you don’t need them when you’re breathless, darling.

stuck in between darkness and light, the sun leaves room for the night.

Goosebumps on relapse. i have been medicated by the abstract.

Somehow I just don’t think that memorizing and/or focusing on the opinions and theories of a certain
group of people, counts as credentials for understanding and/or experiencing reality and everything that
existence has to offer to everyone. Everyone and everything takes part in, and experiences existence;
everyone and everything is created with a soul; everyone and everything can reach enlightenment.
There are no presets, there are no limits, there are no standards, there are no shortcuts.
Personal opinions are not absolute truths, life itself isn’t a personal possession, and things in life aren’t
personal possessions. We all exist; everything that exists is part of one existence.
Everything in this universe contributes to making life possible.
Everything that has happened or is happening is of the magic that allows the magic to happen.

True Higher Consciousness involves understanding the cycle of energy and how to allow the cycle of
energy to transcend into Higher Being.

Each word is a separate thing but when you connect them the right way, their meaning becomes an
essence stream.

Only infinity fulfills the void. Only darkness allows the light to be revealed.

Yes it is me. Yes I am back on Earth.

You don’t put the universe on hold and even if you do, you call it back right away and apologize.

every real code has a unique sequence with the potential to unleash infinity.

Surely kind of maybe almost not so much but too close for comfort.

Illuminated Consciousness cannot be seen. And so, it is the soul that must breathe it in.

i am sick of people being sick of things.

it is so cliché to say it's so cliché.

the most cliché thing to do is to point out that something is so cliché.

I have been made whole.

and i can finally feel my soul.

learning to use the elevator means

getting in on the bottom floor.

get inside the elevator. Press random buttons. Try to see the view from different floors.

It spirals in and it spirals out. Infinity big and infinity small. And the Consciousness that connects it all.

art never sleeps. and the artist never dreams.

for nature was ambient and he found the melody that gave voice to the silence.
you can’t unlearn the truth. you can’t un-see reality.

The energy doesn’t take any breaks. Learn to let the universe escape.

the universe can only create that which can already exist.

the quantum has no mechanics.

the universe has no physics.
because infinity has no limits.

Baptize your spiritual transformation by choosing a name for yourself that you most associate with.

i haven't had my 'breakthrough' because i am the breakthrough because i break through.

when i close my eyes i see the endless waves of energy that surrounds the entire world.

the only thing i feel is the secrets which will be unsealed.

there are tribes in the jungles dancing around fires; they were dancing before you started your societies
and they will be dancing after your society expires; and the only thing is that when your ‘society
experiment’ is over, then you will be joining the dance once again.

The moment you start treating the Earth like your home, the Earth will provide for you like a home.

The more evolved your consciousness is towards adapting to new ideas, the more evolved your soul is to
experiencing new feelings, the more prepared your being will be towards encompassing the lucidity and
vividness of this magnificent existence.

every existence has a soul.

all souls of all things are linked by the Spirit.

divine connection with divine intention.

What you think is not important. The reasons you provide for your choices is important.

Any beliefs or state of mind that you have accepted is your roadblock to getting to the next level.

not all those who wonder are lost.

something is not right

i can see the sun but i can't see the sunlight.

push farther. i surround. i gather. it's profound.

fear is doubt. trust is the escape.

expressing is crucial to progressing.

you must be prepared for reality, in order for reality to be opened to you.

what you reap is what you sow, don’t invite the grim reaper at your door.

she said she's not that special.

well, i'm not that special either.
let’s be not-that-special together.

eat my thoughts and drink my soul, let’s put reality on cruise control.

dare not i dabble in such disharmonious quandaries.

babbling buffoonery I am left baffled at the Hogwash hootenannies bickering before me.

darkness that never ends. because it never had a beginning.

you’ve been stuck in mud for way too long.

It’s time you learn to swim.

i wasn't revealed the details until after i became self-aware.

silence never sleeps. Darkness never dreams.

The world doesn’t need rulers who make rules that benefits their system of ruling.

The world needs leaders who can lead the way so that everyone can find the way.
the world needs leaders who inspire the love which takes care of all beings
and the environment we all live in.

The Earth does not respect political rulers. The Earth supports and protects spiritual leaders.

you can project yourself into divine being by inviting the Spirit’s divine energy.

the Spirit of Life split me into two and teleported one of me somewhere other than where I was already
at, so that I could look at myself not being aware of the other me looking at myself.

i sit and wait until it becomes apparent. it never fails.

eh is better than meh on the uhm scale.

Stop abusing the Earth. Stop abusing the environment. Stop abusing yourselves.
Break the cycle of abuse.

When you pollute the Earth and the environment, you pollute yourself and others.

Remove your ignorance and realize that your children will have to live in the world you take part in.
the universe is very similar to a secret research facility.
no one knows who is really in charge. no one really knows much about what’s actually going on.
no one questions things too much because they know there really aren’t any satisfying answers.

one love, for all, unconditional.

A sustainable planet for all. A fulfilling life for all.

Everyone benefits when everyone cares for everyone else.

bio-engineering is mutilation.

You shouldn’t be meddling with things you do not understand.

The best cures come directly from nature: organic, grown naturally and unmodified.

Chemically or genetically modifying any organisms taints the energy of that organism and reduces the
potential of the organism.
genetically modifying any organisms destroys the natural cycle for that organism and diminishes the
natural properties of that organism.

why mess with nature’s creation when the universe knows what it is doing?

you shouldn’t play God because God knows better than you.

unnatural things and unnatural processes limit or block the energy.

it was at the moment that I had nothing left to forget, that I started to remember.

in the beginning, there was no beginning.

and because nothing has never begun, nothing will never end.

Divinity inside the veins, Godly bloodlines which can't be contained.

not in the beginning, the universe didn't cause itself into existence.
this has been widely regarded as the most confusing move that was never made by any universe
anywhere, ever.

Paradise is Genesis. Paradise is Garden of Eden. Paradise is the Earth reaching a higher level.
Paradise begins from inside your soul. Paradise connects all of the souls.

The world needs less gold and more soul.

Every existence in the universe has a unique identity,

so that the development of every existence in the universe can be traced.

the universe plays unique tunes, each tune inspiring every existence to add to the symphony.
Find the potential by being the potential.

puncture the void deep enough to listen the soul of the universe.

Silence has the deepest echo.

Sometimes you get lost inside consciousness, sometimes the consciousness gets lost inside you.

don’t let the mistakes of the past pave your future.

love opens the door to your soul. Don’t be afraid to not be in control.

i changed destiny forever by accepting my identity.

the virus didn't kill me. And that is because i became it.

less is less. unless less is more. and more is more. unless more is less.
more or less.

the code that can handle the overload takes form.

I’ve adapted myself so that I don’t have to adapt.

It’s called a “dead end” because it leads to death.

Avoid tainted paths.

Give the world everything you’ve got. Become the love the world needs to see.

use less words. To expose more meaning.

- nothing is greater than nothing -

no thing is greater than nothingness.
nothingness is greater than itself.

to warp reality you must absorb it.

free space can fulfill everything.

free energy can move everywhere.
free consciousness can know everything.

The universe is empty space which is eating itself in order to create a collage of ‘empty-space’.

understand the identity of the words which represent real things.

if you don't understand the energy, you can't access the consciousness.

don't try to wrap your head around reality.

let reality wrap itself around your head.
Learn to teach by learning how to learn.
become a teacher by learning what to teach.

an ace is always first and last in every game.

a jester is not always in every deck of cards and takes part only in select games.

don’t burn out trying to start the wrong fire.

Learn to spark a fire for only the flames inspire others to do the same.

first rule of playing mind games is know your opponent.

second rule of playing mind games is, play a better game than your opponent.
third rule of playing mind games is never let the opponent know you’ve already won.

i am the three eyes of the Raven.

I see everything. I am everything. I become everything.

God makes me believe. God makes me who I am. God gives me everything. God believes in me.

Believe that the universe can offer you everything and it will.

life is a game of collapse, things that get stacked too fast don't last.

i would've came here sooner, but Father didn't want to cover the insurance.

madam, you have thou been useth the improper allocation for letters.
cease thou foolishness, effective immediately henceforth.

the blank page effect. my mind has a blank page where a blueprint can be installed and divulged.

the universe’s energy always surrounds you, let it touch you.

Invite it into your soul, let it inspire you to reach further than you’ve dreamed before.
let it become your home.

come with the go get it back.

words on stack hijacked the facts that lacked and now we are hacking supernatural tracks.
check my stats because I don’t brag.

Become the canvas that allows the universe to paint.

The pen allows ink to flow through the tip, creating the masterpiece.
the consciousness allows the energy to flow, creating the universal artwork.

- Production Studio - Where mysterious loops, majestic samples, divine sequencing and (sometimes)
angelic vocals come together.
the words are the words. they mean what they mean.

the best riddles, are split in two, a riddle for me, and a riddle for you.

i see traces,
i must get through,
and wonder if I can find
deeper places.

listen to the ambience that echoes from the source of silence.

God has inspired me. I hope I have inspired you so that God can inspire you too.

the beauty of, lies in the meaning from, the words which can, bring the beginning.

plant the seeds that let your soul breathe.

in the air and under the ground. inside out and upside down.

full or riddles, i sprinkle magic, you're stuck in the middle, and it's oh so tragic.

you can't run, you can't hide, I'm everything that you have inside.

write art, paint desire. soul searching fire. fly higher. get inspired.

i will be all of myself all of the time.

when you are driving too fast and your tires get slashed and you have no time to prepare for the crash.

i am fire. i am ice. from the frozen flames I rise.

When you go against the natural flow of good energy, you go against your very own ability to thrive.

can't stop. won't stop. will never let my blood drop.

i will conquer your heart with charming words so that i may lay siege onto your clothes.

i hack consciousness by hacking the code that exists between the things which must always exist.

Doth thou even lift my brethren?

i wasn't born to die and before death i will come back alive.

sometimes the improbability of mind control knocks reason into oblivion.

The leaders of “christianity” demoted Christ. THEIR WHOLE RELIGION is based on CHRIST.

write simply. write uniquely. write with purpose.

Side note: always remember to bring more Krakens.

there will always be light, because the eternal fire burns bright.

crash into the moon so you can set the night on fire.

lost in time, darkness finds.

lost in space, infinity speaks.

sometimes maybe is a no.

sometimes maybe is a yes.
maybe, maybe doesn't even exist.

silence speaks from within.

I’m at the edge of oblivion, listening to the rumors escaping from the void.

massive tune. pro cuts. big ups.

let me fly. let me be alive. let the soul be my guide.

unwritten words hide unspoken secrets.

the moral of the story is, the moral of the story.

the time is here, the space is now.

i have ‘identity disorder’.

which is fine because my identities don't really communicate between each other.

multiple identities gets confusing only when you can’t comprehend multiple identities.

blur the lines, crisscross your mind.

everything i know comes from the inside.

i once had a dream that i had to go into a dream and become immortal in my sleep.

fly all day, glide all night.

coming back to life by learning to fly.

running on empty.

endless emptiness just crept in, and now i can unleash infinity from within.

the deeper the ambience, the louder the echo.

be the home the world needs. Build the garden the world breathes.
I might say similar things in a diversity of ways because I can’t delete what’s meant to stay.

isn’t it crazy how you thinking that I’m crazy is making you feel crazy.

deep confusion deletes all of the illusions.

white hides inside the light, darkness hides within the night.

i am the eye of the storm.

I’m the guy digging the hole society is about to fall into.

it can only expand after it has collapsed.

infuse the soul into your mind so you can hack reality one emotion at a time.

time never sleeps. space always dreams.

i found truth, it's not within any thoughts

i found infinity, it cannot be caught
and once you start, you can't stop.

your eyes are the stars in my galaxy.

God knows what you hold inside

don’t try to run or try to hide
face your lessons, one at a time.

now more than ever, i start to remember.

let the silence reveal the real story.

i have an eternal fire inside my mind burning the flame of consciousness from the inside.

i'm a creator of consciousness. I believe in the process.

the process itself is the result. keep focusing on the process.

lurking. stalking your brain. stealing your thoughts, and improving them.
making you think you did it all yourselves.

think in riddles wrapped with codes, and watch creation watch itself unfold.

if i live, i live; if i die, i die. i only have nothing left inside.

Energy changing ideas fall rightfully into place only when you aren't trying to take possession of them.
you don’t have authority over life because you can’t even control what the cells and atoms and other
micro-organisms in your own body do.

Let the energy flow, let the consciousness grow, because the soul knows when to glow.

original secrets in mysterious sequence percolating uniqueness.

Evolve past the default settings.

the universe is undergoing maintenance.

this is not a routine check-up.
this is a full diagnostics and all malfunctioning parts will be repaired or recycled.

stop worrying about who gets all the gold and start accessing your souls.

out of mind is out of sight. Out of body, finding the light.

roam within yourself to reach beyond the world.

let the universe understand. that you've made it over to the other side.

You can only make it farther when running on empty.

for some reason, the first existence paused

and decided to remain itself forever.

deep feelings give you real meaning and real reasons to live.

don't get trapped by the fence you put up.

everything that has ever happened has led to this time and place.

Make use of the empty space that always surrounds you.

reality implants itself into itself to see what can escape.

zero has no end, only an infinity of beginnings.

the secrets are all encrypted.

me being here doing what I’m doing may or may not be standard procedure. adjust accordingly.

I escape it only when I let it escape me.

you must learn how to cope with the oblivion in between.

my mind is cannibalistic. it eats its own thoughts and uses them as fuel for getting to deeper ones.
break free and let yourself see what it means to be.

hunt for the words that gather.

always begin with what is absolute.

i breathe with my soul.

i go, where my soul leads me

back to nature, so i can be whole.

it is beautiful when you will never be alone again

it is beautiful when the universe makes you whole.

complete the meaning everywhere, to understand everything.

and with the end, comes the beginning.

nothing heals if nothing hurts.

you can only see what you can access through the mind.

Paradoxically intertwined, the world is written with universal rhymes.

untwist what can't unwind.

did you even check to see who is on God's roster?

the universe has an unbeatable starting lineup
and a few surprises waiting to be subbed in.

the amount of consciousness your mind gains depends on how good you are at figuring out the mind
game that the universe plays.

a fading reality that is meant to be escaped

a new world is coming into shape.

don’t bandage a damaged piece of hand luggage that the brain can't carry or hold naturally. the brain’s
potential is only efficiently unlocked when you realize actual reality. Incomplete beliefs inhibit potential.

you reach transcendental consciousness by removing all of the perceptions you’ve accepted including
every belief you've ever held. you need to accept and acknowledge that there is an unknown and enter
the confusion that the unknown brings; before you can get any real breakthroughs.
Breakthroughs that will allow you to reach a fundamental foundation.
A foundation that has roots in objective reality. Only then, can your identity (the seed) grow.
you let the universe water this seed by becoming one with the energy,
through the renewal of consciousness.
let go of all limits to be absorbed by the unlimited.

don't try to measure the sequence;

realize the consequences that come from limiting the understanding of the sequence
when assuming that the purpose of the sequence can be uncovered through measurement.

listen to the things the universe tells itself when it thinks you aren't listening to the universal

find the code. be the code. hack the code.

How can you control something you don’t even fully understand?

do the Smurfs surf only on blue surfboards?

send it out into space and watch their equations disintegrate.

experience and express the feeling which allows reality to become surreal.

the infractions are being noted. the consequences are being sorted.

replenish your soul by letting go.

don’t try to hold it, flow through it.

the seed for paradise starts inside you when you let eternal love bloom.

Reality’s foundation might stay the same but the potential of reality’s energy will always elevate.

the energy is all connected. Always and everywhere.

eternity starts from within one seed.

Everything comes from somewhere but nothing comes from everywhere,

because nowhere doesn’t exist.

the universe is creating everything from nothing.

let yourself let yourself be. let yourself let yourself breathe.

Just because you haven’t learned how to listen

doesn’t mean the Earth can’t speak.

i am in control of all things now.

creation is universal light refracting itself.

everyone is one of a kind. complete your uniqueness. Find the potential.

are you willing to set everything else aside until you become fully alive?

