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The Philippines marked a three long protest against government, when a

momentous event happened. A bloodless revolution erupted or the EDSA People

Power Revolution from February 22-25, 1986 where millions of Filipinos march
along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) which stretches 54km and it
marked a significant national event that has been engraved in the hearts and
minds of every Filipino. This part of Philippine history gives us a strong sense of
pride especially that other nations had attempted to emulate what we have
shown the world of the true power of democracy. The true empowerment of
democracy was exhibited in EDSA by its successful efforts to oust a tyrant by a
demonstration without tolerance for violence and bloodshed. Prayers and
rosaries strengthened by faith were the only weapons that the Filipinos used to
recover their freedom from President Ferdinand Marcos’s iron hands. The
historic march was held on the aforesaid avenue, which dictates the fate of every
countryman. It was a day that gathered all Filipinos in unity with courage and
faith to prevail democracy in the country. It was the power of the people, who
assembled in EDSA, which restored the democratic Philippines, ending the
oppressive Marcos regime. Hence, it came to be known as the EDSA People
Power’s Revolution. The revolution was a result of the long oppressed freedom
and the life threatening abuses executed by the Marcos government to cite
several events like human rights violation since the tyrannical Martial Law
Proclamation in 1972. In the years that followed Martial Law started the
suppressive and abusive years–incidents of assassination were rampant;
particularly those who opposed the government, individuals and companies alike
were subdued. Through this we ought to experience freedom from violence and
corruption. This event was remembered yearly, proclamation No. 845 declaring
the 25th of February as a special non-working holiday in the Philippines
approved and signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte last year.
Since then, It became an eye opener for every citizen to talk, walk, and
shout numerously, as the saying goes; together we stand divided we fall.

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