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The first three commandments remind us to prioritize God; choosing Him in every circumstance,

every time. The first one is telling us to make Him above everything and to demolish every idol that we
are worshipping still in our lives whether abstract or concrete. The second one tells us to be conscious of
His name’s honor for it is above us all. The third reminds us to have some time only for Him; a time to
soak into His holy presence, a time to give full service to Him.

In this time of isolation with the social distancing enforced upon all, some may find it hard to
make time for the Lord. Some may find themselves sulking and doing nothing everyday that they would
even be too lazy just to pray.

In the midst of this crisis, I aimed to build a more intimate relationship with the Lord. I wanted
to be closer to Him since I have more free time. Furthermore, isn’t that what we should be doing? We
need a miracle and who could give it? So, every day, I would make sure to have time for Him at night
specifically. I would sing praises and worship when all my family members would already be peacefully
resting in slumber. I would reach out my hand and even dance depending on my mood. After that, I
would have a short prayer asking Him to let me feel His presence. Then I would read the bible and feel
as if He’s talking to me. Then I would again pray, confessing to Him all that I’ve done, thanking Him of all
things and asking Him the desires of my heart. I would talk to Him like a Father, a master, and a friend at
the same time. Aside from that, I also participate in the daily bible study spearheaded by my aunt and
learn and grow.

This way, I never grow bored or lonely. I feel joy and He’s the source.

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