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SPE 19823

Inflow Performance Relationships for Solution-Gas Drive

Horizontal Wells
H, Bendakhlia, and K. Aziz, Stanford U,
SPE Members F

ofJ\ri9ht $989, S@efY of petroleum Engineers, Inc.

lis papar was prepared for presentation at the 64th Annual Technical Conference and ExhiblJon of the Society of Petrolebm Engineers hefd In Ban Antonio,TX, October S-1 1, 1SSS.

Iia papar was selected for preaen!ation by an SPE Program Committee following review of informationcontained in an abstract aubmlffad by the ink(s). Contents of the paper,
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represent numerical reeulte. Both Vogel’s and Fetkovkh’a erpw

tions were tried, but neither of them fully reproduced the
In 1968, Vogel used a computer program to predict inflow characteristic shape of the dimensiordeas IPRs, A new two-
performance relationships (IPR) of a well producing from a parameter equation, that restdta from combining the two pre-
wide variety of solution-gae drive reservoira. In dimensionless vious equations was found to provide an adequate correlation.
form, these curves relating flowing bottom-hole pressures to
oil production rates were. found to ahare a common charac- Introduction
teristic shape which was correlated by a parabola, Because
Vogel studied cases of differing rock and PVT properties, hia A etep in the analysia of the deliverabtity of a well is to es-
work became well accepted in the industry. Moat of the papers timate the production rate for any given flowing bottom-hole
publiehed on inflow performance deal with vertical wells and pressure; In single phase flow of oil, inflow into a well is usu-
should not be applied to horizontal wells without verification. ally directly proportional to the pressure differential between
‘I’here are no analytical modele available at present to compute the reservoir and the wellbore. But in two phase flow of oil
IPRs from two phase flow theory. In such a case, it is necessary and gas, this relationship between the production rate and the
to use numerical simulation. Unfortunately, ,’uost commercial wellbore pressure ia no longer linear, An equation that de-
black oil simulators do not include the feature necessary for scribee this relationship ie known as the inflow performance
predicting IPRs of horizontal wells. relationship of a well (IPR) [1]. ●

In this paperl, two commercial simulators are utilized to Vogel [2] has proposed an empirical IPR equation that has
develop IPRs for horizontal wells producing from solution-gas been used in the industry successfully. Because flow into a hor-
drive reservoirs. The development parallele the work of Vogel izontal well is different from the flow into a vertical well, IPR
for vertical wells. First, a base case is considered with typi. equations developed for vertical wells should not be applied
cal fluid, rock and reservoir properties. Then, variations from to horizontal wells without verification, Since the analytical
the base case are investigated. Changes from the base case, calculations necessary to compute IPR.s from two phase flow
in fluid properties included variations in relative permeability theory are tedious, numerical simulation is used. Most com-
and PVT properties. Changes in reservoir properties included mercial black oil simulators do not include the feature of mak-
variations in drainage area, pay thickness, and absolute perme- ing complete IPR predictions for a reservoir.
ability. Changes in well propertied included variations in skin, In this paper, available commercial simulators are nev-
well location, and well length with respect to reservoir bound- ertheleae utilized to generate IPRs of a horizontal & pro-
itiea. The resulting IPRa “were made dlmenaionleee in order ducing from a solution-g~ drive reservoir. First, IPIts are
to compare their curvature, or the rate of change of oil pro- generated for a base case reservoir. Then, variation cf the

duction rate with flowing bottom-hole pressure. These curves base case are examined. These -ariations cover a wide miige
were found to be sensitive to the stage of reservoir depletion. of fluid, reservoir and well characteristics. Fluid charact~:;rj
However, they were not affected significantly by chariges in the tics include crude oil PVT properties and relative perme.=%lity
fluid reservoir, or well properties. data. Reservoir characteristics include absolute yrmca.bfity,
An attempt wss made to develop a simple correlation to drainage area, and formation thickness. Wefl cL~racteristica
include skin, location, and length with respect to the reservoir
‘References and illustrations at end of paper

. .

