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1. According to the book of Proverbs, what is the most concrete way of honoring our parents?

According to the book of Proverbs, honoring our parents means we must listen and
obey them. The book also mentioned that we must respect them even until they are old.

2. Enumerate the different duties of children to their parents as given in the book of Sirach.

First is to respect them, second is to have gratitude since because of them we are born,
third is to obey and listen to them, fourth is to listen to their advices, and fifth is to take care of
them at old age.

3. Why is the duty towards our parents not limited to the time when they are still providing you
with your needs but extends to their old age, especially in their time of illness and distress?

This is because God tells us to do so. It is our way of gratitude for our parents who
nurtured us and brought us to this world.

4. What is the premise behind why children should always obey their parents?

Children should always obey their parents because it is what God wants. It is in one of
His commandments which orders us to honor our parents which means that it is part and parcel
of our Christianity. It is meant to be a loving response not only to God but also to our parents.

5. When can children cease to obey their parents?

The bible says not to disobey our parents but there are times when children must
disobey their parents like if their parents push them to do things that are against what God
wants or if the parents push them to do a sin.

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