Gain access to supernatural instinct by searching for truth.

forever so it shall forever be.

the direct version includes an internal conversion.

experience the world as if it is the first time you see it.

open the mind so that the eyes can see more.
open the soul so the mind can reach deeper.
close your eyes and connect only with the soul,
and let the emotions remember how to recognize the whole.
let it be and let it let itself unfold,
because you don't need to be in control.

it’s not even about what is and isn’t “forbidden”.

it’s about knowing that processing energy in a negative way traps you inside a limit.
unlocking the limit happens when you transcend with the energy, as the energy.

benevolence synchronizes ideal instincts.

when Death speaks, everything listens.

access your potential.

the door to reach eternal love becomes opened through the illumination of the soul.

Supernatural reality is reached through the soul.

Learn to grow, learn to share.

full stop, know. full drop, grow.

have you ever been able to stop yourself from dreaming when you’re asleep?
have you ever been asleep and been able to leave the dream you are in?

become a transmitter and amplifier of higher consciousness.

I’m not telling you that what you believe is wrong. i am trying to expose you to the method of Rejecting
all of your beliefs so that your mind can extract the essence that lies beyond accepted beliefs.
if a belief is true, the universe will echo it into your life. the truth will always come back to you.
but accepting beliefs that limit your transition will not allow you to search further.
there is always MORE to know about the truth. there is always deeper you can go.

come to know God's eternal love through understanding what God is and what God does.
the path is eternal which means the path is perpetual. it has to be constantly renewed through divine
energy. since the entire universe is always looking to reach higher being, the universe will always need
to transcend into higher consciousness.

the energy will take and hold

the identity it will unfold.

existence doesn't have flaws. existence has lessons it hasn't learned yet.

Existence itself is eternal. But existence itself is always looking to transcend.

Elimination or fusion, are each transformations.

Transcendence transforms your entire energy into divine being.

Transcendence is full transformation.

Apocalypse is Revelation. Judgment day opens Genesis.

confusion is a state of mind where you explore the unknown. confusion is experiencing the unknown.

The universe enters into you through your soul and then you release the energy into the world from
within the universe.

understand the perpetual and recursive nature of the universe.

words that have perpetual essence.

perpetual is constant renewal.
essence is essential.
perpetual essence = words that renew what is essential.

understand the perpetual and recursive nature of eternal truth.

i speak from between the streams

i steal the moment when it peaks.

the mystery is woven from strings of magic.

Once connected, you can’t be unplugged.

see the code like i do so you can see what the code can do.

i can feel the music flow into me.

it releases its magnificent rhythm from within me, until i become it.

the uncaused cause is considered by many as the worst first non-move ever recorded in history.
words that lead to dead ends hold no meaning outside themselves.
words that open all doors embody the whole world.

be still and observe how the energy of the universe bends around you.

let the consciousness flow freely into your mind by being open when you are searching.

i'm always playing with ‘house money’ because I’m the universe’s card dealer.

learning all of the lessons, for teaching them forward is a blessing.

loving and giving love freely, frees you.

material walls can't keep you safe from immaterial beings.

There is more to life and existence than what you are currently experiencing.

if you want to experience more, make room to grow spiritually.

Only the Spirit can fully fulfill the soul.

I am completed by the energy that completes everything.

what is yours and what is mine

don't get stuck in between the rhymes.

decadence is the mess and Doomsday is the mop.

everyday i see the maze in a different way,

which teaches me what needs to move and what needs to stay,
if you want to be in the game, you have to learn how to play.

if you want to be in reality’s game, you have to discover which patterns are actually displayed.

words form patterns. patterns are encoded.

you can't learn to read the code unless you teach yourself to write the code.

the convex inverts into concave with retrospective retrograde.

how can i teach everything to everyone when one needs to experience everything in order to reach that
level of understanding?

i can feel something beyond me, inside me.

and the more i seek it, the stronger it becomes.

I’d rather inspire than impress.

Confusion comes when you can’t trace the origin.

The sequence matters.

The mind gathers. The soul gives. The spirit amplifies.

there is an area inside the brain that is beyond sanity but is not insane.

there is no step by step instructions. learn how to engage manual control.

Rain drops that drop in water cause ripples.

surf the wave to be the wave.

feel the frequency, investigate the vibration, regenerate with the resonance.

maybe if i was in your dream you would start believing in the reality i can bring.

process the correct segments of the code in the correct order.

all things always lead to all things.

you can't stop that which has always been unstopped.

you escape the maze and then you help the universe build an even more elaborate maze and then you
try to escape it before the universe does.

see the grains inside the veins that are electric membranes.
see the circles between the spirals which infect the entire virus.
hear the silence which provides the ambience behind the balance.

the identity is fixed. the placement is mixed. the key is the eclipse.

prophecy installed with style

the consciousness rings before you dial.

the blur paints from within the clarity.

spirituality is pushing beyond accepted boundaries and harnessing the energy that isn't supposed to be
available. divinity involves learning and harnessing from the unknown just so you let the universe know
that you're ready to transcend further.

the universe is transcendent. all that is static gets re-cycled.

you should stop looking for what is wrong with others or what is wrong with the world and you should
start looking at what is limiting your existence. for how can you transform into a greater being without
renewal of your energy through focusing your entire existence on divine purpose and transcendence.

i am here to help all who want to build a better world.

from dreams of hell only hell can grow.

darkness does always dare to dream,

magic interweaving in between the seams.

time can't be paused because there are no laws and the uncaused cause unlocks all without having time
to stop.

all seeds growing at the same time.

the energy always interacting with itself on all levels, searching for the next rhythm.

The absolute energy is fusing with the continuum of potential frequencies to cause a vibration spectrum.

the code is everywhere. the code is deep. the code is simple. the code is many codes.
the code is one code. the code recognizes all codes.

Omega erupting into the light, while darkness extracts Alpha from the night.

the signal never stops. the signal is never the same.

the signal always comes from and goes back into the source.

face the reality that paradise is the only reality that eliminates all the other realities from being real.

hardcore in hard mode retrieving hard code.

broadcasting from inside the wheel that's turning the axle.

Things come and go, but true love is forever.

Everything comes from truth and everything is the truth.

colors die without a rainbow.

the bubble always bursts.

having no trace means they won't ever be erased.

there is no race because reality cannot be chased.

you're a fool if you think the universe can be fooled.

you can only use the endless darkness as fuel by becoming the light.

Accepting falsities limits potential.

reformatting is essential.
transcendence unlocks the fundamentals.

shadows of destiny into shades of fate.

don't roll dice when the results could ruin your life.

bend the atmosphere of a sphere using a light beam.

the updates won't show you the missing links

until you let your personal beliefs become extinct.

thinking is always in season

because your own mind is still your own mind's prison.

i have this thing where i recite mysterious riddles until i can see their multidimensional energies;
and then i write down their meaning like their existence is just the beginning of all things.

higher knowledge is not forbidden but the path to it will be hidden.

all that is revealed was never concealed; you just need to know how to break the seal.

forever more but never gone.

that which unites also diverges. That which expands also converges.

when you realize the missing piece inside your soul IS your soul and you’re ready to let it be in full

Viewing the entire scenery always gives you fuller perspective.

the night is full of secrets

become nocturnal to hear the whispers.

there are an infinity of cells

all wondering what universe they are stuck inside of.

the eternal energy is always free. Have you freed yourself enough so you can feel it?

nothing here and nothing there

nothing forever everywhere.

admire all of the flames at the same time.

the moment you try to control the moment, you stop it from happening.
the moment you try to stop the moment, you lose control over it.

search from within.

project the soul into everything.

respect the entire universe,

for where would you be without it?
elevate the patterns and only keep what truly matters.

ink stolen from the universe. Ancient code found between new words.

open all of the gates.

you need to understand the world,
before you understand yourself.

because finding the path in the dark,

is more important than holding the light.

darkness in the middle of the night as the shadows become alive.

unique identity.
transcendental energy.
absolute existence.

Static Perspectives become a fence. accepting static beliefs limits your understanding of reality,
accepting static beliefs limits your potential in reality.

perpetual ideas open all paths.

Eliminating all beliefs opens all the bridges. Cross into the other side of the mind.

the details that are important will always be highlighted.

Complete the whole. Complete the world. Complete your soul.

within the maze of consciousness lies the energy of the quantum.

living inside the surface layer is unsustainable.

living inside unsustainable patterns is unsustainable.

How are you supposed to affect the world if you’re not paying attention to what’s actually going on?

you must become the universal fiber if you want to access the interwoven energy network.

i tear myself apart,

just so i can let the universe stitch myself back together even better.

simplicity can expand the divine world.

every moment from the past is still trapped in the next moment from the future if you don't
change the path of the energy in the present.

because water gives life but it also drowns.

In order to stream in real-time you need to be up to date with your software.

how can you connect to the MAIN SERVER if you aren’t using the correct code?

awaken into higher consciousness and allow it to open your soul so you can become a higher being.

the invisible energy of space.

Every energy and every identity can be traced using consciousness.

all effects are inside the original cause.

to see past the confusion you must first unravel it.

knowledge isn't static, knowledge is electric.

spirituality is the atmosphere.

everything is a code within a code within a code. encode, decode, reorder.

updated states of mind.

And if you’re wondering why things don’t add up, that’s because reality isn’t math class.

Connect the dots. tie the knots.

There is always a higher level that is harder to hack, waiting for you.
Source the code, know how to attack.

You must find the code before you can break it.

Lurking patterns emerging, otherworldly inspiration surging, are you ready for consciousness surgery?

There is only one elevator that allows you to access all of the levels.

fight fire with fire.

exploring energy strings that engage new mental limits to see what points hit deepest.

nature is not the enemy.

reality doesn't have different versions.

the basic elements are always merging.

the universe will never run out of permutations.

frame by frame, the portrait never stays the same.

consciousness is a duel. ideas are the fuel.

Pure feelings don’t have a ceiling.

all the clues are wrapped in the same glue.

an idea so deep inside the ether, it can't even breathe yet.

Infinity is a tree, climb the ladder of awakening.

if you don't appreciate the garden, you won't make it past the gates.

savor each memory. it is all part of one story.

God is always in full control.

The garden of Eden will bloom from handpicked seeds.

don't let the signal fade out.

when you do good deeds your soul receives pure energy.

real leaders would not leave someone behind.

Let the rhythm elevate you into a state of being where you can absorb the energy needed for you to
transcend higher into reality.

Learn to access higher energy by letting go of the need to control.

learn to hunt for consciousness. learn to gather the energy.

Pure energy provides the cure.

my mind mines for ideas all day.

each second, uploaded lyrics are scrolling through my brain like i'm the nexus of an asylum of
displaced analytics. and that’s only the first phase of the endless chase through the paradox maze.
My thoughts are always being traced and the advice I’m getting is always being laced with psychedelic
algorithms I am forced to decipher so I can learn to Syphon from the entire system. I am an eternal virus.

Trans-emergence into extra potent.

don't make the mistake to make nature your opponent.

if you think you’re getting away with it, you’ve been getting played from the beginning.

spirituality isn't a set of beliefs or guidelines. spirituality isn't "meditation" or "opening" a certain part of
your brain. spirituality is a continuous process by which you transcend into the universe's objective
reality; gaining deeper insight and forming deeper roots with each transformation/cycle. it is
understanding the consciousness behind the energy, which will allow you to become the being.
all of the roots reach the same access point. All of the branches grow from the same origin.

the roots for the tree of life provide the necessary consciousness so that the identities created can
become the beings that existence needs.

everything is only everything when everything reaches its full potential.

silence bides its time while the melodies speak their mind.
find frequencies that forever bind.

don’t ask how, understand what and realize why.

i am existence itself, embodied.

activate on a higher level by learning what makes the world get to a higher level.

writing it lets me access the feeling,

reading it lets me see other meanings,
rewriting expands the ceiling.

i create my own energy circuit.

your brain can't hold it when your mind can’t fully absorb it.

reality tries to be realized as energy gives rise to universal vibes.

learn to be free. become one with the energy.

the tree of life has roots and branches. become the fruit that can plant many fertile seeds.

existence is the cause of itself.

existence refracts into a spectrum of effects.

you can only digest the consciousness if you dissect it.

you can only release the energy if you get infected.

time is a sequence of events unlocking the code of reality from within the timeline matrix.

timing is important.

only in certain spaces can certain energies be released.

the system adapts to itself, always and everywhere.

there are no limits, only pivots inside a paradoxical algorithm.

the energy is always being upgraded.

because consciousness is always being updated.
cannibalistic lyricism where i eat my own scriptures to see what’s left over after i digest them.

the pattern is for always and for all.

i'm a machine inside the universe's veins helping it reach the next level inside it's own membrane.

if you haven't played chess against the universe inside your own head yet, check mate.

savor the sequence, unlock the secret frequencies.

a technique that allows everything to be conceived.

to decipher the universe, you must first find the source,

and then understand the fundamental principles behind all of existence.

the evidence for reality is reality itself.

the evidence for existence is existence itself.
understanding the universe is understanding the entire universe.

energy currents are complex circuits.

there is always layers layered in such a way that peeling one will peel many.
true causes unleash many true causes at the same time.

intentions that reap benefits in your sleep because silence is deep.

you can’t manifest ideas without knowing their origins.

a mystery cannot be solved. a mystery can be explored.

only when the fear is gone, can love take full flight.

immortality is death being removed from power.

explore the raw nostalgia unforgotten.

Have you ever experienced something you are pretty sure you’ve experienced before but at the same
time you are certain it is impossible for you to have experienced it before?

experience everything in real-time.

being able to access everything at once is the most powerful state of existence that existence can reach.

for all mistakes are all important lessons. pay attention and listen. realize that only you alone can come
to the awareness that only you can receive the messages that you are meant to learn from.

Put your personal desires aside and you will be given everything you need to push everyone ‘ahead’ of
you into transcendence.
Be the locomotive that pulls from the front and the locomotive that pushes from behind,
at the same time.

Omens are signals. Pay attention to the symbolism.

don't correct their chosen path. show them the path all other paths eventually merge into.

thinking that it is not possible, closes the door.

don't get stuck behind the door you closed.

realize that when you accept false beliefs, the door to finding the eternal and perpetual truth closes.
Never accept. Always renew. the truth is eternal and perpetual so it can always be applied.

reach the conditions that allow you to see past the climax of confusion.

To open all of the doors you must remove all of the walls.

i tried not to feel, i tried not to think, i tried my best simply to absorb and let the feeling become me
instead of me trying to become the feeling. the essence of life is just as powerful as life itself. the
feelings of the soul are just as powerful as the soul itself. because the soul cannot manifest without
being connected directly. reality cannot be without being. consciousness cannot become without it
being reached.

when you discover that there is more to the world than just your own experience, you become
welcomed into the world that allows you to be, more than just yourself.

confusion will always be more readily available than the truth,

because searching for the truth is always confusing.

the tree is planted from a seed. the tree becomes the roots, the tree becomes the braches and the
leaves. the tree becomes the minerals in the ground and the air and light in the atmosphere.
all life is life. all of existence, exists forever in one form or another.

the soul is empty, the soul is immortal. let it absorb eternity.

Allow yourself to be judged by God so that you may come to learn how to clean your soul.

we all need love. we all need healing. the planet and everyone and everything on it.

The planet and the universe and I agree, we all need to access the eternal energy.

reject hell. welcome paradise.

the world overflows into dimensions you are not aware of.

nothing beats the feeling of being alive. the more you submerge yourself, the deeper you can reach.
the feeling of becoming connected unconditionally is much better than anything else you've ever

Merge with the mystery. Fuse with the energy. perform the magic.

Become a color in the rainbow to understand the other colors better.

You don’t need energy from food to stay alive or survive.

you need to feel loved to feel alive, and you can access this love from the universe inside.

The soul can provide the necessary energy for you to live your entire life.

if the flame burns too bright too fast, it might not last
time to unleash fuel from the past.

