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A Doc Savage Story By Kenneth Robeson

Originally published in Doc Savage Magazine January 1934

In the weird surroundings of the North, Doc

Savage and his scrappy pals face the
crew of skeletons and the

Brand of the Werewolf

Complete Book-length Novel by

Chapter I Just now, however, the telegrapher
THE STRANGE MESSAGE looked as if things were happening—big
things. His manner was as excited as that of
IT was a little way station on the a small boy about to see the circus.
transcontinental railroad in western Canada. The thing which had flustered him
Only one man worked there. He had what was a telegram that he had just copied. It
railroaders call an “OS” job. About all he had was addressed to a passenger on the fast
to do was “OS” trains—telegraph the express train which was due to arrive soon.
dispatcher that they were passing his point. The operator interrupted his routine
Usually, nothing much ever work frequently to stare at the name of the
happened around there. individual to whom the message was going.
He scratched his head.

“If that man is the fellow I think he “I KNEW you’d heard of him,” the
is—” He finished his remark with a low operator said triumphantly.
whistle of amazement. Wilkie absently removed the uniform
Some minutes later, the brass cap from his enormous head. “Do you reckon
pounder gave a start as if he had just thought this is the same man?”
of something. He got up hastily and went to a “I’m betting it is,” said the
row of shelves in the rear of the room. These telegrapher. “He’s taking a vacation—him
held magazines. Due to the loneliness of his and the five men who help him. He has a
post, the operator was a heavy reader. relative up in the woods along the coast. He’s
He picked out and thumbed through paying a visit there.”
several magazines which made a practice of “How do you know that?” Wilkie
publishing stories of famous men. The cover demanded.
design of one of these consisted of a large The operator grinned. “It’s kinda
bronze-colored question mark. Printed lonesome here, and I kill time by listening to
across this were the words: the messages that go back and forth over the
wires. I heard the message he sent, saying
THE MAN OF MYSTERY he was coming with his five friends.”
(Story on page 9) Wilkie hesitated, then read the
message. As an employee of the company,
The telegrapher opened the he probably had a right to do this.
magazine to page nine. The Story was what “Whew!” he exclaimed. “If that chap
writers call a “fact article.” Every word was was a relative of mine, I wouldn’t send him a
supposed to be the truth. More large black telegram like this!”
type asked: “Me either!” the operator replied. He
secured the magazine which he had started
WHO IS PROBABLY THE MOST to read. “Say, did you see the article in here
AMAZING OF LIVING MEN? about that fellow?”
Wilkie glanced at the magazine.
The telegraph operator had read this “Nope. I’d like to read it, too.”
story before. But now he started to peruse it “Take it.” The operator passed the
again. He was interrupted. magazine over. “It’s sure worth reading. It
A train whistled in the distance, and tells some of the things he and his five men
soon its approaching roar was soon audible. have done. I tell you, Wilkie, a lot of the
It was the fast passenger. Smoke things are hard to believe. This fellow must
and steam rolling, air brakes shrieking, the be a superman!”
engine and string of coaches came to a halt. “Them writers sometimes
A regular stop for water was made here. exaggerate,” Wilkie said.
Wilkie came in. Wilkie was the “Not in this magazine,” the
conductor. He had a large head, and an telegrapher assured him. “It’s got a
extraordinarily prominent stomach. He looked reputation of sticking close to the truth.”
like a pleasant little goblin in a uniform. The engine whistle moaned out.
“Hyah, brass mauler!” he greeted Echoes came slamming back from the
cheerfully. timbered hills.
With a dramatic gesture, the operator “That’s the ol’ highball!” Wilkie
passed over the telegram. wheeled. “Thanks for the magazine. Be
“Message for one of the passengers, seeing you, brass pounder.”
eh?” said Wilkie, and started to stuff the The train was moving. With a
missive in a pocket smoothness that came of long practice,
“Wait a minute!” ejaculated the Wilkie swung aboard. He headed for the cars
telegrapher. “Look who that’s for!” which held drawing-rooms. He walked the
Wilkie eyed the name on the swaying aisles with the proficiency of a sailor
telegram. on a rolling deck of a storm-tossed ship.
“For the love of Mike!” he exclaimed. Opening the magazine at page nine,
he stared at the article. The first paragraph
gripped him. Absorbed in his reading, he

nearly fell over a suitcase which some The telegrapher shook his head in
traveler had left protruding into the aisle. bewilderment. Getting out his carbon copy of
“What a man!” Wilkie ejaculated. the message which he had given to Wilkie,
The traveler who owned the he “traced” it to the distant man—outlining its
suitcase, mistakenly thinking the remark was contents.
directed at himself, looked indignant. “We sent no such message,” he was
Wilkie reached the drawing-room; informed.
and found the porter. “I’m hunting for this “I received it,” the station operator
man,” he said, and showed the name on the clicked back. “There’s something strange
telegram. about this. Do you think the wires were
“Yassah!” gulped the porter. “Golly tapped?”
me! Dat’s de stranges’-lookin’ man Ah evah “Search me.”
saw!” The telegrapher sat and pondered.
“What’s strange about him?” He reached a decision. Grasping the key, he
“Man, he am de bigges’ fella yo’ transmitted: “I’m going to wire ahead to the
evah laid yo’ eyes on!” The porter gazed next station, and let Wilkie know what
ecstatically ceilingward. “When he looks at happened.”
yo’, yo’ jus’ kinda turns inside out. Ah seed “Why go to all that trouble?” the
him with his shirt off, takin’ some kinda distant operator demanded.
exercises. Ah nevah seed such muscles “Because both Wilkie and I thought
befo’. Dey was like big ropes tied around the contents of that message were strange.
him.” We both remarked that it was an unusual
Wilkie nodded. He had come on duty communication for this man to receive.”
at the last division point, and had not seen all “What do you know about the
the passengers. “In the observation car, eh? business of the man the message was going
And I’ll know him when I see him?” to?”
“Yo’ cain’t miss him! He’s a great big “I’ve read of the fellow,” tapped the
bronze man!” station operator. “I’ll tell you about him later.
Wilkie headed for the observation He’s worth hearing about. But I’m going to
car. wire Wilkie now.”
He began to maul out the call letters
of a station at which Wilkie’s train would soon
BACK in the tiny way station, the arrive.
telegraph sounder was clicking noisily. The The station door opened furtively
operator sat down at his typewriter to behind him. It made no noise. Two men crept
receive. in. They were clad in grease spattered
He copied the incoming message coveralls. Both had handkerchiefs tied over
number, the office of origin, and the address. their faces, and both carried revolvers.
The missive was destined for a passenger on The telegrapher, absorbed in calling,
another train. did not hear them. It was doubtful if he ever
The telegrapher reached over to his knew of their presence.
key and “broke.” One of the marauders jammed his
“Wrong number,” he transmitted. revolver to the operator’s temple, and pulled
Telegrams were numbered in the trigger. The report of the shot was
consecutive order. This was to prevent a deafening.
telegrapher sending one “into the air”— The operator tumbled from his chair.
transmitting a message which was not He had died instantly.
received at the other end. Reaching over, the murderer
“It’s the right number,” the man at the grasped the telegraph key.
distant key tapped. “Never mind that stuff about another
“You’re shy a number,” explained the message,” he transmitted. “I was mistaken.”
station wireman. “You sent me a message “That lonesome place must be
half an hour ago.” driving you nuts,” chided the distant
“The last message we sent you was telegrapher, thinking he was still talking to
four hours ago,” rattled the sounder. the station man.

The killer gave an ugly laugh. He Wilkie suddenly realized the most
grabbed the key again. striking thing about the fellow was his eyes.
“Nuts, nuts! Ha, ha, ha!” he They were like pools of flake gold glistening
transmitted erratically. “King George couldn’t in the afternoon sunlight that reflected
be crazy. Ha, ha! I’m King George—” through the train windows. Their gaze
For several minutes he sent crazily, possessed an almost hypnotic quality, a
in the manner of a demented man. Then he strange ability to literally convey the owner’s
carefully wiped the finger prints off the desires with their glance.
murder revolver and placed it in the fingers of Undeniably, here was an amazing
the lifeless station telegrapher. man.
“That fixes it up,” he told his “Doc Savage,” he said. “That is
companion. “They’ll think he went mad and right.”
committed suicide. Nobody can trace my The man’s voice impressed Wilkie as
gun. The numbers are filed off.” being very much in keeping with his
“I don’t like this!” gulped the fellow’s appearance. It was vibrant with controlled
companion. power.
“We hadda keep ‘em from findin’ out “A wire came for you at the last
we tapped the wire and sent that message, station,” said Wilkie, and handed over the
didn’t we? C’mon! Let’s blow!” message. It was the first time in years that
The pair departed. Some time later, Wilkie had been awed in the presence of
a somber black monoplane lifted them from a anybody.
level bit of grassland which lay about three “Thank you,” said Doc Savage.
miles from the tiny station. Wilkie found himself retreating,
The plane moaned off in the eye of although he had intended to hang around
the evening sun. It was following the railroad and strike up a conversation with this
westward, as if in pursuit of the passenger remarkable man. The tone of those two
train. words had impelled him to depart. At the
same time, he found himself feeling very
friendly toward the metallic giant.
WILKIE, the conductor, stood stock- It was eerie, the things the bronze
still in the observation car and stared. The man’s voice could do.
colored porter’s words, and what he had read Wilkie was almost out of the
of the article in the magazine, had prepared observation car when another weird thing
him to a degree for what he was seeing. Yet happened. An uncanny sound reached his
the personage before him was even more ears.
remarkable than he had expected. He came to an abrupt stop. His face
Had Wilkie not known better, he was blank. Absently, he felt of his ears. The
would have sworn the individual was a statue sound was so curious that he half suspected
sculptured from solid bronze. The effect of it might be a product of his imagination. The
the metallic figure was amazing. note seemed to be coming from no particular
The man’s unusually high forehead, spot, but from everywhere.
the muscular and strong mouth, the lean and It was low, mellow, and trilling, that
corded cheeks, denoted a rare power of sound—like the song of some strange
character. The bronze hair was a shade feathered denizen of the jungle, or the sound
darker than the bronze skin. It lay straight of a wind crawling through a leafless
and smooth. wilderness. It ran up and down the musical
Only by comparing the bronze man’s scale, having no tune, yet melodious. Then it
size to that of the observation car chair in ended.
which he sat, were his gigantic proportions Wilkie did not feel awed by the
evident. The bulk of his great frame was lost sound. Rather, there was something inspiring
in its perfect symmetry. No part of the man about it.
seemed overdeveloped. As he went on, Wilkie felt as if he
Wilkie snapped himself out of his had just taken a drink of fine old liquor. The
trance and advanced. trilling sound had that kind of an effect.
“Doc Savage?” he asked.
The bronze man glanced up.

Chapter II “Si, si,” her parent agreed

THE TRAIN WEREWOLF disapprovingly.
Father and daughter were staring
THE sound Wilkie had heard was after the receding bronze man when a low
part of Doc Savage. It was a small, voice sounded at their side.
unconscious thing which he did in moments A man had joined them silently. This
of intense concentration, or when he was individual was tall and slenderly athletic. His
surprised. Often when Doc made the sound, face was more than handsome. It was pretty.
he was unaware of doing so. It was almost a girl’s face. His age was
Reading the text of the telegram had somewhere around thirty-five. He had hard
caused the tiny, weird note to come into eyes.
being. “I trust you are retaining your
Leaving his chair, Doc strode for the courage, señorita,” he said fawningly. He
observation platform on the rear of the bowed to her father. “You also, Señor Corto
coach. Oveja.”
There were other passengers. These “You need have no fear of our nerve,
were amazed by the bronze man’s El Rabanos,” said Cere in excellent English.
appearance—so much so that they forgot “Instead of discussing our troubles, we were
their manners and frankly stared. remarking on the striking qualities of the
A stout, elderly man with a slightly bronze man who just passed. Do you happen
swarthy face gazed at the bronze giant’s to know his name?”
hands. Enormous, supple tendons showed The girl-faced El Rabanos leaned
those hands contained incredible strength. close to breathe: “Not so loud, Señorita!”
The hands seemed to mesmerize the A close observer could have noted
swarthy man. that the pretty Señorita had suddenly begun
A ravishingly pretty dark-haired girl turning pale. “You mean—”
sat beside the elderly man. Her eyes were “The bronze man is Doc Savage,”
large and limpid, and her lips a most inviting said El Rabanos.
rosebud. She looked very fresh and crisp, so Señor Corto Oveja came up rigid in
impeccable, in fact, that it was obvious she his chair. “So that is the man—the fiend who
had not been on the train long. Even the is to kill us! Dios mio!”
neatest of individuals soon show the effects “Si, si!” muttered El Rabanos. “We
of traveling. must watch this Doc Savage. From him, our
These two were clearly father and very lives are in danger.”
daughter. “And his appearance made such a
The attractive young woman seemed good impression,” Cere murmured forlornly.
intrigued, not by the bronze man’s
undeniable physical strength, but by the fact
that he was one of the handsomest fellows DOC SAVAGE, unaware of the
she had ever seen. bombshell his passage had exploded,
Doc Savage went on, seeming not to stepped out on the observation platform.
notice the pair. One man rode there. The
Frowning, the elderly man dropped a outstanding thing about this fellow was his
hand on his daughter’s arm. gigantic hands. Each of these was composed
“Quita aIla!” he ejaculated severely in of more than a quart of bone and gristle,
Spanish. “For shame! You were smiling at sheathed in hide that resembled rusted sheet
that man, Cere.” iron. The man was very big—over six feet,
The enchanting Cere colored in and weighing fully two hundred and fifty
confusion. She had smiled, although she had pounds—but the size of his hands made the
not meant to. rest of him seem dwarfed.
“Eso es espantoso!” she laughed. “It He had a long, Puritanical face,
is dreadful! Thank goodness, he did not see which bore an expression of great gloom. He
me. He would have thought me very looked like a man on his way to a funeral.
forward.” “Have a look, Renny,” said Doc
Savage, and extended the telegram.

The big-fisted man was Colonel John “If your uncle and cousin don’t want
Renwick, known in many parts of the globe us, Doc, I reckon we’ll go somewhere else,”
for his accomplishments as an engineer. he said gloomily. “Where’s the map? I’ll try to
Also, he was noted for a playful habit of find another place where there’s good
knocking panels out of doors with his fishing.”
incredible fists. With either fist, he boasted, “Better postpone that, Renny,” Doc
he could vanquish the stoutest wooden door. said dryly.
Renny’s funeral-going expression “Huh?
was the one he habitually wore when at “There’s something very suspicious
peace with the world. about this message,” Doc Savage informed
Renny was one of a group of five him.
singular men who were Doc Savage’s
The telegram was addressed to Doc PUZZLED and wondering, big-fisted
Savage, care of the train, and read: Renny followed his giant bronze chief back
through the observation car. Renny’s relation
JUST RECEIVED YOUR WIRE ADVISING to Doc Savage was unusual. He willingly
YOU ARE PAYING ME A VISIT STOP WISH carried out Doc’s smallest order. Yet Renny
TO INFORM YOU I HAVE NO USE FOR received not one penny of salary
REST OF SAVAGE FAMILY STOP DO NOT Renny, in fact, was considerably
WISH YOUR COMPANY STOP WOULD BE more than a millionaire in his own right. His
DELIGHTED TO HAVE YOU STAY AWAY skill as an engineer had made into a fortune.
ALEX SAVAGE He had, in a sense, retired—retired to follow
the trail of what he liked above all else,
Renny had a pet expression which adventure. Peril and excitement were the
be used on all occasions calling for spice of his life.
vehemence. He employed it now. Peril, excitement, and adventure
“Holy cow!” he exploded. were the bonds which cemented him to Doc
“Those are something near my own Savage. Doc seemed always to walk amid
sentiments,” Doc Savage agreed. these things. Each minute of his life was one
“Dang it!” Renny’s voice was of danger.
something like the roaring of an angry animal For Doc Savage had a strange
in a cave. “What if he don’t want our purpose in life, a creed to which his existence
company? The crowd of us weren’t going to was dedicated. That creed was to go here
drop in and sponge off him! We were going and there, to the far corners of the earth,
to do some fishing and hunting, and merely helping those in need of help, punishing
pay him a visit as a courtesy. If he don’t want those who needed punishment.
us, we won’t bother him. But I’ll be blasted if Doc had been trained for this
that will keep us from our vacation!” purpose from the cradle.
“Alex Savage owns a large stretch of The other four aides of the bronze
land along the coast,” Doc pointed out. “It man, like Renny, were bound to him by a
has the reputation of being the best spot in love of adventure. And, like Renny, they were
Canada for hunting and fishing.” masters of some profession.
Renny groaned thunderously. “A fine One was an electrical wizard, one a
gesture of welcome! Say, Doc, don’t this Alex world-renowned chemist, another a great
Savage know you?” geologist and archaeologist, and the fourth,
“Not personally,” Doc replied. “He is one of the most astute lawyers Harvard had
an uncle. I have never met either him or his ever turned out.
daughter.” Trouble-busting was the life purpose
“Daughter?” of Doc and his five aides. Their exploits had
“An only child, I understand. Her pushed their fame to the ends of the earth.
name is Patricia. Age about eighteen.” Doc, mighty man of bronze, was by way of
Renny tapped his huge fists becoming a legend—a specter of terror
together. This made a sound remindful of two where evil-doers were concerned.
flint boulders colliding with each other. Doc Savage entered his drawing-
room, Renny at his heels. The room was

stacked with bags and many metal boxes Wilkie was absorbed in the magazine
equipped with carrying straps. which held the feature story about Doc
Doc opened one of the boxes. A Savage.
compact radio transmitter and receiver came “How soon will we reach a point from
to light. Corded fingers moving with deftness, which I can send a telegram?” Doc inquired.
Doc manipulated the controls. The set was Wilkie swallowed twice before he
fitted with a “bug”—a mechanical key for could answer. What he had been reading
rapid transmission. had tended to increase his awe of this bronze
“What station are you callin’, Doc?” man.
Renny queried. “We pass a little station in a few
“There is a Royal Canadian Mounted minutes,” he replied. “We don’t stop, but I
Police station in the railroad town nearest can clip it to an order hoop, and get it to the
Alex Savage’s home,” Doc explained. “I’m telegrapher as we go past.”
trying to raise them.” “Good!”
Renny heard this without batting an Doc proceeded to write out a
eye. That Doc should know there was a message. It was addressed to Alex Savage:
Mounted station at the town, and have the
call letters at his finger tips, did not impress SOMETHING STRANGE GOING ON STOP
Renny as anything out of the ordinary. Doc DID YOU GET MY TELEGRAM ADVISING
Savage had a fabulous fund of information of THAT MYSELF AND FIVE FRIENDS
Doc contacted the Mounted station, HUNTING VACATION YOUR VICNITY
and made known his identity. STOP DID YOU WIRE US NOT TO COME
“At your service, Mr. Savage,” was STOP PLEASE ADVISE IMMEDIATELY
the reply to this. DOC SAVAGE
Renny heard this come from the ear
phones. He was not surprised. This was not Folding this, Doc gave it to the
the only great police system which conductor.
coöperated fully with Doc Savage. “I don’t know what it will cost,” Wilkie
“I received a telegram which said.
pretends to have been sent from your town “This should more than cover it.” Doc
by Alex Savage,” Doc transmitted. “Will you passed over a large Canadian five dollar bill.
check up and see if it was sent, please?” “Keep the change for your trouble.”
There followed fully five minutes of “I couldn’t do that,” Wilkie said
silence, while the distant Mounted operator hastily. “I’ll deadhead the message for you,
made inquiries. Mr. Savage. It won’t cost a thing.”
“No such message was sent from Wilkie was outdoing himself to
here,” came back the report. please the bronze man.
Doc wirelessed his thanks, then Doc seemed faintly puzzled for a
replaced the radio set in its case. moment. Then he caught sight of the
“You’ve got one guess about that magazine article which Wilkie had been
telegram,” he told Renny. reading. His inscrutable, metallic features did
“It was a fake!” Renny thumped. not change. but after a moment he indicated
“But, Doc, what in blazes made you the periodical.
suspicious?” “The chap who wrote that had a lot of
“The message was addressed care imagination,” he said dryly.
of this train,” Doc explained. “Our earlier Doc and Renny turned away from
message to Alex Savage said nothing about the admiring conductor. They almost bumped
what train we would be on.” into two swarthy men and a beautiful, dark—
haired girl. These were Señor Corto Oveja,
his daughter Cere, and the girl—faced El
DOC Savage, Renny lumbering at Rabanos.
his side, now sought out Wilkie, the The three looked steadily away from
conductor. Doc and Renny. They had been standing
there eavesdropping as Doc gave Wilkie his