Literature Review ECPLISE, version 84/11, is a three phase, three dimen-

sional, general purpose black oil simulator developed by Ex-
In 1968, Vogel [2] did a numerical study on several types of ploration Consultant Ltd. (lJCL). It possesses a robust for-
solution-gas drive wells and proposed a curve fitted equation mulation technique that consistently reduceB residua3 errors to
that would apply to n .d typical cases with minimum error. very fine tolerances. It is inst aUed on an Appolo work-station.
The equation is:

= 1.0 – 0.2~ - 0.8(~’)2 (1) I Horizontal Well Formulation
The connection between the horkkd well and the reservoir
where go is the oil flow rate, qoma=is the maximum flow rate block containing tke weti is based on th, assumptions that
corresponding to 100?!fopressure drawdown, pw~iB ?he flowing the flow is steady-state aiid radial, the fluid is in a single in-
bottom-hole pressure, and PR is the Bhut-in pressure or average compressible phase, and that the pressure head due to height
reservoir pressure. Another IPR equation was proposed by difference is negligible. The well productivity factor ia then
Fetkovich [3]. In dimensionless form, it can be written as: calculated aa follows:

(%)2 ‘


) (2) WPs 0.00 H271n(%) +s (3)

where n is a parameter which is about 1.0, For n = 1.24, where

both IPR equations result in almost the same curve, Other
published papers on IPRz dealt mostly with the effect of skin [4,
5, 6] and the prediction of future IPRa [7, 8, 9]. But theBe pa- For a well placed at the edge of the grid in a block half
perfi aasumed that the well is vertical. Recently, there haa the size of itB neii:hbor, f = 0.5, and C12 = 0.47. If & = 1
been work done on the performance of horizontal wells. But ft, Ar = 2 ft, Lw := 933.38 ft, k = 20 md, ~W= 0.33 ft, and
most of it assumed flow of a single oil phaee [10, 11, 12]. s = 0.0, then r. = 0.53 ft and WP = 139.3 cp-RB/(D-psi).
Only a few papers trdked about two-phaze flow from horizon- WP ia computed internally by IMEX. Only CC’, f, r~, and s
tal wells [13, 14, 15]. It has not been verified yet whether the are entered in the datatile. However, with ECLIPSE, WP is
IPRs developed for vertical wells can be used with horizontal include in the data file as the transmissibtity factor for the
wells. connection.

Model Description I Grid Selection

Symmetry of flow geometry toward the well requires mod.siling
Descriptionof the Base Case Reservoir of ordy half of the reservoir.’ Because the horizontal well is
The base case reservoir is modeled as a box shaped reservoir completed along the entire reservoir length, flow calculations
with a square drainage area of 20 acrea and a constant thick- are necessary only in a plane perpendicular to the weU. Hence,
ness of 23.5 feet. The porous medium has a homogeneous the reservoir is modeled as a two-dimenaionrd vertical section.
porosity of 0.139 and an isotropic permeability of 20 md. The Fluid flow ia expected to be fast and radial near the well-
rock has a compressibfity of 6 x 10-6 psi-l. A horizontrd well bore. For this reazon, carteaian grid blocks should be ama!l
of radius 0.33 ft is located in the middle of the reservoir. It iB for high flow resolution and equally sized for better accuracy.
centered at mid-height and completed along the entire length With increasing distance from the well, flow properties change
of the reservoir. leza rapidly. In thh case, grid blocks may become larg& in
Initially, there are two phases: there is water at an immo- order to save computer time and Btorage.
bile saturation of 0.194, and oil an its bubble point pressure. With tbk in mind, two grids are proposed: a fine grid
Relative permeabfity data and PVT propertied are the same with 16x 11 blocks, and a coarse grid with 9x7 blocks. fn
as those used by Vogel. In Vogel’s paper [2], the PVT prop- both grids, block sizes increaae outward at geometrically at a
erties are illustrated in Figure 9 and the relative permeability constant fatter,
data are illustrated in Figure 10. Od denBity is selected at To study the zenaitivity of simulation results to grid size,
50 lbm/ft3 and gas density at 0.06 lbm/fts. Capillary pres- runs are made at constant wellbore pressures of 50, 505, 1500
sure effects are ignored. These additional data are selected to psig, and at constant oil rates of 50,500, 1500 STB/D, There
represent typical hydrocarbon reservoir cond~iions. is a close agreement between the reaulta of the two grids. A
,-, conservative choice is made to use the fine grid in anticipation
of the need of a high level of accuracy in IPR generation.
The two simulators used in this study are IMEX and ECLIPSE.
IMEX, version 2,o, is a the phase black oil simulator devel- I Procedure of Obtaining IPRs
oped by the Computer Modeling Group (CMG). Its novel fea- An IPR curve ia generated by obtaining a set of points relat-
ture is the adaptive implicit- explicit grid formulation. This ing flowing bottom-hole pressurez to oil production rates at a
formulation reduces computer execution time by applying an constant recovery factor, which is the ratio of cumulative oil
IMPES type solution to certain gsid blocks that do not need produced to oil originally in place. When a recovery factor is
to be solved fully implicitly This program is installed on a reached during the course of depletion, corresponding oil rate
Gould 9000 computer. and wellbore pressure are recorded as coordinates of a point on
an IPR curve of that recovery factor. Other pointa on the curve
are obtained from the output of other runs which constraint ei-



