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3 Actionable Mindsets to Turbo-Charge Your

Weight-Loss Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

The Mindsets To Get In You Into Action

Once you have the right mindset about how to lose weight, your mind and body finally sync up and the weight
starts melting off.
When you DON’T address your mindset. . .you BLOCK yourself from weight-loss.
Today I’m sharing 3 mindsets that are specifically designed to address the thinking you need to get yourself
into action. Yes, we want to get healthy – and we need train our minds to get us going. It doesn’t happen on
its own and we can’t keep getting frustrated with ourselves.
These 3 mindsets will help make it effortless to jump off the couch and walk away from that chocolate cake to
that skinnier body and sexier clothing that is so in your reach!


Oftentimes we reach our limit of being unhappy with our bodies or the way we are eating, and we vow to eat
no sugar, no sweets, no pasta and exercise 3 times a week. Then, by the middle of the first day, we start feeling
like a failure. We NEED a cookie or small piece of cake in the afternoon or don’t end up getting to the gym as

3 Actionable Mindsets to Turbo-Charge Your

Weight-Loss Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
You do not and should not feel bad about yourself when it’s hard for you to make drastic changes to your day.
It’s hard to go from eating sweets everyday to totally taking them out, or to getting to the gym so frequently
right away. When you try to completely overhaul your life all in one swoop, you get burned out very quickly
and mentally exhaust yourself.
Making huge changes suddenly is not a sustainable way to lose weight.
Instead, I recommend planning to take many of your changes slow, and having compassion for yourself by
understanding that you need time to make the transition. You’ve been leading a certain way of life for some
time, and there are a lot of logistics, planning, cravings, and more involved with changing it.
I recommend a longer-term view to losing weight. Set small, achievable goals, and look at them like steps in a
direction of healthier lifestyle.
Here are some suggestions of how to take small steps to integrate losing weight into your life and you can add
more things in as these become easy.
 Instead of banning sweets completely, set boundaries around how frequently you eat them that are
realistic for you to follow. For example, eat sweets once a week (have a cheat day), or maybe have 1 oz.
of 70% or above dark chocolate after dinner each day if once a week does not seem like enough.
 If you haven’t been going to the gym, plan to go once in the upcoming week. Yes, that’s right, once. It’s
highly probable that you will make it one time, and that will give you positive feelings that you can do
it again, and even increase it over time. Then, you can start to go two times a week, and a few weeks
later, you can aim to add one more time in. If you can’t get in that third time, it’s ok. Keep the 2 times
in and over time you will be motivated to go more times a week.


The best time to accomplish something is when you’re naturally motivated. This may mean in time for your trip
to the Caribbean, your sister’s wedding, the summer or beach time, or your child’s or your birthday party.
When you feel a natural motivation, acknowledge that this motivation won’t last forever. Life is going to
happen, and other priorities WILL come up. So take advantage of your current motivation by starting to
experiment with changes that can be realistic to continue over time.
For example, WHILE you’re motivated:
a) Learn healthy ingredients and recipes that you enjoy, are easy to make and you look forward to, and
start to include them in your life
b) Bring your own lunch to work
c) Learn and start eating a few go-to high energy breakfasts
3 Actionable Mindsets to Turbo-Charge Your
Weight-Loss Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
d) Have a healthy snack each day
By establishing healthy habits during these times of motivation, once that peak busy time at work comes, or
your other responsibilities start creeping up again and you don't have as much time to think about being
healthy anymore, you won’t have to feel guilty for not being healthy – you will have a system set up for yourself
that works and you can continue to follow.


Many days we wake up wanting to be healthy, but we just don’t feel like it. Having buttery toast with our eggs
or a big scrumptious bagel sounds so good. We sometimes talk ourselves into eating foods we know are
unhealthy because we say, “I just feel like having this today.”
When you make one decision that is not healthy, it makes it so much harder to be healthier later that day.
Unhealthy foods cause us to crave other unhealthy foods, and it’s a cycle that becomes hard to break.
When you put your feelings aside and make the healthy choice – even if you don’t feel like it - your feelings
will catch up. It’s a reverse way to look at your decisions. Instead of saying, “Even though I want to do x, because
I feel y, I will do z,” instead say, “I want to do x, so I will do x, no matter how I feel.”
Your feelings will catch up to you. It is hard at first, I want you to know. You have to literally fight your cravings,
make decisions that seem to be going against your body. . . but within minutes after you make that decision
you will feel amazing.
Make the decision today for one thing you are going to do tomorrow. As with my other mindsets, don’t
overwhelm yourself. But make a decision, and then don’t let it be emotional. If you want to have a lean, high-
protein breakfast, just do it. If you want to go grocery shopping, just do it.
Those actions will soon become second-nature to you and you will WANT to do them.

Nagina Abdullah is the founder of and a weight-loss coach
for busy women. Nagina lost 40 pounds after 2 kids and while working in a
demanding management consulting career in NYC. She helps other busy
women get skinnier and sexier using her effortless weight-loss method of
mindset shifts, delicious meals and fat-burning seasonings (without
spending their life in the gym!). Nagina has been featured on Fox News, Mind
Body Green, and Woman’s World Magazine. She shares her FREE Weight-Loss
Recipe Book for Busy Women with 7 easy recipes at her website,

3 Actionable Mindsets to Turbo-Charge Your

Weight-Loss Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

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