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Shelley C. Rankin, BSc (Hons), PhD

animal facilities with various Salmonella enterica serotypes as the

causative organisms.6-8 Specific reports of nosocomial infection in
• Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infection is defined as any dogs and cats remain limited.5 Since 1978 organisms such as Serratia
infection that is neither present nor incubating when a patient is
admitted to a hospital. marcescens, Salmonella species, Clostridium perfringens, Acinetobacter
• Risk factors for nosocomial infection in intensive care unit (ICU) baumannii, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium difficile have been impli-
patients include severity of underlying illness, prolonged length of cated as causes of nosocomial infection in dogs and cats.6,9-13 The
stay, mechanical ventilation, indwelling devices, and antibiotic use. bacteria responsible for nosocomial infection in ICUs originate either
• Multiple antibiotic resistance is common among nosocomial from the patient’s own endogenous flora or from exogenous sources.
Nosocomial infections derived from endogenous flora may occur in
• Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. are emerging in dogs
and cats. patients receiving chemotherapy, glucocorticoid therapy, or antimi-
• The reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens include people, animals, crobial therapy. In contrast to endogenous infections, exogenous
fomites, air currents, water, food sources, insects, and rodents. infections are prevented more easily by standard or specific precau-
The spread of pathogens in hospitals occurs primarily via the tions devised to reduce the overall rate of transmission.14 Reviews of
hands of personnel. nosocomial infections in veterinary medicine provide data on the
• Establishment of biosecurity nosocomial infection control
pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and strategies for the prevention
programs must become a priority in veterinary hospitals.
• Zoonosis is a disease that can be transmitted from animals to of urinary tract infections, surgical site infections, bloodstream infec-
humans. A more technical definition is a disease that normally tions, pneumonia, and diarrhea.15,16
exists in animals but that can infect humans. Many organisms
can cause zoonotic disease.
Although ill-defined in veterinary medicine, independent risk factors
for nosocomial infection acquisition in the critically ill patient can
In human health care settings, nosocomial infection is defined as any be extrapolated from human studies. Prolonged length of hospital
infection that is neither present nor incubating when a patient is stay, mechanical ventilation, and indwelling devices (i.e., intravascu-
admitted to a hospital. In 1988 the Centers for Disease Control and lar or urinary catheters and nasogastric or endotracheal tubes) are
Prevention proposed more specific definitions, and it now is accepted well-recognized risk factors.1 Many intrinsic, patient-related factors
generally that infections are considered to be nosocomial if they also have been identified and include patient demographics (e.g., age,
develop at least 48 hours after hospital admission without proven gender), comorbidities, and severity of underlying illness, which is
prior incubation.1 In addition, if infections occur up to 3 days after the most widely reported risk factor. Patient-specific risk factors are
discharge or within 30 days of a surgical procedure, they are attrib- related to general health and immune status, respiratory status, neu-
uted to the admitting hospital.1 These definitions are accepted in rologic status, and fluid status. The most significant risk factors in
human health care and, although they may require refinement in the ICU are trauma, especially when associated with open fractures
veterinary medicine, they stand unchallenged. and antimicrobial use. Risk factors for dogs becoming carriers of
Hospitalization of sick animals can lead to an increased risk of multidrug-resistant (MDR) E. coli during hospitalization have been
infection, and various policies have been proposed to reduce the risk shown to include hospitalization for more than 6 days, treatment
of nosocomial infection in veterinary medicine.2-4 In addition to with cephalosporins before admission, treatment with cephalospo-
patient care concerns, many nosocomial pathogens are well recog- rins for less than 1 day, and treatment with metronidazole while
nized as zoonotic agents, so infection control policies should address hospitalized.17 Several less well-acknowledged factors also have been
the issue of animal-to-human transmission.2 suggested as contributing factors. Among them, understaffing and
overcrowding in the ICU have been well documented as causes of
NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS IN DOGS AND CATS cross-transmission of nosocomial infections.1

One of the first published reports of nosocomial infection in a vet- MULTIPLE ANTIBIOTIC–RESISTANT
erinary hospital described Klebsiella infection in dogs and one cat in NOSOCOMIAL PATHOGENS
the intensive care unit (ICU) at the New York State College of Veteri-
nary Medicine in 1978.5 Since that time there have been a few well- In an excellent review of the problem of antimicrobial drug use and
characterized studies, but many of these have centered on large resistance in veterinary medicine, Prescott and colleagues state that,


