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KUMPULAN SOAL UTN 2018 dan 2017

By Dedi ( Aceh )

1. Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Siswa Di Dorong Untuk Mengemukakan Pendapat Memilih
Pilihannya Sendiri, Melakukan Apa Yang Diinginkannya dan Menanggung Resiko dari prilaku
yang di tunjukkan. Guru menerima ….
Deskripsi tersebut adalah teori Belajar

a. Behaviorisme
b. Kontruktivisme
c. Humanisme
d. Kognitivisme

2. Baby Orangutans In Indonesia are going to school to learn to find food and make a nest ….
1. Baby Orangutans In Indonesia are going to school to learn to find food and make a nest ….
2. After they learn these skills, the young apes can return to the wild and survive on their own.
The two sentences above shows
a. Contrast
b. Cause - Effect
c. Process - relationship
d. Alternative

3. Baby Orangutans In Indonesia are going to school to learn to find food and make a nest. After
they learns these skills, the young apes can return to the wild and survive on their own.

What type of relationship is shown from the underlined sentence in the paragraph

a. Contrast
b. Addition
c. Option
d. Result

4. Bu Susi sedang mengajar reading Text, tiba tiba ada seorang siswa angkat tangan dan
menyampaikan kalau ia sama sekali tidak paham isi teksnya. Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh bu
Susi ?
a. Bu Susi bersama para siswa membahas isi teks
b. Bu Susi meminta siswa menerjemahkan teks ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia
c. Bu Susi memberikan List of vocabularies
d. Bu Susi meminta siswa mengerjakan soal soal

5. Pro and Con of Computer For Students
Do You know that most of school and colleges strongly recommend students to have computer

Students are caught up in the mystiques of the smart machines. It means that …

a. Computer will make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to done by
b. Computer can also give negative impacts for a student
c. Students who usually work with computer tend to have a few physical activities and
d. Students who usually work with computer can search many things

6. Last year the worst ever for refugee number. The United Nations ( U.N) said that in 2015.
65.3 millions ..
Where are refugees mostly from ?
a. Asia`s Countries
b. Middle East Countries
c. Africa`s countries
d. South America

7. The blue whale is the largest living animal to have ever lived on the planet earth….
The Text is probably appeared in ..
a. Textbook
b. Story Book
c. Cooking Book
d. Encyclopedia

8. U.N. say refugee numbers at record level

( 22nd June, 2016 )
Last year the worst ever for refugee number. The United Nations ( U.N) said that in 2015. 65.3
millions ..

According to the Text, what can be done to solve the problem ?

a. Provide asylum
b. Political action to stop conflict
c. Tighten the immigration
d. Build the borders

9. The past years the use of the television and the internet has increased, this situation has caused
many people to change their likes and the way that they ……..

According to the writer, imagination can help you to develop …

a. The knowledge
b. Health and fame
c. Our professional career In a creative way
d. ..

10. The purpose of learning is to develop social skills of interaction and turn taking. The material for
the activity should include …

a. Series of story
b. Role cards
c. Songs
d. Flashcards and word of picture


B. People put the warning at home

12. Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Beberapa prinsip dasar yang menjadi landasan guru adalah
mengutamakan makna, dialog berpusat pada fungsi komunikatif dan bukan merupakan
memorisasi , kontekstualisasi merupakan premis utama dan belajar bahasa adalah belajar
berkomunikasi . prinsip termasuk merupakan ciri …
a. Community approach
b. Direct method
c. Audilingual Method
d. Communicative approach

13. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan guru yang dapat meningkatkan ketrampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi
atau higher of thinking skills adalah …
a. Mengidentifikasi permasalahan siswa secara objektif
b. Mendesain program pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif bagi siswa
c. Merencanakan materi ajar yang akan di sampaikan di kelas
d. Memahami kondisi social dan lingkungan sekitar

