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Campaign Element #3
Party Platform

Context: Party platforms communicate the key principles of a political party and its core
ideologies. Namely, what’s the government for and how should it serve the people? Party
platforms and their planks are very important to the electoral process: They give the
candidates a clear political position with which they can campaign. They give voters a
sense of what the candidates believe in, the issues they think are important, and how—if
elected—they will address them. Planks include items like the economy, education, foreign
affairs, and social policies. Take a few moments to explore the platforms of U.S. political

v Democratic Party:
v Republican Party:
v Libertarian Party:
v Green Party:

Directive: You will be required to draft and submit a complete party platform to your
website. You must have at least twelve planks, but may have as many as twenty. The six
starred planks (below) must be part of your party platform. Individual planks should be
listed in their order of importance to your party. Provide a concise description for each:
Tell the American people where you stand and why your ideas will make the country
stronger. Be persuasive. Also, beware that voters may tire of vague promises – so be

Abortion Free Trade
Affirmative Action Gay Rights
Capital Punishment Government Spending*
Civil Rights Gun Control
Climate Change Healthcare*
Corporations Homeland Security
Crime Immigration*
Drugs Jobs
Economy* Social Security
Education* Tax Reform
Energy Technology
Foreign Policy* Welfare

Super PACs: You will write and record a 30 second radio advertisement for your party's
candidate. The ad should focus on one or more planks of the party platform. It should end
with the statement, "This ad was paid for by ____ Super PAC." Feel free to contrast your ally
with the other candidates. You may also employ sound effects and music. Be sure to sound
professional and further the campaign goals of your candidate! The final ad will be
uploaded to your Super PAC website.

The Media: You will again cover the candidates for president as they hit the campaign
trail. This week will also mark the beginning of your two-part 60 Minutes-style feature on
the candidates. Schedule individual sit-down interviews with 2-3 presidential candidates
(you will do the rest next week). Ask hard questions. Cut through the social media noise
and cable news banter. Get to the heart of the issues; identify what really separates these
candidates. Ask them how they plan to pay for their programs, work with the other side of
the aisle, run an honorable campaign, etc. The American people are counting on you for
fair, balanced, and accurate coverage of the election. (Video program should run from five
to six minutes – try to give equal time to each candidate).

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