message. But they did not want the bronze “Look!” He pointed at the door.
giant to know that. The panel bore a weirdly shaped
Doc and Renny went on up the car. smudge. Faintly imprinted, discernible only
“A peach!” Renny breathed when after a close glance, the thing was more than
they were in the next car. a foot high, and about half as wide.
“What?” said Doc. Renny stepped around so that he got
“The girl with those two swarthy a better view with the light on it
men,” Renny murmured. “Holy cow! Was she “Holy cowl” he gasped. “The thing is
a looker!” shaped like a wolf head, Doc—a wolf with
“You mean the three who were hideous, humanlike features!”
spying on us as we gave the conductor that Doc nodded slowly. His bronze
message?” Doc queried softly. lineaments, his strange golden eyes, had not
Renny gulped: “They were spying on changed expression.
us?” “Werewolf,” he said.
“They were.” “What?” Renny was puzzled. “There
Señor Corto Oveja, Cere, and El ain’t no such critter. It’s just a legend of these
Rabanos would have been surprised, had Canadian trappers and natives.”
they overheard this statement. They had not “A legend of human beings who,
imagined they had been discovered. They thirsting for the blood of their fellow men, turn
did not know that few things happening into wolves that they may satisfy their
around Doc escaped his attention. vampire lust,” Doc said quietly. “Most
unsavory creatures, even for ghost stories.”
Renny hesitated, then stroked a
RENNY scowled and banged his finger through the design on the door. His
knuckles together. “What do you make of enormous digit left a clean path in its wake.
this, Doc?” “Just dust!” he muttered. “But it’s
“Somebody wants to keep us away strange it’d settle there in that kind of a
from Alex Savage’s place, and the beautiful shape.”
Señorita and her two dark complexioned Doc tried the door. It resisted. He
companions are very interested in us,” Doc showed no surprise. “Locked,” he said.
summarized. “Blazes! Something’s wrong!”
“But what’s at the bottom of it?” Without hesitating, Renny blocked one huge
“Trouble!” hand into a fist. He swung it.
“You’re tellin’ me?’ Renny grimaced. The door panel was of metal, but it
“But what’s at the bottom of it?” gave as if it were a kicked tin can. With a
“I neglected to bring my crystal ball,” loud crack, the lock broke. The panel jumped
Doc said dryly. open.
Renny grinned. Somebody, Doc and Renny shouldered in.
incredulous at the eerie precision with which Four men lay sprawled about a table.
Doc could read the meaning of mysterious Their positions were grotesque; they lay
events, and deduct what was to come, had exactly as they had fallen from their chairs.
once declared the bronze man was a mystic, The men were Doc Savage’s four
able to see the future in a crystal ball. The aides.
truth was that Doc’s foresight came from a “They’re dead!” Renny walled.
brain that operated with crystal clarity. At that instant, a small depot flashed
“The rest of the gang will want to by the speeding train. It was the station at
know about this,” Renny suggested. which Wilkie planned to drop Doc Savage’s
Renny was referring to the other four telegram.
members of Doc’s little group. These Wilkie got rid of the message
gentlemen were playing a game of chess in successfully, and before the train was out of
another drawing-room. sight, he saw the station telegrapher,
“A good idea,” Doc agreed. “We’ll tell carrying the missive, enter his office.
Doc and Renny went to a drawing-
room door. Doc’s hand, drifting toward the
knob, came to a rigid stop.

Chapter III Doc Savage hurried into the corridor.

WARNING OF THE WEREWOLF Within a few minutes he was back, carrying a
medical case.
THE window of the drawing-room in He began administering restoratives.
which the four rigid forms lay, was closed “Pulse very slow in all four of them,”
tightly. Lunging to it, Doc wrenched up the he announced to Renny. “Respiration only
sliding sash. The noise of the train wheels perceptible when you hold a mirror in front of
came in through the window like the moaning their lips. They’re about all in.”
of a mechanical monster. “Ain’t a mark on ‘em!” Renny
Big-fisted Renny, after his one rumbled.
wailing cry that the four men were dead, went “So I notice,” Doc agreed.
into action. He sank beside one of the prone “But what happened to them?”
forms. “Something very mysterious,” Doc
The individual over whom Renny said grimly. “Let’s snap them out of it and see
stooped was a startling figure. He hardly if they can shed light on what has occurred.”
exceeded five feet in height, yet outweighed
Renny’s own tremendous bulk fully ten
pounds. Nearly as wide as he was tall, he STRANGELY enough, it was the
had arms inches longer than his legs. His most unhealthy-looking fellow in the group
face was incredibly homely. The fellow who who was first to revive. To all appearances,
would pass as first cousin to a gorilla. this man was easily the weakling of the
This was “Monk.” As Lieutenant crowd. He was undersized, slender, only
Colonel Andrew Blodgett Mayfair, his fairly set up, with a none too healthy
accomplishments in the field of experimental complexion. He had pale hair and pale eyes.
chemistry were known to both hemispheres. He looked as if he might have lived most of
“Holy cow!” Renny yelled. “They’re his life in a dark and moldy cellar.
not dead!” This was “Long Tom” Roberts. Long
Doc Savage replied nothing. He Tom—he was occasionally known as Major
made a round of the drawing-room, sensitive Thomas J. Roberts—was an electrical
nostrils testing the air. His weird, flake-pool expert. “A wizard of the juice!”—men of his
golden eyes roved about. own profession declared.
He examined the doorlock, the key. Long Tom frowned blankly at the
The latter was in place from the inside. table, on which a chessboard stood. Then he
Obviously, the drawing-room had been peered at his three motionless fellows.
locked from the interior. “What kind of a game are those guys
Doc picked up the nearest of his four playing?” he demanded weakly.
inert friends. This man was extremely tall, “Game, hell!” Renny boomed.
and as thin as a skeleton. His coat draped on “Listen, Long Tom, we busted in here and
his shoulders as on a coat hanger. found you four birds all spread out. What
Spectacles were still in place on his nose. happened?”
These were peculiar, in that the left lens was Long Tom considered. “I don’t know.”
extraordinarily thick. “You don’t—” Renny waved his huge
This man was “Johnny”—William hand. “Come on! Snap out of it!”
Harper Littlejohn. The proudest possession “We went to sleep,” Long Tom
of a famous Eastern museum was an groaned. “We just felt drowsy all of a sudden,
archaeological exhibit of the ancient Mayan then went to sleep.”
civilization which Johnny had contributed. “You have no idea what caused it?”
Mining engineers consulted textbooks which Doc questioned.
he had written on geology. “Nope.”
Johnny had lost use of his left eye in Doc continued his resuscitation
the War. Needing a magnifying glass in his efforts on the other men.
business, he carried one in the left side of his “Ham” was the second individual to
spectacles for convenience. awaken. Ham was famed for two things: he
was one of the cleverest lawyers Harvard
had ever turned out, and he was a snappy
dresser. Tailors often followed Brigadier

General Theodore Marley Brooks down the “Well, what about the head of the
street, to see clothes being worn as they werewolf on the door outside?” Doc asked
should be worn. He was a slender man, them.
quick moving, and a fast thinker.
It chanced that, as Ham’s eyes
opened, the first figure he saw was homely, PUZZLED wonderment stamped the
gorillalike Monk. faces of the four men. Doc knew they had no
“I can’t be in heaven!” he grinned knowledge of the weird design on the door.
feebly. “A werewolf!” Monk muttered.
Renny snorted. Ham was always “I just called it that,” Doc told him. “It
making some wisecrack at Monk’s expense. is the head of a wolf, with a grotesquely
To listen to the sharp-tongued lawyer, one human face.”
would think nothing would have given him Bracing himself on his sword cane,
more delight than to see Monk burned at the Ham sought to sit erect. He gave it up and
stake. fell back dizzily.
This peeve of Ham’s dated back to “Golly, I feel washed up!” he
the Great War—to an event which had groaned.
earned him his nickname. Thinking to have “Ain’t that too bad!” Monk jeered
fun, Ham had taught Monk some French faintly.
words which were highly insulting, telling him Ham ignored the insult. “I can’t
they were the proper expressions with which imagine what is behind it, Doc. We were just
to flatter a Frenchman. Monk had addressed sitting here—”
the words to a French general, and landed in His eyes protruded. His hands
the guardhouse. grasped his sword cane wrathfully.
But very shortly after Monk’s release, Under the bed, an unearthly
Ham was hailed up on a charge of stealing squealing and grunting suddenly arose.
hams. He was convicted; somebody had “Habeas Corpus!” Monk yelled
planted the evidence. Ham was mortally weakly, but joyfully.
certain Monk had framed him. But to this day, A pig staggered from under the bed.
he had not been able to prove it. The porker family probably never produced a
“What happened to you guys?” more grotesque specimen than this one. The
Renny asked. pig had legs as long as those of a dog, and
Ham acquired a bewildered ears that rivaled airplane wings.
expression. He moved about weakly until his “Ow-w-w!” Ham groaned.
hands found a black cane. This cane Habeas Corpus was the present
appeared innocent-looking. Actually, housed great misery of Ham’s existence. Monk had
in its slender length, was a razor-sharp bought the pig on a recent expedition to
sword. The tip of this blade was daubed with Arabia, paying the equivalent of four cents in
a chemical, a touch of which, in a wound, American money as purchase price for him.
would produce instant unconsciousness. Monk’s story was that Habeas
Ham was rarely seen without his sword cane. Corpus’s former owner, an Arab, had sold
“He don’t know what happened to the pig because he had been making a
him!” Renny boomed, interpreting Ham’s nuisance of himself by catching hyenas and
befuddled expression. dragging their carcasses up to the house. It
Johnny, the archaeologist and was possible that either Monk or the Arab
geologist, and the homely Monk now opened had exaggerated.
their eyes. Johnny promptly felt for his The homely Monk was greatly
glasses which had the magnifying lens, just attached to Habeas Corpus, probably
as Ham had groped for his sword cane. because the presence of the pig enraged
Both men admitted they had not the Ham.
slightest idea of what had happened. While “The door was locked on the inside,
playing chess, they had simply gone to sleep. and you had the windows closed?” Doc
Monk had a small, childlike voice that inquired.
was surprisingly mild for one of his apish “That’s right,” Ham replied.
build. “The pig seemed to have been laid
out, the same as you fellows,” Doc said dryly.

“It’s all very mystifying. This isn’t the first Wilkie scratched his large head
queer thing that’s happened, either.” again. “Nothing, except that they seem to be
Ham blinked. “What do you mean?” moving around a lot.”
Doc told them about the telegram “These swarthy men—did they get
incident on at the same time?”
“Do you think the fake telegram and Wilkie nodded. “Yes. At the division
what happened to us has a connection?” point.”
Ham demanded. Doc and Renny left the goblinlike
“Can’t say,” Doc replied. little conductor.
Doc went to a hand bag and opened “This thing is beginning to shape up
it. The piece of baggage held several like a mess of first-class trouble,” Renny said
weapons which resembled overgrown thoughtfully.
automatic pistols. They were fitted with Doc said nothing. He sought and
curled magazines. found a porter.
These were machine guns of Doc’s The porter directed him to a
own invention. The weapons were tiny, drawing-room which had been reserved by
compared to the destruction they could the three individuals whom Doc wished to
wreak. They fired so rapidly that their roar see.
was like the note of a gigantic bull-fiddle. Doc found the door and knocked.
Magazines were charged with what big-game Silence answered. He rippled his knuckles on
hunters call “mercy bullets”—slugs which the panel again. Then he tried the knob. The
produce unconsciousness instead of death. door was locked.
Doc distributed the rapid-firers to the Doc called the porter. “You’re sure
four weakened victims of the mystery attack. they’re in here?”
“Keep a sharp lookout!” he warned. “Yas, suh,” said the porter. “Dey
Renny demanded: “What are you went in about five minutes ago. Two of ‘em
gonna do, Doc?” did, anyhow—dat pretty gal and her pap!
“You and I are going to talk to the Don’t know if dat man with de gal face is in
three persons who were eavesdropping dere or not.”
when I gave the conductor the telegram,” Renny held up a huge fist and gave
Doc told him. Doc an inquiring look.
Trailed by Renny, Doc glided out into “I guess we’ll go in,” Doc told him.
the corridor. Renny drew back to slam his fist
against the panel. Then he lurched. The train
had slackened speed abruptly. Renny had to
THE two men had not progressed far grasp the doorknob to maintain his balance.
when they encountered Wilkie. “Guess we’re pulling into a station,”
“I’d like to get some information he rumbled.
about two dark-complexioned men on the Bang! went his big fist against the
train,” Doc told the conductor. door. The sheet metal bulged, but held.
Wilkie scratched his large head. Renny swung again terrifically. It seemed a
“There are a number of dark men aboard, I miracle that his fist was not smashed to a
notice.” pulp.
At this, Renny shot a sharp glance at The train had slowed rapidly; it was
Doc. The bronze man’s features told nothing. now crawling.
“The two I am interested in were in Renny’s next punch exploded the
the company of a very pretty girl,” Doc door open. He plunged across the threshold,
explained. then brought up quickly, his jaw asag.
“Oh, them!” grinned Wilkie. “They got “Holy cow!” he gulped.
on at the division point where I went on duty. Señor Corto Oveja and his attractive
That was two stops back.” daughter were draped across the drawing—
“Know their names?” room bed. They lay perfectly still. Black
“No. Passengers don’t usually give a leather straps were drawn so tightly around
conductor their names.” their necks as to be almost buried in the
“Have you noticed anything queer flesh!
about their actions?” Doc persisted.

Chapter IV Turning to Renny, Doc said: “It looks

DEAD MAN as if, in addition to being choked, they got a
dose of the same thing our four friends got—
“THE window!” ejaculated rock-fisted that weird unconsciousness.”
Renny. “It’s open!” Renny was staring fixedly at the
“Take a look!” Doc rapped. “Whoever door. There was an expression of
did this may have jumped out as the train bewilderment on his long, puritanical face.
slowed down.” “Yeah,” he mumbled. “Look, Doc!”
Doc was already bending over the His huge hand indicated the inner
two forms on the bed. The garroting straps side of the door panel which he had
were strong, yet they broke under Doc’s damaged.
sinewy fingers like cardboard strips. The sheet metal bore an eerie
The girl’s wrist in one hand, the smudge. It had the likeness of a wolf head—
man’s in the other, Doc explored for pulse. a wolf with horribly human features.
Both were still alive; pulse was “I saw it earlier,” Doc explained.
strong, respiration firm. “You did!” Renny gulped. He had not
“This didn’t happen more than a few seen Doc show any surprise, whenever it
moments ago,” Doc told Renny. “The would- was that he had made the discovery.
be killers must have escaped through the “That same mark was on the other
window.” door,” Doc Savage said. He stepped close to
Renny, his head thrust outside, the hideous smear. His eyes measured it “It’s
boomed: “I don’t see anybody!” exactly the same size, too.”
“They had time to duck.” Renny nodded. He could not tell,
“Yeah,” Renny agreed. He lifted his himself, that this mark was the same size as
gaze skyward. “Holy cow! That thing is the other. He knew Doc Savage could judge
almost an omen!” the relative sizes within fractions of an inch.
“What is?” “Two men have been accompanying
“An airplane flying overhead!” Renny this girl about,” Renny rumbled. “I wonder
rumbled. “The thing is black—looks kinda like where the other one is.”
a buzzard.” With a rather unpleasant jerk, the
Doc stepped to the window and train got into motion.
studied the plane. His sharp eye noted “We’ll revive this man and the girl,”
something Renny had missed. Doc declared. “Then we’ll hunt the other
“That plane has no identification one.”
numeral!” he said sharply. “Yeah!” Renny boomed. “We’ll get
Renny made a silent whistle. “In that gink!”
view of what’s happening on this train, that’s Outside in the passage, a man yelled
more than passing strange, eh? Police on shrilly. “Help! Help! They’re going to kill me!”
lawful business usually have identification
Like a somber vulture, the black RENNY and Doc bounded to the
monoplane dipped off to the westward, and door. They expected to see a murder
was soon lost to sight. scene—or at least a fight. They got a shock.
Doc twisted a faucet at the The swarthy, girl-faced man stood in
washbowl, caught cold water in a palm, the corridor. He leveled an arm at Doc and
carried it over and dashed it on the faces of Renny.
Señor Corto Oveja and his daughter. He “You heard them!” he bellowed.
waited expectantly, but they did not stir. “They said they would get me. Sabe! That
“They should be coming out of it!” means they plan to kill me!”
Doc said in a vaguely puzzled tone. Wilkie, the conductor, stood just
He tested pulse and respiration. behind the girl-faced man. Wilkie looked
Then, for the briefest moment, the bronze flabbergasted.
man’s weird trilling note was audible. It trailed “Now, now, mister,” Wilkie said
softly up and down the musical scale, and soothingly. “There’s some mistake here.”
abruptly was gone.

“It is no mistake!” wailed the dark beyond a shadow of a doubt Savage tried to
man. “Look quickly! They must have killed do murder! Conductor, arrest him!”
my friends, Señor and Señorita Oveja!” Wilkie shifted from one foot to the
Wilkie advanced. He mumbled other. Little bubbles of perspiration stood on
apologetically to Doc: “I sure don’t know what his large forehead. He made a bewildered
this is all about.” gesture.
The swarthy man yelled: “I know “What is your name?” he asked the
what it’s all about, señor! This bronze man is girl-faced man.
trying to kill my friends and myself.” “El Rabanos,” the fellow replied.
He came to the door and looked in. “What is the motive?” Wilkie
“Eo es terrible! It is terrible! What did I tell demanded. “Why should Doc Savage try to
you? They are murderers!” kill you?”
Renny made big square blocks of his El Rabanos hesitated. A strange
fists. “You’d better dry up, girl-face!” expression flickered about his eyes.
At this point, Señor Corto Oveja and “I don’t know,” he said finally.
his daughter showed signs of reviving. Doc Wilkie scowled. “Did you think
splashed more water on them. They stirred previously that you were in danger from Doc
about, and finally opened their eyes. Savage?”
Señor Oveja pointed weakly at Doc. “Yes,” El Rabanos admitted
“Seize that caballero!” he cried reluctantly.
feebly. “It was he who attacked us.” “For what reason?” Wilkie cracked
Renny was perfectly familiar with back.
Doc’s ability to control his emotions. Yet, El Rabanos said angrily: “You arrest
watching the bronze man now, he had to this man! Turn him over to the Mounted
marvel; Doc showed by not the remotest sign Police. I’ll give them my full story.”
that anything out of the ordinary had Wilkie eyed Doc. “I don’t want to
occurred. arrest you, Mr. Savage, but I may have to.
“You,” Doc said, “are mistaken!” Something strange and horrible is going on
“It is true!” Señor Oveja shrieked around here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the
weakly. death of that poor telegraph operator hasn’t
“Si, si!” echoed his pretty daughter. got something to do with it.”
“This man Savage is the one who assaulted “What telegraph operator?” Doc
us. We became strangely drowsy as we sat queried sharply.
here in our room. Before complete “The fellow who copied the message
unconsciousness overcame us, men entered that I gave you,” Wilkie explained.
and began tying straps around our necks.
One of them addressed the other as Señor
Savage.” ONCE more Doc Savage received
“Did he say Señor Savage?” Doc surprising information without an appreciable
asked pointedly. show of emotion. Doc was not callous. He
The girl shut her eyes. Apparently simply had his nerves under such control that
she was thinking. “Yes. He used the word they behaved as he wished.
‘señor.”‘ “Was the telegrapher murdered?” he
Doc glanced at Renny. queried.
The big-fisted engineer was staring “Not according to a report I got at our
at the leather straps which had been around last stop,” Wilkie replied. “A section worker
the necks of Señor Oveja and the girl, found the body. He claimed it looked like
choking them to death. From the expression suicide. But I knew that operator. He wasn’t
on his somber face, he might have been the kind to take his own life.”
looking at a pair of poisonous serpents. Doc’s hand described a gesture
“I thought you’d notice those straps,” which took in Señor Oveja, his daughter, and
Doc told him quietly. “They’re carrying-straps El Rabanos.
from a piece of my luggage.” “I should like very much to hear
The man with the womanish face these three explain why they fear me,” he
bellowed triumphantly. “Bueno! This proves it said.