14. Recently , we have heard more and more discussion about the real benefits of home work.
Some at home ..
The passage mainly deals with..
a. Endless debate over roles of homework
b. Benefits and drawbacks of homework
c. Pros and con for subjects with homework
d. Argument for pupils to have of homework

15. Researchers Find Einstein`s Space Waves

( 14 Februari 2016)
Scientist saw something amazing …
The Sentence one hundred years later , the researchers proved he was rights means ?
a. For one hundred years later, the researchers finally succeed to prove the theory of
Einsteins space waves
b. Albert Einstein found the theory of waves
c. Scientist at the beginning search the theory of space wave
d. Gravitational waves important


a. Professional estimate
b. Home Repair Service
c. Construction service
d. Home designer

17. Handyman is professional at the following service except …
a. Sliding
b. Mounting
c. Molding
d. Painting

18. Monas national monument is a 132 meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square Central
The capital of the state means ..
a. Center of administration
b. Center of attention
c. Center of services
d. Center of point

19. A.U.S. Company is paying employees to sleep more. Staff at the insurance company At least
seven hours a night. They will …

Why does a number of studies warn that not sleeping enough can affect the ability to do the…
a. Staff can record their sleep automatically using a wrist monitor or manually
b. Staff will get just over a dollar for each night the sleep over seven hours
c. Staff who slept less than seven hours per night did much less work than workers who
d. Staff at the insurance company Aetna will get 300 dollar a year extra if they sleep at least
seven hours

20. Dalam belajar yang penting adalah input yang berupa stimulus dan output yang berupa respon.
Stimulus adalah apa saja yang diberikan guru kepada pembelajar sedangkan respon berupa …
Konsep tersebut adalah prinsip dari teori ..
a. Kognitivisme
b. Humanisme
c. Behaviorisme
d. Kontruktivisme

21. Pencil and paper test akan menunjukkan …

a. Apa saja yang diketahui siswa tentang strategies in using language
b. Yang diketahui oleh siswa untuk konten yang lebih spesifik
c. Seberapa baik siswa dapat berkomunikasi
d. Bagaimana siswa dapat menerjemahkan bahasa target

22. The Piranha is a much …

The piranha is a much-maligned fish. Most people think that this is a deadly creature that swarms
through rivers and creeks of the Amazon rainforest looking for victims to tear apart. And woe betide
anyone unlucky enough to be in the same water as a shoal of piranhas. It takes only a few minutes for the
vicious piranhas to reduce someone to a mere skeleton.
The truth is that the piranha is really a much more nuanced animal than the mindless killer depicted in the
media. In fact, piranhas are a group made up of approximately twelve different species. Each piranha
species occupies its own ecological niche. One type of piranha takes chunks out of the fins of other fish.
Another type eats fruit falling from trees into the river. Each piranha species plays a unique role in the
ecology of the rainforest floodplains. So what should you do next time you hear someone talking about
the “deadly piranha”? You can remind them that the piranha is not always the notorious killer fish that the
tough, muscular heroes of popular nature television shows would have us believe.
1) The primary purpose of the author is to

A. correct misconceptions about the piranha

B. illustrate the importance of piranhas in rainforest ecology
C. describe two different species of piranhas
D. instruct the reader on what to say if someone describes the piranha as “deadly”

2) In paragraph 1, the author most likely uses the old-fashioned expression “woe betide” to

A. highlight the danger posed by piranhas

B. suggest that the reputation of the piranha is well-deserved
C. emphasize the sarcastic tone
D. indicate that the passage was written in the 19th century

3) In paragraph 1, the author uses hyperbole—characterized by the use of exaggeration for effect—to
describe the piranha. The author most likely uses hyperbole to

A. frame an argument that is supported in a later paragraph

B. create ambiguity so the reader cannot be sure which position the writer supports
C. juxtapose the myth of the piranha with the truth about the fish
D. evoke vivid images of nature television shows in the reader’s mind

4) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best definition for unique?

A. irreplaceable
B. important
C. individual
D. unusual

5) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best synonym for notorious?