ther oil rate or wellbore pressure to intersect with the expected ther production, dimensionless IPRs grow more curvature and
IPR curve. The repetition of the same procedure with different reach a shape like Vogel’s reference curve.
recovery factors results in dlffercr.t IPRa. Dimensionless IPR IPR curves of a horizontal well are nearly straight at the
curves are constructed by dividiltg the pressure coordinate of begivning, increase in curvature up to 8% recovery and then
each point on an IPR curve by the shut-in or average reservoir slightiv decrease in curvature at later stages of depletion.
pressure, and the oi! rate coordinate by the maximum oil rate
corresponding to 100~0 pressure drawdown. IPRs at Various Conditions
T’wo types of simulation runs are examined. In the first,
the well is constrained by a constant flowing bottom-hole pres- IPRs were produced for several variations of the base case
mre. In the second, a constant oil production rate is specified. conditions, These conditions concerned fluid, reservoir, and
F’or the same number of simulation runs, constant pressure well characteristics.
runs result in better IPR curve resolution that constant oil
rate runs. For this reason, all subsequent runs are done at a Effect of Fluid Characteristics
constant wellbore pressure constraint.
IPRs can be generated from outputs of either the IMEX The effect of fluid characteristics include the effect of crude oil
skmdator or the ECLIPSE simulator. When the base case PVT properties aa a function of pressure, and relative perme-
IPR curves are produced from the two simulators, comparison ability data as a function of phase saturation.
between them reveals that the curves are ordy slightly dXferent The first run utilized a crude oil with oil viscosity about
in magnitude but essentially identical in shape. 3ecause The half of that of the base case and a solution gas.oil ratio about
Gould computer where IMEX is installed is much faster than twice as great. PVT properties corresponding to case b in
the Appolo work-station where ECLIPSE is installed, all runs Vogel’s paper. As expected, with a less viscous crude, pro-
were done with IMEX. ductivit y is much greater than in the base case. However,
progression of the shape of the dimensionless IPR curves is
quite similar to the previous case.
Interpretation of the Results A second run was made with s more viscous crude which
PVT properties correspond to case 9 (d) of Vogel’s paper. The
Base Case IHts minimum oil viscosity is now 3 cp compared with 1 cp in the
Examination of Figure 1 shows that IPRa of recovery factors base case. Dimensionless curves are plotted on Figure 4 Be-
between 0.1% and 2% deteriorate rapidly with initi~ deple- cause of the decrease in oil viscosity, oil productivity decreases.
tion. ‘His is equivalent to a rapid decrease of the productiv- As noted for a vertical weII, dimensionless IPR curves show
ity index (PI) with. depletion. The high initial flow rates are less curvature with a more viscous oiL These two runs indi-
caused by the large length of the well and by the sharp initial cate that an increase in oil viscosity increases the concavity of

