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III (2004)

1 Declinul şi valoarea ideii de progres / The Falling-off and the Value of the Idea of 9
. Progress

(Florian Filip)

The paper has as basic idea the fact that the mankind has - more than never - to face a new dilemma
which implies serious reflections on the techno-science and other value.". The vision of the history as
progress is specific to the Western world hut it has its roots in the Judaic-Christian tradition. The
corollary of these idea is: the optimism and the pessimism are alike in promoting their proper ideas.
Beyond hope - that has no more a solid basis - it remains nothing…

2 Richard Rorty şi condiţia pragmatică a filosofiei / Richard Rorty and the 23

. Pragmatical Condition of Philosophy

(Ionel Cioară)

This short presentation does not aim a simple listing of Rorty 's themes or/and philosophical positions.. Its
goal is much more modest , that of highlighting several features of Iris thinking. We chose to present one
of these features: the American philosopher's questioning of the venerable tradition which descends up to
Plato and Aristotle and according to which the mission and the meaning of philosophy is to reveal an
essential, intelligible, profound and eternal order which is hidden to our perception. The author opposed
to this belief, uncontested for a long time, the supposition that the fundamental conceptual schemes of a
language are not "discovered" but "created" and by consequence, they are not necessary but contingent.

3 (Pseudo)probleme conceptuale ale lingvisticii lui Noam Chomsky / False Conceptual 31

. Problems of Noam Chomsky's Linguistics

(George Bălţătescu)

The article focuses on some kinds of arguments brought by some of late Wittgenstein's interprets
against Chomsky's linguistics. The Wittgensteinian interprets provide a radical critique directed against
the conceptual frame of chomskyan linguistics, based on some assumptions of the Ordinary Language
Philosophy. Some of the concepts used by American linguist (.''such as "rule" or “faculty") do not fit with
the ordinary concepts, and, for Wittgensteinian interprets, Chomsky's theory is nonsensical. In answer to
these strong claims, I tried to show that it's not always clear what is the correct and incorrect use of some
concepts such as "rule ", and this fact makes hardly applicable the frame of the Ordinary Language
Philosophy in this particular case. On the other hand, Chomsky tried to develop a scientific theory, and
the concepts of the scientific theories do not always "fit" with the ordinary language; for example, the use
of the word ''force'' in Newton '." theory is not the same with the ordinary use of "force". In conclusion, the
arguments against Chomsky linguistics based on the ordinary language are radical, but weak.

4 Limbaj şi realitate / Language and Reality 41

(Eugen Crihan)

My object in this paper is to clarify the character of philosophical inferences from grammar. By
"grammar" I shall understand a classification of meaningful objects of speech (i.e., "morphology"),
together with rules for the correct arrangement of touch units in sentences (i.e., "syntax"). The essential
grammatical features, if there are any, must be present in all actual or possible languages that have the
same face-stating powers. But my conclusion was that is little reason to suppose that the universal
grammar, if there is such a thing, will closely resemble any conventional grammar. This conclusion is
enforced by the examining of the relation between language (symbols of language) and the "state of
affairs" (like L. Wittgenstein defined it in his Tractatus).
5 Jan Patocka - războaiele secolului XX şi secolul XX ca război / JanPatocka -La 51
. guerres du XXe siecle, et la siecle XXe comme la guerre
(Mihai Maci)
Je me suis propose de presenter dans ce compte-rendu l'un de prindpaux textes du recueil “Essais
heritiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire” du penseur tcheque, Ian Patocka. II part de la mutation
apportee dans Ie momle europeen par La Grande Guerre - mutation qui consiste dans « l'apocalypse»
(c'est a dire le divoilement et la manifestation) de la technique moderne - et ensuite il nous montre
comment celle-ci, par le biais de La guerre, apparaisse comme la figure representative du XX siecle. L
'essence dela technique est synonyme avec la liberation - par l' entremise de la force - des energies de la
matiere. La guerre est le moyen privilegie de cette deflagration a l'echelle desomrais planitaire. C’est
pourquoi la guerre n'est pas un accident dans ce XX siec1e, mois le destin accompli de l'histoire
contemporaine. Que reste-t-il a l'homme submerge pas les debris de cette histoire? Il lui reste 10 chance
de se retrouver soi-meme et en communion avec les autres a partir de ce qu'ils ont en commun: 10
solidarite des tbranles. C' est au milieu du dechainement de 10 force que nait une autre humanite qui a
vaincu dans sa chair le hybris de l'homme de rage technique.

