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MANIFEST What You Want FASTER! (law of attraction)

Examples of Questions to ask during meditation 

I. Positive “What”, “Where”, “How” and “Who” Questions

a. What area of my life do I need to change immediately to increase my finance and thrive in abundance?
b. What can I do more or less of to attract my perfect partner?
c. How can I be more magnetic and increase my circle of friends?
d. How can I move more quickly towards the career I'm interested in?
e. Where could I go that would increase my chance of manifesting my intention?
f. Who can help me reach my goal faster?

II. What if style question

1. What if I want comes to me exactly as I've imagined it?
2. What if something better than what I want comes to me?
3. What if everything that I think is negative is actually pushing me towards my desires?
4. What if everything is being worked out for me without me having to do anything about it?
5. What if I came into a windfall of money in a very unexpected way?
6. What if my perfect partner just showed up in my life randomly?

III. What would it look like if

1. What would it look (feels) like if I had that car I want?
2. What would it look (feels) like to spend time with my partner of my dreams?
3. What would it look (feels) like to be completely secure in my finances?
4. What would it look (feels) like if to go on my dream vacation?
5. What would it look (feels) like to have everything I want?

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