pressure gradients. Productivity decreases rapjdly because oil the dimensionless IPR curves.
is depleted from the near well region at a higher rate than it A third run was made with a higher bubble point oil which
is replaced by oil from outer oil zones. PVT properties are those of case 9 (e) of Vogel’s paper, These
Further examination of the plot in the region where reser- properties are those of a less viscous oil sidar to those of
voir pressure is slightly less than initial pressure, shows that case 9 (b). Initial reservoir pressure was reset to the new bub-
there is a slight increase in PI with drawdown. At smidl draw- ble pressure of 3000 psig. Because of higher initial pressure,
downs, gas evolves from solution but stays nearly immobde lower viscosity, and higher solution gas-oil ratio, oil rates and
because of its low saturation. This increase in gas volume ultimate recovery have increased significantly. In addition, an
increases pressure in the oil phase. As a result, pressure gra- increase in the curvature of the dimensionless IPR curves is
clients become larger and productivity increases. This phe- - noted.
nomenon is reversed for larger drawdowns in which case greater A fourth run utilized a low solution gas-oil ratio which
gas saturation causes greater resistance to oil flow. characteristics are illustrated by case 9 (f) of Vogel’s data. In
At the later stages of depletion, Figure 2 shows that deteri- this run, oil viscosity did not change significantly from the base
oration of IPRs slows down. Because of an increaae in gas-oil case values. Although ultimate recovery decreases, dimension-
ratio, reservoir pressure diminishes at an equivalent rate to less IPR curves retain their shape,
maximum oil rates. In other words, the productivity index The effect of changes in relative permeabtity was also stud-
decreaaes only slightly with production. ied, A run utilized relative permeabfity data from case 10 (b)
Figure 2 also indicates that the maximum recovery is ap- of Vogel’s paper. Critical gas saturation increased to 8% and
proximately 15%. Inspection of the oil saturation distribution residual oil saturation reduced to 10.6Yo, More oil is recovered
at that stage of depletion reveals that there is a considerable as a result of a reduction in residual oil saturation. Therefore,
amount of movable oil left in the reservoir at a vertical level productivity increases at the later stages of depletion. The
below the well. Because of gravity segregation and absence same type of curvat ure progression is noted for the dimension-
of a significant pressure differential, the left over oil cannot be less IPR curves as seen in F~ure 5. After a recovery factor of
produced unless with some typ~ of secondary recovery process. about 12970, concavity reduces.
Figure 3 shows that the shape of the dimensionless IPR Another run was made with relative permeability data
curves is sensitive to the recovery factor. At early stages of taken from case 10 (c). These data show higher oil perme-
depletion, dimensionless IPRs are nearly straight with a slight.. ability, and lower gas permeabUity. Critical gas saturation is
concavity developing at low dimensionless pressure. With fur- now 10%, and residual gas saturation is 30.6%. As expected,
with such favorable relative permeabtit y conditions, produc-

