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I am Chandan M P pursuing MBA at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology. I

have undertaken a project on “Social Media Strategies Implication on Consumer
Buying Behavior with Reference to E-Commerce Industry.” I kindly request
you to fill questionnaire. This could be used only for the academic purpose and
will not be used anywhere else.



 Below 18 years
 18-30 years
 31-40 years
 41-50 years
 Above 50 years


 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say

Educational Background

 Post-Graduation
 Graduation
 12th
 10th
 Other

 Salaried- Private sector

 Salaried- Public Sector
 Self Employed
 Student
 Other

Annual Income

 Below 1 Lakh
 1-3 Lakhs
 3-5 Lakhs
 Above 5 Lakhs


 Urban
 Semi Urban
 Rural
1. Do you use social Media?
Yes No
2. You use social Media for:
 To stay up-to-date
 To fill up spare time
 General networking
 To search product info
3. Type of social media you use:
 Facebook
 Instagram
 Whatsapp
 Snapchat
Other specify_________________.
4. Do you shop online?
Yes No (if no skip to question no.17)

5. Which shopping site do you most prefer for online purchasing?

 Flipkart
 Amazon
 Snapdeal
 Other, Specify……………….

6. Which factor influence you to buy online?

 Convenience
 Better Prices
 More Variety
 Easy Price Comparisons
 Home Delivery
 Time Saving
 Easy payment

7. Do you pay attention to advertisement on social Media websites?

Yes No

8. Which factors of the advertisement drive your attention towards

buying product?
 Content
 Product image/ Video
 Offers/ Discounts
 Brand
 Ambassadors

9. How often do you shop online through the advertisement link on

social media?
1. Frequently (once a week)
2. Regularly (at least once a month)
3. Occasionally (once in 2-4 months)
4. Rarely (Once in a year)
5. According to the need
6. Never
10. How did you get the idea of buying specific brand through an online
(a) Referred by friend/family
(b) Saw an online advertisement
(c) Saw an offline advertisement
(d) I was waiting for launch of this product since long
(e) Other

11. Social Media influence buying decisions:

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neither agree nor Disagree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
12. You watch the complete advertisement on the social media.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neither agree nor Disagree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
13. Advertisement on social media influence your on buying behavior.
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neither agree nor Disagree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

14. Advertisement on social media is more attractive than any other

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neither agree nor Disagree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
15. How do you come to know about the discounts by E-commerce
 Friends
 Website
 Social media add
 Newspaper/ Magazines
16. What is your preferred source of information for your buying
 Company’s website
 Social Media
 Friends & Relatives
 Advertisements on print media

17. Which factor influence you to avoid online shopping?

 Financial Risk
 Product Risk
 Convince Risk
 Non-Delivery
 Return Policy
18. Have you Experienced Online Shopping?
Yes NO
19. Rate the Online shopping over offline shopping. Where 1 as least and
10 as best
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20. Any suggestions regarding Social media advertisement of E-
commerce company.

Thank you for filling the questionnaire.

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