A. celebrated
B. disreputable
C. notable
D. renowned

23. Using solar energy to meet your power demands does not only make you more environmentally
friendly, it may actually save you money. Its win-win situation
What is the benefit of using solar energy related to our financial problem ?
a. To make our environment healthy
b. To reduce the expenses
c. To help other people
d. To increase the bill

24. Using solar energy to meet your power demands does not only make you more environmentally
friendly, it may actually save you money. Its win-win situation
What is the benefit of using solar energy related to our financial problem ?
a. Less payment
b. Save the money
c. Create the money
d. Less money

25. The osteria Francescana Restaurant

A restaurant in Italy has been named as the best in the world. The osteria …

The text describe the restaurant in terms of its …

a. Food
b. Location
c. Service
d. Achievement

26. Once there were fat couple. Named Apal Gumok and the wife. Apal`s wife was a scold. Because
Apal was not a good hunter and was not a good fisherman. His wife …

What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

a. Apal met a witch who wanted him to marry her
b. Apal met a witch who wanted to help him
c. Apal was hunting in the jungle and met a pink pig
d. Apal had to marry witch and kill his wife

27. Penilaian Proyek adalah penilaian kerja terhadap tim. Salah satu pertimbangan penilaian proyek
terkait pengelolaan tim adalah..
a. Mempertimbangkan kondisi kemampuan dan karakteristik siswa
b. Mempertimbangkan daya dukung lingkungan
c. Mempertimbangkan sarana prasarana sekolah
d. Mempertimbangkan kondisi dan situasi sekolah

28. An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being of killing her employer .
the Saudi Arabia Inferior Minister Said. The Woman was beheaded in the southern Asir province
in what was the second execution …
Who was accused to be a murder?
a. A minister
b. An employer
c. A female boss
d. A house maid

29. Salah satu kelebihan dari paper and pencil test adalah ….
a. Kontruksi soal mudah
b. Mudah dalam model interaksi
c. Dapat digunakan dalam kelas besar
d. Mudah dalam pengaturan kelas

30. Wild Weather across the country has claimed ..

Wild weather in the text above means?.
a. disaster
b. floodwater
c. volcanic
d. ..

31. Lusi : I Saw farhan in the canteen ….

Lulu : He _________ feel unhealthy
a. Will
b. Could
c. May
d. Should

32. Deskripsi yang paling sesuai bagi guru membuat kumpulan hasil kegiatan belajar siswa dalam
satu tempat .. dan informasi ini bermanfaat untuk memantau kemajuan kesulitan .. kemajuan dan
perkembangan siswa disebut …
a. Pencil and paper test
b. Self assesment
c. Oral test
d. Portofolio

33. Prinsip-prinsip penyusunan materi ajar bahasa inggris adalah ..
a. Materi disusun dari yang sederhana ke kompleks , dari yang mudah ke yang sulit sesuai
dengan perkembangan siswa
b. Materi Bahasa Inggris disusun dari vocabulary, tenses, paragraph dan essay
c. Materi Bahasa Inggris disusun berdasarkan urutan skill yang dipelajari yaitu speaking,
listening , reading and writing
d. Materi ajar sesuai dengan tema kontekstual yang terjadi di Negara penutur Bahasa Inggris

34. Mengapa dalam menentukan Materi Ajar harus mengacu pada KI dan KD ?
a. Karena sebelum menentukan materi pembelajaran terlebih dahulu perlu didentifikasi aspek
aspek keutuhan kompetensi yang harus dipelajari atau dikuasai peserta didik
b. Karena KI dan KD sudah ada dalam permen dan harus dilaksanakan, oleh karena itu guru
harus memilih materi ajar
c. Karena pemilihan materi ajar sangat penting untuk mencapai KI dan KD
d. Karena materi ajar adalah bahan untuk mencapai KI dan KD dan setiap KI dan KD
memerlukan materi yang berbeda-beda dalam kegiatan pembelajaran , termasuk ranah
kognitif, psikomotor ataukah afektif.