01 u 1?042.3

tivity at the later stages of depletion increases considerably, Effect of Well Characteristics
The ultimate recovery is now around 30% of the original oil in
place. However, dimensionless IPR curves retain their usual Well characteristics include skin, location with respect to top
shape. and bottom boundary, and length with respect to lateral reser-
C~mbinations of differing relative permeability and PVT voir dimensions.
properties were also investigated. In a run, relative permeabil- A run treated the effect of a positive skin, which could re-
ity data were replaced by those of case 10 (b) and crude oil suit from mud filtrate damage ‘or pertoration restrictions. The
PVT properti~ by those of c~e 9 (b). Ultimate recovery haa steady state infinitesimal skin factor is given a value of five.
increased to around 20Y0. There is not much change in the The resulting dimensionless IPR curves ar.>graphed on ~lgure
curvature progression of the dimensionless IPR curves. 10. As expected, oil productivity decreas ~s. Dimensionless
In another run, relative permeability characteristics of case IPR curves are initially straight, increase in concavity with
10 (b) were combined with PVT properties of case 9 (e). Initial depletion of up to 8%, then decreases in concavity.
pressure was reset to the bubble point pressure of 3000 psig. Two runs treated the effect of wells vertical placement with
Figure 6 is a plot of the resulthg dimensionles,~ IPR curves. An respect to top and bottom boundary. In the first run, the well
:.ncrease in both productivityy and ultimate recovery is noted. waa placed at a quarter of the height from the bottom bound-
Dimensionless IPR curves do not change very much in shape. ary, Results appear no different from those of the base case.
The next run included a combination of relative permeabil- This indicates that a change in the placement of the weIl within
ky of case 10 (c) and PVT properties of case 9 (b): Productiv- a quarter oft he height from the middle does not affect oil pro.
ky increases at the later recovery factors. As a consequence, ductivity significantly. In the second run, the well was lowered
ultimate recoverjj increases to 28%. As b~fore, the increase to the bottom of the reservoir. Corresponding dimensionless
in productivity or recovery does not change the shape of the IPR curves are plotted on Figure 11. Here, Initial IPR curves
dimensionless IPR.s significantly. show lower productivity and lower curvature. The lower pro-
In one run, fluid properties were approximated by straight ductivity is a result of the well’s placement near the no flow
lines given by case 9 (d) and 10 (d) of Vogel’s paper. Even bottom boundary. There does not seem to be a significant
with these extreme approximations, dimensionless IPR curves chang~ in ultimate recovery. Probably, the reservoir th~ckness
show the progressive increase in concavity shape. of 23,5 ft is not high enough to produce a significant amount
A run was made to see the effect of an initial pressure of oil by the ~ravity drainage process.
al. ;e the bubble point pressure. Wltid pressure WW set to A run waa made to see the effect of well length. The reser-
3040 psig, a value much above the bubble point pressure of voir was modeled in three dimensions with 9x6x 7 grid blocks.
2130 psig. The productivity index increases considerably when The well length was cut in half and the well was completed in
the flowing bottom-hole pressure drops from above to below the first 3 y-direction blocks. R.esultiag dimensionless IPR
the bubble point pressure. When average reservoir pressure is curves are plotted on Figure 12. Results indicate a decrease in
below the bubble point pressure, the contavity of IPR curve .. . . productivity by a factor of four. However, the @mensionless
regains its usual shape. IPR curves show the progressive concavity feature. There is
a slight indication that these curves are closer together than
before. It is important to point out that, due to computer
Effect of Reservoir Characteristics limitations, not enough grid blocks can be used to reproduce
Reservoirs characteristics include absolute permeability, drainage the three dimensional flow geometry.
area, and reservoir thickness. In summary, in almost atl cases dimensionless IPR curves
A run was made with an absolute permeability of 200 md, are approximately straight lines at initial recovery, but become
a value 10 times larger than that used in the base case. ”Results more concave with increasing cumulative production up to a
indicate a 10 times increase in oil production rate for a given certain recovery factor. At that time the concavity decreases
r-covery factor. In spite of that, there has been no significant unti[ final recovery is reached.
increase in ultimate recovery from a previous value of 1570.
Figure 7 shows that a change in absolute permeability does
Attempted Curve Correlation
not affect the shape of dimensionless IPR curves,
In another run, drainage area was doubled to 40 acres. Since the dimensionless curves exhibit a common curvature
the resulting dimensionless IPR curves are shown on Figure 8. progression, an attempt is made to correlate those changes
Results show no significant change in magnitude or shape from first with a modified form of Vogel’s curve, and then with
those of the base case. However, it is important to emphasize Fetkovich’s equation. The modified form of Vogel’s equation
that for a given recovery factor, the am~unt of cumulative oil is:
produced gets larger for a larger amount of oil originally in
place. —
= 1.0 -v: -(1 - v)(~)’ (5)
Two runs were made to see the effect of thickness. The first !70m.=