All Doc received was a hateful stare When he entered the drawing-room,
from each of the trio. The girl’s look was the Monk and Ham were scowling blackly at
least malicious. In fact, her expression each other. This was a good sign. It indicated
portrayed rather plainly that she regretted Monk and Ham were back to their normal
that this handsome bronze man was an quarreling state.
enemy. Johnny and Long Tom also seemed
“It don’t seem like they’re gonna fairly chipper.
talk,” Wilkie muttered. “The effects of the stuff wear off
Doc Savage swung over to the door. quickly,” said gaunt Johnny, polishing his
He closed it so that the rear of the panel was spectacles which had the magnifying left
visible, and indicated the smear which lens. “What’s new, Doc?”
resembled a grisly, human-faced wolf. “We’re in the thick of a mess,” Doc
“Maybe you can explain this!” His announced.
powerful voice crashed. Instead of looking gloomy or
The girl’s eyes flew wide as she saw apprehensive at this, all four men grinned.
the smudge. She screamed with a sort of They were a strange bunch. Peril and
exhausted horror. Then she clamped palms excitement were the things for which they
over her eyes. lived.
Señor Oveja and El Rabanos Speaking rapidly, Doc told them what
reacted almost as sharply. Their eyes had happened when he went to investigate
protruded; their jaws fell. Señor Oveja, the daughter, and El Rabanos.
“The werewolf!” choked Señor Oveja. “They seem to think I’m some kind of
“What does it mean?” Doc a bogy man,” he finished.
questioned. “Do they really think that, or are they
Pretty Señorita Oveja laughed pretending?” questioned apish Monk,
hysterically. “Why should you be asking me? scratching the airplane-wing ears of his pig,
You know very well what it means!” Habeas Corpus.
“You three are under some “I’m not sure yet,” Doc replied.
misapprehension,” Doc told them. “This is all The train whistle moaned. Its sound
a mystery to me.” was a banshee wail over the noisy progress
“Que!” El Rabanos ejaculated of the coaches.
sarcastically. “What! Did not your uncle Alex Doc glanced through the window. It
Savage take you into his confidence?” was only a road crossing for which the train
“So Alex Savage is mixed up in this,” had whistled.
Doc said dryly. A porter ran past the drawing-room
“Mixed is a very mild word for it, door, crying in a horror-stricken voice:
Señor Savage,” El Rabanos sneered. “Lawsy me! Lawsy me!”
Ignoring the girl-faced man, Doc Doc collared him. “What is it?” he
Savage turned to Wilkie. “One of the gang demanded of the porter.
who assaulted Señor Oveja and his daughter “It am de conductor, Mistah Wilkie,”
called the other by the name of Señor the colored man moaned.
Savage. Obviously they were trying to frame “What about him?”
me. But use of the Spanish word ‘Señor’ was “He done been stuck!”
a slip. I believe you said there were other “Show me where he is!” Doc
swarthy-skinned men on this train.” commanded.
“Right!” exclaimed Wilkie. “I’m going Wilkie lay in the washroom of a
to check up on them right now.” Pullman car—lay in a wet lake of crimson
The goblinlike little conductor hurried which had leaked from his own body. He had
off. been knifed numerous times in the chest.
Doc Savage was skilled in many
things—but in surgery and medicine above
DOC paid a visit to his four friends all others. A glance convinced him that Wilkie
who had been victims of the weird sleep. was dead.
There was no danger of any one escaping “Anybody see anything?” Doc asked
from the speeding train. the porter.

“No sah!” said the porter. “Not that was possible, since there were places to
Ah knows of.” which none could climb.
Doc Savage stood like an image In this labyrinth of stone and brush,
graven in the metal he resembled. Alex Savage had erected a log cabin. In it, he
On the washroom door, he had spent part of each summer, and all of the
discovered another of the hideous smears— hunting seasons. The cabin had several
a human-faced wolf. The mark of death! rooms. It was filled with electric lights, electric
Standing there, the bronze man was refrigeration, radio, and even air-conditioning
so quiet as to seem without life. An unseen apparatus, although there was seldom need
monster of horror and death was slowly for the latter. The rugs were rich. Any one
wreathing its tentacles about him. Why, he who sat in one of the luxurious chairs was in
did not know. But it must be something that danger of sinking from sight. The place was
concerned his uncle, Alex Savage, or his no backwoodsman’s hut.
uncle’s daughter, Patricia. From the wide veranda of the cabin,
Absently, Doc’s golden eyes roved to an excellent view could be had of the sea.
the north and west. In that direction lay the Monster boulders and tall trees towered
estate of Alex Savage. And there, it was around the place; thick underbrush made
possible, lay also the explanation of the these surroundings almost a jungle. Twilight
mystery. came to the brush almost an hour before the
sun actually set
The birds usually made a good deal
Chapter V of noise settling for the night.
THE WEREWOLF CRIES It was twilight now, but the birds
were making no noise. The feathered
DOC Savage was a man of profound songsters had been chilled into silence by an
accomplishments. But he was no clairvoyant eerie sound.
with a gift of transporting his vision. So he This noise pealed out erratically. At
was unaware that mystery and horror also times, there was five minutes of dead
stalked the domain of Alex Savage. silence. Then weird, unearthly cries would
There, too, the werewolf was shiver out, a babbling volley of them. They
spreading its uncanny violence. had a human quality, those cries. They were
The estate of Alex Savage was no tremulous with an incoherent horror.
mere backwoods homestead. It was true that The bird life could not have been
forty years ago Alex Savage had more silent had death been astalk.
homesteaded it. But now it had grown, until The latest outburst of the banshee
the estate spanned up and down the coast cries was somewhat more human than
for miles, and reached no little distance before. They sounded very like some one in
inland. frightful agony.
Scattered over other parts of Inside the Alex Savage cabin, a
Canada, Alex Savage had wheat ranches, feminine voice called sharply: “Boat Face!
mines, and an industrial plant or two. He was Haven’t you got that rifle fixed yet?”
considered a business success. There was no answer.
The estate at the edge of the sea “Boat Face!” the girl called again
was in the nature of a hunting preserve. angrily.
Within its bounds was some of the roughest There was a moment of silence.
land in Canada. The shore was a ragged Then a squaw shuffled out of the kitchen
stone wall which shot up out of the water. region. She was very fat, very brown, and
The coast was fanged with reefs and tiny wore enough clothes to garb several of her
islands. white-skinned sisters. She looked as
The estate itself was a collection of competent as the Rock of Gibraltar.
pinnacle and canyons, boulders and brush. “Boat Face, him in kitchen, Miss
Alex Savage boasted freely that there were Patricia,” she said calmly. “Him scared out of
parts of his estate upon which he had never skin.”
set eyes. Moreover, he claimed there were “Boat Face won’t go out and
spots which no one had ever explored. This investigate those cries?” the girl asked.

“Him heap big coward,” said the “He heap big piker,” grunted Tiny.
squaw. Boat Face’s eyes rolled nervously.
“That noise—him werewolf,” he
THE girl stepped back from a “Nonsense!” Patricia said sharply.
window. She had a wealth of bronze hair— “There is no such animal!”
hair very closely akin in hue to that of Doc Boat Face did not seem convinced.
Savage. She had been watching the brush “Your pa—if him alive, him no ask me go and
that circled like a wall. see what make that noise.”
She was tall; her form was molded The words seemed to wash
along lines that left nothing to be desired. Her Patricia’s rage away. She paled visibly. Even
features were as perfect as though a the fingers which held the rifle tensed to
magazine-cover artist had designed them. whiteness.
She wore high-laced boots, “These sounds have something to do
breeches, and a serviceable gray shirt. with the murder of my father!” she said shrilly
A cartridge belt was draped about “Me no go outdoors,” Boat Face
her waist. From it dangled a heavy Frontier mumbled. “You tie can on me, if you like. Me
Single Action six-shooter—freely admitted by no go, anyway.”
those who know to be one of the most “I won’t discharge you,” Patricia told
reliable guns ever made. In the crook of her him in a weary voice. “After all, I won’t ask
right arm lay a very modern automatic big- you to do anything I wouldn’t do myself. You
game rifle. can stay here. I’ll go out and investigate.”
“I’ll talk to him, Tiny,” said the girl. Tiny waddled over to a corner. She
“O. K., Miss Patricia,” said Tiny. “It do came back with a double-barrel shotgun and
no good. That damn half-breed husband of said stoically: “Me go, too!”
mine plenty afraid.” “Thanks, Tiny,” Patricia said
Tiny was the cook. Boat Face was gratefully. “But you and Boat Face stay here
man-of-all-work around the place. These two on guard.”
were the only servants. Tiny nodded reluctantly. Boat Face
Patricia’s heels tapped angrily into looked much relieved.
the kitchen.
Boat Face was a squarish, copper-
colored man, who sat in a corner, holding a PATRICIA moved into the cabin’s
rifle. His squaw, Tiny, had called him a large living room, and drew the shades
breed, but he looked pure Indian. Just what carefully. Then she indicated one of the
had given him the name of Boat Face was a uprights which formed a rustic support for the
mystery only an Indian could fathom. His ceiling. This was a log over a foot thick, still
beady black eyes refused sullenly to meet covered with natural bark.
Patricia’s gaze. “Guard that, especially,” she said
Patricia started to speak—then held meaningly.
back her words. Tiny and Boat Face showed no
The eerie, banshee cries once more surprise—they seemed to comprehend fully
babbled from the gloomy brush outside the what she meant.
cabin. They were unmistakably human now, Patricia pocketed several extra
appealing for succor. ammunition clips for her automatic rifle. Then
Boat Face’s ink-black eyes wavered. she opened the door and stepped swiftly
He took a firmer grasp on a rifle which lay outside.
across his knees. Tiny watched her go with evident
“I no go out,” he muttered. “Rifle concern. Boat Face’s aboriginal features
broke.” were inscrutable.
Patricia Savage suddenly seized Sunlight still penetrated to the
Boat Face’s rifle. She examined the clearing immediately adjacent to the cabin.
mechanism, threw it to her shoulder, and Gloom lurked in the tangle of rocks and
snapped it. brush beyond. Walking away from the cabin
“You’re lying!” she cried. “There’s was like leaving a lantern and going into the
nothing wrong with this gun!” night.

Patricia walked warily, rifle alert. She floor. Everywhere signs showed the cabin
kept fingers on safety and trigger. Her ears had been searched wildly.
strained to catch the next outburst of the Patricia ran to the voluminous,
unearthly cries. copper-hued Tiny, and felt anxiously for
Off to her right, the noise arose. It pulse.
was low, sinister; a horrible bleating. It “They’re dead!” she wailed
persisted only a moment, then whimpered miserably.
itself into nothingness. Within a moment, however, she
Patricia shivered. She tripped the realized this was a mistake. There was a
rifle safety. This time the cry had not heartbeat—very faint.
sounded so human. Indeed, it seemed to Getting ice cubes from the electric
have taken on a repulsive, animallike quality. refrigerator, Patricia Savage rubbed them
The sound had come from inland. over the faces of Boat Face and Tiny.
From, perhaps, a hundred yards away— Pulse strengthened slowly under the
maybe more! The girl could not tell. copper skins.
She went toward the noise, her Confident both servants would
pretty face so set it was almost a mask. recover, Patricia ran through the cabin.
When she was near the spot from which the Everywhere, there was wild upheaval and
sound had seemed to come, she searched destruction. From attic down, the search had
for tracks. The terrain was not the sort to missed little. The covered motor of the
show a trail; it was too rocky. electric refrigerator was even torn open.
Patricia heard the cries again. They There was no trace of the men—
now wailed from a little farther on. She certainly it seemed the work of more than
advanced—again she found nothing. one—who had ransacked the place. They
A bit later, the sounds came once must have come in through the rear door, or
more. They had moved on ahead. Patricia an unlocked window.
shuddered. It seemed the eerie crying thing Something like twenty minutes
was trying to decoy her away. elapsed before Tiny and Boat Face were
Patricia suddenly gave it up as a bad revived enough to speak coherently.
job. She went back toward the cabin, steps “What on earth occurred?” Patricia
hurried, eyes roving uneasily. demanded.
She was baffled, and more than a The two servants exchanged blank
little terrified, and drew a sigh of relief when looks.
the cabin came in sight. “Dunno,” Boat Face mumbled. “Me
“Tiny! Boat Face!” she called. “It’s and squaw just go to sleep.”
me!” Patricia snapped: “That’s ridiculous!”
She did not want the sullen Boat “Boat Face tell truth,” said the ample
Face or the competent Tiny taking a shot at Tiny, with a roll of jet eyes. “We get heap
her by mistake. much sleepy and fall over.”
Patricia reached the cabin and Patricia stared fixedly at the floor
shoved the door open. She went in—and near where the two servants had been lying.
jerked to a stop. Her pretty features became She had discovered something she had not
blankly startled. observed before. The sight of the thing had a
The cabin interior looked as if the striking effect. She stood erect, tense,
proverbial cyclone had hit it. gripping her rifle.
Patricia’s eyes wandered. Then she It was a weird, blackish smudge—
saw something which caused her to cry out more than a foot high and half as wide. The
shrilly in horror. thing had the contour of a wolf’s head. The
Tiny and Boat Face were brown, features were grotesquely human.
unmoving forms on the floor! “It’s the werewolf’s head again!”
Patricia said shrilly. “It’s the same mark
which we began seeing shortly before my
STUFFING was ripped from rich father’s death—and which we have seen
chairs. Rugs had been plucked up and flung since!”
aside. Drawers had been emptied on the Boat Face mumbled. “Werewolf!
Indian know them. They devil-man with body

of wolf. They prowl in woods and eat plenty “Better if him give it up,” muttered
hunter and trapper.” Boat Face.
“Camp-fire ghost tales!” Patricia Patricia nodded miserably. “Maybe.
snapped. “There are no such creatures! This We began finding those mysterious werewolf
particular werewolf is very human, Boat marks around the place. We got other
Face. You and Tiny both know what he is demands for the cube. Then we found dad
after.” dead. The doctors called it heart failure.”
Patricia went to the large bark- “They make blood bubble,” said Tiny.
covered timber which supported the living- She nodded elaborately. “Your pa, him
room ceiling. It was this timber which she had murdered.”
asked Tiny and Boat Face to guard. “I think so, too, Tiny,” Patricia said
It had not been disturbed, although jerkily.
the search had missed little else. “You bet!” The squaw nodded again.
Patricia pressed certain projections “Him die from same thing that almost get me
on the bark. A concealed door flew open. and Boat Face a minute ago.”
She withdrew from within what looked like a “You mean the thing that made you
solid block of ivory. The white cube was unconscious?”
perhaps two inches square. Again Tiny nodded. “You bet.”
“They’re after this,” Patricia said “But what was it?” Patricia pondered.
grimly. “We go to sleep,” said Tiny, as if that
explained everything.
Nor did Patricia come any nearer a
Chapter VI solution of the mystery, although she asked
SQUARE WHITE DEATH many questions, and finally went outside and
searched the immediate neighborhood.
FOR once, Tiny’s aboriginal face lost The rocky earth bore no footprints.
its stoic indifference. She stared at the ivory That meant nothing, however. The
cube as if it were a charm which guaranteed marauders could easily have avoided leaving
the coming of evil events. tracks.
“Him bad medicine,” she muttered, The weird banshee crying had not
indicating the snow-white block. come from the gloomy brush since Patricia
“I cannot understand what had returned to the cabin. The blush of dusk
significance it has.” Patricia turned the cube still spread over the sea.
slowly in her slender fingers. “It seems Unexpectedly, a long, doleful sound
solid—there is no hollow sound when it is moaned out, causing echoes to bang against
tapped.” the cliffs. The noise was greatly different from
“You know where your dad get him?” the earliest banshee cries, yet Patricia
Tiny asked. started violently.
“Father found it under a ledge about The sound repeated itself a moment
two miles from here, years ago,” Patricia later. She knew, then, what it was.
replied. “It lay amid a cluster of human “The trader’s launch!” she exclaimed.
skeletons. The skeletons looked as if they “They’re letting us know that they have some
had been there for centuries. No one knew mail.”
anything about them.”
“Sure!” said Tiny. “That how he find
it. That alone enough make it bring bad luck.” SO rugged was this region in which
Patricia eyed the white cube the Savage cabin lay, that no automobile
thoughtfully. could penetrate. A stout wagon could get
“Dad never dreamed the thing was of through, but only with difficulty. To come and
any value,” she said. “Three weeks ago, he go, either a speed boat or a seaplane was
found a prowler searching this cabin. The the most feasible conveyance. A rustic
fellow escaped. A little later, dad received a boathouse on the beach held a fast launch.
mysterious demand for the cube. He refused Mail was delivered to the Savage
to turn it over.” hunting lodge in an ingenious fashion. A
trader who lived up the coast made regular

daily trips to the settlement. His route was Patricia had Boat Face run the
past the Savage place. launch in a big circle. She could not find a
A few hundred feet from shore, there thing to shed light on the mystery.
was a floating buoy box. In this, the trader Her face was somewhat white as the
was accustomed to leave the Savage mail. launch swerved shoreward.
The estate had no other
communication with the outside world. During
his sojourns there, Alex Savage had always “I CAN’T understand it,” Patricia said
made it a point not to be disturbed. The place grimly.
was his refuge from business worries. “Werewolf!” muttered Boat Face.
Patricia secured binoculars, and “Him heap bad customer.”
focused them on the trader’s boat. There was The girl ignored the redskin’s
light enough for her to make it out distinctly. prognostications. She leveled her binoculars
She saw the trader place at least one inquiringly at the shore line. The cliffs were
piece of mail in the box. Then his boat went cracked here and there by canyons,
on. scratched by watercourses. Huge boulders
“Get the launch!” Patricia were piled at the foot of the cliffs. Some of
commanded Boat Face. “I’m going to keep these were fully as large as city apartment
my eyes on the mail box until we get out to it. houses.
That’s another mysterious thing that has “I don’t see a thing,” she said.
happened. Our mail has been disappearing!” “Werewolf, him can disappear,” said
Boat Face was slow about complying Boat Face.
with the order; he seemed reluctant to leave “You say ‘werewolf’ to me again, and
the cabin. Only when Tiny shouted angrily, I’m going to have Tiny work out on you!”
“You big bum! You do what Miss Pat say!” snapped Patricia.
did he shuffle off toward the boat. Boat Face subsided uneasily. Boat
It was fully five minutes before the Face was something rare in the brotherhood
breed got the launch out of the boathouse of red men—a henpecked husband. Most
and alongside the little wharf in front of the bucks make their squaws walk a chalk line,
cabin. but not Boat Face. On occasion, the lethargic
During this time, Patricia had not Tiny would shed her stoical air long enough
removed her binoculars from the inspection to give Boat Face what metropolitan cops call
of the buoy. a “good shellacking.” The implement which
“I’m betting nobody got that mail this Tiny used was the same as that employed by
time!” she declared. her paleface sisters, a rolling pin.
She kept her glasses fixed on the “Did you ever hear of Doc Savage?”
box as Boat Face guided the launch out. At Patricia asked suddenly.
no time had she seen anything suspicious. “Me no hear of him,” said Boat Face,
The floating mail box was an flinching as if he had felt his squaw’s rolling
ordinary buoy with a container countersunk in pin.
the top. It turned and bobbed with the waves, “He’s a cousin of mine,” said Patricia.
being anchored by a light chain to a heavy “He lives in the United States. I understand
concrete weight. he does remarkable things.”
Capturing the box with the aid of a “What kind of things?” asked Boat
boat hook, Patricia opened it. Face.
The container was empty! “He gets people out of trouble.”
“But this is impossible!” Patricia “Unh!” Boat Face grunted
exclaimed incredulously. “I saw mail put in it. expressively. “How him make money out of
I’ve watched it since. Every instant!” business like that?”
“Werewolf!” mumbled Boat Face, “He doesn’t do it for money, if what
and shrugged beefy shoulders. I’ve heard is true,” Patricia announced. “He
Patricia examined the buoy box. The goes all over the world and helps others, and
mail container had no lock, since thieves doesn’t charge them anything. He just does it
were scarce in this region. However, a wave for the excitement.”
could not possibly have tossed the mail out “Sound like him crazy,” Boat Face

