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1. Read the dialogue between Sara and Alex and answer the questions.

(Lea el dialogo entre Sara y Alex y responde las preguntas)

a. What is the problem?

(Cual es el problema?)

b. What does Alex suggest?

(Que sugiere Alex?)

c. Can you think of any more suggestions for Sara?

(Se te ocurren más sugerencias para Sara?)


a. The poverty of the family next door

(La pobreza de la familia de al lado)

b. Alex suggests that you calla n organization that is responsable for helping families with financial
problems, and also suggests that you can bring them some food.

(Alex sugiere que llame a una organización encargada de ayudar a las familias con problemas
económicas, y también sugiere que les puede llevar un poco de comida)

c. I could suggest that they could bring them sone clothes, and ítems that they no longer use, as
this can be of great help. (Le podría sugerir que les puedan llevar un poco de ropa, y elementos
que ya no utilicen, esto les puede servir de gran ayuda.)

2. Write a letter or email to an organisation which helps people that you talked about in your
dialogue. Explain the problem and what you would like them to do.

d. Useful expressions

e. I’m writing to tell you about…

f. I’m worried about …

g. I would like you to …

h. Please tell me how I can help.

i. Best wishes

Very good days. I am writing to inform ypu that on 55 Avenue in Miami Beach, there is a family
that needs help, that is why I am writing, to see how I could help these people, since I find it very
werrying sice this family sometimes do not have with what to eat and what to wear. It would also
seem great to me and I would like to help you, since we wish the best of ust

to each person, since nobody deserves to live like this. I would also like them to help us help this
family to geta head.

(muy buenos días. Estoy escribiendo para informarles que en la avenida con 55 de Miami Beach,
hay una familia que necesita ayuda, por eso estoy escribiendo, para ver como les podria ayudar a
esas personas, ya que me parece muy preocupante ya que esta familia aveces no tienen con que
comer y con que vestir. Tambien me pareceria genial y me gustaria ayudarlos, ya que les
deseamos lo mejor de nosotros a cada persona, ya que nadie merece vivir asi. Tambien me
gustaria que nos ayudaran a ayudar a esta familia para que salga adelante.)

3. Read the text and write true (T) or false (F).

Interact at Rotary International Have you heard of the Rotary International? It started in the USA
in 1905, and now has millions of members all over the world. Its members are mostly business
people who want to improve people’s lives, both in their local communities and abroad. Young

people can also get involved in Rotary International’s Interact programme. Interact is a club for
young people aged 12–18. Each Interact club has different rules – some are only for boys, some
only for girls, and some are mixed. Sometimes, the members only come from one school. In
Interact, members can participate in projects where they help people locally and in other
countries. This helps to create international understanding and goodwill, and you can also make
friends for life. Members learn the importance of respecting people from different cultures, taking
individual responsibility, and working hard. There are now over 10,000 Interact clubs throughout
the world, with nearly 200,000 members. If you’re interested, find out if there is a local Rotary
Club in your town.


a. Rotary International is for people who want to improve their own lives.(F)

b. Interact is for people of all ages.(F)

c. Interact clubs are only for boys.(F)

d. You can meet people from abroad in Interact.(T)

e. You can learn important life skills in Interact.(T)

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