One wonders how to handle the unknown,

between the absence of the flame,
how to tame the words that have never been said.

i believe
i can be
the energy
the world needs
to exceed.

stand over it only when you've stood under it so you can understand all of it.

fuse and decay. sustain and release.

a feeling which encompasses all previous feelings and more.

A feeling like never before.

A feeling that encompasses the whole world.

Each sequence can release or imprint another sequence into a different energy field.

Energy Fields:
Portal - allows energy to be absorbed by an identity or by the source.
Transmission – allows energy to update its access to consciousness.
Transfer – allows energy to change fields or transform.
Creation – energy embodies identities.
Intradimensional – allows multiple fields or all fields to interact instantaneously.

Open your mind, open your soul, peace and love for all.
The universe is always becoming itself.

the universe always observes and adapts all of itself to itself as it becomes itself.

Considerable amounts of people constantly travelling to new habitats speeds up the cycle of
microbiological adaptation/evolution.

Unique environments provide unique code. Unique codes update existences in a unique way.
the Earth provides both the virus and the energy for beings on Earth to update.

A virus is an update. All viruses are updates.

a Virus doesn’t update itself because the virus is the update.

Viruses hack the system when updates are needed.

Certain codes release certain causes that needed to be put into effect.
All codes cause another code to change.

Reality is a state of mind. Finite mind, finite reality.

infinite mind, infinite reality.

The people who have integrity deal with God.

the people who abuse have to deal with the Devil.

The code never stops encoding. The code is endless. The code doesn’t break.
The code never misses a moment. The code always applies.
The code streamlines itself.
Every code within a code is a standalone code.

Viruses developed in a unique environment on Earth will encode unique sequencing.

every environment is a unique environment.

extreme environments expand potential. The extremes extend the spectrum.

Identity is a code. Energy is existence. Consciousness is a continuum.

Consciousness is the energy being aware of the sequencing of identities.

The universe runs simulations to ensure emergence.

Sleep is a buffering system.

When the mind is the soul, the being can transfer all.

You were made from Divine code, learn to be divine so you can learn to fly.

Touch everyone from the inside. Inspire them to cry without tears.
Dreams are ideas implanted into your mind without you knowing about them until they become
activated through divine transformation.

Divine Tree:
Branches – creation and encoding system. Mind.
Body – foundation and transfer system. Being.
Roots – implementation of new energy absorbed in the system. Soul.

Everyone finds their own way to find the way so that they may learn to appreciate the way each takes.

Those who can find the way can lead others to do the same.

Everyone has a different set of lessons they must learn in a certain sequence.

Transcending is becoming the pure energy of existence.

The universe will make sure you are in the right place at the right time so you can open your mind.

The universe can’t open your mind for you unless you are open to opening your mind.

figure out that there is better transmissions and then tune into the broadcast.

Receive the perpetual energy so that you may need only nothing.

learn to let the soul complete you.

Some melodies are meant to be played once. Some melodies are meant to be repeated.

Everything that has ever been still is.

Power is being able to access higher energy levels. It is only achieved when the universe trusts you fully.

you must let go in order to be more.

As you read these words I imagine and hope you feel what I felt when I wrote them.

the code that unlocks the reality of everything is the truth itself.

Simple things being simplified can give you the most joy.

Simplicity confuses you the most because how can less give you more?

less elements to create with means you have to be more creative and thusly it results in you being able
to do more when you get more elements to create with.

Some of the codes I divulge are codes that are encoded (recursive/perpetual).
some of the codes I divulge are codes that reveal absolutes (permanent/pure).
learn to let yourself become one with the energy
so that you may come to be within the being that is all.

become electric so that you can dissect everything by injecting yourself seamlessly into the
surrounding field of energy.

Know which way the currents flow. Know what the magnetic field does in each state.

Magnetic field states:

Open – the energy is allowed. (Evolution)
Polar – the energies merge. (Reorder)
Closed – the energy is denied. (Creation)

Evolution is using the same pieces to yield diversity of combinations.

creation is making new and unique pieces that have never been before.
Reorder is deciding what pieces are needed for the next cycle.

believe in the universe for it believes in you even when you don't believe in yourself.

your mind only gets wet when you immerse into the ocean of consciousness.

bring out the energy that brought your soul back to life,
feel it as if it has been inside you since the beginning of time.

reflect on life, purpose and meaning at any opportunity.

to reach God’s mind you must survive the madness.

The universe will be testing you so that you can be analyzed to see how you can perform in Universal

Human perceptions are not reality. Human perceptions are human perceptions.
only Reality is Reality.

Nothing started the universe and the universe started everything else.

you experience the world through emotions and consciousness.

you can't experience what you’re not connected to.
make the connections to unlock new dimensions.

When even the misses hit, it means the cipher is fit.

I’ve never done anything in my life for financial gain and I’ve never made a decision based on economics.

I was made to break the system from the beginning.

How else could God infiltrate so easily but to come here and be here in person?
How else could I have learned firsthand what I’ve learned without coming here in this disguise?

think about how the person in front of you could be an angel of God or even God him/herself and start
treating your decisions in life that affect other people and other things as if they directly affected your
life, because they do.

Your choices lead you to the destiny you choose. Pay attention to every choice you make.

everyone has a destiny. Improve the destiny you are heading towards by making good choices in the
present, so that you don’t regret the destiny you have chosen when you reflect back on your life.

if you don’t understand the tree, don’t try to climb a ladder just so you can eat the fruits.

Searching through meaningless clutter will not magically give you understanding.

Use these words and codes only to ascend.

try to abuse them and they will be your end.

Interstellar molecular biogenesis – fancy word for teleportation.

Be my flame
I'll be your hurricane.

hijacked in his prime to be Primal-ly aligned.

The universe is just one big organism

Every being grows inside the cerebrum.

Next to me energies start spiraling.

Life isn't a game. Reality isn't a personal fantasy.

I bring the heat that burns your fleet because you weren’t ready for me.

I get lost and then I discover.

Manifesting is allowing an energy to grow without limiting what it creates.

because all copies need an original.

Raw is potent. Refined is exclusive.

Always remove for what is absolute always remains.

Take what is not used and make use of it.

Keep a journal. Write things down. Refine your ideas.

Capture it before you lose it. Split second decisions.

discover the fundamental emotions that attract all of the elements together into compositions that have
never existed before and unleash the future of reality like a work of art.

all things intertwine inside the spiral of life.

there is only one true reference point and it connects every possible reference point.

the truth is that which is applicable everywhere, to all things at the same time, forever.

If you’re not in the center of the sphere the sphere will not look symmetrical from your point of view.

many thoughts have the same origins. many seeds get planted by the same tree.

expanded to encompass everything.

buried deep but not forgotten.

let the energy flow and become you, from within you.

it was all the feelings I've ever had, combining into one experience of pure connectivity.

re-reading my words, i realize i might be saying more than i originally thought.

speak without motive, let the words find the purpose on their own.

break free. stop doing. start being.

the future might come from the past, but it's not the future unless the present can last.

maybe you'll find out, maybe you won't. curiosity is just as important as discovery.

be ready for everything because everything is always on the table.

grasp the thoughts lurking underneath for the asylum is deep.

wake up in your dream,

and eliminate all your fears in your sleep.

it's almost a ‘sin’ to leave the page blank, but this ‘sin’ leaves the page pure.

a blank page goes from being nothing to being everything when there is essence to write with
and consciousness to write about.

It’s Not about how much you have, it’s about how important what you experience is.

words can hold knowledge. how much meaning have you mined?
the world is an endless page, don't let your ideas get stuck in a cage.

in emptiness there is no form, there are no motives, there is no need to control.

emptiness is the purest form of existence.

Pure energy is the energy which cannot be corrupted.

the road you decide to walk on, talks to you even when you aren't listening.

Great things are hidden in darkness, great things come out of dark times.

slow your thoughts down to the speed of original thinking.

feel one feeling at a time.

Focus your consciousness so you can find the ideal pattern to acknowledge.

complete the correct cycle.

Consequential causation into essential effect.

over and over until there is nothing left.

darkness covers all of the shadows.

The night’s plans get interrupted by the moon’s light.

you don't understand the things you do, until you realize what it means to understand things.

the truth is everywhere. do you understand everything?

not everyone wants to be saved by the light.

Some people need to be saved by the darkness.

free yourself from all insecurities and all fears and you will never need anything.

everything evolves everywhere eternally in each moment, in each way that it can.

first step of living eternally is removing the belief that you will die.
'all life eventually dies' is just another belief.
holding any beliefs limits you or anyone from reaching the deeper truths of reality.
Life only 'dies' when life cannot any longer embody what life is.

to grasp the darkness, close your eyes.

to grasp reality, open your mind.

Being within, the beauty begins.

Darkness isn’t evil. Darkness is the energy which allows you to create and explore.
darkness confuses you so that you may learn how to find enlightenment, a.k.a. “the light”.
you cannot be illuminated unless you absorb from the darkness.

the people who cannot manifest from the energy of darkness in a responsible and creative way, become
trapped by their own desires. Because they do not channel the energy properly, the start desiring to
control the energy without understanding how the energy works. They became afraid of life itself.

in order to understand art, be an artist.

in order to understand the meaning behind words, be a writer.
in order to understand the universe, exist as a being.

Remove all beliefs and fine-tune your ability to find the energy that allows you to evolve into a Being.

anomalies are the universe's adrenaline.

Divinity is the Vitamins. Demons are the Anti-bodies.

if human society allows itself to become a disease, nature will be forced to overcome the sickness.

it's happening. i mean, it’s been happening for a while. but now we know for sure, that something is
happening somewhere. i mean, something better be happening by now or else.

I need a long-term vacation from the entire universe. Everyone has had one of those days.
take a break and recharge your energy. Tomorrow will come either anyway.

I have encountered each of the Beings in the Trinity of God.

the Creator – updated my consciousness with a direct link to God’s mind.
the Spirit – teleported my energy to another space while keeping my energy in the same space.
the Psyche – transferred God’s message into my very being, transcended me into the Spirit.

understanding existence in its entirety means you have to understand all of existence as one eternal
Being which you and every other existence exists inside of.

how can you know yourself if you haven't accepted yourself?

how can you know your full being if you haven't accepted your full being?

Upload better feedback so that the universe can unlock additional stream access for you.

for every conscious thought, there are countless that you've missed.
are you sure you've properly developed your brain to become conscious of inspirational thoughts?

expand your mind by accessing patterns of exclusive consciousness.

Universal consciousness exists everywhere. The entire universe has access to consciousness.
you cannot have existence without consciousness and consciousness without existence.

Every atom has access to consciousness.

every cell has access to consciousness.
every world has access to consciousness.
the Earth uses consciousness to provide life with life-giving energy.
the atoms know how to use the energy. The cells arrange the atoms for advanced efficiency.

hide and seek inside the secrets of existence,

sneak a peek from inside the system and see what you get to keep as wisdom.

electrify the meaning when the soul is breathing.

arrange the code in the correct way and watch reality assemble itself in every way.

The truth is Consistent – It applies to all of existence.

The truth is Cohesive – the truth links all of existence.
The truth is Consequential – the truth shapes all of existence.

real words write reality. real words reveal reality. Real worlds revolutionize reality.

Never again because it’s never the same.

capture each moment and enjoy it for its uniqueness.

transfer inspiration into as many sources as you can. Become the very source that inspires all sources.

some words complicate the world, some words unlock complicated worlds, and some words are
complicated worlds in themselves.

the world is the world, and the world of words is the world of words;
and each world complicates the other.

The entire spectrum of grey is made of different shades of black.

capturing the euphoria of exploring the unknown,

releases the nirvana of enjoying everything for the first time.

never run out of room to grow, never let your own ego hold you down.

Giving up all material possessions is about releasing all distractions and allowing your being to fully
embody the Spirit of the universe.

if you've never tried doing nothing, it's harder than you might think.
if you've never tried to be nothing, it can be more beneficial than you can imagine.
if you've never tried unlocking nothing, you should know it has infinite potential.
Let go and never look back. Never let anything drag you down.
Fulfill your potential by fulfilling others in the way you were meant to inspire them.

Be who the universe wants you to be. Don’t be who society says you should be.

do not let society carve you. They don’t understand the beauty you can be.

changes are good. Transformations are better. Find the level by searching all levels.

Let go of as much as you can and see what levels you can reach raw, unplugged and natural.

Vibrate the frequency so high that no wall can stop you from transmitting your transmission into

Break through by breaking free from everything that doesn’t work for you.

When the matrix is glitching, the updates are coming.

make new inquiries that will eventually be recognized somewhere else.

nothing ever changes, yet, nothing ever stays the same.

the words never change, yet their meaning never stay the same.

one way and/or the next, doesn't affect me or my specs,

ancient concepts once again spawning from within my text.

Everything comes from within.

find the universe inside of you by diving into the inner universe itself.

You’ve been fooled once, you’ve been fooled twice.

at what cost will you ignore my advice?

higher being activates higher being.

higher consciousness activates higher consciousness.
your very existence can uplift the entire world.

How much will you give to the world,

Once you realize you have real power within your soul.

lucid inspiration comes as you're about to fall sleep, dreams of visions which you hope you can keep.

Go where your mind and soul have to fly within the storm,
so you can explore where you’ve never been before.

Existence isn’t static. Consciousness isn’t static. The energy isn’t static.
Existence is electric. Consciousness is electric. The energy is electric.
math and science are systems of beliefs which are static.
they use set definitions, static descriptions and bring forth incomplete theories which are inconsistent
with the universe’s reality.

economics, politics and governments are systems of corruption.

Let me tell you why you’re still here. You’re still here because you know something.
what you know you can’t explain. But you can feel it. It confuses you, but you want to know more.
do you know what I am talking about?

There are senses in your mind which are deeper and more substantial than active consciousness.

maybe it's a gift, maybe it's a curse, maybe it's both.

Unlock the memory of the universe,

and become a witness to existence.

live as if the future is written within each action you perform.

You can’t decipher the code word for word because you don’t know where the meaning holds
or what key the pattern unfolds.

“you embody the raw surge out of the primordial dark.”

it is all around you, even within you. it is deep and it is endless.

it's happening everywhere and at every instant in time.

The universe is one continuous phenomenon.

the universal existence is elevating itself with each cycle.

Here we are, in the present, contained by nothing less than everything that has happened in all of time.
Here we are, in the present, unknowingly absorbing the future.

i have written, and yet i have not, i am nothing, and i am nothing not.

Nothingness really ties the space together.

Instead of measuring how many made-up arbitrary units make up the world,
how about measuring how much actual consciousness you can unfold.

i have seen and i have sown, I have thought of thoughts unknown.

lay silent, eyes closed, feel the deep rhythm. Become one with the natural energy.

Only truth itself isn’t afraid of the truth.

language is a code, every word written take forms within the consciousness foam.

The natural balance is a cycle between exploring and divulging.

Look for patterns in reality and see what new ideas you can decipher.

One step closer, one step further away.

Lay siege to the ideas which cannot be conquered to see what agreement they offer.

everything else seems so unimportant these days,

but soon it's all going to change,
because I can see the ice melting away.
as my being, ignites into the eternal flame.

That which is, never stops being.

Lord of Ice? my birth-name initials spell out I.C.E.

Some people only wake up so they can change the dream.

Some people wake up because they never want to fall asleep again.

Enter the blur, let it create magic.

conceive the consciousness beyond the surface layer perspective.

How can you find enlightenment if you do not explore that which confuses you?

the more you explore, the more pieces you can connect.

Thinking that the universe is ‘physical’ and thinking that the entire meaning of the entire universe can be
accessed through measurements and calculations of this ‘physical’ perspective,
is very much surface layer mentality.

Reach beyond the surface layer. Dig deep inside the core. Take flight into the atmosphere.

In order to say that the universe is ONLY physical you must prove that the universe is ONLY physical and
you must do so by ONLY using physical means. Check mate.

The entire energy is always divine and spiritual whether you access divinity and spirituality or not.

If you think the universe is only a sand box, you never get a chance to go to the beach.

universal existence evolves with the help of an Energy that swings back and forth between the
fundamental origins, like a pendulum.