Patricia frowned at the servant crawled down the canyons like predatory
“You’re getting a bit insolent lately, black monsters stalking the sun.
Boat Face!” she said pointedly. Boat Face had quarters in a small
“You t’ink so, eh?” Boat Face asked room at the rear of the cabin. His ample mate
indifferently. occupied the same cubicle.
“I don’t think—I know!” the girl Tiny was a substantial squaw. It was
snapped. doubtful if anything would ever excite her
“Me not care what damn gal t’inks!” enough to spoil her sleep. She began to
said Boat Face, plainly sneering. snore with astonishing promptness soon after
Bronze-haired Patricia sprang she had retired.
suddenly to her feet. She shot forward like a Boat Face had been careful to
metallic tigress. Her small right fist swung remain awake. He knew how soundly his
with the timing and precision of a trained squaw slept. After Tiny had snored a half
boxer’s. dozen times, Boat Face eased silently out of
Boat Face saw it coming. He tried to his small room and crept to the door of the
dodge, was a fraction too late. Pop! Patricia’s chamber occupied by Patricia Savage. He
knuckles caught him in the right eye. listened intently, an ear mashed to the
The blow had snap and power. Boat wooden panel.
Face’s arm flailed, he wavered off balance, Regular breathing assured him
then toppled overboard. Patricia was asleep.
Patricia ran to the rudder as the Careful to make no noise, Boat Face
launch left the floundering brave behind. She sidled to the bark-covered pillar in the living
turned the craft back, came alongside, and, room. Fumbling until he located the secret
with her boat hook, hauled Boat Face over catch, he pressed it. The concealed door in
the gunwale. the timber flew soundlessly open.
“You apologize for swearing at me,” “Heap good!” Boat Face breathed.
she gritted, “or I’ll knock you overboard “Still here. Me use him for bait to croak um
again!” damn werewolf! Yah—Boat Face not as
Boat Face squirmed. He was a dumb as ever’body seem t’ink around here.”
greatly embarrassed redskin. If this ever got Patricia had replaced the ivory cube.
out, the other Indians would laugh him out of Boat Face withdrew the white block.
Canada. He had not dreamed Miss Patricia He fingered it, hefted it. An evil grin warped
was such a hellcat. his swarthy face. He swiped a greedy tongue
“Me sorry!” he muttered. over his lips.
“Starting right now, you are going to He seemed to indulge in deep
jump quick when I give you an order!” thought for a time. Then he returned the cube
Patricia informed him. to its hiding place, and closed the cleverly
“Yes’m,” said Boat Face meekly. constructed door. After this, he let himself out
“The first thing you are going to do in into the night.
the morning is to take the launch down the His first stop was at the boathouse.
coast to the nearest telegraph office, and There, he carefully unscrewed the plug in the
send a telegram,” Patricia advised. gasoline storage barrel, and let the fluid
“Who telegram go to?” gurgle out. Then he emptied the launch tank.
“To Doc Savage,” Patricia said “Nobody go from here to send
grimly. “I need his help!” telegram for Doc Savage,” he chuckled. “Not
right away soon, anyhow. Now, me go fix
IN preparing for the night, the cabin Quitting the boathouse, he faded into
windows and doors were locked. This done, the brush. The night swallowed him.
it seemed impossible that any one could Boat Face was gone nearly an hour.
enter without creating an alarm. Patricia did When he appeared again in the vicinity of the
not think it necessary for the two servants cabin, his manner was equally furtive as
and herself to stand guard. before. He felt of his clothing, and made a
Night came, a tidal wave of gloom disgusted face. He was soaked with water to
that poured in from the eastward. Darkness the armpits.

Her small right fist swung with the timing and precision of a trained boxer.

“Trap, him all O. K.,” he chuckled. definite meaning. He fastened the buttons he
Then he stood in the murk near the cabin, had loosened, then crept off in the gloom,
pondering. toward the source of the hiss.
“Damn squaw will want to know how His objective proved to be a clump of
me get wet,” he muttered once. “Me no tell— spruce two hundred yards distant. These
she use rolling pin.” trees narrowly missed growing as thick as
As if to banish that possibility, Boat hair. Boat Face came to a stop near the
Face started to remove his wet clothing. The dense covert.
process was hardly under way, however, “What you want?” he called in a low,
when a low hissing came out of the gloom. It grouchy tone.
was faint, and had apparently originated Out of the sepia of spruce came
some distance away. harsh words: “Have you found where the
Boat Face’s manner showed that he ivory cube is hidden?”
had heard this hiss before, and that it had a

Boat Face stood in sullen silence. “You got the cube?” asked the harsh
Apparently he was giving the matter thought. voice of the unseen man.
“Me know!” he said finally. “Me got him,” Boat Face admitted.
“For crying out loud!” snarled the “Cough up, then. I’ve got the five
man in the thicket. “Why didn’t you let me hundred you were to get for delivering it.”
know! Had you found it before we searched “Five hundred not enough,”
the cabin this evening?” pronounced Boat Face.
Boat Face seemed to give this some The man in the thicket cursed softly.
thought, too. “So you’re a welsher, eh?”
“No!” he lied. “Welsher—what him?” asked Boat
“Well, go bring me the block,” the Face.
unseen man directed. “It’s a guy who makes an agreement
“Me get five hundred dollars!” Boat and don’t go through with it,” the other
Face reminded. gritted.
“O. K! O. K!” snarled the other. “Get “Me want ten thousand dollars,” Boat
the ivory cube. I’ve got your mazuma for you. Face announced.
Five hundred good Canadian dollars.” A choking sound came out of the
Boat Face shuffled off. spruce. “So Jesse James has put on
“Me no like funny guys,” Boat Face
THE wily redskin servant succeeded said sullenly. “Ten thousand dollars! Put up
in entering the cabin without arousing or shut up!”
anybody. He went directly to the hiding place “Now listen, Indian!” the other argued
in the rustic ceiling support and got the ivory angrily. “We played square with you. We
cube. Then, easing out doors again, carrying even took you into our confidence and told
the ivory block, he shuffled for the spruce- you what the ivory block is, and why we
thicket rendezvous. wanted it. And now you’re welshing!”
Before Boat Face had covered many “Put up or shut up!” Boat Face
yards, however, he came to a stop. His insisted.
tongue traveled greedily over his thick lips. The unseen man was briefly silent.
He scratched the end of his hook nose, “Shut up it is!” he said abruptly.
fingering the white cube. There was a sharp swishing sound—
“Ugh!” he grunted. “Five hundred a note that was half a whistle. It was followed
dollar not enough! Him worth a million. Them by a dull thud which resembled a rock falling
guys bad actors. But me got way to fix um.” into mud.
He nodded profoundly over this bit of Boat Face pitched soundlessly
logic. backward. The hilt of a knife protruded from
“Me make feller pay more,” he his chest over the heart, and he gave only a
decided. few weak squirmings while he died.
Boat Face turned at right angles The killer crawled from the spruce
toward the beech. He had never moved more thicket at once. He kept on hands and knees,
soundlessly. The wilderness of boulders making him seem sinister, more spiderlike
along the edge of the little bay swallowed his than human. He had a handkerchief bound
slinking form. over his face, mask fashion.
There was silence then, except for “Shut up, it was!” he snarled at the
the calling of a night bird somewhere and the lifeless Boat Face. “A shut-up for you!”
suck of small waves at rock crevices. Several With eager fingers he searched for
times, there were splashings; these were the ivory cube. Searched again! He fell to
such as might be made by leaping fish. A cursing in a low, guttural voice which had
breeze shuffled leaves together, making suddenly betrayed a trace of foreign accent.
noise like mice running on paper. Then he cursed aloud.
Like a red-skinned ghost, Boat Face The ivory cube was not in Boat
materialized in the vicinity of the spruce Face’s clothing.
“How!” he called.

SOME minutes later, a curious marched to the float underwater, climbed the
conclave took place in a deep canyon far up mooring line, and reached into the box. In the
on the mountain side. The meeting was held poor light of dusk, Patricia had not seen his
on the water-worn stone bottom of the hand enter the container.
canyon. Stygian realms never produced a The man extracted a telegram from a
more intense darkness than that which pocket. “This is it.”
gorged the scene of the conference. A gnarled brown hand whipped out
Several men were present. Not one and snatched both the telegram and the
of them could see his fellows in the ebony man’s flashlight. The telegram was exposed
void. under the beam.
“I made a hell of a bad move!” “Que lastima!” exploded the man
announced the man who had thrown the who had seized the message. “What a pity!
knife that brought death to Boat Face. “I This is from Doc Savage to his uncle, whom
should have searched him before I croaked he evidently does not know is dead. But it
him.” asks if the esteemed uncle got the telegram
“You are telling us!” snarled another in which the Señor Doc Savage said he was
voice. coming for a visit.”
“How was I to know he didn’t have “They did not!” chuckled a man. “We
the ivory cube?” the killer defended. secured that message as we did this one.”
“The milk is spilled, hombres. Why “It is evident that Señor Doc Savage
cry?” said a man with a marked Spanish suspects something is wrong,” said the one
accent. who had read the telegram. “That is bad.”
“That’s an idea!” agreed the slayer. Someone laughed fiercely.
“The redskin probably didn’t have the cube at “The boss will take care of that!”
all. My guess is that the girl still has it. We’ll “Si, si!” agreed the man with the
soon get it from her!” telegram. “He is very ingenious, that maestro
“Si, si! But what if the Señorita of ours. He will thoroughly dispose of this
Savage does not know where it is?” Doc Savage.”
“She knows. Her old man would tell A few minutes later, the sinister
her.” gathering dispersed.
“Possibly. And it is possible, too, that
we made a mistake in disposing of the Señor
Alex Savage in such haste.” Chapter VII
“He caught me talkin’ to that redskin, STRANGE ATTACKERS
didn’t he?” snarled Boat Face’s slayer. “It
looked like my best move to put him out of THE train was still driving its way
the way and let the redskin get the cube.” westward, excitement and tragedy hovering
“Si, si!” agreed the other amiably. over it.
“You are not being criticized, my friend. Our Girl-faced El Rabanos waved his
chief may not like this, however. But we will arms and screamed: “This man Savage is
consider other matters. You got the letter the murderer!”
from the buoy box?” Renny shook fists that were larger
The query was addressed to another than brickbats, rumbling: “Say that again,
member of the sinister gathering. sissy—faced squirt, and I’ll hit you so hard
“Sure,” replied the man who had you’ll turn into a grease spot!”
been spoken to. “It wasn’t a letter, though. It Monk’s pig, Habeas Corpus,
was a telegram.” squealed violently.
The man now thumbed on a Señor Corto Oveja glared and
flashlight. The brilliant beam, splattering at shrilled: “I, too, think Señor Savage is the
his feet, disclosed a contrivance which murderer.”
vaguely resembled a gas mask, This was a Pretty Señorita Oveja put hands over
self-contained diving lung. her mouth to crowd back sobs. She made no
The diving lung held the explanation accusations either way.
of how the man had gotten the letter from the The train was in a general uproar—it
buoy box without being seen by Patricia had been thus for more than two hours.
Savage. He had merely weighted himself,

The dead form of Wilkie, the “Glad to!” said Renny.

conductor, was still sprawled in its crimson There was a long glass cylinder
puddle on the Pullman washroom floor. His mounted in a corner of the coach. This held
murderer was as yet uncaught. paper cups which dropped out when one
With the noisy violence of Latin inserted a penny. Renny ignored these. He
temperaments, Señor Oveja and El Rabanos wandered off to the regions of the diner.
had shouted the length of the train that Doc After a bit, Renny was back, carrying
Savage was the killer. They were still a plain glass beaker, brimful of cold water.
shouting insistently. The very noisiness of Doc drank the water. Holding the
their assertion was producing an effect. empty glass in both hands, he toyed with it
“This man Savage suggested the as he addressed entrancingly pretty Señorita
mission on which the conductor was killed!” Oveja.
El Rabanos repeated for probably the “I wonder if you would do me a
dozenth time. favor?” he asked.
“That mission was ridiculous in the “What?” the young woman inquired
first place!” snapped Señor Oveja. “It was to shortly.
summon and question all Spanish people on “Tell me why you think I am your
this train.” enemy.”
“I notice there’s a lot of them,” Renny El Rabanos put in wrathfully: “That is
said pointedly. information which we shall give to the
“You have heard their story!” El Mounted Police!”
Rabanos snapped. “They are going to a “Would I like to smear that face of
convention of a Spanish society being held yours!” Renny thundered at El Rabanos.
on the Pacific coast.” “Here,” Doc said, and handed Renny
This was true. On the train were the glass.
about a dozen individuals of Spanish Renny took the beaker. There was a
ancestry. Without exception, they declared strange expression on his long, puritanical
they were going to the meeting of the society. face.
The news butcher on the train had found a Renny departed as if he were
story in one of his papers which proved there returning the water glass to where he had
actually was such a meeting scheduled. gotten it.
Doc was not under arrest. But that Seemingly with no particular purpose
was simply because there happened to be no in mind, gaunt Johnny and pale Long Tom
officers on the train. sauntered off together.
The most unpleasant of recent Twirling his sword cane, Ham was
developments, from Doc’s standpoint, was next to leave the group. The pig Habeas
the work of Señor Oveja. The señor had Corpus under an arm, Monk trailed after the
dispatched a telegram to the Mounted Police dapper lawyer. Ham was inviting Monk to quit
at the train’s next stop, asking that officers be following him around as they passed out of
on hand to arrest Doc. This was a through hearing.
train. It had not paused since the discovery of “We should keep an eye on those
Wilkie’s body. Señor Oveja had dropped his men!” El Rabanos declared.
message at a small depot as the train had “Fat chance they’ve got of getting off
flashed past it. the train!” somebody told him. “We’re hitting
Renny sidled close to Doc. all of sixty miles an hour.”
“This is beginning to look bad!” he Doc Savage went to a writing desk
said in a low voice. “There is not the slightest and selected a book of telegram blanks. He
clue to show who murdered Wilkie.” addressed a message to the Mounted Police
Girl-faced El Rabanos sprang at the metropolis where the train next
forward, shouting. “These men should not be stopped.
allowed to talk together! They may plot an
Doc Savage shrugged wearily and ADVISE YOU HAVE STATION AND
“Would you mind bringing a glass of OUR TRAIN ARRIVES STOP ALSO HAVE
water, Renny?” he asked. ENOUGH TROOPERS ON HAND TO SEE

THAT NO ONE ESCAPES STOP others who might seek to get a look at the
UNDERFOOT. No one else went near the desk.
DOC SAVAGE The train charged recklessly through
the night, swooping across bridges with a
Doc tied the telegram in his thunderous moan, and panting noisily over
handkerchief, first weighting it with two silver grades.
dollars. Then he opened the window. He did Some sage once wrote that the
this in plain view, not wishing to have presence of death makes people silent. He
somebody get excited and take a shot at him. should have been on that train. He would
He consulted his watch, then waited. He had have heard more conversation than at a
studied the timetable earlier, and knew they chamber-of-commerce luncheon. In smokers,
were due to pass through a small town in a diners, Pullmans, day coaches, discussion
few moments. waged. A number of uninformed persons had
The train whistle moaned. A pinpoint never heard of Doc Savage. These were
eye of light opened in the distance. This speedily enlightened by their neighbors.
approached with a rush. It was the One man spoke steadily for five
illuminated window of a railway station. The minutes, reciting the remarkable ability of
little depot looked like a match box in the Doc Savage, and the things he had
headlight glare. accomplished. He finished with: “This man
Standing in front of the station was a Savage is a person of mystery. Not much is
man who wore a green eyeshade, and had known about him.”
black dust protectors over his shirt sleeves. “Oh, yeah!” snorted his listener. “A
The accouterments stamped him as the mystery, eh? And you just told me more
telegraph operator. about him than you can tell me about the
Doc threw his message as the train Prince of Wales.”
hooted past. Considering the terrific speed, “What I mean is—Savage don’t
his aim was uncanny. The handkerchief, the parade his feats around in public,” the other
telegram inside, all but bounced into the explained. “He don’t brag. For instance, take
operator’s hands. his five helpers. There’s an engineer, a
In the act of closing the window, Doc chemist, a lawyer, a geologist, and an
noted something from the corner of an eye. electrical expert. What do you know about
Señor Oveja was bending over the them?”
desk where the telegram had been written. “I have heard this: in their respective
He hastily sauntered away from the desk lines, they are among the most learned men
when he saw Doc observing him. in the world,” was the reply.
Doc gave no sign of having noticed. “That’s right,” declared the first man.
He knew what Señor Oveja was doing at the “Yet Doc Savage is a greater expert in these
desk. There had been a sheet of carbon lines—engineering, chemistry, law.
paper in the pad upon which Doc had written archaeology, and electricity—than his aides,
his message. Señor Oveja had read this and he’s just as proficient in many other
carbon copy of Doc’s wire. lines. They say he is, beyond a doubt in the
It was possible the señor imagined least, the greatest living surgeon.”
he had done a neat bit of detecting. As a “Sounds like a fairy tale.”
matter of fact, Doc had left the carbon copy “Sure it does!” agreed the other.
deliberately uncovered, and had been careful “Just the same, I don’t think this bronze man
that the señor saw it. Doc wanted to see murdered the conductor, and I’d hate to be
what Señor Oveja’s reaction would be. He the fellow who did. Savage will get him,
learned little. The señor kept his thoughts sure.”
well concealed. Heedless of this discussion, and
many others along similar lines, Doc Savage
returned to his drawing-room. Hardly had he
THROUGHOUT the next half hour, entered when his sharp eyes noted
Doc Savage remained within sight of the something amiss. A folded newspaper
writing desk. He wanted to observe any reposed in the wastebasket. He had not
placed it there.

