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Concrete is the most basic product used in any construction.

is a combination of cement, sand, gravel and water. From small
building to high skyscraper , concrete is the most basic thing
required. While constructing your home even if you use a good
quality expensive cement or rod or sand or hire the best
architect, cracks are something which is common to occur after
few years. These cracks normally takes place in walls and
parapet. And the reasons for this crack is impact from
rainwater, wind, high temperature or earthquake. These cracks
are very hard to repair and even if a worker claims to repair it,
they are only going to hide it in most cases. After so many
research works science has a solution for this and that is
Bacterial concrete. Bacterial concrete is just like an ordinary
concrete but it has more strength than the ordinary one. In
bacterial concrete there are bacterias present in the concrete in
sleep mode and along with it the food i.e calcium lactate for
bacterias are also present. So, when a crack occurs anywhere
in the building, these bacterias comes in contact with water
and it comes into life and after eating calcium lactate it convert
itself to calcite or calcium carbonate commonly known as
limestone or chalk and fill up the cracks, thus there is no need
for extra repair work. So, Bacterial concrete is considered as
the most important discovery in the field of construction like In
nuclear power plant, we need a thick layer of concrete for
preventing the spreading of radiation. These radiations
sometime makes crack in the concrete and to repair it without
taking human aid because of its radiation Bacterial concrete
can be used for its self-healing mechanism. It has also a
disadvantage too like if we use bacteria and calcium lactate
mixture more than 20% of the total concrete, then it will
decrease the strength of the concrete.

In conclusion I would say that though it is an expensive product

because of the calcium lactate and it is mainly used for marine
structures, skyscrapers, and the structures present near
equator region because of high shrinkage but it can also be
used in normal structure too as it not only repairs the cracks
itself but it also has more strength than the ordinary concrete.

Thank you

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