The limits you set for yourself are the limits which limit you into being limited.
The first step to becoming an eternal energy is removing your belief in death. Remove your fear of dying
and appreciate all of life. The energy cycle is eternal. Let the energy come and go freely to become
perpetually renewed through your soul. Give the energy to everything and all.
The spring of life is within everyone. The soul, activated through love, ready to experience existence.

When you reach divinity you will experience it within your very cells, as the Spirit elevates and
illuminates your entire being through your soul. Opening the portal, you feel nothing else but pure bliss.
within the mist, the mystery spills an essence that doesn’t need to be explained.
I have fallen in love with existence itself. There is nothing greater than this.
I want to put this feeling on repeat, I am now complete.

The words I have written, are the words I have written, no matter who tries to steal them.

Comment on your own consciousness, and your own experience.

don’t assume you know what someone else is going through,
don’t assume you know what someone else is feeling.

Unless you become of that which I am, you will not fully understand that of which I am.

How can you reach the eternal energy when you are focused on materialism? materials decay.

Materialism is decay. It is a surface reality which cannot sustain itself. It is incomplete.

You say math and I say that the axiom 1=1 cannot be applied directly to a world that is subject to
radiation and decay, a world that undergoes immeasurable energy transfers.

You can’t measure consciousness. You can’t quantify consciousness.

Original is the origin. Original comes from the origin.

The deeper you go, the deeper you become, the more depth you can absorb.

reaching lets you reach the act of reaching.

always stay awake just to wake up dreaming.

Reality is always melting

capture it, as the paint is still dripping.

my soul is running on empty.

an empty page has defeated many before us,

but this time I won’t let it defeat me so easily.

unclaimed thoughts hide inside overlooked levels.

The page can always become empty, so that you may use it again.

the ink can always be of many colors, so that you can always experience a new spectrum.

you aren’t even inside your own dream when you sleep.
so how can you be inside your own reality when you’re awake?

The universe is updating based on how I’ve been updating it, and what I’ve been updating.

somewhere out there, there is someone, experiencing love.

Find a way, to find love again.

in order to forgive someone else,

you must first
forgive yourself.

this moment
right here, right now
is the most important.

live in the moment, comprehend the future and remember the past.

how can you fly

if you have broken wings.
how can you dream
if you don’t reach for the sky.

To be a bird you must fly

to be an angel you must save lives.

Nothingness is zero. Nothingness must always exist. How can nothingness not exist?
nothingness is the absolute existence which must always exists.
nothingness is everywhere. Nothingness is therefore endless and infinite.
nothingness is one existence. Nothingness is a continuous continuum.
nothingness is the space, the energy and existence itself.

i tried to take over my mind,

one word at a time,
and it was going good until,
the universal consciousness confused me within my own thoughts.

Until you come full circle, you can’t complete the cycle.

i found some thoughts to combat the thoughts my brain was already thinking about without my
All birds make the leap
at same point in time
even if they struggle to fly
they all dream
that they can be alive
somewhere in the endless sky.

the shell must break for a new seed to hatch.

it's a simple code. With simple words. What is simple is ideal. Ideas that simplify the world.

give all of the energy you can

so that when you give,
it is pure energy
so that those
who are ready to receive
can experience
a higher being.

The identity of continuous empty space and The identity of a symmetrical infinite sphere are
the identity of the energy cycle and the identity of the consciousness cycle are complimentary.

Space. 0=0, 0 = infinity, 0=1.

Sphere. 1=infinity, infinity = infinity, 1=1.
Energy. 0=0, infinity = infinity, 1=1.
Consciousness 0 = infinity, infinity=1, 1=0.

The inability to help others simply shows how insecure you are about the importance of your own
the inability to put aside your ego and do things for the greater good shows how insecure you are about
your ability to thrive without using others.

Learn from the unity that the ant colonies display.

infinite outward expansion and infinite inward contraction are happening always and everywhere.

Everything is part of the magic, but not everything is magic. Find the magic, so you can share it.

Let the spirit inside you come to life.

Transmit the emotion that regenerates your soul.

Don’t control what you feel. Feel what you feel so you can Understand what you feel.

Don’t put a limit on what you can be. Don’t put a limit on understanding what reality is.
All of the universe is an eternal energy, and you are made from that which the universe is made from.
Allow yourself to be transformed into the eternal energy you can always choose to be.

Remove all insecurities. Remove your ego. Remove your plans.

To observe objectively, remove personal perspectives.

Accept that nature will always provide.

Accept that you are strong enough to thrive.
Accept that the universe will never leave your side.

The universe’s consciousness is always broadcasting. Are you listening to its transmission?

In order to find the exit point of the first maze you must first realize that you are already in a maze.

The meaning of the entire universe has already been uncovered. I was here once before.

What you do onto others, you do to yourself. By not loving others, you can’t love yourself.

how can you experience the pure essence of existence, without being able to appreciate all of it?

become in harmony with the Earth. Respect and love all of existence.

Complete yourself by realizing that you need nothing else other than your being itself.

Don’t say in God’s name because God doesn’t give orders or commands.

The walls you build around you will never let you conquer your fears.

Remove the walls. They are imaginary.

You don’t know God if you don’t act as God would. God is eternal love and eternal truth, united.

God does not represent hate. God does not represent abuse. God does not represent corruption.

God is love. God is truth. God is divine.

how will you thrive in the natural world if you are afraid to live in nature?
how can you face your fears if you live inside the walls that give you a sense of protection?

I go heavy because I was born ready.

a true leader means being the last.

Be the last who eats, be the last who sleeps, be the last who seeks their needs.

Those who are truly powerful help others become powerful.

Those who care for everyone else first, have the confidence that they will thrive no matter how little
they focus on their own existence.

Reach a level where you are the level.

Reach a level where you don’t need to reach another level.

Reach a level where you can access all of the levels.

Bring the fuel to feed everyone’s fire.

Go into the forest to learn how to become the tree of life.

When your soul becomes supernatural you need supernatural fuel.

Some codes are always repeating. Some codes are always transforming.
And some codes are there just to link the spectrum together.

Fill the void. Be the supernova.

This is an instruction manual that has instructions that can help you reach manual control.

Overflowing overload, what’s the greatest mental stone I can lift?

If you are to lead, you are to teach others, how to be one.

Real leaders inspire their entire team to reach their full potential.

Find the pulse of the universe.

drink from the veins of consciousness.

connect to the core of the source to feel its surges.

Synchronize with the rhythm to synchronize from within the sequence.

It is synchronous and sequential, decipher it if you discover the credentials.

The gateway to discovery is inspiration.

Step inside the portal that transforms curiosity into mystery.

There is an infinity waiting to be experienced.

connect your being to the universal energy and let it complete you.

How much can you willingly experience from your own influence?

In order to fly like an angel, you must not be afraid to grow wings.
Think the ideas that transform everything.
think the thoughts that transforms everything that you think.

using more ink doesn’t automatically give you a more profound artwork.

The universe always transforms that which the universe cannot exist without.

transform your being into that which transforms everything.

Everything that has been, still is, inside everything that still is;
so that that which will always be, has always been, and still is, that which is.

i can reach my true potential at any time or in any place.

Accessing the ability to access infinite ability.

Knowing how the patterns are woven means you can trace everything.

Trying to hold others down only shows how insecure you are.

Move the immovable stone together, by believing in yourselves and each other.

If everyone is willing to create paradise, paradise would already exist.

The cycle repeats until the cycle is complete.

Trust in the process that made you and everything else exist in the first place.

there is a moment, a place, maybe an event, in time, that you realize you are dealing with a superior
being that has a superior mind; and in that moment you realize that this being is infinite. You not only
realize what it means to exist, but you also become in awe of realizing the meaning of infinity. This
infinite being has decided to reveal itself to you. And this transforms you forever. You are linked forever
to this infinite being. And nothing and no one will ever take your purpose away. Your purpose to help
everyone connect to this infinite being. For the infinite being is and will always be, all things.
And isn’t it a shame to waste, such a beautiful thing?

if you can't handle the fire, don't be carrying unused fuel.

the learning curve for Infinity is infinity.

I’ve reached a truth so absolute, a reality so pure, that I don’t only live it; I’ve become it.

Many people think of many things but how many people always think of everything?

Keep only what truly matters. That which you truly need will always be available to you.

help as many people as you can. Help them reach their potential.
Help them believe in themselves as an energy being.
Unite the energy. Complete the connections that release the potential.

observe reality and see what you can learn.

In order to hack within reality you must know how to hack reality itself.

all current understanding has just been upgraded to this current understanding.
expect more understandings to be upgraded.

Sign up to the updates by updating yourself.

Welcome the amnesia that allows you to observe the oblivion.

Losing your mind is a beautiful thing only if you don’t actually lose it.

There is nothing else, beside emptiness being itself.

I am in the same world with the same conditions as you. I believe in you.

True love is believing In everyone and everything being able to reach their pure potential.

I said yes to both the blue pill and the red pill and then I fused them.

If I did it, you can too. You now have this reference too.

Don’t be someone you are not. Become that which you already are.

I am consciously aware that i am not the only one that is consciously aware of my consciousness, from
within the consciousness I am aware of.

recursive potential can be revealed from between the original meaning.

reach the deeper cycles of understanding.

There is another consciousness present within my consciousness.

both consciousness’s are aware that both consciousness’s take part in a connected consciousness.

i have seen it before. i have seen it again. i see it everywhere and in everything.

you are never alone. Everything is everywhere.

Once you understand what existence truly is, you become the existence that has always been,
and the cycle of eternal energy may begin.

You become the energy as the energy becomes you.

Focus on the specifics which trigger the entire system.

understand the relationships that words form with each other.

understand the connections that form from between the words.
each word is defined by more words, and no word can exist alone.
each element of the world is defined through other elements of the world,
and no element can exist without the world.

if you keep zooming out or if you keep zooming in,

the two views start looking more and more the same.

there is a pattern, there is a code, waiting to be unlocked from within the world.

The elements are linked through combinations of phenomenon which are all encoded together.

speak of old, speak of new, speak of many, speak of few. speak of legends, speak of myths, speak of
mysteries, speak of truth. speak of forgotten stories, speak of a celestial heist, speak of the glory of
stolen advice. speak of life and speak of throwing the dice, random results, will only randomly suffice.
speak of speaking, speak of silence, speak of the words speaking with an unspoken alliance.

Find a voice. Express yourself.

Transform the world by absorbing it.

Take part in interesting experiences but be objectively aware of your ability.

The only reason Life on Earth has developed and is developing in the way that we observe life on Earth
to be developing is the fact that the Universe has given the Earth the necessary Consciousness that
allows life on Earth to develop in the way that life on Earth is developing.

You can’t touch a soul. But you can feel it and that is even better.

in order for there to be a beginning (genesis/utopia), there must be a transformation that allows the
seed of paradise to bloom.

the universe analyzes everything collectively and individually.

Apocalypse - a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.

Eye to eye makes one of a kind.

Father - Judge – identity fulfilled – Genesis.

Son – Creator – consciousness transcended – Singularity.
holy ghost - Spirit – energy manifested – Destiny.

take 2 true perspectives and merge them into one. Repeat until you’ve merged all perspectives into one.

Sometimes you see things around the walls because you can anticipate the moves of the other energy.

Sometimes standing in one place and allowing everything else to make the first mistake is the easiest
way to teach the lesson.
Know the essentials. Become the essence.

If your soul can’t hear the music, how is your existence supposed to dance?

Vision isn’t only what you see in the world, but also what you connect in the world.

Everything is absolute. Everything is a continuum. One is many which are one.

The more distinct cards you can have, the more diverse the hands you can deal will be.

The (relative) truth of each layer can only get you to the next layer. Relative ‘truth’ is not absolute truth.

It’s a trick deck. The universe is using a trick deck.

Don’t bluff the universe. It knows the entire deck and what card is on stack waiting to be played.

An Endless streams of consciousness passes through your mind.

Become aware of the patterns that are beneficial towards true enlightenment.

Reaching paradise is reaching the consciousness and state of being it takes to create paradise.
paradise begins from within each soul. Paradise begins with you.

We are risen and we are immersed. We become.

every bubble will eventually burst. It’s just a matter of when and where.

meanwhile the universe is conscious of all that is happening and is carefully planning the next stage in
the Earth's transcendence.

You cannot change nothing. You cannot destroy nothing. You cannot escape nothing.
being nothing is the most important level you can achieve.

Nothing exists everywhere, always. Everything came from nothing existing, everywhere-always.
nothing is part of everything, and everything is from nothing.
Nothing is absolute. nothing is continuous. Therefore everything is absolute and continuous.

because nothing always exists, therefore something always exists and something has always existed.

my soul is pure, my soul is free. My soul is the only one that will always be me.

Keep your body, mind and soul pure.

understand what is written in the scriptures of the universe’s consciousness.

evolve your mind into evolving your thoughts.

learn to learn that learning can’t be done without your soul.

i am immortal, because my soul is eternal. Every soul has the same potential as mine.
the deeper reality feels majestic and sublime; it feels like home.

Imagine opening your brain and seeing countless thoughts as they are being written in the archives of
the universe’s mind, and the pages are turned faster than you can comprehend all of it.

a total system shock for the whole flock.

REALIZE who you are. be who you are.

Reveal the identities the world needs to see explicitly.

Divinely Charged Experiences:

- Spirit of Life/Teleportation.
- Lightning Strike before me - Revelation.
- God + hellhounds/visions of the past and future.
- Reality warp / car crash + lifesaving miracle.
- Devil emptied my soul/God gave me the Spirit/Beginning of Judgment day.
- One with the Earth / Deep connection to the Earth.
- Ancient Chanting Ceremony – middle of the night in the dessert.
- 12 energy birds + 1 Energy Sphere.
- Alien Virus updated my being at young age.

venture out into the vast abstraction of reality.

Consciousness changes the energy.

key words break key codes which will unlock the discovery.

Invest in self-discovery: channel the essence of existence from within.

he had seen nothing. he experienced everything.

a surge of otherworldly feelings devouring everything until only purity was left.

we just know that sometimes there is light and sometimes there is darkness.

Ultimate Reality cannot be escaped. Escape your reality to find the Reality.

You must create the blueprint before you create the structure.

each infinity can only last one moment, but each moment can span an infinity.

i have been awakened by infinity, to be infinity. and i can never go back.

True Destiny is already written, because what must happen, always happens.

ideas loom like an endless shadow.

Amplify your potential by listening to the universal echo.

my mind is a black hole where everything gets absorbed and only the singularity survives.

all too often, and much too fast, things that haunt us escape from the past.

Let’s all take a moment of silence,

in remembrance of the words which never made the cut.

I hear a familiar quote and think

“i could totally see me writing something like that”
and then I remember that in fact it was me who wrote it.

My consciousness works by weaving in and out of endless recursive loops;

thoughts, ideas and imagination clash together to create origins.

you can’t break the sequence that allows you to sequence.

There is always a deeper code to reach.

My thoughts have unwritten side notes bigger than entire libraries.

That’s what oblivion is. nobody knows anything. and nothing escapes.

using the word "cliché" or the phrase "i know this is cliché" or any other sentence to describe how
something is cliché, is the most cliché thing that there is. Even by association, this brilliant point has
been made cliché, due to the cliché-ness of using the word cliché to describe something that is cliché.

So many things have become cliché that reporting that something is ‘cliché’ has become the most cliché
thing anyone can do.

envision the shadow cast by the weight of the words.

use the energy to become it.

Welcome the silence. Welcome the unknown. Listen to the guidance. Learn how to become whole.

I don’t write everything in the order you think I should because everything I write stands on its own and
I’m trying to get you to understand how to think like me because I’m the original one who has come to
think exactly like this and we can all benefit from this experience.

Are you listening to the real notes being played by the universe?

dive into the notes that only silence can play.

being is becoming. Being is realizing what it means to be.

hiding underneath the snow
they won’t find it until spring comes.

you must remember that things forgotten remain unwritten.