6 Interogaţii logice asupra întrebării / Asking about Questions 59

(Alexandru V. Mureşan)

Asking about questions / questionning could be looked upon as a very' difficult topic as there are a lot
of standpoints about The paper considers that the logic of questions (erothetics) should be analysed in the
context of the logic of problems. From this starting point, the author tries first to present the position of
the well known philosopher of science - Mario Bunge. Then, the complexity of this topic implies a
semiotical examination, Le. the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic perspectives. The last one seems to be
the most promising one. The main conclusion is a new question about questions, Le. whether this topic
belongs total(l' to the logic (of questions) or to the rethoric (of questions). Is it a dilemma indeed?

7 Este posibilă o interpretare pragmatică a abducţiei? / Is it possible a 71

. Pragmatical Interpretation of the Abduction?

(Alexandru V. Mureşan)

The author wonders whether the problem of abduction belongs to the inductive logic or to another
field of research. "The inference to the best explanation" ( Ch, :-;. Peirce) seems to be the most promising
start point. In this context abduction has to be considered a logic of discovery. T. Kapitan's reconstruction
of the topic has a pragmatic base that means to assume four propositions: the inferential thesis, the goal
thesis, the covering thesis. and the autonomy thesis. A very' interesting solution comes from J. Hintikka:
the abduction steps are similar or analogous to the logical inference, are a war to introduce new
conjectures, are to be examined on strategical principles, base. The author's conclusion is closer to von
Wright's position: a better understanding of the abduction problem implies the need of the intentionality
and teleological explanation background.
8 Individualitatea omului şi cetăţenului / The Individuality of Man and of Citizen 81
(Ionuţ Mihai Popescu)

Before becoming citizen or Christian, in the natural state, man discovers himself as an individual, but
the utopia of natural state appears precisely in order to ground the citizen status of man; the identity (~f
each (modern) citizen builds itself under the sign of the identical, thus, obliterating specificity. The first
model by which one can relate to alterity is the antique one, that conceives alterity as something
belonging to the realm of non-human (the barbarian), and differentiates human beings by nature/gender
(man/female), that provides justification to a hierarchic society. The second model assumes that human
beings are equal, despite all cultural or natural differences. but this acknowledgement is made by paying
the price of not taking into account specificity. The democratic acknowledgement of all people was made
possible only by accepting a universal dimension, so that this model is biased to totalitarian deviation.
The third model - the contemporary one- tries to combine the advantages of the previous models and to
preserve both specificity and equality, proposing a differentiated identity. We consider that a primary
description of this model was made by Aristotle in his Politics, by the inquiry into the identity or difference
between the virtue of the brave citizen and that of the chosen man.

9 Studiu privind raportul Unu - Multiplu în filosofia preplatonică / Study about the 87
. Relation One - Multiple in Preplatonician Philosophy
(Ioan Scheau)
In the present paper we will analyze the relation One - Multiple as reflected in the works of the
philosophers before Plato. The analysis is focused on three aspects: 1. Pitagora and his school of
philosophy 2. Parmenide; 3. Zenon.

1 Situaţia după anul 2000 a tuberculozei şi HIV/ SIDA în judeţul Bihor şi
0. măsuri de protecţie socială a persoanelor infectate / The Situation of 95
Tuberculosis and AIDS in County Bihor and Mesures of Social Security of the Infested
Persons beyond 2000

(Simona Bodogai)

The rythm whereby AIDS advances in all the regions of the world and also the medical, social
and personal implications that Romania triggers urge us to a concerted and urgent action of all the
factors engaged in the prevention and the treatment of the disesase.
At the same time, approximately a third of the world population is infected with Mycobacterium
tuberculosis and each year new cases of infestation are being registered (TBC represents the most
important death cause to adults). Romania finds itself among the former 5 countries in Europe in
terms of the incidence and mortality caused by tuberculosis to adult people.
What is the role of the social work in supporting the persons infested with Aids or TBC? The
intervention of social work can be achieved through psychological counseling a n demotional support
given to the client, individual and group therapy, and orientation towards other specialized services.
Comunitary education, especially of the groups with high risk represents the most efficient measure
of anihilating the epidemia. We recommend educative campaigns addressed to the masses, with
clear and· direct messages. (ways of transmission, the specific of the disease and measures of

1 Scurtă disertaţie cu privire la asistenta socială / Short Presentation about Social 11

Work 3

(Simona Bodogai)

For the unknowns a simple contact with the social work institutions and organizations doesn't
mean that they have understood what does it mean to be a social worker. Each person has his own
perception about social work, a perception more c1ose to or more far away from the truth. We, the
specialists, have the duty to promote a clear image of social work and his role in the society.

