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Universidad Militar Nueva Granada- CAMPUS

María Magdalena Cubillos Pulido

Teoría General de la Prueba


1. What evidence does the interviewer say exists regarding the use of chemical
weapons in Douma?


The interviewer emphasizes the evidence for chemical weapons, and says that
there is evidence there for chemical weapons, all the evidence, was based on
media reports and on social media, on the Syrian airstrikes on the United States,
the United Kingdom and France.

2. Do you consider that this evidence could be used in a judicial process of

international character?


I certainly consider that, if this evidence is, it can initiate a judicial process since it
is firstly incumbent on international law, which is attacking a population, violating all
the norms and principles of the previous law, as well as International Humanitarian
Law, although this attack is supported, the Security Council to impose a process of
destruction of the chemical weapons, materials and supplies owned by the
government of the Republic of Syria, through Security Council Resolution 2118,
without having to resort to the sanctions mentioned in chapter VII of the United
Nations Charter, I think that the rights and integrity of people and more than one
nation have been violated, so I routinely think that measures should be taken to
start this process.

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