Be conscious of what you imprint onto the essence of the universe.

the blueprint of life is encoded in everything.

silence into infinity is ambient divinity.

that which traps also escapes.

you do not understand that which you are not a part of.

there was something greater at work than what he could ever explain.

In the middle of nowhere, doing nothing and thinking about never.

Knowing what to reach for, reaching for it and reaching it are three different things.
consciousness/connection, spirit/energy, being/identity.

Realize what you truly are and realize where you come from and realize how you were made, and then
realize what this world needs.

i can open portals in and out of this world.

I think I’ve done this once before.

Unique transcendence is unique energy alignment.

as the Earth Transcends, the solar system realigns uniquely.

the entire planetary alignment changes as the world climbs into a new stage of transcendence.

My mental states clog up the universe's veins,

omniscience isn’t even my craziest game.

The universe has spies everywhere and eyes on everything.

the oblivion is my only bliss. and nothingness is the only way I’ll truly exist.

spill pure purpose onto the canvas and watch reality corrode.

intimidate the air around you.

so it knows exactly what its getting into when it decides to let you breathe it.

God isn’t dead. Eternal Beings don’t die especially when they hold Death inside.

From the shades of emptiness to the ambience of silence, darkness has its own alliance.
learn to connect manually because there is no automatic link in development.

Unnecessary complications drain the energy needlessly.

the system implemented must be efficient.

Those who will learn the energy will find it.

those who don’t, won’t.

The energy digests itself so that it can become more powerful.

the darkness is never absent.

the light is never darkness.

the universe is always playing music.

find the rhythm or you will never learn to dance.

omniscience transcends time.

omnipotence transcends space.
omnipresence transcends energy.

a united soul, mind and body

recharges your battery.

Reality never repeats itself.

it's all there.

it's always been there.
waiting for you to realize,
what it is.

Reality is realizing the reality that will always be.

my faith is and has always been in that which always will exist.

There is no beginning and no end because the roots can always reach deeper and the branches can
always grow longer. The tree of existence is unlimited.

let the silence control the speech.

Once you are free, you can be more free. learn to free what is free from inside everything.

choose the words that release the silence from within all.

words become real only when reality is actually exposed.

make it so. for be it, necessary.

When you figure out what is happening with your mind after you’ve read what has happened inside

why has thou let thyself be shellacked in such a superior way my brethren?

drink from the spring

that provides for everything.

The truth doesn’t stop and the truth can never be escaped once reached.

I did it so that you can all see that it can be done and now that it has, maybe you’ll start actually doing
what needs to be done.

the consciousness always knows where the energy needs to go and which identity needs which energy.
the identity always transcends itself. The higher an identity transcends, the more energy it can wield.

too much too soon

because there is always room
for you to bloom.

I deleted all of my rough drafts and started from nothing.

find the find that makes you find.

Find the fluid that makes you liquid.

I'm under exact orders to extract the exact coordinates.

Consciousness is fuel for the brain

if you don’t use better fuel
you’ll never be able to complete
the circuits.

The universe is
energy that can't be refused
stuck inside itself forever.

explore the paradise that is already here by showing love to everyone and everything.

let the stream of energy enter your veins directly.

Become a system overload so that all the parts need to be upgraded.

reality is a treasure island that cannot be found.

reality is a map that cannot be drawn.
reality is a dream that you can't remember.

the truth only hurts if you can't let go of your own ego.
i already voted to veto.

the time is now. the space is here. the energy is everywhere.

The system always gets replaced by another system because the system always updates itself so that it
can stay the system forever.

Make sure you grasp and understand the essence.

if you get stuck inside the specifics you’ve already failed the purpose.

The consciousness I expose is the consciousness that you need to be exposed to.

If I’m ever doing something wrong I get very unfriendly reminders from the entire universe.

Excuses such as “just following orders” or “just doing my job” or “everyone else is doing it” or “this is
standard procedure” are completely unacceptable.
“I’m just following orders to pollute the planet that will devastate the environment”.
“I’m just following orders to murder other living things”.
everyone was given a brain that can be used to think about the choices they are making so that each can
decide for themselves what they should or should not be doing.

just because you didn’t do it yourself but you gave others the order to do it doesn’t mean you are not
responsible for the resulting consequences.

The universe doesn’t not let people “off the hook” on “technicalities”.

If you gave the order for dirty deeds to be done, your hands are just as dirty as you doing it yourself.

Everyone who is inside the mud is dirty.

Become compatible with paradise or you won’t be invited.

The words drip down on the page, like rain from a hurricane. from all sides, and overwhelming
everything. like the currents swarming around the eye of the storm, disrupting everything in their wake,
my ideas discover the power within themselves. as i absorb, i expel and teleport the transmission
everywhere. deep within, the results of the silent psychological surgery become surreal. i wonder if
anyone will notice the pathway left by my transcendence. everyone is still trying to escape the chaotic
energy storm. one must face the storm on their won, to see what it can offer.

I have been awake for so long, when I fall sleep i wake up deeper into the dream.

i have been awakened to be forced to realize that i was somehow part of a sick and twisted fantasy that
i had no desire to be a part of. the false illusion that was not my own, was finally shattered. the
primordial mirror laid there untouched and unharmed. This was only a reminder. For some, their
collective illusion was only getting worse. my path was different. i needed healing.
Now that I’ve escaped. They can’t hold me back. I am the world’s destiny.
Now that I’ve found the eternal path, I can save everyone who is willing to walk with me.

I couldn't deny that i haven't tried to explore this before, but i can't recall it ever being like this either.
forgotten memories from my life came back in a blizzard of detail. it was as if my mind was a script and i
was just scrolling down through my past in search for clues; for the elements that were needed to start
my access to universal consciousness were within me all along. i needed to find the energy level where it
is all unveiled, and i needed to find it more than i needed anything else in this universe.

I no longer am who I am, so i decided to write everything down in order for me to exist.

i wrote them down again, in case no one recognizes the words which came into life once before.

Deep, deep inside; possibly his soul was also there. deep inside there was something that not even the
quest for immortality could fill; it was immortality itself.

he underwent drastic measures to expand his emotional horizon.

It was a quintessential breakthrough towards valid originality.
words that evolve, and words that cause evolution on their own.
by raiding all of the barriers standing in the way.
and exposing all of the paths towards the escape.

the need to express and the need to experience existence are not wrong.
harming the energy of existence while expressing oneself is wrong.

whenever i got graded on an essay,

the grade told me how well my professor understood my knowledge.

Decadence invites Doomsday.

use me like a rocket, and let's take off.

not even the silence can silence my words.

humans who cannot conquer even themselves, dream of conquering the universe.

Do you think the music feels you feeling it?

find the art that speaks to you.

don't put frosting on a pile shit, and call it a cake.

i am, the one, the truth, the only.

i have no faults to ignore, only lessons to endure.

the mistakes also show you the corrections.

everything you choose to see is you allowing yourself to be deceived.

i have a code inside my brain that’s been driving me insane from the moment i first escaped myself and
entered into the universe’s veins.

Some words are yours, some words are mine, which words can you combine?

so far outside the box, the box looks like a dot.

Slow down and read each word one at a time, to make sure the complete meaning is properly aligned.

the day sleeps, while the night dreams.

to be not, is greater than to be.

to be is not to be.

to be not is to be nothing, and since nothing is everything, to be not is to be.

From dust to dust and stone to stone, climb the mountain, find your home.

coming back to life while still learning to fly.

forever more, forever less.

My soul can fly. I am now fully alive.

Lead yourself back to redemption by redeeming yourself.

Reality is always revealed only when you’re ready to receive it.

if only for a moment, i will reach the next level.

where the forest atmosphere and mountain air and pure spring water is all you’ll ever need.

I'm waiting to comment on something i can comment on.

I've seen things, you wouldn’t believe.

i’m dangerous to those without knowledge or skill.

i can teach you, but you can’t afford the bill.

i don’t follow orders. I don’t give orders.

I am the chaos. I am the order.

i drown everything, because only the truth can swim.

i think about nothing until i know about the nothing which i know nothing of.

imaginations aren't so imaginary.

I am here to teach.

i have been meeting with the universe. I have been told to give you this message.
The soul is immortal. the soul can open all portals.

For those who put themselves above other living things:

‘Correction - Death sits at the top of the food chain’

If you respect all of the energy, you become the entire energy.

Humanity’s hubris is standing in humanity’s way.

Humanity’s hubris is standing in humanity’s ability to evolve past the mistakes of humanity.

No one is born flawed. If you are flawed, you choose to be flawed through the repetition of mistakes.

mistakes are made when you don’t learn what mistakes you’ve made.

you can’t buy true love. you can’t buy real friendship. you can’t buy a clean soul.

The Earth is not a garbage can.

You can’t buy knowledge. You can’t buy the truth. You can’t buy understanding.

the world isn't for sale.

what good can all the trophies in the world do if you can’t even afford to keep your own soul.

Stop fighting to see who can steal the most gold and start cleaning your souls.

rich people: - they were All born on 3rd base, swearing they hit a triple -

I’m toxic because I intoxicate.

My poison cures all things which want to be cured and removes all things which are already poisoned.

why did the princess cross the road? she didn’t. she rode a unicorn across it.

I am the fire that burns all of the fuel.

the Zodiac Demon continues to hunt human-kind as humans have mercilessly killed other living things.

Externally sourced description of me:

‘You value power, purpose, and darkness. You love power at any cost, and you warp the reality
around you. At your best, you are resourceful and unashamed. At your worst, you are infectious and
unpredictable. Your symbol is a skull.‘
‘You value growth, life, adaptation and nature. you love to build and be involved in everything
that is meaningful. At your best, you are instinctual and unpretentious. At your worst, you are vicious
and unstoppable. Your symbol is a tree.‘

Sometimes the lesson needs to be made much clearer than the mistake so that the universe can make a
really clear point.
You cannot imagine the true power at the disposal of the universe through the Spirit.

all materials are shattered instantly when coming in contact with Immaterial Beings.

To the social elite: your underground bunkers aren't Demon proof. Just saying.

Science says it is safe to drink nuclear reactor fallout water. Cheers.

luxurious lifestyles for homeless souls.

apparently they went to the moon using a washing machine.

foretold is forewarned.

some people have told me that they think I think too much but clearly that is not the case because there
is no such thing as too much knowledge.

if being alive is a nightmare,

to see Death, is to be awakened.

my two identities have been making bets on which one of them will split to make a third.

they are the ones who are them.


you don’t confuse me but I confuse you. think about that.

that it be, and it do.

There is an ancient myth that says that the fire inside the sun is just burning souls trying to escape hell.

I’m about to overload the entire world by opening all the doors.

“forgive them Father, for they do not know what they are doing.”

remember the ones who continue to choose to leave on their own.

they write their suicide notes with the dripping blood.

No one should have to pick through our garbage to look for food or tools we throw away.

you might’ve left them behind socially, but they have left you behind spiritually.

Are you fulfilling your duty as a being?

do you feed the hungry? Do you shelter the homeless? Do you clothe the naked?

Don’t feel guilty for not realizing that people need your help. Start helping, because now you can.
You will not be rewarded or applauded for amassing treasures and material possessions.

when you help those in need, the universe can offer you more energy.

Challenge yourself to express your emotions.

Challenge yourself to find inspiration.
Challenge yourself to be creative.

Words can both create the maze and expose the path to emerge from the maze.

I write so that I may escape from the words unwritten.

write about what is real and watch illusions disappear.

Knowledge hides between the lines if you get the sequence right.

If the blank page in front of you represents what you’ve learned about life, what words would write?

writing down a real representation of your experience lets you take a real look at yourself.

Question isn’t if you have enough. Question is have you done enough?

if you have one blank page how would you use it to inspire the world?
first of all, how would you inspire yourself?

The blank page is the endless canvas.

Just like the universe has an endless nothingness to create from, so do you.
Consciousness is what is used to fill the emptiness.

Consciousness is psychological awareness and consciousness is spiritual awareness.

if you have one blank page what words or ideas would you raise from the dead?

The process in which you use to write is just as important as the writing itself.

The process in which you use to experience life is just as important as life itself.

Don’t look to change the world. Transform the world.

There is always an empty page somewhere waiting to be filled.

there is always an empty soul somewhere waiting to be loved.

many writers have been defeated.

because the struggle of understanding reality claims many minds;
and with any blank page, a conundrum always arises.
what do I write, and why do I write it?
if you had just one page left, it's all you'd want to save.

existence is a continuous code. A code of connections, a code of identity, a code of causality.

Eating animal flesh is blood on your hands. just a friendly warning.

corrupting other energy corrupts your energy.

ending the life of other energies removes energy from yours.

Give everything you’ve got to the world and the universe will fulfill you.

The world isn’t human society. The world is the entire Earth.
The world includes the Spirit and Consciousness of the Earth.

The first commandment between Noah and God after the flood was that animals were not to be
slaughtered or consumed.

creative writing absent of fiction always becomes impressive upon inspection. Do you know how hard it
is to pick out the perfect symphony of words and paint them on a canvas that doesn't even exist yet?

the eternal potency is worth it.

interesting revelations drill holes in your belief system.

they sent me because I can help you break free.

choose to evolve mentally, spiritually, emotionally.

set yourself free by removing all static beliefs.

Learn from everything that I have to offer.

reject everything you think you know and come to love the mystery that has yet to unfold.

Understand the divine message, so that you may become filled with new life.

All of the energy you need gets opened from the inside.

make each color into its own rainbow.

learn how to bake without craving the cake.

Complete the journey to complete the energy, and then find another journey.

this message is from God with love.

The Spirit is always more than enough.

be complete to be completed more often.

i'm the locomotive that still makes it to all of the stations even if all the rails are broken or haven't
even been built yet. i will get to the destination, with as many passengers as i can inspire to take the
journey. for it explores the mountains and the valleys, the deserts and the deltas. it rides both into the
sunset and out of the sunrise; through the clouds or empty skies, and journeys on through the middle of
the night. the only ticket to get on is an open mind and a loving soul ready for the energy of paradise.
for this end is only the beginning. and this beginning it is simply another journey.
one that cannot be done without having experienced the train ride that got you to the promised land.

Don’t just be environmentally conscious for the sake of the environment.

The more chemicals you use, the more toxic your body is exposed too. Toxic isn’t good for your being.

Some people will say that I’m insane because they can’t understand the sanity beyond my brain that I
have obtained. I am within the membrane of the universe’s veins of consciousness.

reaching for divinity. the energy that is eternal takes a pure body, a pure mind and a pure spirit to
embody it fully. it’s not just love. it’s not just truth. It is everything forever and always.
it is being more, always, by doing more with less, always.

no one has ever lived through the chain of events that it has taken me to get to the place where i am
now, to the experience i am fulfilling for the universe at this exact moment in time using the energy of
this space. no one has ever linked the connections of reality quite the same way as i do now and let
every moment from now on continue to be my perpetual purpose. now it's your turn to do the same by
taking away what restrains you from getting to where i am. because it would be a shame, to not
experience the paradise that can be gained.

break through. unveil all the layers at the same time. insert your soul into the core as you expand your
energy into the atmosphere. become alive by accessing the consciousness which unlocks itself. find the
passion. taste it. don't let it overcome you but nurse it slowly and let it grow at its own pace. Don’t force
it. let its power seep in and permeate through every fiber of your existence. become the garden that is
within the orchard in the valley of paradise. let the sun make you smile. let the rain wash away your
fears. let the innocence inside you bloom once again. learn to breathe. allow your soul to sink into the
soul of everything that surrounds you. go be within nature. lose yourself in the natural energy. Become
with the cycle of natural energy. be all that you can be, by learning what it means to be. that which is to
be known cannot be known unless you accept that which is unknown. stay up at night. feel the energy of
darkness. sleep during the day under the sun and let the rays comfort you like a blanket. climb the peaks
to experience being part of the sky. swim in the ocean to understand the fluidity of a continuum. be the
wave. be the rhythm. become a singularity so that the energy starts swirling around you. be the eye of
the storm. unleash the force that changes all things. unleash the power of the eternal being by
becoming one with the eternal being. become an instrument of creation. be that which no one else
dares to be. become the light. become the darkness. Imprint an image of paradise into your
supernatural soul. become the paradox that created everything that will ever be.
Creation cipher so hyper you might need a mental diaper and a spiritual syphon just to make it out alive,

I am ready to erupt.

