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How do Ducted air conditioners work?

-Ducted A/C has an internal fancoil unit installed in the roof space of the home.
-From this central location, a series of ducts run from it and into as many rooms
in the house as the owner desires.
-From these ducts, this allows you to cool or heat each room individually
-This is done so by the thermostat on the wall, allowing you to select the
temperature and other settings
-Ducted air conditioning is the most permanent solution and the most effective air
conditioner to cool or heat your home, but it does come with some notable setbacks

Pros & Cons of Ducted air conditioners

Pros Cons
Very discreet, tucked away behind walls and ceilings Easily the more expensive
option to install
Services the entire house, but each room can have different settings if the AC is
zoned Easily the more expensive option to install
Better at maintaining an even temperature throughout the house If you’re looking
to only cool a single room at any given time you’ll have to pay the energy costs of
cooling the entire house (unless your ducted AC is zoned)

Facts about Ducted air conditioner

0. A ducted air conditioning system’s motor produces approximately three
times the cooling/ heating energy than the compressor actually uses
0. A clogged filter is actually more efficient at removing particles from
the air
0. Closing windows and doors for extended periods is not ideal
0. Keeping the thermostat in the “Fan On” position can increase humidity.
0. Every degree lower you set the temperature increases running costs by
up to 15%.

Component of Ducted air conditioner

-condensor coil
-evaporator coil
-chemical refrigerant

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