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Study Questions:

1. What horizon is the accumulation of carbonates and where most roots


The B horizon is often referred to as the subsoil. It is often called the

“zone of accumulation” because chemicals leached from the A and E horizons
accumulate here. The accumulation of organic matter, chemical substances, and
mineral particles in the lower horizons of soil from the upper horizons as a
result of the downward movement of water is called illuviation.

The B-horizon has less organic matter and more clay than the A horizon.
Together, the A, E, and B-horizons are known as the solum. This is where most of
the plant roots grow.

2. Where can be found the first sign in soil formation? Explain how it develops.

Weathering is an integral part of soil development. Depending on the soil-

forming factors in an area, weathering may proceed rapidly over a decade or
slowly over millions of years. Five soil-forming factors have been identified that
influence the development of a specific soil. Wherever these five factors have
been the same on the landscape, the soil will be the same. 

The whole soil, from the surface to its lowest depths, develops naturally as a
result of these five factors. The five factors are: parent material, relief or
topography, organisms (including humans), climate, and time. If any one of the
five factors is changed but the remaining four factors remain the same, a new
soil will form. This process is called “soil genesis”.

3. Explain the importance of soil profile to plant crop establishment.

Soil performs four major functions: it provides habitat for fungi,

bacteria, insects, burrowing mammals and other organisms, it recycles raw
materials and filters water. Provides the foundation for engineering projects
such as buildings, roads, bridges and most importantly it is the medium for
plant growth.

Soil profiling is very important since it will lead you to identify the
essential part on what your soil has to offer. Soil profiling will lend you on
how mature you soil is. Will tell you if your soil is good for plant growth or
for building agricultural establishment.

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