“Despite a possible wealth of data in filing cabinets in veterinary greater potential for transfer to humans and result in disease.25a The
clinical microbiology laboratories around the world, there have been enteric pathogens, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, C. difficile, and
virtually no systematic investigations of changes in antimicrobial E. coli commonly are isolated from animals in the ICU, and all of
drug resistance in bacteria isolated from companion animals over these organisms have been responsible for nosocomial outbreaks in
time, using standard methodologies for assessing resistance.”18 The that setting.7,8,13 Campylobacter species can occur in large numbers as
situation has changed little since that statement was made in 2002. commensals in companion animals, and there is a strong correlation
Although it often is speculated that organisms isolated from between diarrhea and the ability to recover C. jejuni from healthy
nosocomial infection outbreaks in veterinary patients now have an dogs. Salmonella spp., on the other hand, are not normal commensals
increasingly broad spectrum of antimicrobial resistance, there are no of dogs and cats, and the presence of Salmonella in feces likely indi-
active nosocomial infection surveillance systems in this field. Much cates infection. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) have been isolated
of the antibiotic resistance data are derived from “local” surveillance, from dogs and cats with enteritis, and strains have emerged as impor-
and a lack of standardization results in data that are incomparable tant causes of diarrhea in puppies. E. coli is also the most common
from one setting to another.19,20 In terms of the impact of multidrug- cause of urinary tract infections in dogs and cats in the ICU,
resistant (MDR) bacteria with regard to nosocomial infection, the and many strains are now resistant to a wide spectrum of antimicro-
data that have been published agree that resistant bacteria can reduce bial agents. Zoonotic transmission of resistant urinary isolates of
the effectiveness of management.18 E. coli from companion animals to humans has been suggested.26
Data on trends in resistance patterns among nosocomial patho- C. difficile and Enterococcus species are now considered emerging
gens from veterinary sources are few, but the wealth of surveillance zoonotic agents, and this is also true of some veterinary staphylo-
data from human health care systems often can be used as a predictor cocci, particularly methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP)
of what to expect from nosocomial pathogens in veterinary and methicillin-resistant S. schleiferi (MRSS).27,28
patients.21-23 Local surveillance of antibiotic resistance in animal iso- Pathogenic Leptospira species have the potential to infect humans
lates is preferred, but in the absence of such data, extrapolation from and also cause nosocomial infections in animals housed with infected
human surveillance data is encouraged. or shedding animals (see Chapter 124). Leptospires often colonize
Bacterial resistance to β-lactam antibiotics and the β-lactamase proximal convoluted kidney tubules and may be excreted in urine for
inhibitors is becoming increasingly common and threatens to reduce extended periods by dogs that show no clinical symptoms. The
the clinical spectrum of these drugs. In particular, organisms that carrier state may be as short as a few days or may extend throughout
produce extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and plasmid- the life of the animal. The primary routes of infection for dogs are
mediated AmpC enzymes are posing unique challenges in clinical direct contact (oral, conjunctival), venereal and placental transfer,
situations.20 Although the prevalence of ESBLs is not known, it is bite wounds, and ingestion of contaminated water or meat.
thought to be increasing, and in many parts of the world 10% to 40% The cutaneous mycoses of animals are caused primarily by
of strains of E. coli and K. pneumoniae produce such enzymes. Novel Microsporum and Trichophyton species and are well-recognized
β-lactamases also are becoming especially important among diverse zoonotic agents that cause ringworm in humans and can be acquired
gram negative pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. enterica from contact with infected animals or fomites. Dermatophyte spores
serotype Typhimurium, Proteus mirabilis, and A. baumannii.24 The gain entry into the skin through minor trauma such as abrasions.
source of these novel enzymes is unknown, but their presence on Uncommon, but perhaps emerging, zoonotic agents that may be
plasmids and ready transferability among pathogens of different found in veterinary patients also include a variety of Mycobacterium
genera is of concern. Organisms that produce ESBLs are found com- species, Malassezia pachydermatis, Candida albicans, Brucella canis,
monly in those areas of the hospital environment where antimicro- and MDR strains of P. aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
bial use is frequent and the patient’s condition is critical, and these Undoubtedly, as veterinary nosocomial infection surveillance systems
resistant organisms cause increased morbidity and mortality.24 improve, a host of additional pathogenic or MDR organisms will be
reclassified as zoonotic.