1 Nivelele de intervenţie în asistenta socială / The Levels of Intervention in Social 12

2. Work 1

(Liana Coturbaş)

A generalist social worker is trained to use the problem solving process to assess and intervene
with the problems confronting individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Social
work with individuals is aimed at helping people on a one-to-one basis to resolve personal and
social problems. There is extensive variation in the types and forms of services that are provided by
social workers to troubled families, the main one being family therapy. The focus of social work
groups includes recreation, education, self-help, socialization and therapy. Community practice is
the process of stimulating and assisting the local community to evaluate, plan and coordinate efforts
to meet its needs.

1 Traficul de persoane şi contravenţiile cu specific - pericol social / The Trafficking 13

3. in Human Beings and Specific Minor Offences - Social Danger 1

(Aurora Gavriş)

This paper wants to relieve the real social danger of any antisocial action, either offence or minor
offence. It makes the distinction of those deeds, exactly between the trafficking in human beings,
prostitution, whoremongering, vagrancy and beggary. After all, the damage might be the same for

1 Motivarea personalului / The Motivation of the Personnel 13

4. 5
(Delia Junc)

The main issues debated in this paper entitled, " The motivation of the personnel" are: the
importance and the role , the sources , the theories and the levers of the motivation.

1 Situaţia consumului de droguri în România în anul 2003 / The Situation of 14

5. Drug Consumption in 2003 in Romania 7
(Romona Sava)
Drug addiction represents a social issue considered to be, as extension and magnitude, the
product of the 20th century being one of the most complex, profound and tragic phenomenon of the
contemporary world. Illicit drug taking, as a phenomenon with social dimensions, emerged in the
50's-60's in the course of the cultural mutations of the Western world. Whether, initially, drug
addiction was limited only to defavourized / disadvantaged categories(with high risks) of the
Western society, subsequently, this behaviour spreaded/dispersed at the level of all the social
groups, irrespective of the sex age and ethnic origin or social class.
1 Indicatori socio-economici in judeţul Bihor / Socio-economic Indicators in Bihor 15
6. County 3

(Floare Chipea, Florica Ştefănescu)

The paper presents the evolution of the social- economical indicators in Bihor county included
in the County Plan Against Poverty and for Promoting Social Inclusion.

1 Influence of subjective factors on the perception of quality of life 16

7. 9
(Sergiu Bălţătescu)

This paper calls for a higher importance attached to subjective factors for the explanations of
variations in subjective quality of life. Possibility of including the psycho-sociological states (the
influence of communication, psychological processes associated to the membership in social
groups, etc.) is advanced. Argumentation implies an excursion in the paradigms of sociological
explanation of subjectivity. G.H. Mead distinction between "private self” and "collective self” and
Rahn, Kroeger & Kite (1994) public mood theories are particularly cited. Influences of social norms
on life satisfaction are discussed in the context of the newly introduced concept of "happiness as
social construction" based on the idea that society gives the individual a way in which he or she can
perceive and express happiness or unhappiness. A new direction of analysis of quality of life from
the perspective of social self is envisaged.

1 Determinanţi şi consecinţe ale stimei de sine în adolescenţă / Determinants 17

8. and Outcomes of Self-Esteem in Adolescence 7

(Sergiu Bălţătescu)

Defined as a positive evaluation of oneself, self-esteem is one of the key concepts in social sciences,
raising immense interest to the researchers, but also huge controversies. It is a relatively stable
psychological trait, but nevertheless it suffers changes in levels or structure linked with the
developmental stages, This paper is a short literature review of outcomes and determinants of adolescent
self-esteem. Sex, socio-economic status, influence of family and peers are discussed.

1 Modelul spiralei tăcerii: comunicarea şi opinia publică ca şi control

9. social / Spiral of Silence: Communication and Public Opinion as Social Control 18
(Dragoş Dărăbăneanu)

Conceiving public opinion as unwritten law or as an informal mechanism of social control is
hardly new. The strength of opinion in each individual, and its practical influence on his conduct,
depends much on the number which he supposes to have entertained the same opinion. This article
discourse the theory of spiral of silence and the J~J' of understanding it in the social behavior. Also
we show some things about the activity of Elisabeth Noelle Neumann, that is a reference in this
field, with a strong contribution in understanding how communication and public opinion may
action like social control of human behaviour.

2 Atitudinea faţă de risc a ţăranului: teorii şi realităţi empirice / The Peasant's 18

0. Attitude towards Risk 9

(Adrian Hatos)
Discourse on agriculture has been parasited in modernity by cliches that attribute to the peasants
several shortcomings, among which risk aversion plays an important role. Ethnographers,
anthropologists and even recent development specialist are holding the idea of a presumed hostility
to innovation and risk of the peasant. We show, using Romanian data that, as an attitude, risk
aversion cannot be attributed to peasants, hence rural development issues cannot be explained
through this factor.

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