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Uji Normalitas

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

pretest .182 17 .137 .896 17 .058

posttest1 .204 17 .059 .902 17 .073
posttest2 .164 17 .200 .932 17 .232

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Uji T Dependen
Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Pretest 7.29 17 1.795 .435

Paired Samples Correlations
posttest1 3.24 17 1.985 .481
Pair 2 Pretest 7.29 N 17 Correlation
1.795 Sig. .435
Pair 1 pretest & posttest1 3.65
posttest2 17
17 .751
1.869 .001 .453
Pair 2
3 pretest & posttest2 3.24
posttest1 17
17 .741
1.985 .001 .481
Pair 3 posttest1
posttest2 & posttest23.65 17
17 .917
1.869 .000 .453

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval of the

Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper

Pair 1 pretest - posttest1 4.059 1.345 .326 3.367 4.750 12.443 16 .000
Pair 2 pretest - posttest2 3.647 1.320 .320 2.968 4.326 11.391 16 .000
Pair 3 posttest1 - posttest2 -.412 .795 .193 -.821 -.003 -2.135 16 .049

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