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Audwon Fawscho

Halfling 37 years old 3'4'' 40lb. Brown Hair Blue Eyes

Personality Trait: : I am constantly checking my pocket watch as if I some where to be,

while assuring others "we have plenty of time" "time is on our side"

Ideals: The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge and discoveries.

Bonds: My life's work is a series of tomes and notes related to Chronurgy Magic.

I am in search of new magic, knowledge and magical artifacts. I send a copy of my notes
of any new magic/items to the High Temple of Mystra.

Flaws: I have little respect for anyone who doesnt know magic and even less for those that
fear it. Sometimes showing pity.

At times I am smug and overconfident in my magic to solve problems.

Background: I was Orphaned and lost. High Priest Toriel Velaine found me and then raised me in the
High Temple of Mystra in Halruua. I grew up as a cleric of Mystra and became a scribe. In my work there
I transcribed a tome of chronurgy magic which i "borrowed" and still study today. As much as i loved
Halruua i grew tired of their rules and high pricing of knowledge. So at 20 I took a skyship to Silverymoon
to begin studying in a city of free knowledge. There I saved Liliana's life with the wizard weed and we
became best friends. I have continued my work as a scribe in Silverymoon while pursuing studies.

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