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Results and Discussion

1. Analysis of the Quality of Health Services Before and After the

Operationalization of the Healthy Car Program

a. Reliability (reliable)

Before the healthy car program runs at the Kedungpring Health Center, they must
rent and of course incur additional costs.

After the healthy car program at the Kedungpring Health Center, the community
now feels lightened because they no longer need to pay for renting a vehicle
anymore, because this healthy car is operated free of charge.

b. Responsiveness

Before the existence of a healthy car service at the Kedungpring Health Center,
the community had difficulty in getting speed of service, especially the case of
referral of women who were giving birth to the hospital.

After the existence of this healthy car service, now people do not have to wait
long to get service. So that in this referral activity, people get fast and appropriate

c. Assurance

Before the existence of a healthy car service, curative activities such as free
medical treatment had not been carried out like this. After this healthy car
service, curative activities like this free medical treatment are well planned.

d. Emphaty

Before the existence of this healthy car service, promotive activities such as the
Posyandu for toddlers were still going well.

After the existence of a healthy car at the Kedungpring Health Center there were
no drastic changes. Health workers continue to carry out their duties as they
e. Tangibles (direct proof)

A good service is certainly inseparable from the various supporting supports such
as adequate physical facilities. The reality in the field explains that after this
healthy car operates, the equipment owned by this healthy car is always
complete and the supply of medicines is also in accordance with the needs of the

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