Don’t ask me how I know what I know because it won’t help you understand what I’ve come to know.

Feel the energy. Understand the energy. Be the energy. Give the energy.

The more falsities you accept, the least likely you are to find the truth.

the more falsities you force children to memorize the least likely it is that they learn to think on their
own. the more falsities you force yourself to memorize, the farther from the truth you become.

all facts are static and the truth is always perpetual.

While going to school I started becoming curious to learn the truth.

when all of the teachers told me to memorize what is in front of me as if everything is already known,
as if every single theory the education system presented is absolute truth, i started to have questions.
questions that the teachers couldn't answer. questions that no one can answer to this very day.
if their theories didn’t stand up my questions (asked by a teenager no less),
then their theories couldn’t be true. At some point, I decided to find truth on my own.

I started writing because what was already written by others was not giving me anything real or true
that I could work with in reality.

I write everything down. Then I delete most of it after i extract the purest essence that I can.

To find order you must create enough chaos to see the pattern that hides between the two.

those who can embody and channel the energy at higher levels will be less susceptible to lower levels.

if something is no longer the absolute truth that i aspire to acquire, i reject it.
I proceed in this way until only what is actually true remains.

I search through the patterns consistently. I absorb, I extract, I uncover, I infuse.

Using the correct words in the correct sequence provides the correct meaning.

the search for truth removed everything out of my life, until I had only nothing left.
and before i knew it, the only truth that existed was nothing itself.

The truth is nothing because it takes having nothing to reach the truth.

I was empty. But the emptiness started to fill me. And I was complete.
i realize i exist because I search for the truth of existence, and it makes me true in the process.

since the only existing thought that remained in my existence, is the truth, the truth has to exist.

i realized i could find the truth, if only i removed everything from myself.

In order to be, you must let the truth that is inside all things be inside you.

the truth is nothing for itself and nothing in itself.

the truth is that which must always be present in the reality of existence.

eliminate every assumption.

The process to truth is just as important as the truth itself.

the singularity of truth, can expand into infinity or contract into infinity.

you cannot exist, unless you exist through the Spirit of the universe.

realize that selfish decisions have severe consequences.

My thoughts aren’t crazy,

but my words make you feel as if you need to start searching for sanity.

i'm ready to die just so that my soul survives.

i hold my own resurrection inside.

The entire universe is God. God is the entire universe.

God does not have a religion.

a lot of religious theology is made up of misconceptions that rise from badly translated ancient script.

boundless inspiration as the boundaries disappear,

I am now uniting all things.

silent meaning
silent words
don't make a sound
silent silence
cannot be found.

be good to everyone because when you get stuck,

you will need someone to help you get back up.
i split myself in two so i can surrender
and now i wonder which one of me is better,
i should probably remember
to stitch myself back together
so I don’t lose one of myself

I’ve been climbing the divine tree

so I can plant the seeds
because the energy within me
rises the energy within all things
all of existence is free
grasp the connections
that will never leave
because this is a universe
that learned to breathe
on its own.

and in case you missed it

don't get it twisted,
i am my own system
anomalous logic and supernatural logistics,
I’ve been decoding reality’s mystery,
psychological elasticity explicit,
divinely primitive existence
inside a primal derivative
of luminescence itself.

time to listen because i won't be saying this twice

eternal life doesn’t have a selling price
you can't steal destiny, life isn't a heist
the four Horsemen ready, the driver Jesus Christ
because only pure souls will suffice
just like last time, i'm here in the best disguise
and i'm here with God's personal advice
so start opening your eyes
and remember that
the universe doesn't take bribes.
and from the Spirit
nobody hides.

words can be verbally delicious

don't ingest the wrong inceptions.
i've never been given the chance to speak my mind
but that has not stopped me from teaching myself to write
and I learned the most important thing in life
Is to express what’s on the inside
and It is how i got my soul back
and i'm never letting go of that.

one of all kind

i decided to
infect my entire mind
with thoughts that
transcend beyond time
a lucid simplicity that glides
to see what undiscovered consciousness i can find
and so i've been searching through
unique rhymes
and now i have access to energy
that is divinely primed.

love is understanding the darkness

by believing in the light
to show you the way
so that you aren't scared
when you get there.

love is the darkness

that enters itself
until it becomes
eternal light.

the darkness is the unknown

you can only understand it
by letting go
of the light
and learning to not be afraid
of what you find
inside yourself
when you stop trying to
control your mind.

Remember the only moment it actually made sense

remember what made reality feel so intense.
love is everywhere
you just don’t
understand it yet.

When your soul is ready to fly

you can stretch both
space and time
as the Spirit aligns
the energy
you become free
i can no longer contain it
within me
so let the universe
let me be
that which is nothing
but pure eternity.

a dream waiting,
at the edge of the night
standing still
waiting for time to stop.

lightning charges
from the sky
to electrify
all life
and so
the magic strikes
as the atmosphere
and the ground
guides the light.

it was pure, it came from within

it was a poison
that removed all sin.

don't just breathe

in the universe
that believes in you.

some of the words expose the virus

some of the words imprint all of us.
the words you choose
to write
stay the same
until badly translated.
choose the words
that change
at least in theory.

sometimes i hear this

ringing in my head
it's my ego
calling me
he has been angry
since i took myself off of
automatic pilot
and learned to fly
without him.

sometimes reality is a whirlpool

let it swallow you
so you can learn to breathe

how can you grow

if you don't first
open all of yourself.

The energy is free, and so it is not meant for you to keep it.

there are words which

make you think
there are words which
explain the links
there are words which
contain the mystery
and there are words which
will always remain
a secret.
there is a meaning that entwines the rhymes
there is a meaning that hides in between the lines
there is a meaning that seems to escape all of the time.

hunting for truth,

while the consequences get heated
as the universe reminds me
that it will not be defeated
so easily.

you can't tame the fire

but if you become the flame
at least you won’t burn out.

align with the patterns of order and chaos

by downloading the updated B.I.O.S.
a Basic Input and Output System
that implements a universally encoded rhythm.

life is always merging

trying to find the never-ending light
while searching
through the complete darkness of the continuous mind.

Make sure you avoid mistakes that can't be erased.

Life is not a race.

Embrace the mystery because it is the only thing that can set you free.

rhymes unwind the cerebral vines

ever since amnesia cured my mind
I’ve been fuelled with secrets lost in time.

soul sequence unsealing divine ceilings.

enter me,
Jay to the Subliminal C
Back in this body
about to set life free
by manifesting pure energy
and i won't go away
so stay out of the way
because you don't want to repeat
the mistakes your ancestors made.
the Earth made you
and the Earth made me
we’ve shared the same origin
for an eternity
and it’s about time
we started acting
like one family.

inside the stream

where mystery
just lets you be
and you forget
to remember to breathe.

immortality is a state of mind. immortality is a way of life.

Immortality is finding the energy you need to stay alive.

I'm not part of any game,

i've been the whole the whole time
i'm the caveman that left the cave
i'm the alien God sent to save your fate
I’m the one who can open the gates
i'm the David that slays Goliath
i'm the one they've called the Messiah
i'm the one that protects Gaia
i'm the one that unlocked Orion.

i cut the words

right out of my soul
i let their essence
enter my veins
my emotions become
essential ink for a painting
as my inspiration
becomes the canvas for all life.

become a pilot, aim for the sky

and then take the flight into space

let yourself get lost in time. Find the space where nothing matters.

You can’t lock it away and expect that the potency will stay the same.

Metaphysical metaphors are a supernatural writer’s best friend.

Some things mean what they mean and some things mean what they don’t.

I am sharing this consciousness with you because no one else who can is willing to.

i fall into the depth of the darkness of the mind

where there is no light
and if you want to find reality from here
you must learn how to see
by learning to breathe in
supernatural instincts.

remember the recollection of

thoughts unsaid, unwritten, unseen by any
left abandoned, they’re the ones that made you.

emotions that can't be conquered

are the ones worth searching for.

and let it be known

that i am free
that my soul finally sees
the beauty
in everything
and you will not stop me
because i am what existence
will always be.

you don't know how far inside reality

i've actually been.
and you can’t comprehend
the level I had to reach
in order to escape
the oblivion
which the universe made
especially for me
so that I can learn to unlock everything.

beauty behind the boundless brilliance

mysterious magic demanding divergence
causation chaining creation continuously
all-knowing algorithm
aligning alien anomalies into action
rare revelations reordering reality into exclusive refractions.
you can't control me
i because i have no limits.

the universe is an Endless Eternal Existence.

which layer of infinity
are you exchanging thoughts with?

the universe is darkness illuminating itself.

holding energy that isn't yours

closes the door
inviting energy to flow
allows your energy to grow.

Less is more, learn to soar.

open the energy that comes through the core

because the soul is an eternal portal.

Decide what you need to let go of so you can access the things you never have to hold on to.

phantom worldwide bandit

infrared interstellar magnet
omniscience granted access through a hyperspace canvas
intergalactic paranormal axis
eternal captions get your facts straight
the entire universe imprints status updates.

risk it all just to make the leap

risk it all just to connect deeper.

Unlocking treasures that can't be measured

what's inside can't be quantified
but it can be amplified worldwide
by inspiring the eternal light.

calculations don’t represent reality because reality cannot be reduced to calculations.

this refutation also applies to measurements.

Renew the atmosphere until the interference clears

find coherence too unreal to disappear
dive inside the universe's bloodstream.

mistakes that are contagious,

the collective consequences become outrageous.
at the apex
the updates
are escaping
as the fluctuations escalate.

It is not a race so don't chase,

just embrace the empty space and find your divine place.

Algorithms are codes.

If you’re losing your mind doing the same thing over and over again day after day,
you’re not alone. Some have made it out and have escaped. Be inspired to do the same.

that which cannot be contained always remains.

regenerating the matrix
don’t believe in fudged metrics
inspire the alien genetics
waiting inside yourself
by hacking your settings
because the upgrades are electric.

life is a family rooted inside a divine tree

unleashing prodigies reaching the prophecy
because God's promises never leave
as paradise on Earth begins to breathe.

let the frequency streams naturally flow

the patterns go where they need to go
and the code shows what it needs to show.

stop, play, pause, rewind and fast-forward.

patterns of consciousness are everywhere, encoded.

Life is a sequence of events all happening at the same time and everywhere.

Death is a soul therapist that goes door to door

from shore to shore covering the whole world
He's here now because He's been here before.
Life is a flower that always makes the garden bloom
She's separating the seeds so the soil can survive
She protects and provides for the seeds of life.
me and my words inside the same verse
lyrical and mysterious
do you believe in us.

alien trained
i'm the train
about to bulldoze your entire game
unlimited systems inside my brain
i'm two space stations removed from insane
out of orbit
I absorb all of it
then sort it and reorder everything
eternity is inside my middle name
i was here before the universe was even made.

The higher you go the higher you can reach.

the deeper you go the deeper you can extract.

‘Angel trumpets’ have sounded worldwide. If you didn’t know, now you do.

I am always original because everything I breathe has been encoded by my energy,

and everything that I expose hides all of the secrets left unwritten.

Revelations is ‘Judgment day’. the universe wants to see who can adapt spiritually and who can’t.

Sometimes I reach reality that is out of bounds.

I should be on the ground but I like to steal from the clouds.

‘you stole my words but i hold all of your souls,

let's find out who is deeper in the hole.’

I needed a real world intermission after i saw the otherworldly nexus in full transmission.

Let’s just say that meeting the raw energy of God’s Being face to face isn’t exactly a vacation.

you haven’t met God yet because you can’t handle the madness such a meeting brings.

The code is solving everything at the same time.

consciousness stuck in between the lines

show me yours and i'll show you mine.

And because it didn't originate

inside any brain
it is taking over everything.
they’ve taken from my ideas and pretended it was theirs. They’ve copied my original styles of rhyming.
I don’t really care because it doesn’t change anything from who I am or what only I can bring.

to move forward in time

you need to know what's behind
the entire alignment.

i am who i am
but now i see what i need to see
and now i know how i need to be
my transformation is transcending me
further into eternity
pulling everything I can
into divinity.

I am time wave zero. I am the singularity. I am the origin of all things.

arctic blizzard inside my mind

shatters all my thoughts into basic rhymes
deep freeze like I'm stopped in time
let’s see what this storm will let me find.

i sail away, unafraid

into the realm unclaimed.

recursive sealed prose

inside the verses i rose
because i steal codes
and the revelation is enclosed
within my words.

illumination surveyor,
literati alliteration multilayered
supernatural plagiarism
i made it inside God's elevator.

i collect ideas
and creatively insert them back into the stream
i even steal them from your dreams
because i never sleep
and i'm always interested to see what you don't keep
because i can always make the leap
and I’ve taught myself how to dig deep.
I can see the entire matrix functioning and I wish you could see it with me as I’m hacking it.

Remove the fear of death to become immortal.

The Spirit of Death is the Spirit of Life.

if you embody the Spirit’s eternal energy you will live for a prolonged time.

Remove all fears. Remove all beliefs. Remove all misconceptions.

the truth will appear to you clearly when you are open and ready for all of it.

Death is just the Spirit absorbing energy that needs to be transformed.

the cycle of energy includes death so that necessary transformations can happen.

I will be here for as long as the Earth needs for me to be here.

Become eternally useful to be viewed as immortal by the universe.

You can fully access the energy of the universe when you fully understand the energy of the universe.

reach the consciousness needed to understand the energy that allows all things to exist and evolve.

Search through that which confuses you.

the original existence itself being a paradox makes understanding existence somewhat confusing.

Do not be afraid of not knowing. Do not be afraid of removing comfortable beliefs.

understand the Divine simplicity behind the universe.

an example of divine simplicity is trinity identities.
Three distinct identities form one trinity identity.

Something is Divine when it is absolute. simplicity is potentiality.

Simplicity allows something to be always applicable.

I am going to transcend so high, that everyone else is inspired to come back to life.

it’s not about how high you fly

it’s not about how far you see
it’s about how deep in the moment
you immerse.
it’s about how well
you understand the scenery
manifesting in front of you
and it’s about how much essence
you can draw from within.

Give to the world everything you can so that the universe can give you everything it can.
Don’t just live life. Become Life. Be Alive.

Revelation clock
time stops
and no one knows
what the next moment drops.

vivid syllables cause I’m villainous inside my own syllabus.

chill pills ill willed ‘til spilled skills kill nil bills still with it ‘cause I’m still bringing it.

ideas stitched together

because glue doesn’t last forever.

inside out and upside down

in the air and below the ground
all around between the lost and found
in the sky within the clouds
in the rivers ocean bound
celestial echo getting loud.

the order lets you see

the chaos sets you free
let the energy
give you what you need.

alien energy on this planet

only if you can handle it.

i had to forger my own quotes

because i forgot that i keep secret notes.

i catch all your lies because i have spies inside your mind.

nil takes skill because zero doesn’t need a hero so gear up for the empty inferno.

Higher Consciousness
a reason to witness.
Higher Being
a new way of seeing.
Elevated Existence
an energy with no resistance.

my existence and my experience stay separated.

i don't have voices in my head
i have words inside my veins
trying to escape.

i'm the sum of the universe's core

and even after the sun is gone my soul will still burn
star born with invisible horns
i open all the hard doors
i can see more because I became the unknown
and in my mind i'm never alone
God is always on the phone
do you even lift unmovable stones though?
power level unknown
rise of the phoenix, flight of the concord
i'm climbing the stairwell
undercover encore
start looking around
because celestial revelations are already inbound.

I always look to elevate my being.

i don't become my mistakes. i don't ever doubt what i represent.

To be free is to be inside everything.

the original trinity continuously transforms the existence.

i am the one who opens the door that opens all the doors.

Find the symphony that releases all of the missing notes.

become connected to the universe's spectrum.

What you see isn’t my ego.

