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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.882171678
R Square 0.778226869
Adjusted R Square 0.752135913
Standard Error 1.397189729
Observations 20

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 116.4546902 58.22735 29.82745642 2.75566E-06
Residual 17 33.18636536 1.952139
Total 19 149.6410556

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 3.189600643 0.851270623 3.74687 0.0016058 1.393576621 4.9856247 1.393576621 4.98562467
Monthly Income (RM) 0.000198502 6.21746E-05 3.192649 0.005331206 6.73247E-05 0.0003297 6.73247E-05 0.00032968
Automobile ownership 1.348346374 0.436650637 3.087929 0.006674922 0.427094058 2.2695987 0.427094058 2.26959869

Trip Generation Model 1 (Trial 1)

F-test for Significance of the Model

The Significance F value of 0.00000276, which is ≤ the significance level (ά) of 0.05 show that the model is
statically and can therefore be used to predict trips.

t-test for Significance of the Coefficients and Constant

Null hypothesis, Ho: The coefficient/constant is equal to zero

Alternative hypothesis, Ha: The coefficient/constant is NOT equal to zero

P value Reject Ho Significant ?

Intercept 0.001606 ≤ 0.05 Yes Yes

Monthly Income (RM) 0.005331 ≤ 0.05 Yes Yes
Automobile ownership 0.006675 > 0.05 No No


Reject the model because Automobile ownership is not significant

*Re-run the analysis, this time removing Automobile ownership

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