His movements unhurried, the The practiced swing of a gymnast put him
bronze man locked the drawing-room door. atop the coach.
Then he went to the basket and investigated. From this vantage point he could
The newspaper was one published in see, as far as darkness permitted, what was
the large town they had passed through occurring. Somewhat more than a quarter of
some hours before—the division point where a mile ahead of the rest of the train, the
unfortunate Wilkie had gone on duty. It was locomotive was just coming to a standstill. In
at this town that Señor and Señorita Oveja some manner the engine had become
and El Rabanos had boarded the train. detached. No doubt the air brakes were
The newspaper was folded so as to adjusted to stop the coaches instantly in such
enwrap a knife. The long blade of this was an emergency.
still smeared with gore. Doc Savage ran forward along coach
Doc’s practiced eye measured the tops. It was his guess that some one,
width of the blade. He decided it would possibly traveling over the tops of the
exactly fit the wound which had caused coaches as he was doing, had severed the
Wilkie’s death. connection between the engine and cars.
Opening one of his many hand bags Doc hoped to glimpse the malefactor.
stacked in the compartment, Doc drew out a At the forward end of the train, Doc
powerful magnifying glass. He used it on the dropped to the side of the tracks and
knife hilt. Finger prints had been wiped off. conducted a brief examination. There was a
Doc opened the window and threw film of grease and dust on the connecting
the knife out into the night, far from the mechanism. This was smudged where a
plunging train. hand had grasped it.
From his pocket, Doc produced a
small flashlight. It gave an intense white
GLANCING at his watch, Doc saw beam, no thicker than a pencil. Whoever had
they would soon reach the next stop—within caused the locomotive to separate from the
thirteen minutes, to be exact. train, had worn gloves. There were no finger
Precisely nine minutes later, the prints.
holocaust broke. The engine was backing slowly to
From beneath the train came a rejoin its lost string of coaches.
sudden scream of steel on steel! It was like With an ease that would have
the wail of a demented monster. The cars amazed an onlooker, Doc regained the top of
rocked in sickening fashion! the train. He ran rearward. He was taking no
Doc Savage plunged the length of chances. It seemed he had violent enemies
the drawing-room, but brought up lightly on the train. They might chance a shot at
against the bulkhead. him.
In the coaches, passengers were Swinging down, he reëntered his
hurled against seats. Parcels and suitcases drawing-room. No one was there. Plucking a
fell off the overhead racks. In the diners, hand bag out of his luggage heap, Doc
dishes hit the floors as if tossed by invisible opened it.
scoop shovels. In the mail cars, clerks He lifted out a metal contraption
brought up in tangles with their sacks. which resembled a pocket-size magic
Doc Savage unlocked the drawing- lantern. The lens of this was almost black.
room door, wrenched it open, and whipped Doc turned a switch on the side of the
out The steely screeching underfoot died contraption. Apparently, nothing happened.
slowly; the train was coming to an Then Doc went to a shelf over the
unbelievably quick stop. washbowl and picked up a large water glass.
Doc leaned from a window. With a The glass had not been on the shelf when he
final squeal of brakes, the train became departed. It was the same beaker in which
entirely stationary. Renny had brought Doc the drink of water.
It was no mean feat of agility which Doc held the glass in front of the lens
Doc performed now. He managed to stand of the thing that looked like a magic lantern.
erect outside on the narrow ledge of the train What happened was startling.
window. One of his hands stretched up, To the naked eye there was nothing
groped, and found a projection on the roof. unusual about the glass. Certainly no writing

was visible. But the instant Doc held the when it stops, a subtle fear that he will get
beaker before the magic lantern, written left behind when the train starts again.
letters sprang out in a dazzling, electric blue. Doc Savage walked all the way to
The writing at the top was in a script so the baggage cars, and back again to the
perfect that it might have been done by an observation coach. His giant stature, the
engraver. It was Doc’s own handwriting. It remarkable bronze hue of his skin, drew
read: much attention. Passengers stared. Without
exception, they had heard the gossip
All five of you shadow Señor Oveja, his concerning this giant man with the golden
daughter and El Rabanos. eyes.
Everyone knew the bronze man had
Below this was another been accused of stabbing Wilkie to death.
communication, done in a more scrawling But no one showed an inclination to stop
hand. This one read: Doc. The metallic giant did not look like a
safe fellow to meddle with.
The three of them prepared to leave the Doc reflected that events must have
train just before it stopped, Doc. It looks occurred swiftly while he was forward making
suspicious, although they might have his unsuccessful hunt for whoever had
intended to get off at the next station. Señor separated the engine from the train.
Oveja is wearing a big white panama hat that Nowhere on the train could be seen
you can’t mistake. We’re trailing them. Señor Corto Oveja, his attractive daughter, or
the girl-faced El Rabanos. They had
There was no more. Doc dropped vanished.
the glass and crushed it to fragments under a From the group of swarthy
heel. Then he switched off the lantern passengers who claimed they were en route
contrivance, pocketed it, and stepped out in to the meeting of a Spanish society, four
the corridor. were missing.
Moving swiftly, he began a search of Doc’s five men were also not to be
the train. found. Even the pig, Habeas Corpus, was
Doc came out on the observation
DOC Savage did many things which platform at the conclusion of his search. He
to the layman were puzzling and sometimes noted a man with a red lantern standing
inexplicable. Always he had a reason for some distance down the track. That would be
what he did. His method of communicating a flagman sent back to guard against a rear-
with his friends by leaving writing on glass— end collision.
writing quite invisible to the naked eye—was From forward came a low crash. This
something to amaze one unfamiliar with the traveled the length of the train, like a rock
bronze giant. bouncing downstairs. The locomotive had
When Doc had asked for water, the hooked on. The whistle blared. The man with
big—fisted Renny had understood that what the lantern came running back. The train was
his bronze chief wanted was a tablet on preparing to go on.
which to write some orders. Doc Savage vaulted over the
The writing was done with a bit of observation platform rail, landing lightly on
strange chalk. Its markings were almost cinders and gravel. The brakeman, running
undetectable—until exposed to ultra-violet with his head down, did not see Doc Savage.
light. Then it would fluoresce, showing in The passengers who had stepped off the
blue. The lantern contrivance Doc had used train were too busy climbing back on to
was an ultra-violet projector. notice the departure of the bronze man.
Passengers stood in aisles in the The locomotive whistled again, then
coaches, feeling tenderly of spots which had began to chug mightily and spew steam. The
been bruised when the train stopped so train moved, slowly at first, but gathering
suddenly. A few had clambered out and speed. The tail lights went past. They looked
stood beside the track. Not many had done like little eyes on a monster snake which was
this. There is something which makes the crawling backwards. The serpent monster
average man reluctant to leave his train lost itself and its roaring in the distance.

The blacker gloom in the lee of a The ghastly peal trailed off in a sob—a sob
large rock seemed to detach itself and scud like water pouring through a pipe.
along the track. Doc Savage had become a The other three skulkers were brave
soundless phantom. From a coat pocket, he enough. They leaped to assist their
drew the rather bulky black metal box which companion.
was his ultraviolet lantern. He switched this “Que hay?” yelled one. “What is the
on and played its invisible beam before him. matter?”
Shortly a tiny, arrow-shaped mark He found out soon enough.
sprang out in dazzling, electric blue. It was Something seized his left arm—something
drawn on top of a rock with the chalk which which crushed flesh against bone with an
Doc and his men employed to exchange awful pressure. The arm went numb with
secret communications. pain. It had no more feeling than a thick cord
Doc glided in the direction which the attached to his body. And by that cord the
arrow indicated. Two rods, and he found a man was abruptly lifted and flung far to one
second pointer. side.
From a pocket, Doc extracted his As he slammed down in brush and
small flashlight. His men—trailing their rocks, the man was quite sure that it could
enemies, no doubt—had left these arrows to not have been a human hand which had
indicate the direction they had taken. Doc seized him. It must have been some hulking
intended to inspect the track, and find just colossus of the night.
how many individuals his friends were He was wrong.
following. He thumbed the flash on. The other two men became aware of
To his left, a machine gun opened the truth, for their groping hands and striking
up! It’s deadly cackle was like the sound of a fists encountered a form unmistakably
gigantic cricket! human.
Doc Savage seemed to melt down “En verdad!” choked one. “Indeed! It
before the hideous gabble of noise and the is the bronze hombre! Our lead missed him!”
moaning stream of jacketed lead. The four men, seeing Doc sink as
their shots roared, naturally supposed he
was done for. Not knowing the blinding
Chapter VIII speed with which the bronze giant moved,
THE MAN IN THE WHITE HAT they had been too optimistic.
Doc had been warned in advance by
THE stuttering of the rapid-firer a faint click as a machine-gun safety was
ended as abruptly as it had started. The last released, and had dropped in time to get
few empty cartridges to jump from the ejector clear. But some rapid-firer slugs had come so
mechanism tinkled brassily on the rocks. close that his ears still rang with their whine.
There was no sound after that, but the mad One of the would-be killers tried to
flight of a rabbit which had been frightened use his machine gun. The weapon muttered
out of its wits by the sudden uproar. deafeningly! The bullets dug up a cloud of
Eventually, that noise also died away. dust.
“Bueno!” hissed a voice. “That, Doc seized the gun, pulled, and got
amigos, settles our troubles!” its hideous gobbling stilled before it could do
“Si, si!” a low whisper agreed. any damage.
Men advanced. From the sound of Then came a new development.
their movements, there were four of them. Somewhere near by, running feet sounded.
They strode warily. Reinforcements arriving!
“Un fosforo!” commanded one. “A Doc listened, wondering if they were
match!” his own men.
There was a tiny clatter of safety They were not. A guttural ejaculation
matches in a box. The box scraped open. But in Spanish told him that.
no match was lighted. Flashlight beams—blinding funnels
One of the marauders screeched! of white—jumped from the hands of the
The sound was awful—as if invisible hands newcomers. The glare illuminated Doc.
had seized his heart and were tearing it out. One of the new arrivals fired a
revolver. Had Doc not pitched violently to one

side, that bullet would have ended his career. An automobile engine burst into
It was well aimed. noisy life! Headlights came on. The car
rocketed away.
There was a road beyond the fence,
DOC Savage had, for much of his very dusty, but wide and well graded. Doc
life, walked in the shadow of peril and stood in it and watched the receding car. The
sudden death. Many men had sought to end tail-light bulb had been extinguished, so he
his existence by violent means. To kill in could not read the license number.
defense of his own life, frequently seemed A flight of bullets came up the road
imperative. Yet Doc never did that. from the receding auto, and Doc hastily
The bronze man’s enemies by no quitted the thoroughfare.
means went unscathed. They frequently Going back to the scene of the fight,
perished—but always in traps of their own he dabbed his flashlight beam about. Tracks
setting. Doc did not take life with his own were numerous. Doc’s practiced eye
hands. measured these for possible future
Doc still held the machine gun which reference. He gathered up several empty
he had seized. He could have fired upon the machine-gun and revolver cartridges.
approaching gunmen. His chances of Beside a studded bush, he found his
downing them were excellent, for there chief clew. This was an extremely white
seemed to be only two. But because of the Panama hat, wide of brim and high of crown.
darkness, he knew he would have to kill Inside the sweatband of the hat, printed in
rather than merely wound. gold lettering, was a name:
Flinging aside in a leap that was of
almost incredible length, Doc temporarily OVEJA
evaded the white funnels of the flashlights.
Doubling low, he raced from the vicinity. Thanks to the darkness, Doc had not
The surrounding terrain was level. glimpsed the features of any of his attackers.
Boulders and brush were both small, and The first four had been sprawled on the
would conceal a man only if he lay prone and ground when the two rescuers appeared with
perfectly still. Doc was forced to race fifty their flashlights. Had they been on their feet,
yards before he found adequate cover. Doc might have glimpsed their faces.
Twice, in that distance, flashlights Doc recalled the message in invisible
found him and guns cackled noisily. One chalk which one of his five men had left on
bullet cut his coat across the shoulders, but the water glass. It had stated that Señor
did not open his bronze skin. This was Oveja had donned a large white Panama.
excellent shooting, since Doc was traveling And who had read Doc’s wire asking the
at great speed. Mounted Police to surround the train on
He ducked into the shelter of a arrival? Oveja, of course.
boulder, and waited. Switching on his ultra-violet lantern,
The newcomers smashed out more Doc resumed what he had been doing when
random bullets. They made no effort at the attack came—following the arrow
pursuit; instead, they helped the four they markers left by his men. The indicators
had rescued to stand erect. jumped out in unearthly blue flame at
The whole party retreated at a wild frequent intervals. The route angled away
run. from the railroad tracks and mounted a hill.
Doc promptly set out after them. He Beyond the hill, lights were arrayed
deemed it wise to go slowly, for they blasted like white-hot beads strung on taut wires.
frequent bullets in his direction. At first,
because it would be very dangerous, he
made no effort to overhaul the group. Once THE spots of iridescence were street
they reached rough going, he intended to lamps of the town which the train had been
whip close to them. nearing when it had stopped so suddenly. It
He suddenly quickened his pace. was not a large metropolis—only a few
The rusty squeak of barbed wire against thousand in population.
staples had told him the men were mounting Doc Savage followed the luminous
a fence. arrows down the slope. They turned,

paralleling the railroad. When the trail Doc brought a wallet out. This held
dropped into a small gulley, he used his numerous cards. He selected one particular
flashlight, which gave a light as bright as pasteboard from the collection in that wallet.
burning magnesium. “Does this make it any different?” he
The sandy gulch floor was pocked asked, and exhibited the card.
with tracks. To an individual of average The young man looked, then
perception, they would have looked pretty whistled softly. “I’ll say it does!”
much alike. An experienced tracker might The card was signed by the highest
have known, from the depth of the prints, that official of the company, and informed all
two of the men making the tracks were very employees that Doc Savage was to receive
heavy, and that one was a woman. every assistance possible, no matter of what
Doc Savage, however, read the nature, or what the possible consequences.
prints like a chart. He picked out the tracks of
his five men—he knew their every peculiarity,
from the fact that Monk and Renny, the GOING behind the counter, Doc
giants, made deep, big prints, to the straight, sorted through carbon copies of messages
military preciseness of Ham’s walk, with the received that evening. He found his own
little irregularity when the lawyer twiddled his communication, addressed to the local
sword cane. Mounted Police. There was also a wire
When he had the five segregated, signed by Señor Corto Oveja, asking the
three sets remained. These had been walked Mounties to arrest Doc as soon as the train
over by Doc’s aides, so he knew his friends arrived.
were trailing the three persons. Two of the The prize, however, was one signed
quarry were men, the other a woman. Her simply, “John Smith.” It was addressed to
prints were high-heeled and very feminine. “Sam Smith.” Doc eyed the body of the
Near the edge of town, the trail message. At first glance the thing seemed
turned abruptly and began to circle the unintelligible. The stuff sounded like bad
settlement. poetry.
Doc studied the town, judging its size
from the street lights. In small villages, THE HORSE OF IRON HE SAW THE CITY
telegrams were usually handled from the FLEAS AWAY DID RUN AND THAT VERY
railway station. This borough looked large SWIFTLY STOP MAN OH MAN WAS THE
enough to have an office uptown. GAS BUGGY HANDY
Deserting the trail, Doc entered a
street and ran along it. His pace would have Doc read the doggerel again. Its
taxed a proficient sprinter, but, even after he meaning became clear. It was simply a
had traversed several blocks, the bronze message from John Smith to Sam Smith,
man’s breathing had not quickened advising that the train would be deserted at
appreciably. His mighty muscles were the edge of town, and that an automobile
conditioned by regular exercise until they should be on hand. The Smith names were
seemed to show no more fatigue than the probably fakes.
metal of a machine. “Remember the fellow who received
The telegraph office was nested in this?” Doc asked.
the front of a brick hotel. It was brilliantly “Yep!” said the operator eagerly.
lighted, and relays were cheeping on the “There was two of them. They came in and
instrument table. asked if there was a message for Sam Smith.
On duty was an exceedingly tall and I remembered them because of the funny
freckled young man, whose hair stood up like way that message sounded.”
the coiffure of a Fiji Islander. “Describe them,” Doc requested.
“I want information about certain “Both were short and dark-skinned.
telegrams which may have come here They wore greasy coveralls. I saw an
tonight,” Doc told him. aviator’s helmet sticking from the hip pocket
“That is against the rules!” the young of each man.”
man replied promptly. “Fliers! And strangers in town, eh?”
“Yes, sir!” The telegrapher was
beginning to look awed. “Gee whiz! Say, I

just happened to think that I’ve heard of you. Doc was forced to toss a rock near the dog to
Aren’t you the Doc Savage the newspapers keep the suddenly friendly animal from
carry stories about—the fellow they call the following him. This was another example of
‘Man of Mystery?’ Aren’t you the man who the remarkable things his great voice could
just got back from Arabia, where you took a do.
submarine and followed an underground river Unexpectedly, Doc came upon
under the desert? And at the end of the river Monk. The homely chemist was sprawled flat
you found—” on the ground. The pig, Habeas Corpus, lay
“I’ll use your wires,” Doc told the comfortably beside him.
frizzle-haired operator. He had not changed “Hands up!” Monk growled. “Grab a
expression, but he was a bit embarrassed. cloud!” He had failed to recognize Doc.
Hero worship got Doc’s goat—when he was “Bite him, pig!” Doc ordered dryly.
the subject of admiration. Habeas Corpus promptly stood up
He examined the “John Smith” and bit furiously at Monk. Monk dodged.
telegram. It had been sent from a small way Much to the homely chemist’s disgust,
station on the railroad some fifty miles back. somebody had recently taught his pet pig the
Doc opened the telegraph key. A trick of biting the nearest human when told to
moment later, he was in communication with do so. Monk was usually the victim of these
the station from which the message had nips. He suspected the dapper Ham had
been sent. He described the missive in which taught the pig the trick.
he was interested. “Where is the rest of the gang?”
“It was thrown off the fast train,” asked Doc.
reported the distant telegrapher. “But I didn’t Monk waved a furry arm in the
get a look at the party who threw it.” gloom. “They’re watching that joint over
“Was it handwritten?” Doc queried there.”
over the wire. Doc peered into the night. He made
“It was printed,” the other replied. out a building which resembled a gigantic,
Doc closed the key and stood up. square hatbox. “An airplane hangar!”
Since the message was printed, there was “Sure,” said Monk. “There’s a little
no chance of tracing the author by his flying field over there. Señor Oveja, the girl,
handwriting. and El Rabanos are in the hangar.”
The freckled, frizzle-haired young “You’re sure Señor Oveja is there?”
man stared at Doc in open-mouthed Doc asked quickly.
amazement. He had been listening to the “You bet! We’ve been right on their
wire talk. He had just heard some of the heels since they left the train. He couldn’t
fastest and most perfect hand-sent Morse to have slipped away.”
which he had ever listened. It had been as “Señor Oveja has been wearing his
rapid as if sent with a fast automatic key, a white Panama hat?” Doc queried.
“bug.” The freckled young man had not Monk’s voice was very small in the
believed such a thing possible. murk. “He tossed that aside before he left the
“What made him do it?”
LEAVING the telegraph office and its “Don’t know for sure,” Monk said. “It
stunned manager, Doc resumed the looked like El Rabanos pointed out that the
luminous-arrow trail left by his friends. He white hat would show up plain in the dark.”
had sprinted the entire distance from the Doc informed Monk of the attack
telegraph office. He continued running as he which had come as he followed the trail.
followed the trail. “The first four men to jump me might
Around the fringe of the settlement, have been off the train,” he declared. “From
his course led. what I learned at the telegraph office, the
A prowling dog, sighting the bronze other two were obviously fliers, waiting near
man, began to growl fiercely. by in a car.”
“Cut it out, old fellow,” Doc called. Monk grunted softly. “Renny said he
The calm friendliness of the mighty saw a black monoplane that seemed to be
man’s tone had a marked effect upon the following our train. That was just before
dog. It exchanged tail-wagging for growling. dark.”

