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Thank you for Downloading the Rise of Reds 1.87 fan-made ECA Europe Campaign.

As always, good luck General.


Mission 1
Pandora's Lock

"Welcome back, General."

"Our greatest fear has come to pass. War with Russia.

The events of Remus City and the Anthrax Pools have forced us to stop Russia's
aggression by force.
It seems that in our anger, we have given Russia what it wanted. Already they have
struck from Northern Finland to the Mediterranean sea.
We need you in Northern Greece. A vital Research Centre is developing next-gen
weaponary that will level the playing-field against the Russian Bear."

"Protect the Research Centre while Frank Jaegar extracts our research. We must not
allow the bastards to steal or destroy our plans.
Once Jaegar is ready, move him to the southern outpost and hold the line until we
can reactivate our Solaris Network.
From there, we will have a chance to halt the Russian advance and buy us valuable
time to evacuate Greece."

"Failure is not an option."


1. Defend the Research Centre until Frank Jaegar can extract the Pandora Files.

2. Evacuate to the Southern Outpost and hold off the Russian attack.

3. Destroy the Russian Supply Centre to slow down their invasion.

Frank Jaegar MUST survive.


Your goal is to defend the the Research Centre only. Do not worry about the base,
it is doomed.

You will start off with a small force and gain reinforcement overtime.

The start will be overwhelming. However, your ally should do a good job of holding
off the Russians for some time.

Mission 2
Bail Out

"General, we don't have much time. The Russians are hitting Greece hard.
There is nothing we can do to save the country...yet.
Right now you must focus on getting the Pandora files to safety.
Our forces are travelling by train to a Russian occupied ECA base.
The base's Deployment Zone survived the inital invasion,
so we can use it to call in an airship and evacuate by air."
"Once the base is back under our control, locate and destroy any heavy AA in the
so we can evacuate safely."


1. Clear the ECA base of Russian occupation.

2. Locate and destroy all Russian Grumbles

3. Protect Jaeger and the Deployment Zone at all costs.


The mission starts off fast.

The ECA tech tree has been reorganised.

You don't need to destroy the Russian bases, only the Grumbles.

Mission 3
Winter Denied

"A situation has developed in the Austian Alps.

A Russian convoy, led by General Zhukov, has broken through our Hungarian blockade.
The convoy has set up a base deep within the mountains, complete with Missile
Intel believes the missiles will target ECA bases in central Europe, we cannot
allow this to happen.
We believe General Zhukov is not in the base. Hopefully this will make this mission

A commando team, supported by a Heavy Sniper, has infiltated the base's perimiter
and are awaiting your orders."


1. Destroy the Missile Silos before the missiles launch.

2. Destroy all Topols and the Weapons Bunker.


Russian structures will not leave debris behind.

Beware of conscripts and air-raid outposts.

Mission 4
Skeleton Key

"General! They know what we are planning!

General Aleksandr has launched a full scale invasion of Turin, threatening the
Pandora project!

Your team from Greece has arrived with the blueprints, you MUST protect this base
at all costs!
Defeat Aleksandr if you can, but do not put our research in any more danger.
We can no longer run from the Russians. This is our only hope for stopping them for

Failure is not an option."


1. Protect the Research Centre for 30 minutes OR defeat Aleksandr.

2. Construct the Pandora


Build and mobilise your forces quickly, although your defences are strong they
won't survive without support.

Don't over rely on the Solaris Relay.

Mission 5
Myth's Warning

"The fate of Europe rests in your hands.

Thanks to you, we have the chance to end the Russian invasion once and for all.
The Pandora has arrived in Lyon, home of the Western European Solar Reactor, and
her box has been delievered.

You must protect the reactor while we prepare for the arrival of the main Russian

Aleksandr has chased you all the way here, bitter from his defeat at Turin.
No doubt he will strike you with everything he has left.
Lyon's citizens have been evacuated to safety but the city itself is doomed.

Don't let her sacrifice be in vain."


1. Protect the Solar Reactor

2. Defeat Aleksandr for the last time


You will have to build your army from sratch, but all of your structure are already

You are limited to building 2 Solaris Relays.

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