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Has human harmed the Earth or made it a better place?

The Earth is our home and we should all take care of it as much as possible.
Someone think that they makes earth more beautiful and better place, but as
far as I am concerned, I believe that human harmed our planet these days.

To begin with, government builds more factories, which has caused major air
pollution and of course which has a terrible effect on human health. In
addition to that, animals will lose their habitats, it means that some of
animals will leaves in zoo park and other just disappear.

Secondly, peoples uses many transports, for example cars. This is the
biggest polluter today. The bad thing is that, the number of cars is increasing
every year. Governments then build new roads to try to improve the situation,
but this means that they cut down tress, which is also bad.

On the other hand, there are some activities if which people save Earth. For
example, choose public transport. Public transport is more environmentally
friendly, because buses and trains can carry large numbers of people at the
same time. Even cleaner solutions are electric cars and bicycles.

All in all, I want to say that, we should carry and respect our planet- Earth.

Pollution, urban sprawl, deforestation, water contaminations and climatic

changes harmed the Earth. To avoid these problems we should think about
our future, because future depends on us.

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