“It might have been carrying the two “Five of us!” Renny boomed
who got the telegram at this town,” Doc disgustedly. “And we let ‘em get away!”
admitted. “Six of us!” Doc corrected.
“This thing is sure a mess,” Monk “We could have shot ‘em down, of
muttered. “It shapes up like this: Señor course,” rumbled Renny. “But the girl was
Oveja, his daughter, and El Rabanos are aboard the plane.”
after you. Another gang is after them, and The sky was like an overturned bowl
also you.” of black cotton. Into it, the moaning yellow
“And the motivation behind the whole biplane crawled.
thing is a deep, black mystery,” Doc agreed. “Let’s see if there’s another plane in
“Let’s collar the three in the hangar, here, the hangar,” Doc rapped.
and see what we can dig out of them.” They raced back for the black box of
a hangar. Reaching it, Doc cast his flash
beam into the structure.
AS if touched off by the decision, a “There’s a crate!” Renny thundered.
hollow roaring burst from the airplane “No! Two of ‘em!”
hangar. The planes were small. One was a
“Blazes!” Monk barked. “They’ve monoplane, the other an open cockpit.
started up a plane!” He raced for the hangar. Neither accommodated more than two
The pig, Habeas Corpus, bounced passengers.
after him, squealing and grunting with each Renny ran to the biplane. It looked
jump. the speedier. He latched out the choke, then
Doc joined Monk in the race. Both bounded around in front to spin the prop. But
heard metal doors on the hangar rasp open. his huge hands only dropped listlessly from
A plane jumped out of the structure. Its the metal blade. He glared at the engine
exhaust stack was a fiery mouth that itself.
slavered sparks! Its roar was like “Holy cow!” he muttered. “They’ve
cannonading! got us stumped!”
Except for one thing, Doc and his Doc came around and inspected the
men might have seized the plane’s plane engine.
occupants. It was doubtful if those in the craft “They did it very simply, too,” he said
knew of the presence of their pursuers. Had dryly. “They just smashed all the spark plugs.
the wind been coming from straight ahead, There’s no need of replacing them. The other
they would undoubtedly have stopped in front plane will be gone before we can get in the
of the hangar to warm the engine, before air.”
taking off. But the wind was in the opposite Doc had been moving as he spoke.
direction; it was necessary to taxi across the His last word came from near the door.
field before taking the air. The pilot decided The other five hastily followed. The
to warm his engine while doing that. bronze man’s rapid movements showed he
Away the ship went. It rolled too had a plan.
swiftly even for Doc’s fleet running. Landing “What’s up?” Monk demanded.
lights jutted fans of incandescence from the “Let’s see how fast you are on those
wing tips of the airplane. bow legs of yours!” Doc suggested.
Reaching the far edge of the tarmac, Heading for town, Doc set a pace
the plane taxied around and took off. It was a which he judged was about the fastest speed
large yellow biplane, with a cabin for six. the others could travel. It was not slow; they
were all adept at running.
Monk, short gorilla legs going like
Chapter IX pistons, brought up the rear. At his heels
THE IVORY-CUBE TRAIL trailed Habeas Corpus. The pig could run like
a dog. But, as before, the porker was
DOC Savage’s other men came squealing with every jump.
pounding through the night. Big-fisted Renny “Cut that out, or I’ll kick you loose
was leading. from your appetite!” Monk advised the
homely shoat.

Habeas Corpus at once stopped as sunlight. Trees along the thoroughfare

squealing. were scrawny, probably because of the cold
“That pig has brains, I’m telling you!” winters here in Canada. The shrubs and the
Monk shouted. houses cast moon shadows.
“That’s more than can be said for the Dwellings became scattered, then
guy who owns him!” Ham replied nastily. abruptly ceased. Doc crossed a washboard
The purpose of their pell-mell of small black hills. Gullies gaped here and
progress was still a mystery to Doc’s five there, as if the skin of the earth had cracked.
men. They exchanged puzzled looks when The road was narrow, graded only in spots.
Doc entered town and went straight to the Bridges were crude spans of logs, earth-
telegraph office. covered. Apparently the road saw little travel.
“Do you know the surrounding Indeed, according to the
country?” Doc asked the frizzle-haired telegrapher’s map, the road terminated
operator. shortly beyond the field which was Doc’s
The young man replied: “I’ve hunted destination. It was a lane leading to a ranch
over most of it.” home.
“Mountainous and timbered, isn’t it?” Doc kept on it, his long strides eating
“You bet!” up distance. Soon the road dipped. Two
“I want you to point out all fields hundred yards ahead in the moonlight, Doc
which are level enough to land an airplane distinguished a gate; beyond that was a
on,” Doc told him. “Don’t count the local patch of level meadow.
airport, unless there’s more than one.” A black raven of a monoplane stood
The young man seized a pencil at the meadow’s edge, some distance from
which dangled from the counter by a chain, the gate.
planked a telegraph blank on the counter, Without slackening his pace, Doc
and drew a map. His movements were rapid. came up on his toes, making less noise,
“There’s only three level places near thus. He could see no one in or near the
town,” he explained. “One is about a mile black plane, but he was taking no chances.
north. The other two are at least five miles Small hills reared beyond the
out. There’s only one local airport. You said meadows. Suddenly the tops of these
not to count it, so I’m not.” became weirdly white. It was as if an invisible
Doc Savage nodded at Monk and hand had spilled thin snow upon them.
Ham. “You two pals go to the field farthest Then Doc discarded all caution, put
out. The other three of you take the next one. on more speed. For he knew what the
I’ll go to the nearest.” whiteness meant. A car was coming up the
“We’re after that black monoplane!” road behind him, and its headlights had
Renny rumbled, suddenly enlightened. bleached the hill.
“Right!” Doc agreed. “Grab taxicabs He heard the engine mumble. The
for the trips!” machine was coming fast. Doc had hoped to
reach the ebony monoplane; but that, he saw
now, was impossible.
DOC and his men separated in front The neighborhood was unpleasantly
of the telegraph office. All but Doc went bare of vegetation which might furnish
hunting taxicabs. shelter. A mowing machine stood near the
Deciding not to bother himself with a gate. Its moon shadow made a spidery hump
cab, Doc headed northward through town. of gloom.
The distance to the field was only a mile. Doc took shelter behind the mowing
Chances were that he would lose time machine.
hunting a hack. The automobile clattered up. Tire
The little metropolis was quiet. Every treads squealing and throwing dust, it
other street light had been extinguished to stopped at the gate. The car was a sedan,
conserve electricity. Very few houses were very shiny with good care, but a model some
illuminated. three years old. It had all the marks of a car
Overhead, the clouds abruptly parted hired from a rental agency.
and let moonlight spill down. After the earlier
darkness, the moon rays seemed as brilliant

The sedan was jammed with men. In radiator snout through the gate with a roar of
the glare of the moonlight Doc could count splintering wood!
six men. All were swarthy complexioned. Ducking and weaving, Doc Savage
Four of them had been on the ran after the machine until he reached the
passenger train. The other two, attired in gate. The post on which the gate was swung
greasy coveralls, were obviously the aviators was large, and offered more adequate
who had called at the telegraph office. shelter against bullets than the mowing
A man clambered from the rear of machine. Doc ducked behind it and made
the car and walked ahead to open the gate. himself as thin as possible.
The car was headed for the plane. It
traveled too swiftly for those in it to do
DOC Savage usually wore a vest of accurate shooting. Probably twenty shots
pliable leather under his outer clothing. This were fired. Only two of them hit Doc’s post.
vest had numerous pockets, and these held The rest made short, sharp sounds which
ingenious devices—apparatus with which were strangely remindful of shrilly barking
Doc Savage could cope with almost any prairie dogs.
emergency. The vest now reposed in his In the road, the man who had been
baggage, wherever that might now be. Doc run over was moaning and groaning feebly.
was headed for a vacation, and had not been The sedan careened to a stop near
wearing the vest. He was empty-handed. the black plane. Using revolvers, four of the
There was no doubt but that these men fired steadily in Doc’s direction. The
six men were armed. Under such conditions, other two worked at getting the plane motor
the course of safety was to remain under started.
cover. Taking a chance, Doc dashed to the
Doc quitted the shelter of the mowing man who had been run over. The fellow had
machine, and glided up to the car. He had carried a revolver—he must have had it in his
little expectation of reaching the sedan hand when the car hit him, for the weapon
unobserved. Nor did he. was buried in the dust near by. One of the
“Ver!” cried one of the gang. “See! tires had passed squarely over it.
The bronze devil!” Doc sought to pick the gun up. But
The men in the machine seemed to the cylinder fell out. It was a cheap firearm,
go through a convulsion as they grabbed for and the metal pin on which the cylinder
weapons. The driver let the clutch out; the turned had been snapped by the weight of
car went forward like a thing kicked. the car.
Doc had anticipated that the sedan Dropping the useless weapon, Doc
would spring into motion. He had reasoned whipped back to the post. The dangerous
that by the time it reached the gate, it would foray had been executed with his best speed,
be going too swiftly for the man there to so swiftly that his foes had hardly perceived
spring aboard. his move.
His logic was right—and wrong. The The plane engine caught with a
man at the gate was caught off guard. bang! bang! and a moan. The four swarthy
Moreover, he must have been a nervous gunmen ceased shooting and piled into the
individual. As the uproar burst forth, he gave craft. The ship began to scud, its tail lifting.
one long leap—in the wrong direction! He Without time for his engine to warm
was directly in the path of the car! up, the pilot pulled off. It was his lucky day.
The sedan hit him, and bore him The engine kept turning, and the black bat of
down as if he were a weed. For a moment a craft clubbed its way up into the moonlight.
after he disappeared, ugly crunchings and
crackings came from under the machine. The
sounds were those of monster jaws LEVELING off in the air, the black
munching. When the unlucky man appeared plane headed westward.
again—behind the rear bumper—he was Doc Savage watched it only long
shapeless. enough to make certain of the direction it was
Inside the car, guns began a hollow taking. Then he swung over and knelt beside
coughing. The windows were up; holes the man who had gone under the sedan.
appeared in them. The car pushed its

Life remained in the fellow; he was “All square, and of ivory!” the fellow
still moaning. moaned in Spanish. “Must get it—worth
Doc grasped the man. To a many million pesos!”
bystander, the bronze man’s manner might Doc continued his dulling pressure
have seemed rough. But Doc knew what he on the nerve centers. It was probable that the
was doing; he possessed a fund of surgical man did not even know be was being spoken
lore which was probably unequaled. to. Whatever information that came would be
He straightened the victim out until incoherent and by chance.
he was more the shape of a human being. “Rico hombres!” came the agonized
Then, using his flashlight, Doc examined him. whisper. “Rich men? Rich men it will make
An X-ray would have helped; but he learned us! Skeletons under a rock—the ivory cube
the important thing without it. was gone! The galleon with the crew of
This man could not live long. skeletons, we cannot find it!”
“Not a chance, fellow!” Doc told him. Doc’s bronze features remained
There was no use keeping it from him. composed, but he was about as near
“Como dice?” The man’s query was bursting with impatience as he ever got. The
a wispy, tortured whisper. “What did you mutterings of this man only deepened the
say?” mystery.
His hearing must have been The dying man said loudly and
damaged. clearly: “Señor Oveja and his daughter are
Instead of repeating the statement, fools, and easily deceived. Alex Savage—”
Doc Savage put a question: “What’s behind And then the man died.
all this, hombre?”
The man’s eyes only stared glassily.
It was as if he had not heard. “BUT what did he mean?” Monk
“What are you fellows after?” Doc demanded. “An ivory cube—a galleon with a
asked, his voice even louder. skeleton crew—skeletons under a ledge—
The man’s eyes seemed as crystal and a lot of pesos! What a hash of
balls fixed in his head. Nothing came past his information to try to make something out of!”
lips but labored, painful breathing. Doc Savage had assembled his five
“Who is your boss?” Doc persisted. men, and they stood together in the darkness
“Voy a casa!” said the man. “I am at the edge of town. It was well past
going home.” midnight.
He was delirious. Strands were “Figuring it out is a swell job for
breaking in the already thin life thread which Monk!” dapper Ham said in a jeering voice.
suspended him over the Infinite Abyss. “What do you mean?” Monk asked
Doc Savage, seeking to draw innocently.
something of value from the delirium, leaned “Trying to dope it out would drive an
close and shouted loudly: “Señor Corto ordinary man half-witted,” Ham assured him
Oveja!” politely. “You’re safe.”
“Oveja!” gurgled the dying man. “Meanin’ I’m half simple, huh?” Monk
“Oveja—fool—easily tricked.” growled pleasantly. He addressed his pig.
“Tricked by whom?” Doc shouted. “Habeas, this shyster don’t like you and me.
This query brought no response. Whatcha say to that?”
With the tips of sinewy, practiced “T’ hell with ‘im!” said the pig—at
fingers, Doc touched the various nerve least it sounded as if the pig had replied.
centers in the broken body. His vast Ham dropped his sword cane and
knowledge enabled him to alleviate pain in jumped a foot in the air. “For crying out loud!”
this fashion. Although even his surgical skill “Don’t he look funny!” questioned the
could not save this man’s life, he might voice which seemed to come from the pig.
prolong the flow of information, such as it Ham caught on, then. He grabbed
was. his sword cane, straightened, and made a
“Ivory cube!” gulped the dying man. pass at Monk.
“What?” Doc yelled. Only by a frenzied leap did Monk
escape. He retreated to safety, carrying his
pet shoat.

“I didn’t know Monk was a no implement other than the thin blade of a
ventriloquist!” chuckled Long Tom, the pocket knife, which Monk produced. But he
electrical wizard. “He must have just picked it got the lock on the freight-room door open in
up!” a bit less than a minute.
A pitiful groan escaped Ham. By the time the station agent
Doc Savage had delayed his recital returned with a Mounted Policeman, Doc and
while the horseplay progressed. Their his men had lost themselves in the night,
escapades rarely got so perilous but that carrying their various pieces of luggage with
Monk and Ham could have no spats. This them.
was only Monk’s latest scheme to insult the Ordinarily, Doc coöperated freely
sartorially perfect Ham. with the police, but just now he did not care
“Much of what the dying man said to be delayed. These Mounted Police were
was incoherent,” Doc resumed. “But two thoroughgoing; they might jail him, despite
fragments of the information were fairly his influence.
significant.” “Where are we going?” asked Ham,
Johnny, the skinny archaeologist, trying to balance both his sword cane and his
took off his spectacles which had the luggage in his arms.
magnifying left lens. “To the place where this trouble
“Which were they?” seems to be coming from,” Doc told him.
“The reference to money,” Doc “Alex Savage’s estate!”
explained. “Once he mentioned a hundred
million pesos! That must be the motivation—
the loot the gang is after.” Chapter X
“A hundred million pesos!” Monk CABIN OF MURDER
gasped from the adjacent darkness.
“It may not be that much,” Doc “ALL I can say is that we picked
pointed out. “The fellow was delirious. He some spot for a vacation!” Ham wailed loudly
may have spoken the first large figure that and mournfully.
came to his wandering mind.” The time was somewhat past noon,
“The dying man tipped us to one the following day. The spot was in the
thing we had already guessed,” mumbled the neighborhood of Alex Savage’s cabin.
big-fisted Renny. “Señor Oveja, the guy with “I’ve been in a lot of tropical jungles!”
the peach of a daughter, is being tricked.” Ham continued dolefully. “But they were
“We’re making headway!” said the boulevards compared to this!”
sharp-tongued Ham. “Now, will some one Ham was a man who entertained
kindly explain what was meant by an ivory little liking for getting close to nature. He
cube, and skeletons under ledges and in heartily disapproved of all rough going. This
boats?” was not because he could not stand
No one had an answer to that. hardship—Ham could take it. What Ham did
“We may see some action before we dislike, though, was seeing his costly, well-
get it cleared up,” Doc said dryly. “Let’s set tailored clothes torn off his back. Clothes
sail, brothers!” were Ham’s passion. He would forego
“Where to?” Ham questioned. anything—except possibly a fight—to remain
“To see about our baggage,” Doc sartorially perfect
told him. His present garments were rapidly
Their luggage, they discovered, after beckoning rags. His spirits were sinking
a bit of reconnoitering, was locked in the accordingly. Ham had donned a nifty
freight room at the local depot. The night woodsman’s outfit before starting on this
station agent not only refused to turn it over, hike. His Park Avenue tailor had told him it
but when he learned Doc’s identity, ran for a was the proper thing when he purchased it.
Mounted Policeman. It seemed the agent Ham had known better at the time, but had
had been advised that Doc was wanted for failed to resist the well-tailored lines of the
questioning in connection with the death of outfit.
the conductor, Wilkie. “Doc, where’s a camera?” Monk
Doc glided to the locked freight room demanded loudly. “I want Ham’s picture as
the instant the agent was out of sight. He had

he looks now! The newspapers would go for shores of which Alex Savage’s large cabin
it!” stood.
Ham glared indignantly. “Look!” Doc said abruptly. He leveled
The business of reaching Alex an arm.
Savage’s woodland retreat they had found to Fog was crawling through the brush
be no small task. Doc had searched for an like lazy smoke; the vapor lay like a gray
airplane, but the only craft available had mold on the sky, stifling sunbeams and
been an old two-seater biplane. Locating the making the day almost twilight. In the creamy
owner shortly after dawn, Doc bought the illumination, the object which Doc indicated
decrepit ship outright. was barely discernible.
By dint of howling and groaning like It was a fresh grave, marked by a
a dying thing, the old crate had proved it cross.
could take three of them off the ground at
Lack of landing fields near Alex AS they drew nearer, it became
Savage’s cabin had been another obstacle. apparent that the cross was ponderous,
To complicate things, a thick fog had been reaching above Doc’s shoulders. It was of
sweeping in from the sea. It had taken three wood, roughly hewn.
hours of flying to even locate Alex Savage’s “The grave is only a few days old,”
cabin. Once he had found it, Doc could Long Tom offered.
discern no sign of life about the place. They all walked around to get a look
Doc had been forced to land at the inscription on the cross, burned into it
something like ten miles from the cabin, on a place where the wood had been
directly inland. Four trips had been chiseled flat.
necessary to carry his friends and their load
of baggage. ALEX SAVAGE
Now, they had been fighting their
way through the wilderness for some hours. “My uncle!” Doc said sharply.
“Holy cow!” Renny boomed. “Do you Silence wrapped the little group for
reckon they ever got your telegrams into this some minutes. Their faces were grim.
country, Doc?” Discovery of the grave had been a shower of
“I understand the mail is brought up cold water on their spirits.
the coast by boat,” Doc told him. “Telegrams That Alex Savage was blood kin to
would probably come in the same way.” their bronze chief, accounted for part of the
“If we only had Doc’s big plane!” gloom settling on the group. Ordinarily, they
Ham groaned. were inclined to sail grandly through all sorts
The ship to which Ham referred was of perils, taking the occurrence of a death as
Doc’s enormous speed plane, a bus capable an unpleasant thing which was part of the
of descending on land or water. This craft game.
now reposed in Doc’s hidden hangar on the But this was different. For a little
Hudson River in New York City. With it, a while, as they stood there, adventure
landing on the little bay in front of Alex seemed somewhat to lose its tang.
Savage’s cabin would have been a simple “Do you suppose—” Homely Monk
matter. made a vague gesture. “I wonder if the death
Doc had not used the plane to fly to was natural?”
Canada simply because he wished to get No one replied.
away from speed and bustle during his “He had a daughter, Patricia
vacation. Savage,” Doc said at last
For some time they had been The sartorially inclined Ham seemed
following a small river. This stream flowed at to have forgotten both his ragged garments
a terrific pace, a great flat, moaning green and his good-natured enemy, Monk.
serpent which shook white spray off its back “Let’s move!” he muttered. “Graves
at frequent intervals. always get my goat!”
The river, Doc had determined from They left their depressing find. The
the air, emptied into the tiny bay on the grave was on a level shelf of ground. The
gray fog hung all around like water-logged

