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Will Smith is an Afro-American person, dark skin and one meter and eighty eight

centimeters tall. Has big hands and feet. Dark eyes, short hair and white teeth. Has a
big nose and ears. He is an overly optimistic and cheerful person, has sad days but has
the support of his family, is a very charismatic person with a good sense of humor. He
likes eating fried chicken, he also likes eating burger, he doesn't like to eat salad, he
drinks coffee, juices, but he's always drinking water.
Will Smtih is a well known actor, he is working on a film production that will soon be
releases in the cinemas soon. He's good with numbers and one of his abilities is putting
the together rubick cube. He has another ability which is speaking Spanish because he
likes it, besides, he has a group that learns to speak Spanish. The clothing that is always
wearing t-shirts, jeans, sneakers and sunglasses, but sometimes wears formal clothing,
shoes, a shirt, jacket and pants.

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