35. Gaya Belajar anak Visual berbeda dengan Auditori dan Kinestetik . andi adalah siswa SMA ?
a. Kinestetik
b. Visual
c. Auditori
d. Multiple

36. The great Pyramid in Giza

What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?
a. It took begin of thousands of workers twenty years to build
b. Although most the block weigh two or three tons some wigh up 80
c. The great pyramid was bulid around 2560 BC. A little more than 4500 years ago
d. The pyramid contains one two millions stone blocks

37. Family Planning

Most people agree

a. High quality
b. Man – made
c. Natural
d. Home made

38. The Rats and the elephants
Once upon time their lived group of mice under a tree ..

When did the main problem start to take place ?

a. When the elephant hunters trapped the king of the elephants

b. When the elephants made an agreement with the rats
c. When the elephant hunter trapped the Rats
d. When the hunters came into the woods

39. Dick , Carry and Carey menyatakan bahwa instructional goal atau tujuan pembelajaran
merupakan perancangan pembelajaran. Tujuan pembelajaran dirumuskan secara jelas dengan
kriteria sebagai berikut ..
a. Pernyataan yang singkat dan jelas
b. Pernyataan yang panjang dan berbelit belit
c. Pernyataan yang berisi penjelasan atas indikator2
d. Pernyataan yang jelas mengenai apa yang akan dilakukan oleh pembelajar sebagai
hasil dari suatu

40. ……………. ( Ga nampak Soalnya )

a. Lack of flavors
b. Cheap ingredient
c. Mediocre activity
d. Expensive price
41. Brahmin
A thief had seen bullocks “ …
What is the story about …
a. A man who set life free from a bullock thief
b. A clever thief who fooled the demon
c. A man who saved his life from his enemy
d. A man who managed this life by his discipline help

42. National Exam

National exam become hot topic in most of discussions. Though supreme Court has rejected an
appeal by the government ….…
What does the hot topic mean ?
a. The most important topic
b. The most accurate
c. The most debatable topic
d. The most popular topic

43. A few years ago , distance learning was seen as an inferior way but nowadays even famous and
established …
Regarding the individuals learning style, some students are able to learn when where there is a
live intelligence …

What is the best title for the text above?

a. Modern method for learning
b. Distance learning
c. Advantages and disadvantage of distance learning
d. .. ( ga da foto nya )

44. Pelajar tidak hanya berprilaku seperti tape recorder , merekam dalam ingatan mereka tentang apa
yang di sajikan . sebaliknya ….

a. Behaviorisme
b. Kognitivisme
c. Humanism
d. Kontruktivisme

45. Notice ( ada Gambar Buku warna Biru )

All Visitors must register at office
What can we conclude from the office above ?

a. It is necessary for all visitors to write the attendance

b. It is necessary for all visitors to come to the office
c. It is must for all visitors to register their arrival
d. It is okay for all visitors to stay at the office

46. Soal PASTA

Get it half. The underlined means …

D. Purchase

47. Soal PASTA Juga

Which food not include in the offer ?

a. Pasta
b. Larger pizza
c. Small pizza
d. Soft drink

48. Soal Restaurant Cirebon

D. Nasi Jamblang


A. Additional explanation

50. ..

C. Skala penilaian

51. ..

B. Students who connect the internet can search several books from library

52. …

C. Kurikulum harus lentur tidak kaku terutama dalam pelaksanaan

53. ..

A. Organization . logical development or ideas, grammar, punctuation and spelling


A. Appliance


A. Operasi formal


D. Whereas


E. Organization, logical development of ideas, grammar punctuation and spelling…


B. War


C. But


B. It is cheap and Less Pollution


d. realia

62. .