curtains. Doc surmised that the spot A man lay face up on the floor. A
overlooked the sea, for the way soon dipped length of staghorn stuck upright from his
sharply downward, and they could hear the chest—the hilt of a knife!
mushy splashing of waves.
They scrambled over rocks,
shouldered through brush. Behind them, the GLIDING across the floor, Doc
river moaned, but they eventually left that Savage studied the dead man.
sound behind. “An Indian!” he said.
The fog, growing more dense, Then he made a brief examination.
swirled about the men like the clammy “A half-breed, I should have said. He died, as
tentacles of some fabulous colossus. No near as can be told, about the time we were
birds sounded in the trees. There was no having all our troubles on the train.”
perceptible wind, but waves continued to Doc indicated the wrinkled condition
make low splashings in the distance. The of the dead man’s lower garments. “The
splashes came at regular intervals, and no fellow got soaked to the armpits just before
doubt were the result of a ground swell. In his death. His clothes show plainly that they
the thick fog, these sounds might have been dried on his motionless body. That means
the shuffling steps of some spectral they were wet when he was killed, and dried
wanderer. later.”
“I don’t care a lot for this place!” Doc removed the beaded moccasins
Monk announced. from the corpse. There was more than a
“We’re getting near the cabin,” Doc spoonful of bright, clean sand in each slipper.
said. To the trousers on the corpse was
Monk glanced up sharply. He sticking smears of an amber-colored, sticky
wondered how Doc had learned that. He gum. There was more gum on the lifeless
decided the bronze man had recognized fingers.
landmarks. To the gum on the trousers clung bits
The truth was that Doc’s sensitive of bark; and to the gum on the hands stuck,
nostrils had caught certain faint odors— not only bark, but tiny feathers and lint.
scents which the others had missed. Doc’s If the gum and the stuff clinging to it
olfactory organs were of almost animal informed him of anything, Doc Savage did
keenness, for training them was a part of the not remark on the fact at the moment.
daily exercise routine which he took Long Tom, the electrical wizard,
unfailingly. looking slightly more unhealthy and pale than
The vague odor which he had usual, asked: “Who is he?”
detected was mainly that of gasoline. Also, Doc shook his head in a slow
there were certain flower scents alien to the negative. He walked through the other
region, which probably came from a woman’s rooms. Everywhere there was evidence of a
dressing room. Too, there was the faint odor thorough search—furniture ripped apart,
of wood smoke. The smoke tang was old— bedding torn and scattered, rugs jerked up.
not such as would come from a blazing fire. The stuffed, snarling head of a bearskin rug
Within the next hundred yards, the had been chopped open.
cabin came in sight. The sumptuous nature “The cabin was searched twice,” Doc
of the rustic establishment created a announced after his scrutiny.
sensation. “Twice!” exclaimed skeleton-thin
“Holy cow!” Renny ejaculated. “This Johnny, puzzled. “How do you figure that?”
is quite a place!” Moving into the kitchen, Doc
Doc said sharply: “There’s nobody indicated a smear on the floor. It resembled
here!” molasses which had been spilled, and had
Again the bronze man was voicing become as hard as glass. An overturned can
what his amazing senses had told him. His near by showed where the stuff had come
ears, sharp beyond those of an ordinary from. This can bore a varnish label.
human, had detected no stirrings of life. “Look at the label,” Doc advised.
The front door of the cabin gaping “Notice how long it requires for that varnish to
open, they went in. dry.”

A man lay face up on the floor. A length of staghorn stuck upright from
his chest.

After he had looked, the dapper Ham was more thorough. They even split open the
said: “Twelve hours.” lantern base.”
“Exactly. It is now perfectly dry, but it Johnny adjusted his spectacles
was spilled during the search. That means which had the magnifier lens.
the hunt occurred at least twelve hours ago.” “I’ve been noticing things, too,” he
Doc went into a bedroom. A gasoline announced. “The breed lying dead in the
lantern lay on the floor. Its fuel-reservoir base front room is a servant. I noticed clothes
had been split open. The floor about the which would fit him. These were in a small
wreck of the lamp was wet with gasoline. room in the rear—obviously a servant’s
“You fellows know how fast gasoline room. There were woman’s garments in the
evaporates,” Doc said. “That gas was spilled room, too. That means he had a wife.”
less than an hour ago. The second search “She’s a very large woman, too,” Doc
agreed. “Her clothes were big. She’s an

Indian, judging by the bright colors she The five men were fairly accustomed
affects. Apparently she and her husband to this sort of thing—Doc’s habit of plucking
were the only servants on the place.” gems of information out of thin air. They had
“What about the daughter, Patricia?” seen him do miracles on more than one
Renny rumbled. occasion. But they could not help looking a
bit stunned.
“Holy cow!” Renny rumbled. “I don’t
DOC did not reply immediately. He see how you can tell that, Doc.”
roved into a bedroom where feminine “These tracks were made by the
garments littered the floor. He ended his same men who attacked me when I started
wandering at a wastebasket which had been to follow the trail of luminous arrows from the
overturned, and which had held—among train,” Doc replied. “Those men were
other trash—rumpled cleaning tissues. These members of the gang who escaped in the
were the paper napkins young women use to plane.”
remove facial creams. He dropped to a knee and inspected
Picking up one of these tissues, Doc the footprints more thoroughly. Then he
crushed it between his sensitive, metal-hard reiterated: “I am sure of it! Not only the size,
fingers. but certain worn patches on the soles exactly
“It was used this morning,” he said. coincide.”
“That means the young woman was present “O. K., O. K.,” Renny muttered. “All
that recently.” we need to know now is where the two
“But where is she now?” Renny women prisoners are being held.”
boomed. “And where is the fat servant?” “That will take some trailing,” Doc
Renny was asking questions as if he replied.
thought his bronze chief had been present at The trail following was an easy
whatever had happened here in the cabin. matter for a few yards. Then, in the center of
Renny knew from past experiences that Doc a great litter of rocks, the prints vanished.
could come upon a scene such as this, and, Nowhere could they be seen.
because of his weird ability to read vague “They began leaping from rock to
clews, get a story which came uncannily near rock,” Doc decided. “They can’t do that
being the truth. forever. We’ll circle.”
“I’ll show you,” Doc said, thereby
proving Renny had not been too optimistic.
Doc beckoned the group outdoors. SCATTERING, Doc and his men
He pointed to tracks in the soft earth. It had ranged the vicinity. They did not spread so
evidently rained at dawn, or shortly widely but that they could hear each other
afterward. And distinguishable in the dirt call, however.
were footprints of three men and two women. Shortly, Long Tom cried loudly:
One of the women had worn moccasins, the “Come over here, you guys! I ain’t got the
other low-heeled, hobnailed boots. trail, but I’ve got something else!”
“The two women have been The unhealthy-looking electrical
kidnaped,” Doc said bluntly. wizard was standing near a dense thicket of
The five aides swapped blank spruce. At his feet, brownish stains colored
glances. How Doc could look at a set of the rank woods grass.
footprints and tell there had been a kidnaping “Blood!” he exclaimed dramatically.
was beyond their deepest understanding. “Thoroughly dried,” Doc agreed after
Pointing, Doc said: “Notice the tracks a close scrutiny. “Part of it was washed away
show where one of the men shoved the girl— by the rain last night.”
shoved her hard. It was no playful push. He The bronze man swung slowly
would hardly have done that if the girl was around the spot, eyes on the ground. Several
going with them willingly.” times, he stopped and parted the grass.
Renny waved acknowledgment with The rain had washed away signs,
his big hands. “You win, Doc.” leaving few that could be read. To eyes less
“The kidnapers were our friends who than superbly trained, the stretch of forest
escaped in the black monoplane,” Doc presented absolutely no clew. Penetrating
continued. the spruce thicket, Doc spent some time in it.

He came out of the spruce and said: The webs had been torn from their
“In there was where the breed was anchorage by some passing body, and hung
murdered.” dangling. A few yards from that point, Doc
“Yeah?” Monk grunted. found a footprint. It was small; unmistakably
“Maybe I should have said, from in feminine. He did not touch it, did not span its
there was where he was murdered. The knife proportions with his fingers. But he knew it
must have been thrown. Signs show the was the footprint of the girl who had been
breed came out here to meet some one. seized from the cabin.
Evidently, whoever he was meeting got him It was somewhat uncanny, the
with a knife thrown from the thicket.” ability, which Doc had acquired by long
“Any chance of trailin’ the killer?” practice, to judge size by eye alone. Like
Renny demanded. Doc’s other unusual accomplishments, there
“No. The fellow was careful to follow was nothing supernatural about this. It was
rocky ground coming and going. The rain last an accomplishment perfected by his
night wiped out what few tracks he did remarkable routine of exercises.
make.” This routine occupied two hours
Monk had been inspecting the rain- daily, and in it was a process where he cast
faded prints around the bloodstain. small white balls on the ground repeatedly,
Laboriously, he was finding the tracks which calculating just how far apart they had fallen.
Doc had discovered almost at a glance. Careful measurements verified his judgment.
“The two women evidently found the Doc followed the trail. It was not
slain Indian,” the homely chemist declared. easy. The kidnapers had taken pains to
“They carried him to the cabin. Here’re the conceal their path. They trod rocky ground
tracks. One set was made by boots, the other wherever possible. They entered a small
by moccasins.” stream, followed it fully two hundred yards;
Monk glanced over his shoulder. He here, water had washed away the tracks.
wanted to see if Doc would verify the At one point—an eddy where the
deduction. Monk started. His eyes flew wide. water was stagnant—Doc found a faint haze
Doc Savage was nowhere about! of mud still suspended. It had been stirred up
Doc’s five friends showed no by the passing of his quarry. This proved
excitement over the bronze man’s they were not far ahead.
disappearance. Doc had a disconcerting Going became more difficult. The
habit of vanishing on certain occasions. Doc trail mounted sheer slopes, dived into rocky
had merely glided into the brush, of course, gulches. Stony boulders and ledges were
but his going had been so silent as to seem steadily underfoot. The stuff would not retain
spectral. footprints.
By the time his absence was noticed, The wild western country produces
Doc had covered scores of yards. He certain individuals who are known as “sign
traveled swiftly until he was a full quarter of a readers.” These are expert trackers, and are
mile from the cabin. Then he swung in a wide employed to trail thieves, find lost live stock,
circle. and kindred other jobs. So expert do these
The bronze man seemed to undergo men become that they can look at a stretch
a strange change. He became animal-like in of ground and see a clear trail where another
his searching for the trail. He utilized not only man can distinguish nothing.
his eyes, but his sense of smell as well. Had a sign reader been watching
Much of the time, he traveled on all fours. Doc Savage now, he would have been driven
Occasionally, when desiring to move swiftly, to conclude himself a veritable amateur. For
or to clear a tangle of brush which no man it was in actuality no trail at all which Doc
could have penetrated without infinite labor, followed. The stony earth retained no prints.
he sprang upward and swung along, with the Doc ranged back and forth, his
prodigious agility of a monkey, from one tree strange golden eyes photographing
limb to another. everything in his mind’s eye. He discerned
certain bugs and small lizards loitering about
the rocks. In other places, these were not in
IT was a tangle of spider webs which evidence. It was plain they had been
finally showed Doc the trail. frightened to cover.

They were such vague clews as this Here and there a rock jutted from the
which guided the bronze giant. stream bed. So swift was the flood that air
The noise of the river became spaces were left behind these rocks, which
audible. The kidnapers seemed to be reached far down toward the stream bed.
heading straight for the rushing torrent. The By peering closely, Doc could
noise of the river was like that made by a discern the tracks of those he was following.
large tree being shaken by some gigantic The party had waded directly out into the
hand. boiling waters.
Wadded masses of fog crawled This was puzzling. No human being
through the rocks like enormous, gray could wade the current; no boat could exist in
phantom cats. In spots underfoot, little it.
puddles of water stood, the result of the rain Doc glanced upward again. The mist
of the night before. that lathered the air overhead seemed to
Doc found where one of the party he fascinate him. He watched it go through
was following had stepped into a pool, and convulsions for a bit. Then he clambered up
left a plain trail for some distance, The boot the canyon side.
tracks were small—those of the girl. A bit The walls were not exactly sheer, but
farther on, Doc began finding small colored they were steep enough that no loose rocks
glass beads, of the sort used in decorating clung in mid-air. Fifty feet, Doc climbed—
Indian moccasins. seventy-five. He was still in the clouds of
Both women seemed to be doing spray. The stuff dashed against his face.
their bit to advertise the trail. Pausing, he aligned himself with the
tracks which had disappeared into the
stream. He was a little to the right. He
THE roaring of the river became corrected his position. Then he looked
louder. It might have been a noisy beast upward.
drawing near. The sound had lost its likeness Very low, yet penetrating the
to a tree being shaken. It was ugly and cataclysmic roar of the waterfall with seeming
throbbing, and full of sobs and gurgles. It had ease, came a tiny trilling note—the sound
a quality of ugly savagery. It caused the very that was characteristic of Doc Savage. The
eardrums, against which it battered, to ache. fantastic note seemed hardly to come into
Then Doc came to a canyon. It was being, then it was gone again. Doc himself
perhaps a hundred feet deep. He could not showed no sign of being aware that he had
see the opposite walls, nor the bottom. He made it.
had to climb down to see how deep it was. The bronze man was studying what
Upstream a few rods, there was a he had found. It was simply a rope tied
high waterfall. This was making the roaring securely to a tree. The rope stretched across
that hurt the ears. the canyon.
The trail which Doc was following
ended at the water’s edge. The waterfall
made a vast thunder in the canyon, and it DOC had expected something like
was shattered into spray by its plunge over this. It was the only thing that explained the
the precipice. From the noisy inferno, mist tracks which had entered the stream. Some
arose like smoke from a burning house. It kind of a sling was pulled back and forth on
mingled with the fog; it darkened the sun. Its this aërial cableway, he believed. The sling
wetness drooled on the surrounding rocks must hang low enough to enable those in the
until they ran rills of water, as if it were water to grasp it. The ingenious thing about
raining. this crossing device was that the cable
Doc lifted his gaze. Overhead, the stretched where it was completely hidden by
mist clouds collided and merged and tumbled clouds of mist and spray from the waterfall.
like fighting things. Doc grasped the cable and tested it.
For perhaps a minute he stared Then he leaped high in the air and landed,
upward. Then he lowered his eyes. The river perfectly balanced on his feet, on the cable.
was all foam. Waves snapped twice the He did not go hand over hand across the
height of his head. Their tops spat foam like ropes, as another man might have done. He
ravenous jaws.

ran atop it, in the fashion of a tightrope “Bueno!” he hissed. “My bullets hit
walker. his heart!”
Spray had made the rope very The man jacked a fresh cartridge into
slippery. More treacherous footing would his rifle, planted the weapon against his
have been difficult to imagine. Doc seemed shoulder, and aimed deliberately.
to give it no more consideration than he He could barely make out Doc’s
would have given a sidewalk. He carried no figure. It was a feverishly contorting, bronze-
balancing rod—without which few tightrope hued smear in the dripping gray abyss. The
walkers venture to perform—yet his balance bronze man’s movements reminded the
was perfectly maintained. rifleman of a squirrel that had been shot, and
The rope sagged in the middle, was attempting frantically to cling to its limb.
making the crossing more dangerous. Below, Even as the man peered over his rifle sights,
waves darted up like green-snouted, the metallic figure fell away from the
repellent lizards of titanic size. A fall meant overhanging cable.
certain death. Spray which boiled up from the water
The rope curved sharply upward. swallowed Doc’s falling body.
Doc tilted far forward to maintain his balance, “Bueno!” hissed the swarthy man
and his feet slipped repeatedly on the spray- again. He lowered his rifle. “He did not need
wet fiber. These slippings, which would have a second shot.”
raised the hair of a spectator, seemed to The rifleman did not take the death
affect Doc’s nerve not at all. He appeared to of the bronze man for granted, however. He
be as immune from fear as the metal he scrambled down the steep wall of the canyon
resembled. to the water. There, washed by spray which
A tree appeared in the misty void. To the mad waters flung up, he explored.
it was secured the rope end. Doc discerned a He was positive Doc Savage had
rude basket of sticks, pulleys, and ropes lying fallen into the river where it was roughest and
near by. It was a makeshift car for the running most violently, and equally sure Doc
cableway over the canyon. could not have escaped, even had he not
Doc was almost on the point of been shot through the heart.
leaping from the rope to solid ground when a The man climbed back up the
man appeared beside the tree. He was canyon wall and left the vicinity. He seemed
squat, swarthy, and wore greasy coveralls. none too familiar with the region. His
He had a rifle stock jammed against his progress was a series of careful sallies from
shoulder. one landmark to another. He stood near a
The rifle coughed a tongue of flame tree, which had an extra large trunk, until he
which actually blackened the coat fabric over located a pair of large boulders which looked
Doc’s heart. The bullet made a tiny, ragged familiar. His next lap was to a brier thicket.
hole in the patch of powder-burned cloth. The fellow was plainly no woodsman,
and he was taking no chances on getting
Chapter XI He did not have far to go, soon
THE VANISHED BOX entering a large grove of trees. There was a
clearing in the center of the grove.
DOC Savage’s shoe soles seemed Four tents were pegged out in the
to acquire roller bearings. His giant form clearing. The canvas was painted a green
skittered back down the sloping wire. hue which camouflaged perfectly with the
He was bent nearly double now—he leaves overhead.
had folded into that position an instant after At the edge of the clearing stood an
the rifleman fired. His movements were enormous, brushy-looking mound of green.
strangely grotesque. He slouched forward This had a somewhat artificial look. However,
and seized the rope, his arms and legs only close examination would have revealed
whipping wildly! Doc seemed to be trying to that the mound was made of freshly cut
retain his grip on the rope. green boughs.
The swarthy rifleman leaned far out The boughs were stacked over a
to peer through the mist. black monoplane, concealing it thoroughly. It
would be almost impossible for an aviator

flying over it to detect presence of the black “What do you think we are—
ship. magicians?” snarled one of the group. “We
Several men sprang to meet the have not had time to question the señorita—
bridge guard. They had rifles in their hands; fittingly.”
revolvers were belted about their midriffs. “The fat one—the squaw—she is
“Mulo cabeza!” gritted a man. “Mule what the Yankees call a bat from hell!” a man
head! You were left to guard the rope over offered. He felt tenderly of an ear. From the
the river!” upper end of the ear, a semicircular segment
“Keep your shirts on, caballeros!” had been bitten. “Like a dog, the squaw
chuckled the rifleman. “What do you think I snapped at me! Before I could dodge, she
have just done?” was spitting out a piece of my ear!”
“Deserted your post!” somebody Somebody unkindly laughed.
growled. Five of these men were the fellows
“No, amigo! I was standing at the who had escaped in the black monoplane.
rope end with my rifle ready, when the The others—there were seven more—were
bronze man tried to cross. I shot him in the somewhat incrusted with grease and dirt, an
heart! He fell into the river!” indication they had been encamped here in
“Bueno!” chortled the other, suddenly the wilderness for some time. The only clean,
delighted. “Good! Did he fall where the water well-kept thing about them was their guns.
ran swiftest?” These were spotless, freshly oiled, and
“He fell where no man could swim, carried in open holsters.
amigo.” “What do we do next?” questioned a
“We will let our chief know that I have
MORE men stumbled out of the killed Doc Savage,” said the rifleman who
green tents. They crowded around the man had guarded the rope bridge.
who was the self-admitted killer of Doc “Have you forgotten, my friend?”
Savage. They were prepared to make a hero somebody chided him, “that we have strict
of the fellow. orders never to go to our chief. He always
“You are quite a caballero!” declared comes to us.”
a man. “Many others have tried to kill this “The chief, señors, should know what
bronze wizard and failed. I once heard a I have done,” insisted the man. “It was no
rumor that he was gifted with everlasting small feat! Here is how I did it!”
life—that he could not be killed.” The man now proceeded to describe
“Where did you hear that rumor, a terrific fight at one end of the rope bridge.
señor?” demanded a listener. Many blows had been exchanged; bullets
“In our native Spain, amigos.” had flown, and knives had flashed—to hear
“Tue?” ejaculated the other. “What? him tell it.
Has the fame of Doc Savage penetrated to The fellow was an accomplished liar.
our native land?” Out of his imagination, he conjured an
“Si, si! That bronze man was known amazing battle; before he had finished
to many lands.” talking, he had not only slain Doc Savage,
“Was is correct, señors,” chuckled but had first bested the bronze giant in a
another fellow. physical contest.
The late bridge guard swelled with “And that is how it happened,
pride. He flashed white teeth in an expansive hombres!” The tale spinner wiped
grin, and stuck out his chest like a pouter perspiration from his forehead. The sweat
pigeon. had been brought out by the very fierceness
“It is possible I shall draw a bonus of the combat which he had just described.
when our boss hears of this, eh señors?” he “Truly, it was the great fight of my life.”
queried. “You are mucho hombre!” a listener
“We must find the ivory cube before agreed, tongue in his cheek. “If you could
anybody draws a bonus!” one of the others now lead us to the galleon with the crew of
reminded. skeletons, you would indeed be a hero.”
“Have you not yet learned where the
white block is?” snapped the guard.