run used a thickness of 50 feet. The resulting dlmensiordess This equation is curve fit to the dimensionless IPR curves
IPR curves are plotted ~ Figure 9. The second run used a of the base case. Similarly, Fetkovich’s equation is curve fit to
thickness of 100 ft. Apparently, with increase in thickness, the the dimensionless IPR curves. Figure 13 shows a comparison
upward concavity seen at early recovery and at high flowing between the fitted curves by Equation 5 and the actual ones.
bottom-hole pressures disappears. It is not a perfect match because the parabola does not repro-
duce the initial upward concavity of initial IPR.s. For IPRs
corresponding to stages of depletion where the upward con-

-- .

cavity vanishes, the fit is much closer. A similar procedure is Nomenclature

repeated with Fetkovich’s equation and the results are plotted cc= geometric factor for well connection.
on Figure 14. As with Vogel’s equation, Fetkovich’s equation =
f well fraction open to flow.
does not match closely early IPR cuves. But the fit is closer
for later stages of depletion where ti~at upward concavity dis.
L. = well length, ft.
appears. IPR = inflow performance relationship.
A combination of Equation 5 and Equation 2 is suggested: k = absolute permeabfity, md.
n = exponent in Fetkovich deliverabtity equation.
1.0- V* -(1 - V)(*)2
‘ (6) N.
Np =
amount of original oil in place, STB.
amount of cumulative produced oil, STB.
This equation is curve fit to the IPR curves of the baae h+=
wise in order to determine the two parameters V and n aa a recovery factor, or cumulative oil produced
function of the recovery factor. A plot of this relationship is fraction of original oil in place.
given in Figure 150 Auf = flowing bottom-hole pressure, psia.
A comparison between the fitted curves and the actual ones @R = average reservoir pressure, psia.
is illustrated in Figure 16. From this plot, it is apparent that PVT = pressure-volume-temperature hydrocarbon
Equation 6 gives a very close fit to the IPR curves of the base properties.
case at all stagea ~f depletion. Up to a recovery factor of 0.870, PI = productivity index, STB/psi.
the parameter V ranges between .0.4 and 0.1. After that, it
90 = oil flow rate, STB/D.
takes values varying within the Smsllei range of 0.1 and 0.2.
The exponent n, has a value of 1.35 at a recovery factor of 901nc4* = maximum oil flow rate, STB/D.
8.8%. Then it decreases to 0.9 at a recovery factor of 8%. At To = effective radius of well connection, ft.
the later recovery factors, it increases slightly with cumulative rw = wellbore radius, ft
production. 8 = skin factor.
v= variable parameter in modified Vogel’s equw,
Conclusions WP = well productivity factor, cpRB/(D-psi).
At= grid block length in the x-direction, ft.
1. By using available commercial black oil simulators, in-
AZ= grid block length in the z-direction, ft.
flow performance relationships of a horizontal well were
developed for a wide variety of solution-gee drive reser-
voirs. References
2. Tliese curves show a high initial oil productivity that de-
[1] Gilbert, W. E.: “Flowing and Gaa-Lift Well Perfor-
creases very rapidly with cumulative production. Thk
mance,” API Drilling und Production Pmctice, (1954),
high productivity is caused by a large contact area be-
Dallas, Texas, 126-157.
tween well and reservoir. The rapid decrease in produc-
tiv~ty is due to limited transmissibility and finite size of [2] Vogel, J. H.: “Inflow Performance Relationships for
the reservoir. Solution-Gas Drive Wells,n J. Pet. Tech., (Jan. 1958), 83-
3. Dimensionless IPR curves show a noticeable change in
concavity, The magnitude of the concavity is an indi- [3] Fetkovich, M. J.: ‘The Isochronal Testing of Oil Wells,”
cation of how the productivity of the well varies with Paper SPE 4529, presented at the 48th Annual Fall Meet-
variations in pressure drawdown. ing, Las Vegaa, Nevada, Sep. 30-Ott. 3, 1973. (SPE
Reprints Series No. 14, 265).
4. Most of these curves share a common feature. Initial di-
mensionless IPR curves are nearly straight lines. With [4] Standing, M. B.: ‘Inflow Performance Relationships for
increasing recovery, concavity increases. CoNcavit y de- Damaged Wells Producing by Solution-Gas Drive,” J.
creases slight~ near depletion. Pet. Tech. (Nov. 1970), 1399-1400.

