MUSI1160 GP1 Fall2017 PDF

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MUSI 1160: Group Piano Level I

(Sections 01, 02, 03, 04, 05)

Syllabus, Fall 2017

Room: MSM 212

Instructors: Dr. Courtney Crappell
Office Hours: by appointment

Required Text
1. Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults (Book One), 2ed by E. L. Lancaster & Kennon Renfrow.
Van Nuys, California: Alfred Publishing Co. 2004.

2. Music for Sight Singing, 6th ed., Benjamin, Horvit & Nelson. (same as required text for
Aural Skills sequence)

Course Description
An introduction to piano playing for music majors. In addition to covering general technical
principals, students will develop the skills to play major and minor 5-finger patterns, one-
octave major scales, to read music from the grand staff in major and minor keys (up to four
sharps/flats), and play diatonic chords in the major mode.

Grading and Calendar

20% Quizzes
20% Exam 1: During week 6 that begins Monday, Sept. 25
20% Haunted Exam 2: During week 11, which begins Monday, Oct. 30
40% Final Exams:
Section 01 (MW 9am): Mon. Dec. 11 8-11am
Section 02 (MW10am): Mon. Dec. 13 11am-2pm
Section 03 (TTh 2pm): Tues. Dec. 12 2-5pm (in MSM, rm. 231)
Section 04 (TTh 10am): Tues. Dec. 12 11am-2pm
Section 05 (MW 1pm): Mon. Dec. 11 2-5pm

In supplement to this general outline, a detailed course calendar and list of assignments is
available on Blackboard. Plan to access it regularly.

Quizzes and Exams

Expect regular unannounced quizzes during any class period to cover material covered and
assigned in class and on the detailed course calendar and assignment spreadsheet available on
Blackboard. Assigned scales, chords, and harmonic progressions are cumulative for each
subsequent quiz and exam. At quizzes and exams, students will be expected to perform any
item from the list of course assignments. Many assignments will not be practiced in class or
discussed by the instructor and must be prepared during practice sessions outside of class.

Exam grade weights are divided equally between exam elements (e.g. repertoire, technique,
harmonization, etc.). Several exam components might be tested during class periods leading up
to exam weeks.

Students must achieve a passing grade on the final exam in order to receive a passing
grade for the course.

Students who are late for exams will receive a grade of zero for the sections missed. Make-up
exams may be allowed only if notice is given prior to the scheduled time and appropriate
documentation is provided. An approved make-up exam must take place within one week of
the scheduled exam.

Final Exam: In accordance with university policy, this exam day and time cannot be changed.
If you have a conflict with another official university exam or event, discuss possible
accommodations with the instructor in advance.

Grading Scale
Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale: A+ (97-100), A (93-96), A-
(90-92), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), F (69 and
below). D’s are reserved for special circumstances at the discretion of the instructor.

Class Attendance
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class and absences will be factored into the
final grade. Students are allowed two unexcused absences over the course of the semester. For
each subsequent unexcused absence, five percentage points will be deducted from the final

Two tardies will equal one unexcused absence. Being “on time” means that you are present
when the door is closed and class begins. Students that are more than 15 minutes late will be
considered absent. After the fourth absence, a student will be dropped from the class.

Students with previous piano experience should plan to spend at least 30-40 minutes each day
practicing your class piano assignments. Students without previous experience should plan to
spend 40 minutes to an hour each day at the piano.

Mobile Devices
Please leave cellular phones, mp3 players, or other mobile devices packed and stored away
from the keyboards during class. These devices can introduce interference into the
communication system in the classroom and disrupt class activities.

Academic Honesty
Students are expected to observe the Academic Honesty polices outlined in the University of
Houston Student Handbook.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties
managing stress, adjusting to college, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS
( by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine
appointments or if you or someone you know is in crisis. Also, there is no appointment
necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, which is a drop-in consultation service at convenient
locations and hours around campus.


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