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For the Love Of (or, the roller derby play) by Gina Femia


We don't just give up, throw it to the side and say surrender. We don't

stop because we can't win, that's not why we play, we play to Play. We play

to feed our souls, to keep going, we play for the love of the game, not for

the score. Look around you. This locker room is full of your sisters. Your

teammates. All of us, we all share one heartbeat and when one of us is out

of whack, then we all go out of whack. That's when we lose not because of

what the scoreboard says, not because of what the officials are saying, but

because we stopped trying. We play until we can't go any more and then

we push a little harder. People spend their entire lives searching for

something that they can fight for, and we all found it. We all have it. So let's

fight for the losing score. We're gonna fight until our hearts burst. And then

go a little further. Because we love it. And anything you love, that's

something worth fighting for.

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