5. An attempt is made to correlate this common change of [5] Whitson, C. S.: ‘Reservoir Well Performance and Pre-
curvature. Both Vogel’s and Fetkovich’s equations are dicting Deliverabtity~ paper SPE 12518, Nov. 1983.
tried. They adequately fit especially to the later stage
of recovery curves with well behaved curvature, [6] Camacho, R. G., and Raghavan, R.: ‘%&XI Performance
Relationship for Solution-Gas Drive Reservoirs,n J. Pet.
6. A new two parameter equation resulting from the com- Tech., (May 1989), 541-550.
bination of Vogel’s and Fetkovich equations provides a
much closer fit to the generated IPR curves at all stages [7] Standing, M. B.: ‘Concerning the Calculation of Inflow
of depletion. Performance of Wells Producing from Solution-Gas Drive
Reservoirs,” J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1971), 1141-1142.

6 ~f)n
. --- SOT.TITTON.f2
., -”4,A C llnlilm UnDTCJAX1m AT TIXW
““~~~~ T c-+ C?nm * nanm
J2 4 V04
“b* . u sx”~~~a”~~ ~~~
.,..” .. W.. ”

‘[8] Diaz-Couto, L. E., and Golan M.: “General Inflow Per- [14] Plahn, S. V., Startzman, R. A., Wattenbarger, R, A,: ‘A
formance Relationship for Solution-Gaa Reservoir Wells,” Method for Predicting Horizontal Well Performance in
J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1982), 285-288.
Solution-GM Drive Reservoirs? SPE paper 16201, pre-
sented at the 1987 Production Operation Symposium,
[9] Kelkar, B. G., wd Cox, R.: “Unified Relationship to
Predict Future IPR Curves for Solution-Gas Drive Reser- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 8-10.
voirs,n paper SPE 14239 presented at the 60th Annual [15] Kossack, C. A., and Kleppe, J.: “Oil Production horn
Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of the Troll Field: a Comparison of Horizontal and Verti-
Petroleum Engineers held in Laa Vegas, Neviida, Sep. 22- cal Wells,” paper SPE 16869 ‘presented at the 62nd An-
!25, 1985. nual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers held in Daflaa, Texaa, Sep. 27-30,
[10] Joshi, S. D.: 4Augmentation of Well Productivity Using
Slant and Horizontal Wells,” SPE paper 15375, presented 1987.
at the 1986 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oc-
tober 5-8.

[11] Karcher, B. J., Giger, F. M., and Cornbe, J.: “Some Prac- S1 Metric Conversion Factors
tical Formulaa to Predict Horizontal Well Behavior,” SPE acres x 4.046873 E+03 = m2
paper 15430, presented at the 1986 Annual Meeting, New bbl x 1,589873 E-01 = m3
Orleans, Louisiana, October 5-8. Cp x 1.000000 E-03 = Pas
D X 8.640000 E+04 = s
[12] Babu, D. K., and Odeh, A. Z.: “Productivity of a Hori-
ft x 3.048000 E-01 = m
zontal Well,” paper SPE 18298, 1988. ft3 x 2.331685 E-o2 = m3
[13] Sherrard, D. W., Brice, B. W., and MacDonalu, D. G.: lbm x- 4.535924 E-01 = kg
‘Application of Horizontal Wells at Prudhoe Bay,” J. Pet. md x 9.689233 E–04 = pm~
Tech. (Nov. 1987), 1417-1425. psi x 6.894757 E+OO = kPa


5 1590

0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Oil flow rate (STB/D)

Figure 1. IPR curvee of the base case.

m -.