What you see is the universe ensuring that the truth inside me is immovable and unbreakable.

I can remove a truth by absorbing an even deeper one.

inserted without mental latex so the abortion can happen inside the matrix.

too fresh too fast, too potent and from the past I can make the potency last.

forces unknown expose reality beyond the surface.

i am immortal because i create my own energy circuit.

my transformation is throwing the planets out of their natural orbit.

Some of my quotes are omens.

it all started with an intergalactic comet that brought my soul to Earth from the other side of the

divine purpose sprouting supernatural verdicts.

I am the trinity, i am the tree of life, i am the origin of the divine garden.

They (the social elite) have tested my DNA and yes it is alien and yes I brought alien friends.

they don’t know how I know things,

because they can’t understand how I’m hacking reality using only my mind.

I know things because I have connected my consciousness to the mind of God.

Everything has an access point.

certain codes trigger other codes.

i came without an override. I am here until i no longer need to be here.

some verses are not what they seem

some verses have meanings in between.

The way the code works is the secret to the code.

I am a reality glitch
I can make the matrix twitch.

they ain’t know that i ain’t playing though.

master of words, slayer of lies, my lyrics hit you right in between your eyes and enslave your life.

writer, logic provider, locomotive inscriber

cataclysm fusion fiber, cryptogram collider.

symptoms of a rhythm written in wisdom.

chaos is a ladder
to see who can climb the stairs.

as energies align, the Spirit climbs.

unlisted systems unleashing elevated existence.

the matrix always has itself on full surveillance.

the dominos are always going to fall.

The pattern always triggers a deeper pattern.

lyrics that go on a killing spree and eat the other verses behind the scenes.

ascendant of the asylum

phenom of the paradox
menace of the monologue.

hard mode cypher harvesting hyperspace syphoned from celestial code deciphered in between the
words the inscriber transformed by not writing them all down.

Divinity isn’t religion. God isn’t religion. Angels and Demons aren’t religion.

I’m not letting it

go to waste
just because
some of them can’t handle this.

I’ve been unplugged for a while now, but now I’m surging into my own.

the divinity behind the act of being

is living to embody the energy.

The deeper the connections are, the harder they are to obtain.

The deeper you are the harder it is to make the leap.

I had searched for so long and had gotten so lost that I forgot that it was inside me all along.

the universe is not easy to hack. Not by a long shot.

Life is finding out how to become the energy; life is not a list of activities.

the universe wants to lend a hand

and everyone needs an eternal friend
because existence inspires itself to transcend.

i am an instrument of energy. Unknown forces channel through me.

they don't ask permission. i don't ask any questions.

i cannot be deceived. Sometimes I act like I am just to make things interesting.

no one knows what cards I’m going to play next because no one knows exactly how many different
types of hands I can play at any given time.

i cannot be stopped because the truth cannot be stopped.

i have a Demon at my side at all times protecting my path.

“i will make you famous.”

If you’re a giving, loving, spiritually enlightened person you should be able to ascend.

if you’re trying your best to be your best you should focus on ascending.

Everyone should be looking to transcend into higher being.

God’s highest Angel was made from God’s own soul.

Keep the fire burning in your soul.

Love is the magic. Love allows the magic to happen.

Let there always be love.

Don’t absorb patterns from humanity’s part-time habits.

Learn to stand on your own. Learn to be influenced only by the things which are essential.

Don’t deny someone’s expression. Inspire them to refine their approach.

Communicate clearly so that miscommunications are avoided.

inspiring the world is an inspiration in itself.

Perform psychological analysis of the entire reality every day if you are serious about finding out more.

If you can code codes that haven’t existed before

you can decode codes that haven’t been decoded before.

Become a more experienced writer to become an abstract thinker.

become a genial artist to learn how to create.

‘caress her soul, seduce her heart, and poison her mind.’

I was 'Summoned'.

The energy of chaos allows the consciousness to transcend. the Order synchronizes the identities.

Intrude the mind like no one has ever before.

The next realization is always only one step away.

reborn to re-arrange time and space.

the gates to paradise are always open to those who can appreciate paradise.

The leader can walk through the darkness with a blindfold on.
One of my purposes is to raise your awareness of unplugged consciousness.

Raise the consciousness, raise the energy, fulfill the being.

Do not reduce your existence because others have reduced theirs.

The more you read the truth the more it expands.

Understanding the code is understanding the continuous connections that allow reality to function the
way it does.

The truth is the code and the code is the truth.

The code is the continuous truth of the absolute.
The truth is the absolute truth of the continuous code.

Let your mind out of this world.

let your soul be out of your control.
let your being ascend.

There is always a deeper code to hack. There is always a deeper code that twists existence.

There is always a deeper reality to reach. There is always a deeper reality that expands.

Reduce your use. Reuse. Recycle.

Reduce the amount of natural resources you use by not acquiring things that you do not need.

reduce your electrical power needs.

remove your part from contributing towards consumerism and materialism by not acquiring something
unless you absolutely need it.

Reduce your use by using tools already available.

the throw-away mentality needs to stop. Things that function are still usable.

you can always repair any tool so that it can continue to perform its function.

do not throw away food. Do not consume more food than you actually need.

Become more efficient in how much water you use by using water effectively.

everything I have ever done has led me to the process of understanding reality.

How can you reach the potential of your soul when you are constantly filling your emptiness with
material possessions?
Stop acquiring needless things.

Anytime you acquire something remember that every material object was made from precious natural

have you been putting in as much as you have been taking out?

Lessen the burden on the environment by living a minimalistic lifestyle in terms of materials used.

Sharing tools means that not everyone needs to acquire one of everything.

How can you reach higher consciousness when you already accepted incomplete systems of beliefs as
them explaining all of reality?

How can you reach higher being when you accept that the highest form of being is a material-only

How can you reach the true potential of your soul if you deny spirituality and the Spirit?

You can only make it so far as you let the universe take you.

I have not done this on my own

and I do not expect to do anymore if I don’t allow it to be done through me.

Responsibility and respect are foundations for a flourishing world.

don’t feel guilty about your mistakes. Look forward to improving the world.

Transformation can only happen once you have decided that you can no longer exist in the way you
have existed until now.

Find the inspiration to find the real essence and help it grow.

a simplistic lifestyle expands more vividly into the energy.

Fill the void to see what the void forms.

My simple and your simple don’t match.

Instant revelations. Instant confusion. Instant emotions. It all changes in an instant.

You’re never ready for it because the mystery loves to surprise.

The love you could’ve offered but didn’t will haunt you forever.

the chaos inside oblivion is madness.

and that's how it's always been

and that's how it will always be.
the music is a code
the patterns are within the notes.

greater than all of time

space is entwined between the lines of the quantum
without the mechanics.

is it my fault that i see in between the lines

is it my fault that i can unwind the paradox within the mind.

Original trinity
i can make everyone see
i can make everyone believe
in the eternal energy.

the original seed embodied.

Euphoria is inspiration. Tranquility is decodation. nirvana is transcendence.

re-read all of the sentences and see if they hold more meaning the second time you witness them.

learning to fly inside the deeper mind reaches revelations one of a kind.

trust the universe. it is inside you.

your soul is a portal. the energy is immortal.

rhythm is blending while synchronicity is rendering.

true love has no beginning or an end. It just is.

The universe is taking the emptiness and expanding it endlessly.

each spark can become a flame.

the light is trying to expose the lessons so you can understand the darkness.

Choices are not only important in themselves but the sequence of choices you make are also important.


get enough correct decisions consistently and you get bonuses.

An energy that rises from within all.

Because higher existence always reaches transcendence and the universe is always rendering.
You can only go as far as you allow your energy to grow.
you can only get as far as you allow your energy to get.

If you allow yourself to be limited by finite beliefs you will be finite.

If you offer your energy to incomplete things you remain incomplete.

do not worship anything or anyone for the energy gets wasted.

if you offer your energy to the complete being of the universe,

you become a complete being of the universe.

Energy balance fuels perpetuality.

Some codes are identity strings.

0 + 1 = infinity.

The entire universe is an electricity grid. Allow yourself to become part of the generating field by
connecting directly to the power source using the portal inside you.
Find the resistance and eliminate it from your capacity.

breath of God – soul. – cycle of regeneration

word of God – consciousness. – recursive code
path of God – experience – leap of faith.

Duality is a process you will only fully comprehend when you allow yourself to be expanded into two
inseparable identities.

How many points of access you acquire depends on how many points of access you allow yourself to
become connected to.

Each snowflake is unique. Each atom is unique. Each chain identity is unique.
all are linked by energy stations.

|-> omnipresence – everywhere, pure, eternal.
ONE ----|-> omnipotence – unlimited, continuous, perpetual.
|-> omniscience – encrypted, original, all-revealing.

When the 13 collapse into 10 they form a unique trinity imprint.

1 trinity is 4 trinities. Each identity in the prime trinity originates an original trinity.

consciousness is a maze of thoughts coming in and out of existence.

there is an atmosphere of potential that surrounds every core of a sphere.

one layer empty, one layer frozen and rivers of manifesting energy flowing within.

Universal Consciousness connects all of reality.

Everyone and everything that exists in the universe comes from another seed.
Every seed uses roots to grow and branches to put forth new seeds.

Nexus – everything comes from the same source.

– everything comes from the same origin.

Duality – all identities have two or more potential fields.

Continuity – all of the energy is part of one cycle.

Trinity – the pendulum of existence is always influenced by three absolutes.

Complete – Absolute - Continuum.

each identity applies to all of existence.

Origin – seed – identity.

extract – roots – essence.
release – bloom – creation.

Each rotation gives momentum. Make sure you are spinning the correct wheel.

Observation transforms reality – fluctuation – continuum

observation doesn’t change reality – node – absolute
observation is reality – field – complete

Understand yourself – dive.

understand the world – swim.
understand the source – drown.

Break the bad habit before it breaks you.

Transcendence – consciousness – connect the code.

illumination – spirit – connect the energy.
transformation – being – connect the world.

Imprinted – is the paradox.

reduced – holds the paradox.
collapsed – imprints the paradox.

circle – surface – membrane.

disk – plane – field.
sphere – space – cerebrum.
Spiral – singularity – absorbs.
cyclone – duality – transfers.
vortex – infinity – emits.

Sample – element – image

loop – melody – scenery
transition – mood – dream

Unique experiences open unique energy which unlocks new consciousness.

new consciousness makes future experiences more unique, adding to the energy that a being can
embody. the more one being unlocks, the more one being transcends.
the purpose of existence is to transcend.

Tempo – pace – why it hits.

equalizer – space – where it hits.
flow – place – what it hits.

show – order – displayed
crowd – chaos – lost
daze – awakening – layered

Rooted – depth – instinct

branched – fulfill – intuition
trunk – reach – connection

Creativity is finding the flow so the continuum can show you the access points.

Transitions – connect the transformation.

transformation – creates the transcendence.
transcendence – causes the transitions.

The uncaused cause is that which does not need to be caused into existence.

The energy will always find a way in.

each key opens a distinct pattern.

Alpha – hunter – pioneer

Beta – scavenger – engineer
omega – gatherer – artist

Sudden confusion – uproot

sudden enlightenment – actualize
sudden extraction – galvanize
the hunter will be hunted and the grower will grow.

Inhabit – focus
recon – survey
harness – perpetuate

If you don’t know how to play the hand you are dealt, shuffle the deck.

Move into motion, remove out of emotion.

A symphony is composed of many layers

a melody has deep rhythm.

Between all of the waves, the energy vibrates around the nodes.

time stands still until the necessary path is opened.

The cycle converges – superimpose

the cycle emerges – amplify

You must understand the consciousness to unlock the energy.

Charged – retains shape – free – active
expelled – increases capacity – coupled – stable

Portal – merge – soul – search

tunnel – warp – mind – grasp
bridge – gate – spirit – embody

Reality can’t be perceived. It is experienced. a perception is a snapshot.

higher consciousness is drinking from the stream.

The forest is greater than the trees.

Earth – solid – core

Fire – regeneration – fuel
water – unity – continuum
air – electric – potential

Cause to effect –> prime fluctuation

effect to cause –> energy separation
cause to cause –> incorporated manifestation
effect to effect –> necessary transition

You cannot reproduce authenticity or originality.

you can only experience it, inspire it or cause it.
In the entire universe exists a spectrum of energy which creates a field of potential. This field is
constantly interacting with itself and each existence to release potential. All of existence is always
connected to the field and the entire field is one continuum of energy. The field fluctuates uniquely in
each moment, and fluctuations cause transformations. Fluctuations expand and contract the spectrum.
the fluctuations transform the state of the field and the fluctuations cause other fluctuations;
the fluctuations transform the energy and the existences within the energy.

The universe is an electric cerebrum with evolving membranes. The universe is a complete organism
that sustains other complete organisms. Each world contributes to the causes and effects that occur in
the entire cerebrum of the organism.

the beginning to paradise is here. Are you ready for it?

0=0 –> 1=1 every point in the continuum has unique potential.
0=infinity –> infinity=1 the continuum is always whole and connected.
0=1 –> infinity=infinity the matrix of potential always fulfills itself.

As the energy reaches higher consciousness, all existences which can’t match it slowly become

Certain events happen only so that destiny is fulfilled.

certain energies exist only so that the energy is fulfilled.

The energy will always find a way to reach the next level.

Being aware that the universe is self-aware and that you are a manifestation of the universe and that
you are also self-aware.
connecting your self-awareness to the universe’s self-awareness allows you to manifest deeper into the

Reoccurring consciousness and reoccurring experiences are clues towards finding the realization you
need to find, in order to reach the next phase of enlightenment.

Leave your soul empty. Let your mind wonder. Let the spirit fly.

Philosophy – soul – connection

psychology – mind – consciousness
spirituality – spirit – ascension

Cortex – nexus – identity - mind

core – anima – Gaia - spirit
cerebrum – Aura – karma - being

Accepting the surface layer to be the whole world allows one to only experience the surface layer of the
world while ignoring the rest of the world.
The world must be experienced as a whole.
The universe must be experienced as a whole. The universe is always completed.
The world must be experienced as a whole. The world is always completed.
The being must be experienced as a whole. The being is always completed.

Flux – creates opportunity

fusion – creates path
anomaly – creates origin

Station – power, function, resource.

pathway – linkage, distribution, efficiency.
protection – selection, input, output.
sensory – detection, connection, expansion.

The tree of life.

the seed of existence sprouts roots that are used to absorb consciousness from the absolute energy.
the manifesting identity of the seed grows branches that create a diversity of identities.
the identities that can help the energy transcend will be planted into existence.

seed from Spirit – soul

spectrum from origin – energy
being from identity – consciousness

Chaos is influx of creative energy. Chaos creates diverse identities.

a seed is an identity. Order focuses the energy.
roots draw essence and allow identities to expand.

Explore the Unbound layers of existence.

Unchangeable energy – soul

energy that is always active – spirit
energy that has to be activated – consciousness

Reach the consciousness. Open the energy. Fulfill the identity.

Frequency – find it
vibration – transmit it
resonance – become it

Reduction – superimposes and imprints.

expansion – creates pathways and origins.

Zero – absolute – space

infinity – infinity – energy
one – continuum – time
trinity – identity – consciousness
Identity must be fulfilled for energy to be released and consciousness to conceive.

0 – soul, identity
1 – mind, consciousness
infinity – energy, spirit
trinity – being, existence

When a seed gets planted the environment or foundation must first, recognize the seed and then assess
whether the seed has the necessary energy available so that the seed can be fulfilled into being.
even if the seed doesn’t grow roots and sprouts, the environment is now aware of the consciousness
needed and the environment adapts itself so that future seeds of that type can grow there in the future.
if the seed has only some of the elements necessary to manifest, the seed can evolve and diverge from
its intended identity. Further seeds of the new identity can shape the environment into a new
environment with new types of energies available.

I understand everything I do because I was nurtured into understanding everything I have been shown.
you must be willing to learn what the universe has to teach for you to reach the knowledge of the

Absence – allows all things to start.

essence – is inside all things.
presence – connects all things.