The simplest definition of a zoonosis is a disease that can be transmit- IN DOGS AND CATS
ted from animals to humans. A more technical definition is a disease
that normally exists in animals but that can infect humans. Some Consistent with a generalized increase in β-lactam resistance, several
authors further subdivide the concept into zooanthroponosis, infec- reports in the veterinary literature have described an increase in the
tions that humans can acquire from animals, and anthropozoonosis, prevalence of MRSA strains isolated from dogs and cats.29,30 In 1998
a disease of humans that is transmissible to other animals. A com- a Korean veterinary hospital representative reported three small
prehensive literature review has identified 1415 species of infectious nosocomial clusters of MRSA infection in hospitalized dogs. Isolates
organism known to be pathogenic to humans and out of these, 868 were obtained from 12 dogs and were recovered from the anterior
(61%) are zoonotic.25 Overall, 19% are viruses or prions, 31% are nares, catheters, conjunctiva, a postoperative wound, and a skin
bacteria or rickettsia, 13% are fungi, 5% are protozoa, and 32% are lesion.31 A further description of MRSA infection in dogs from the
helminths. Thirty-five percent of zoonoses can be transmitted by United Kingdom reported that in 8 of 11 dogs the infection likely
direct contact, 61% by indirect contact, 22% by vectors, and for 6% was contracted during surgical procedures, most commonly during
the transmission route is unknown. Only 33% of zoonotic species repair of traumatic fractures.32 Of the 11 dogs, three suffered from
are known to be transmissible between humans and only 3% are chronic pyoderma that was not responsive to routine antimicrobial
considered to have their main reservoir in human populations; the management. The MRSA infection resolved or improved in nine of
main reservoir of the remainder is in animal populations. Zoonoses those cases after appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Management of
are more likely to be transmitted by indirect contact or vectors and individual MRSA cases must begin with review of the antibiotic
are less likely to be transmitted by direct contact when compared susceptibility profile of individual isolates, and selective antimicro-
with all pathogens. bial therapy should be based upon those results.
The list of zoonoses found in animals in the ICU is long, but In addition to MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius
because some organisms are generally more prevalent, they have a and S. schleiferi may present a more pressing threat to veterinary
CHAPTER 89  •  Nosocomial Infections and Zoonoses 465
patients. In a survey done at the Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital among the top 10% in regard to rigor of infection control efforts.
of the University of Pennsylvania, the rates of methicillin resistance Much of what is done is borrowed from human health care guide-
in these three pathogens isolated between 2003 and 2004 was 32%, lines, and worldwide surveillance statistics of veterinary nosocomial
17%, and 49%, respectively.33 infection rates are not available.
C. difficile was implicated as the causative organism in an out- The guidelines for prevention and control of nosocomial infec-
break of diarrhea in dogs at a small animal veterinary teaching hos- tion are simple and comprise three main strategies. First, methods
pital.13 No cases were identified in the ICU, and this was attributed are needed to prevent cross-contamination and to control potential
to stringent infection control measures. C. difficile–associated disease sources of pathogenic microorganisms that can be transmitted from
(CDAD) occurs as a result of intestinal colonization and toxin pro- patient to patient or from hospital personnel to patient. Second,
duction by toxigenic strains. A diagnosis of CDAD is made after guidelines are needed to direct the appropriate use of prophylactic,
detection of an enterotoxin, designated Toxin A, and a cytotoxin, empiric, and therapeutic antimicrobial use. Finally, strategies to limit
designated Toxin B, in fecal specimens. Some animals are known to the emergence or spread of MDR pathogens should be developed and
carry toxigenic strains of C. difficile without toxin production, so targeted against organisms known to be prevalent in individual insti-
demonstration of the organism in feces by anaerobic culture is not tutions. Some of these approaches may at first seem to be restrictive,
confirmatory. Sources of nosocomial C. difficile include colonized or but infection control guidelines are intended only to improve the
infected animals, indirect contact via hospital personnel, or environ- process of care. Infection control measures when instituted in human
mental reservoirs of potentially pathogenic spores that are known to health care settings have been unpopular, and compliance is difficult
be resistant to commonly used disinfectants. Management of CDAD to maintain. It has been suggested that noncompliance is connected
depends on a number of factors, especially if coinfection with addi- with many aspects of human behavior, including the yearning of
tional enteric pathogens is suspected or confirmed. Metronidazole or human beings for liberty, the false perception of an invisible risk, and
vancomycin is generally the antimicrobial of choice for uncompli- the underestimation of individual responsibility in the epidemiology
cated CDAD. of the institution.1
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) has not been
implicated yet in nosocomial infections of dogs and cats. However, CONCLUSION
VRE has been identified in a canine urinary tract infection, and
monitoring at veterinary teaching hospitals in the United States and In conclusion, the importance of nosocomial transmission of infec-
Europe has revealed VRE carriage in healthy dogs.34,35 Dogs treated tious organisms, particularly in the ICU, cannot be overemphasized.
with antimicrobials for 2 to 9 days in a veterinary ICU were shown Although the intrinsic risk factors of individual animal patients for
to carry a large drug-resistant population of enterococci.36 Most the development of nosocomial infection are difficult to assess, the
enterococci, (especially VRE) isolates are highly resistant to many risk of transmission of pathogenic and MDR organisms can and
other antimicrobial classes, and the gene responsible for vancomycin should be reduced to a minimum whenever possible.
resistance is resident on a transposable element; the exchange of this
element has been demonstrated between human and canine E.
faecium. Therefore the use of vancomycin alone may not be a neces- REFERENCES
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