SW 19823



1? 0.6


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Oil Flow rala (STB/D)
Dhnensionks oil rste

Figure 2. IPR curvae of bass ease Figure 9. Olmenalonloss IPR curvs

W Mar raoovo~ fsctors. of thebsae mea.




0.8 -

: 0.6 -
.5! NP/N =
2 0.4, 0.1, t.o
‘“4 14.0, 2.0, t2.o,
0.4 - 6.0, 10.0 %

0.2 -

0.0 0.2 0.4 00 3.8 1 00 ~.1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Dimensionlessoil ra!e
Dlmsnsbnbss oil tlow rate
Flguro 4. Dhwenalonleaa IPR cuwes wllh Flgura 5. Olnrenalonle$s IPR curvee with
PW proparlles from csss (d). rolotlvo parrrruablllfy from osae (b)

SPE 1982h “ ~“ -


NPR4 -
0.1, 0.4, 1.0,
2.0, 10.0, 6,0 %

~ 0,4} 6.0; iao,”;i.;;-io.o % \\\\\


0.2 -

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1..0 Llimensbnieesoil ftow rate
Dimensbnleea oil flow rate

Flgura 6. Dlrnenslonl~$ \pR CLWVOgwith PVT (e) ,nd

Figure 7. Olmanslonleea IPR curves with
relatiw permeability (b) state.
●beolute pwnweblllty of 200 md,

1.0 ,-





0.0 L \ 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4, 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0
Dimensionleaaoil flow“rete
Dimensionlessoil flow rata

Floure 8. Dlmonaionless IPR curves with 40 acro dralnsge ares.

Figure 9. Dlrnenalonloae IPR cuwee with 50 ft !Mckneas.

sf% 1982~


% 0.8

0.4, 0.1,
f .0, 2.0,
10.0, 6.0 %

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0
0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Dimenebnless oil fbw rate
DhmsnebnleaOHfbw rete
Figure 10. Dlmenslonless IPR c ues with poal!lve bkln of 5.
# FIOut* 11. Dimenslonleee IPR curwe wlfh well on fhe bo~om.



2 F/pm . {
0) 0.1, 0.4, NPIN =
&?0.4 f .0, 12.0, Of,
.7 2,0, 6.0, 2.0,
.: I 10.0 % 6.0 %

0.0 I
0,0 0.2
J Aclualcarves0! the beae r *e
0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0
Dimensionlessoil flCWreIe 0.0 ~ \
0.0 0.2 9.4 0.6
Figure 12. Dhnenelonleee IPR curves wifh helf well length. 0.6 1.0

Dlmensionleeedl flew rafe

Figure 13. IPR curvee fllted by v com~~ !0 actual curves.

669 . .
1.0 1.0

0.8 - 0.8 -

NP/N =
0,6 - 0.6 - 0.1,
NPIN - 6.0 %
0.4 - 6.0 % %, 0.4 -
0.2 - — with FetkodchIPR. 0.2 -— Fittedcwves withthe new equatbn.

‘------- Acfuaicurvesof thebasecase. ‘----”--” ActualIPR cuweeofthe basecase

0.0 0.0
-0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.s 0.8 t ,0

Dimenskmleaaoil flow rate Dlrrwrralonlese


Figure 14, IPR curvoe tftted by Fafkovfch aquatforr Figure 1S. IPR curves ftfled wffh the new quatkon
compared to acfuaf OIWea. -w~ :0 aefual Curses.


0.2 -

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.12 0.$4

Recovery factor (frecflon)

Figure 16. Parmnatora V ●nd n ve recovery factor

from ● curva fit wtfh firs new oquatlon

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