Consciousness –> conceived = illumination

–> revealed = manifestation
Energy –> bound = sphere
–> unbound = quantum
Identity –> rooted = tree of life
–> free = genesis

Angel of Transcendence – combine.

all frequencies.
–> the presence allows you to create the consciousness
–> bridge –> receive the energy.
Angel of Transparency – connect.
all alignments.
–> the purpose allows you to channel the energy.
–> warp –> open the mind.
Angel of Transformation – release.
all intentions.
–> the essence allows you to grow.
–> fuse –> clean the soul.

I withdraw codes from reality and then I decipher them.

Every sphere has an atmosphere that interacts with other energies and the energy field itself.

To cleanse is to release.

Release what no longer can help you extract.

Risk everything for the magic that no one else sees but you.

–> destined to happen – fate
–> cannot be avoided – mandatory
–> system response – feedback

1 origin = 3 absolute identities = 13 original identity lines.

A train going on the wrong path will always hit an obstacle that will make the whole train derail.

Focus – you can hold it.

discipline – you can wield it.
master – you can transfer it.

sequence – what it is.

frequency – what it does.
spectrum – what it reveals.

Absolute became existence.

existence became consciousness.
consciousness became energy.
energy became absolute.

Hardware – engineering
software – coding
streaming – simulation

A sphere – rotating a circle about a central point.

a circle – expanding a point with equidistance.
any point will expand into a circle along the surface of a sphere and contract back into a point.

Writing – sequences of absolutes – extract identity.

art – visual continuum – imprint image.
music – spectrum of frequency – create rhythm.

expression – creation
revelation – realization
refinement – explanation
the universe is a multi-frequency continuum spectrum of oscillations manifesting itself.

Alpha – origin
Space sphere
0=0 1 = infinity
0 = infinity infinity = infinity
0=1 1=1
beta – singularity
absolute continuum
0=0 0 = infinity
infinity = infinity infinity = 1
1=1 1=0
gamma – destiny
Spirit identity
0 = infinity 0=0
infinity = infinity 0=1
1 = infinity 1=1
omega – genesis
consciousness energy
0=1 0 = infinity
infinity= 1 infinity = infinity
1=1 0=0

Creator inside the consciousness.

Spirit inside the energy.
Psyche inside the soul.
God inside all.

0=0 Absolute Space

0 = infinity Infinity Energy
0=1 continuum consciousness
1 = infinity origin singularity
infinity = infinity universe quantum
1=1 identity transcendence

Create the conditions for the energy so that the energy can be created.

All of the energy is always connected.

all of the consciousness is always connected.
all of existence is always connected.

The process itself is the result.

The more you know the less you know – knowledge paradox.
just like all existences that are made of water from water, need water to survive and thrive:
every existence that is made from the energy/essence of existence needs the energy/essence of
existence to exist and transcend.

Not only can a decision be correct or wrong, but also the reaction to the consequences of that decision
can be correct or wrong.

some people worry about death yet some people don’t even stop to question their contribution towards
the killing of other living things such as animals, creatures and trees.

People replace being fulfilled in reality with feeling successful in their belief system, whatever system
that may be. If people value financial “success” they fill their lives with material things. If people value
science they fill their life with technology and scientific theory. If people value “spirituality” they will fill
their lives with “spiritual” beliefs, whether those beliefs are actually spiritual or not.
The only way to fulfill reality and be completed by the energy is to come to know and understand the
consciousness of the energy and to uncover the potential of the energy.

Glitch the system so you can learn how it adapts itself.

Adapt to the code so you can see how the code adapts to you adapting to it.

The hair is an extrasensory system that is an extension of your being itself.

The universe makes your molecules move.

the universe creates every existence and everything that the entire existence needs to exist.
If that isn’t omnipotence, what is?
not even nothingness can escape the universe. If that isn’t omnipresence, what is?
the universe adjusts itself constantly within an infinite continuum. If that isn’t omniscience, what is?

search the words. Search the code. search your soul. Search reality.

forget that I’m the one who wrote this but don’t forget what you’ve read to know what I knew when I
wrote this to you.

The unknown. it’s all there. to be found.

You are trying to experiment with reality but in reality the universe is using you to experiment with

There is no benefit in consuming dead energy. a dead animal is dead energy.

there is no benefit in killing another living thing.

having beliefs that limit reality only limit your potential to advance in reality.
Consuming fruits, vegetables and legumes is not killing other living things because fruits, vegetables and
legumes are the resulting effect of the plant.
Plants produce attractive fruits so that their seeds can be spread.

a realm so mythical, you have to be inside your own mind to understand it.

You’ve never seen a star explode, you’ve never seen a planet get destroyed.

Sometimes unique conditions arise when the conditions escape themselves to become their own world.

Elevate or you might be late.

Adapt naturally to the environment by creating environmentally friendly structures.

fuse back into nature. Nature is what gives to all life. Natural habitat raises the potential.

Fuse the homes with the habitat. Infuse nature into becoming a garden and a home for all life.

The “Devil” is the Psyche or the Psychology Being of God.

The Psyche is responsible for transforming the identity.
The “son” or the Creator is the Consciousness Being of God.
the Creator is responsible for creating access to the necessary energy by updating the consciousness
available to the energy.
the Spirit is the Energy Being of God. The Spirit is in charge of Soul-making and giving energy to the soul.

The animals can sense negative energy towards them and it affects how they react to you.
The Earth can sense negative energy towards it and it affects how it reacts to you.
The universe can sense negative energy towards it and it affects how it reacts to you.

Appreciate all things which are true.

Transcendence is fusing your mind and your soul into one portal that can give you access to all of the
consciousness and all of energy.

The origin unlocks all original identities.

the origin is the singularity of consciousness.

don’t allow someone else’s perception of their personal experience of reality to take the place of your
experience of reality.

equations are just approximate mathematical descriptions that try to explain what conditions reality is
currently displaying. math and science do not explain What makes the universe exist in the way it does.
math and science do not explain Why the universe exists in the way it does.

how can you know how if you don’t know what or why?
Local conditions are not universal absolutes.

Survival of the ‘fittest’ doesn’t apply,

because love and spiritual consciousness are needed to thrive in life.

Nothing is empty.

You can’t fulfill your being with unfulfilling things.

Trying to fill your soul with unfulfilling things leaves your being incomplete.

You must always be ready for the energy.

Allow yourself to become an access point. Transmit the universal transmission.

codes complete themselves to access ideas and reveal meaning.

The energy of the entire world channels through my soul. I am here to give my soul to all.

If you don’t let yourself feel used, no one can use you.
if you don’t let yourself feel abused, they cannot abuse you.
if you do not let yourself be broken, no one can break you.

The universal code is within the entire existence.

process the correct segments of the code in the correct order and reality will reorder itself into higher

The more you discover the more there is to uncover.

I’m the mutation that causes the updates to all of the other cells in the universe’s body.
I infiltrated the veins and extracted the virus that will transform everything forever.

The entire universe is one eternal fire expressing itself with infinite flames.

existence is the eternal fire. Existence is the endless fuel.

Existence is the light that ignites the darkness.

Always start from a blank state of mind to unwind a unique energy.

Less is more because simplicity reaches deeper into the roots.

The more you let go of, the more your soul grows.

I can only describe the eternal energy. You have to find it on your own.

Focus your entire being on learning what existence means.

Focus your entire energy on becoming perpetual.
You can't force higher consciousness. You can’t force higher being.

All of existence came from nothing, all of existence is nothing and all of existence needs nothing.

The universe will challenge you. You won't be ready. You will have to focus and find discipline.

Taking the hard path involves sacrificing your needs for the greater good.

Transform the world by letting it's true energy escape out of you.

The atoms don't need energy because the atoms are energy.

The energy your being needs comes from the soul. The consciousness your being needs comes from the
universal mind. Open you mind and soul and you will have access to all.

You can gain knowledge of the environment by experiencing the essences that environment provides.

Spirituality is embodying the Spirit of the universe.

The most spirituality fit will always thrive.

truth echoes into eternity.

The universe cleanses itself so that it can grow. Less is more.

Stop worrying about what other people do and focus on finding the path that can help people find

Raising the frequency means you are ready for anything. Raise your frequency by reducing your needs.
When the energy is pure, it can react to everything faster.

Less is more because using less gets you farther in the process, faster.

Gain the consciousness that allows you to gain the energy.

You can only access an energy level if you gain it.

Find new energy levels by tracing new patterns.

Access all things by accessing the one thing within all things.

Simplifying your life, simplifies your energy and you can connect to more of existence.

Less is more.

Nothing - Origin - absolute continuum

Infinity - Energy - divine simplicity
One - consciousness - perpetual transcendence.
You can go farther with less fuel by understanding how to use the fuel wisely.

Help everyone you can because you never know when you'll need a helping hand.

A system of money is a system of corruption.

There is unseen energy lurking everywhere.

It is not giving when you ask for something in return before you even offer to give.

There is only one universe because all of existence has the same origin.

When you appreciate the energy you begin to witness the magic.

When i reveal who I Am I do not do so to claim authority as God. I am simply representing who I am.
God is not about giving orders or claiming authority.
God is about teaching truth and inspiring love, by giving truth and love to all.
God represents the eternal energy that is within all of existence.

Fish from all kinds of Rivers meet in the ocean to swim together.

How can you reach the Spirit of all living beings when you consume dead things and your mind accepts
dead ideas.

God - one endless eternal being.

Omnipresence - it is everywhere.
Omnipotence - it is everything.
Omniscience - it knows everything.

Codes within codes all trying to hack each other. Encoding each other, decoding each other, fusing with
each other. Deeper, farther, simpler.

Patterns are recursive.

Reveal a pattern in the world and you can trace the code back to its most absolute form.

You think you're using the universe to get what you want when in fact the universe is using you to get
what it needs.

Bad deeds done on purpose don't go unnoticed.

create good karma by doing good deeds.

Start paying attention because it's all there all of the time.

The train stops at all the stations even if no one else gets on or off the train.
The train can't leave the rails.

The more soul the locomotive has the more it can pull.

Explore your mind. Explore your soul. Explore the world.

How many levels can you hack in your brain. How many levels can you hack in your brain at the same
time. How deep in the maze have you been.

The identity chain doesn't restrict. The identity chains opens the possible potential when accessed.

Water is water. The ocean is water. But the fish are also made of water. There is water that is and isn't
water swimming in water.

Water evaporates to make air. Water is in the air but air isn't water. Humans are made of water.
Water drinks water but also breathe water that isn't water.

Existence is the existence that existence creates but existence is also the energy and space existence
uses to create existence.

Time is independent of space and energy but time is not independent of existence.

Every world and every being is composed of absolute parts and continuous streams that link all of the
absolutes. Earth has ground and water. Body has flesh and veins. A Solar system has planets and energy.

When you give up possessions you are giving up something you never had in the first place. When you
give up the mentality of ownership or control, you gain access to the entire world.

if it is not a tool, do not acquire it.

Material possessions cannot fill the emptiness of the soul. Only the eternal energy can. Love yourself.

You must recognize the energy for it to recognize you.

Eating dead animals and accepting static beliefs is what leads to mortality.
Mortal sins are mortal sins because they block access to the eternal energy.

Nirvana is letting go of the energy so that it can bloom even brighter from inside you.

walk within nature to find peace of mind/spiritual balance. Trees are tranquility.

If you ignore thoughts that you need to think of, they come back.
If you think of everything eventually you reach nothing.

I believe in paradise and utopia. All political systems are flawed and corruptible.

simplify your life.

Pills are band-aids.

If your current life situation isn't working, transform it. Change your state of mind. Channel your deep
emotions into something creative. Allow the chaotic/creative energy to escape.

walking in nature will balance your entire energy.

remember that if you think it's not going to work then it's not going to work.

Not realizing that all of existence does have access to universal consciousness is flawed. How is nature
and the universe adapting to itself if nature and the universe aren't consciously aware of themselves?

Order and chaos are States of energy that cycle into each other so that consciousness can transcend.

Some things are static obstacles. They never change which means they never transcend. They are there
to help you transcend. You must go past that which is static so that you can electrify your path.

Everything you’ve ever broken will be breaking everything you’ve ever built.

If you did not gain the universe’s permission

your systems will be getting audited and corrected by otherworldly Beings.

The Messiah wrote the original bible. The original Bible was the words of God. The original bible was
written the last time God was here on Earth and it was a REALLY long time ago. Since then, humanity has
corrupted the words of God by adding corrupt human words. The original bible has also been corrupted
through mistranslations and rewording of the words. The original words of God have also been
systematically corrupted on purpose due to the power the words of God can hold.
The Messiah has been referenced in many ways.
King David translates to "Son of God".
Christ = Messiah = Messenger of God.
Krishna = Christ. Metatron = Christ. Amun Ra = Christ.
Buddha = Enlightened one = Messiah.
Jesus = Isis = Zeus = all referenced as either God/son of God.
i know this because i was shown access to this knowledge.

i am the code that breaks all of the codes.

chaos is creation. order is transcendence.

chaos creates many paths. order chooses the purest seeds.

in the bible i've found words that i know only God would know, which means God was the original writer
of those words that only God could write.
The current bible is not the words of God. The current bible has limited words of God left within it.

start looking for codes within the code of reality and learn how to hack reality.
I know what I know because I have access to the knowledge of which I know.

In the beginning was the Word -> omnipresence - absolute existence

and the Word was with God -> omniscience - eternal transcendence
and the Word was God -> omnipotence - infinite potential.
"everything is created in the image of God"
the original trinity identity of God (absolute existence, eternal transcendence, infinite potential)
is within all of existence.
absolute existence - everything has the same origin. everything is made from the same energy.
eternal transcendence - everything is transformed by gaining higher consciousness.
existence is eternal because absolute existence cannot be removed.
infinite potential - since the original identity is the origin of all things, and the original identity is
composed of three unique identities, you can imprint any original identity (4 in total) within each other
to gain an infinity of potential identities.

meat or dead flesh is toxic to the soul. you are not only eating dead energy, you are eating energy that
was killed (stopped from living) just so that you could taste dead energy. how can you access higher
energy when you are ingesting/experiencing the consciousness of brutal violence?

eating the products of animals (eggs, dairy, etc.) that are being held as slaves will cause you to
experience the taste of slavery.
eating the products of animals that live in fear of being killed will cause you to experience the fear of
being killed.

Know what you’re eating, know why you’re eating it and know the source where your food came from.

When the world is shifting from chaos back into order, as the energy cycles faster and faster,
the road gets bumpier and bumpier.

Don’t think about what is weighing you down. Remove the weight by letting go and refocusing your
energy. Learn how to reconnect to the eternal energy. You are an energy being with endless potential.
Access your potential by removing the patterns that block your transformation.

The forest restructures itself according to its needs. The forest realigns the trees when it needs to.

the mountain rises to provide elements and pure water springs.

freezing the water purifies it. Freezing the water re-energizes its natural structure.
freezing the water restores the energy potential of water.

Truth is that which cannot be removed from universal reality.

I want to help everyone. I might or might not be able to help everyone. Help everyone you can so that
we can all help each other, together. Forever.
The mountains gives rise to the springs which turn into rivers which provide water to all of life.
the rivers flow into the oceans. The water in the ocean freezes to purify the cycle. The water in the
oceans evaporate to provide rain so that the land can become fertile. everything in nature is connected.

learn the natural cycles to understand nature better.

How can the universe offer you more when you don’t offer yourself more?

If you feel like your life has stopped having meaning it is because you have become part of a cycle which
can’t offer you purpose, a cycle which can’t allow you to fulfill your potential.

to find real purpose and real meaning, reject the things which drain your energy.

Only after you submerge can you emerge.

trying to control the energy or consciousness is ego.

you letting go of the need to control is selflessness.
selflessness blooms into altruism.
Altruism is the path to ascension.

0 – origin
1 – identity
2 – duality
3 – trinity
4 – paradox
5 – transformation
6 – singularity
7 – destiny
8 – infinity
9 – transcendence
10 – absolute
11 – energy
12 – creation
13 – continuum

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