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Nowadays we often encountered situations that young people decide to take

part in some voluntary activities to help and also in order to get job experience.
In this article I would like to explore this subject a bit deeper. 
At first when you take part in such activities, you are able to extend your
horizons - this is especially important if you want to work with people in the
future. If you have more contact with people, the better i understand the other
people . Of course, you have to be prepared for converse with people who
have different viewpoints on subjects than you. This is what voluntary work
could teach you. 
Second, most of employers will surely look at your references. If you are able to
confirm your experience with a legitimate document, it will be really favorable
to get your future job.
Around the world are a lot of people who worked as volunteers and approved
of this form of getting job experience. For exemple my friend Ben, took part in
such work and said that it was one of the best experiences in his life. He told
that "Even if you don't get money for that, you can meet fantastic people and
change their and your life for better!"
I hope this article will encourage you to act as a volunteer. If you aren't sure if
you should try it, think about this possibility.

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