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Out in Space... Read the article and then answer the questions f ye ote Is there life on other planets? Are we olone? These are two of the biggest questions humans have been asking for many many years. Now, scientists have launched 0 new search to find out if there is... anyoody... out there. The researchers are from the SETI Institute in California. SETI stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The mission of SETI is, ‘to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence’. SETI scientists will use new technologies to scan the universe for signs of alien life. They will share their data with the public. SETI hopes that by sharing dato, ‘citizen scientists’ could spot things missed by scientists. SETI's astronomers will use 28 giant radio telescopes in their search for alien life. The telescopes are located all around the world. It will be the first time that o project will search the entire sky for signs of alien life. The signs they are looking for are called "techno-signatures” These include things like alien chemicals, large amounts of oxygen, non-natural structures, and light from lasers. Astronomer Dr Tony Beasley said: ‘Trying to know if we are alone in the universe as technologically capable life is among the most interesting questions in science.” Another scientist, Jill Tarter, said we are getting closer to finding out if alien life exists. She said "this science is now no longer a fairy tale, but “almost mainstream? 1 Match the words to their meanings for example B=8 A Plonet. - 1. The start, centre or beginning of something B. Scientist — 2. Someone who studies goloxies, stars, and planets C. Launched — 3. Not real, like a fairy tale D. Origin se 4. Is different or foreian E.Citizen ee 5.To be living, to be or to be real F. Alien oe 4A large abject such as Jupiter or Earth that orbits a star. G. Astronomer — 7. Space that contains billions of galaxies, and stars H. Universe ss 8.A person living in a city or town especially LL Exist se 9. To start or set in motion J. Fiction oe 10.Someone who conducts scientific research @OCTOENGLISH | OCTOENGLISH.COM. Out in Space... Work through the tasks to practise your skills 1 Decide if the statements are True or False 1) The article asked whether or not we were alone. T/F 2)The scientists are from an institute in Hawaii, T/F 3) The scientists say they will go to heaven for doing their work. T/F 4) Citizen scientists will help real scientists to spot signs of aliens. T/F 5) Scientists will use 28 radio telescopes to look for alien life. T/F 6) This is the second time scientists have searched the whole sky. T/F 7) Ascientist said we ore getting no closer to finding alien life. T/F 8) Ascientist said science fiction is now like mainstream science. T /F 9) Do you think the world should look for Aliens in space? Why or Why not? 10) Are you interested in learning more about Space? Why or Why not? 2 Write your own story about a journey to space! You and your best friend have won 2 Golden tickets to board the Virgin Galactic to space this summer! Write a story about your trip. Remember to include: Who did you go with? What did you take? Who did you meet? Did you enjoy it? What did you learn? A a « : @OCTOENGLISH | OCTOENGLISH.COM Writing Task Plan your story first! Beginning: Rising Action: Middle/Climax: Falling Action: The End: @OCTOENGLISH | OCTOENGLISH.COM

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