B. only women are allowed to use the toilet

63. .

d. the writer and readers


B. identifikasi masalah, analisis masalah …


A. Students


A. Could you do me a favor


B. Starbuck support to reduce waste and recycle it


A. Employer with educated employee


A. Comparison


C. Guru mereview materi, guru memberikan feedback dan follow up guru memberi
salam penutup


B. To aks the students have to be nice and friendly to the corners


A. Must


B. Menyelingi dengan penjelasan yang agak humor, bertanya pada siswa atau memberi


C. pronoun


A. It is helpful in documenting life and a wonderful a log off happen in your life

76. Learning English Through Music and son is fun

In that sentence , the function of conjunction in addition is

a. To inform
b. To give some reason
c. To add more explanation
d. ..

77. The Pure Cool Link

The new air

According to the text an example of a pollutant is ..
a. Ash
b. Dust
c. Air
d. Trashes



a. Chunk and chew


C. Fungsi perencanaan pembelajaran


B. Effect and reason


C. Relax saat berbicara


A. Not as cute as adult baby


A. The needs of English


B. No. it does not the national exam only measures a small portion


A. Need not


A. Tingkat Perkembangan Anak


A. We should do the strange thing

89. The Pure Cool Link

The new air

Function …
a. Ash
b. Dust
c. Air
d. Trashes




B. Finding a place




96. .


98. .












110. .
111. .
112. .
113. .
114. .
115. .
116. .
117. .
118. .
119. .
120. .
121. .
122. a


1. Giving Children Home Work ( Is It Necessary … )

2. U.N. Says Refugee
3. Jika ada anak yang mahir bahasa Inggris, Guru Harus ..
4. Scientist – Logical Connector ( Einstein ..
5. The Giank Oak ( Synonym of Breeze )
6. However – Function of logical connector
7. Anak di Tugaskan membawa majalah ke dalam kelas , guru harus..
8. Notice “ No Smoking “Not Permitted means ..
9. The Brahmin – Demon disappear ?
10. Baby Orang Utans – Two sentence ..
11. Rubric penilaian Writing ..
12. Pembelajaran Reading – anak bertanya grammar
13. U.N refugee – how to solve the problem ..
14. Ads Restaurant Cirebon- Text talk about ..
15. Nintendo – Cohesive Device
16. Columbus – discoveries means
17. Video Game – Will children tend to be criminal ?
18. Giant Oak – Moral Value
19. Online Jobs – main Idea
20. Learning English Through music

21. Corruption – reference
22. Ciri emosional remaja ..
23. Gaya Belajar – Visual , auditori kinestetik …
24. Teori belajar, Guru Menerima siswa apa adanya
25. Ads Boots “ Logical Fallacy
26. Gesang – due synonym ?
27. Teknik belajar – read – pause – read
28. Media
29. Columbus – Synonym Fascinating
30. Kegiatan Guru Agar HOTS
31. Video Game
32. Communicative Approach
33. House maid in Saudi Arabia
34. Hung Yung ( Narrative Text )
35. Blue Whale
36. National Exam
37. Materi Ajar Harus …
38. After Graduation …
39. Television Today ..
40. Ginny`s Ads ..
41. Pure Cool Link
42. Family Planning
43. Homework for children
44. Integritas Pak Andi
45. Announcement “ ECC “
46. Distance Learning
47. Distance Learning
48. Puppy As Pet
49. Corruption
50. Dollar
51. Blank dialogue
52. Fungsi Evaluasi
53. Mrs. Debby Magdalena
54. Fungsi Perencanaan Pembelajaran
55. Mingling Activities
56. Blue Whale
57. Samsung
58. DS Company
59. Close Activity
60. Lorena Orchoa
61. Animal Testing
62. FB
63. Piranha
64. Starbucks

65. Osteria Restaurant
66. Caution “ Warning “ High Voltage
67. Tourism Benefit For
68. The Use Of TV and Internet
69. Announcement Garuda Indonesia
70. Home Office
71. Breakfast
72. Boarding School Education
73. Hummingbird
74. Fase Operasi Formal
75. Corruption
76. ..

Selamat Mengikuti Ujian …

Dedi ( Aceh )


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