“Si, si,” agreed the world’s champion authority. “Look everywhere for her! She
liar. “The galleon of skeletons! We will find it, cannot have gone far.”
amigo! But the ivory cube comes first!” Like a pack of hounds which had lost
a trail, the men dispersed. Some dashed
madly into the woods; others peered in brush
THE words caused the men to clumps. There was plenty of shrubbery, for
exchange glances. An ugly determination the gang had not troubled to clear the camp
rode each face. Here was a question on site.
which they all seemed to be of the same Some of the men probed about the
mind. camp. One of these went to the green tent
“A man should go and guard the river which held the squaw, Tiny. A single glance
crossing,” some one suggested. inside sufficed to show that the squaw’s legs
“Not me, señor!” snapped the man were still bound securely. The man started to
who had lately been at the post. “I have done back out.
my guardings for this day.” “Wait!” grunted Tiny. “You want know
This struck the others as being a what way white gal go?”
reasonable statement. So another man was “Si, si, Señorita!” said the man. “Yes,
dispatched to take a position at the rope over yes!”
the river. “Cut um loose,” said Tiny. “Me tell
“Now to question the Señorita um.”
Savage,” the leader announced. “Si!” exclaimed the man delightedly.
They moved in a body to one of the He sprang inside.
green tents. He was hardly in the tent when a
“Come out, Señorita Savage!” slender, sinewy brown arm enwrapped his
commanded the leader. throat from behind. This caused his mouth to
There was no response from the fly wide open. Another brown hand promptly
tent. stuffed a wadded handkerchief between the
“Come, señorita” the man directed, gaping jaws.
more sharply.
Once more, nothing happened.
The man stooped and looked in. He PATRICIA Savage had been
emitted a surprised yell. He dived into the crouching to one side of the tent door while
tent like a terrier after a rat. There was noise Tiny enticed their victim inside.
as he jumped about, and two blankets flew During the excitement which had
outdoors. attended the arrival of the killer, Patricia had
“Es no posible!” the man screeched. managed to free herself and crawl into the
“It is not possible! Señorita Savage is gone!” tent which sheltered the squaw.
Had the men suddenly discovered Her escape had been discovered at
that they were standing over a lighted charge an inopportune moment. Given a few
of dynamite, they could not have scattered seconds more, and Patricia would have been
more quickly. In a wild wave, they spread gone, along with Tiny.
around the tent. At the rear wall, one fellow Tiny reared up to help subdue the
found a stake loose. man. She gave a wrench, and the rope fell
“Here is where she escaped!” he off her wrists. A kick, and her ankles were
cried. free. The ropes had merely been arranged to
“En verda!” sneered the former look like they were tied. That was Patricia’s
bridge guard. “Indeed! So this is the way you idea.
hombres keep track of your prisoners!” The man was probably not more
“Your own big mouth is to blame, than twenty-five, and quite husky. He had a
caballero!” some one advised him angrily. neck like a young bull. He was more than a
“While you were talking so loud and fast, match for nine out of ten run-of-the-street
telling us what you did to this man Savage, men.
she escaped I” Patricia, however, had taken him by
“Scatter, hombres!” shouted the man surprise. Moreover, she was a young lady
who seemed to possess some semblance of who combined good looks with a well-
developed muscle. She not only kept the

man from yelling an alarm, but she had his

wind completely shut off. PATRICIA had not covered two rods
The man kicked, struck backward. when she saw a human hunter. He was
Not for nothing had Patricia taken fencing prowling around, peering this way and that. It
lessons in a finishing school. She evaded his chanced that he was the same individual who
blows easily. The man grabbed her attractive had been guarding the bridge.
bronze hair and gave it a tremendous yank. Patricia, peering out of her tent while
Tiny went into action. Stooping, she making her escape, had seen this man. She
seemed to pick something off the floor and had heard him bragging of the murder he had
plant it forcibly on the man’s chin. It was a committed. The name of the murder victim
beautiful haymaker. had been a shock.
The man stopped struggling as It was Patricia’s first knowledge that
suddenly as if he had been shot through the her famous cousin, Doc Savage, was in the
brain. vicinity.
“Me learn that practicing on Boat The young woman was at a loss to
Face,” Tiny muttered. A moment after she explain why Doc was in this part of Canada.
had spoken, Tiny seemed to remember that She did not know it, but she had not received
Boat Face was dead. Her lower lip quivered, the bronze man’s messages advising her of
and tremendous sobs shook her enormous his northern vacation.
bosom. Patricia had intended to send to Doc
Patricia eyed their unconscious for help. But that morning, she had found
victim, then appraised the squaw’s size. both the storage barrel and the launch tanks
“I’ll have to put on his clothes and empty of gasoline. This had prevented her
walk out of camp,” she said. “If they would fit from going to send a telegram. She was
you, I’d let you go, Tiny. But you’re too darn relieved that no gesture of hers had drawn
big. When I get out of camp, I’ll make a fuss. Doc to his death.
I’ll yell or something. When they rush to However, Patricia was horrified to
investigate, you beat it.” think that Doc had perished. She was also
“O. K.,” said Tiny. filled with a consuming rage against his killer.
The man had a gun. Patricia took Patricia was no butterfly who
that; then she yanked off the man’s shirt. blossomed forth only at social functions. That
After this, she turned her back. did not mean she was a wall-flower when
When she wheeled around again, confronted with the glittering pomp of society.
Tiny had the fellow’s pants and shoes, and But at the same time, she was a two-fisted
had spread a blanket over his sleeping form. young woman who could go out and do
Patricia now donned the garments. things.
She picked up the man’s hat, looked at the Glaring at the self-admitted murderer
greasy interior, grimaced, scrubbed it of Doc Savage, she made a decision. She
vigorously with her elbow, and put it on. She concluded to seize the fellow and turn him
stuffed her bronze hair under it. over to the nearest Mounted Policeman.
“How do I look?” she asked Tiny. Stepping behind a tree, Patricia drew
Tiny leaned over and popped their her gun—the weapon she had taken from the
prisoner on the jaw with a fist. He had shown man she had overpowered. She examined it;
signs of reviving. “You look all right, Miss the thing was loaded. She waited
Pat.” purposefully.
Patricia calmly walked out of the tent Patricia could hear her victim
and strolled for the woods. If any of her approaching. He had been headed in this
enemies discovered her, there was a good direction when she first saw him. She
chance that they would start shooting. They believed his course would take him within
were of a race notoriously quick on the arm’s length of the tree behind which she
trigger. stood. In this, she was not wrong.
No one, fortunately, saw through her The man rounded the tree. He was
disguise. When she reached the first trees, looking in another direction, so his back was
Patricia resisted an impulse to run. The half turned. He did not see Patricia.
woods were full of maddened searchers.

Reaching out, Patricia jammed the THE first thing Patricia saw in camp
barrel of her gun against the nape of the was the voluminous Tiny. The squaw lay on
man’s neck. the ground in an attitude of slumber.
The man gave one horror-stricken “What have you done to her?”
scream and fell over in a dead faint. Patricia shrieked.
Patricia was thunderstruck. She A man tapped his rifle barrel
would have maintained that it was beyond expressively and said: “I kees her weeth
the most nervous of women to faint at the thees, señorita.”
mere touch of cold metal on the back of a Patricia gripped her upper lip
neck. But what Patricia had no means of between firm white teeth, and said nothing.
knowing was that this man was highly She was worried and angry enough to burst
wrought up. into tears. She felt certain she would not get
For the last half hour, the fellow had another such opportunity to escape.
been seeing Doc Savage in his mind’s eye. “What do you want with me?” she
Especially did he remember the metallic demanded of the men.
quality which was Doc’s chief characteristic. “We have told you that, señorita!”
When cold metal touched his neck, one said.
his reaction was that Doc’s frosty ghost had “The ivory cube?” Patricia asked
seized him. So he fainted. bitterly.
“Darn it!” snapped Patricia, and “Si, señorita. The ivory cube is right.
began running deeper into the woods. We want it.”
By yelling before he had keeled over, “It’ll be a long old day before you get
the man had upset her plans. The howl had it!” Patricia retorted angrily.
spread the alarm. The man shrugged his shoulders and
“Que hay!” shouted a man from made expressive hand-spreading gestures.
somewhere. “What is the matter?” “Quien sabe?” he smiled coldly. “But
Patricia hoped he would be a long why are you so determined not to give it to
time finding out. She put on more speed, and us?”
began to have a faint hope that she would “I’ll never turn the cube over to my
make it. If she did, her plan would have father’s murderers!” Patricia rapped.
worked out to a nicety. The alarm would be The young woman’s captor looked
exactly what was needed to give Tiny her hurt at this. His face assumed an injured
chance to escape. expression. He shrugged several times.
Patricia was too optimistic, however. “But, señorita,” he said mournfully,
A man hurled himself from behind a tree into “you do us mucho wrong to think that.”
her path. His gun was in its holster. With bare Patricia sniffed indignantly.
hands, he sought to seize the fleeing girl. “Of course, I have no proof,” she
The fact that the man was not using said. “You could claim the werewolf did it.”
his gun saved his life. Instead of shooting The man gave a pronounced shiver.
him, as he no doubt deserved, Patricia made He rolled his eyes skyward. He crossed
a pass at his head with her revolver barrel. himself.
Clank! went the gun on the fellow’s “Heaven forbid!” he muttered. “The
skull. He fell at her feet. werewolf, señorita—has he bothered you
Thinking he was unconscious, also?”
Patricia started to step over him. But the man Patricia eyed the man narrowly. She
grasped her by the ankles and tripped her. could not for the life of her tell whether he
Too late, Patricia sought to shoot was putting on an act for her benefit, or
him—through a leg. They scuffled for a telling the truth.
moment. Then Patricia lost her revolver. “Oh, don’t try to kid me!” she said
That marked the finish. In a moment, finally.
more swarthy men came rushing through the “We are not kidding anybody,
timber to the aid of their comrade. Seizing señorita. We know nothing of this murder.
Patricia, they bound her hand and foot. Then But we do know you have a certain ivory
they carried her back to camp. cube. It is imperative that we have it. We are
going to get it.”

“Why do you want it?” Patricia stove began to roar softly, and give out an
countered intensely hot blue flame.
“That, señorita, is our own affair!” The man placed the stove near Tiny.
“I examined the block,” Patricia said Then he prepared to grasp the squaw’s feet
wonderingly. “There is no inscription of any and hold them over the blue flame.
kind on it. It seems perfectly solid—it does He had almost forced the feet into
not ring hollow when you tap it. Of what the flame when there was a loud crash. The
possible value can a plain ivory block be to gasoline stove lost much of its shape, and
you?” jumped end over end. It had been hit by a
“So you do have the block!” her large rock, flung with terrific force.
captor exclaimed triumphantly. The swarthy men whirled.
Patricia bit her lips. The cat had been They saw a sight which, to a man,
in the bag without her knowing it, and she they carried in their memories to their day of
had let it out. death.
Her captor waved his arms in
excitement. He shouted loudly to his fellows:
“You hear, amigos? She has the block! We Chapter XII
have but to make her tell where it is!” THE HAND THAT BECKONED
HAD an elephant walked out in that
THE swarthy men gathered about. clearing in the Canadian woods,
Eyeing them, Patricia decided they were consternation could hardly have been
about as evil-looking a collection as she had greater. Certainly, the shock would have
ever seen. Any one of them would have been less.
drawn a second look from a policeman. She The late bridge guard shrieked
did not like the fierce greed on their ugly loudly, spun around, and fled! His wild terror
faces. would have been comical, had it not been so
The men began to make cruel harshly real. The man was stricken with
suggestions. horror.
“A knife on her pretty face!” proposed He had seen a ghost coming across
one. “That will make her talk!” the clearing. A ghost of the bronze giant he
“Si, si,” agreed another. “But a red- had sent into the torrent below the waterfall!
hot iron is better.” More appalling, this ghost was not moving
“Why not work on the squaw?” asked with the stately walk usually attributed to its
one man. “I think the Señorita Savage is a kind. The thing was coming with a speed
young woman who will talk to save her which in itself seemed beyond human ability.
servant.” A towering bronze Nemesis, Doc
At this point, the man who had Savage bore down on the swarthy man.
fainted when he felt Patricia’s cold gun Doc’s escape had been managed
against the back of his neck, regained quite simply. He now wore the remarkable
consciousness. He glanced about in a dazed vest of many pockets which held his
fashion, keeping silent until he found out assortment of apparatus. This was lined with
what was going on. a metallic mail which would stop even a big-
“What happened to you?” somebody game rifle slug.
asked him. In one of the vest pockets was a
“She struck me over the head!” long, slender, very strong silk cord. To the
replied the wily liar. “But, at great risk to my end of this was fixed a grappling hook.
life, I managed to yell the alarm!” Doc had simply hooked the grapple
A man ran up. He carried a small over the rope spanning the river, then
portable gasoline stove of the type lowered himself until he hung concealed in
woodsmen sometimes use—usually the clouds of spray boiling above the water. It
tenderfoot woodsmen who have trouble chanced that the wait was almost his
building fires. undoing, however. In the terrific roar of the
He pumped up the pressure tank on falls, he had not heard his enemy descending
the stove, and applied a lighted match. The

the canyon side. Luckily, Doc had seen the The metal lump dropped among the
other first. swarthy men with a loud report!
Doc had climbed back up his silk Without exception, the men clapped
cord to the cable, and swung hand-over-hand hands over their eyes. They began to yell in
to terra firma. terror. They could see nothing—the world
The bronze man had followed his had suddenly gone jet black!
assailant to camp, and had been lurking near They were either too stupid or too
by ever since. Unfortunately, he had not surprised to realize they were now standing
been in a position to help Patricia with her in a smoke cloud—a great wad of inky
escape. Her flight had been opposite Doc’s blackness which had spread with lightning
place of concealment. suddenness from the metal egg.
Doc had demolished the gasoline
stove with the thrown rock.
What now transpired happened with PATRICIA SAVAGE was only slightly
the violence of exploding dynamite and the less surprised than her captors. She was
rapidity of an electrical phenomena. lifted and borne rapidly through the black
Patricia Savage had often wondered cloud. With such uncanny ease was she
what her famous cousin looked like. She had carried that Patricia was slow to realize
read of some of his feats. She had heard human hands were bearing her.
tales of him. But she had never met Doc, and She could not see a thing in the
she had doubted his being the man he was almost blue-black void, but she knew it must
said to be. be the gigantic bronze man who was bearing
Watching Doc in action, Patricia her.
concluded he was all he was rumored to be, Patricia was carried out of the
and then some. Discounting the fellow who smoke. The day, dim and vaporous as it was,
had fled, there were eleven men in the seemed almost brilliant after the sooty pall
clearing. All were fair physical specimens. out of which they had come.
Moreover, they were armed. The young woman discovered her
One man sprang forward, leveled his eyes had not been affected by the dense
revolver at Doc’s chest, and pulled the trigger smoke. They did not smart.
repeatedly. The range was short. He could She was lying across the bronze
hardly miss. It was possible to count the man’s mighty shoulders, she discovered.
ragged holes which his bullets caused to Patricia looked down and gave a
appear magically in the bronze man’s coat violent start. Under one arm, as easily as
front. another man would carry a sack of groceries,
Doc did not waver. The slugs might Doc had tucked Tiny. The squaw weighed
have been beans pelted at a rhino. He came well over two hundred pounds.
on like a juggernaut of metal. Doc Savage whipped across the
The gunman finished shooting, and clearing, his great speed seemingly impeded
threw his revolver wildly at Doc. not at all by his burdens. Patricia found it
The bronze man dodged. The way hard to believe. This metallic giant had the
he did this was in itself reason for popeyed strength of a dozen men!
surprise. The gun seemed to pass through Reaching the edge of the clearing,
flesh and bone, so swiftly did he weave his Doc planted the two women on their feet.
head aside and back. “Run!” he said, and pointed in the
“I shoot him six times!” shrieked the direction of the rope spanning the river
one who had thrown the gun. “He should be gorge.
dead!” Patricia began: “If you need any
The seeming impossibility of what help—”
they had just witnessed held the others “Do what I say!” Doc said sharply.
spellbound. The fractional moment during Patricia looked slightly indignant, but
which they stood and stared proved began running.
disastrous. Turning to the right, Doc veered
The mighty bronze man drove a around the clearing edge. His progress was
hand inside his clothing, brought out a small swift, but he also zigzagged from side to
metal egg of an object. He flung it.

side, keeping behind brush and trees as Doc Savage promptly deserted the
much as possible. plane. Entering the timber, he circled widely.
None of the swarthy men had come Patricia and Tiny had been running
from the black cloud as yet. This was with all the speed they could muster. Patricia
probably because the somber pall had gave a start of surprise when Doc Savage
spread until it was more than a hundred feet materialized like a phantom beside her.
across. The smoke boiled like a dark foam. “One of those men shot right at you!”
One of the men finally staggered into she gasped wonderingly. “I saw the bullets
view. He stood staring stupidly at the fog- hit! Why didn’t they harm you?”
packed sky, as if it were something he had “Bullet-proof vest!” Doc explained
never expected to see again. cryptically.
Suddenly, he understood the nature Many things were puzzling Patricia.
of what he had thought to be a weird Speaking as she ran, she sought to get them
blindness. Drawing his revolver, he fired it straightened out.
rapidly into the air. “You are Doc Savage, aren’t you?”
“This way, hombres!” he screeched. she asked.
“We have been tricked!” “Right,” Doc admitted.
“How does it happen you are here?”
“Better save the breath for running,”
IN his excitement, the man failed to Doc told her.
observe a bronze apparition which streaked Patricia gasped with faint indignation.
under the pile of green boughs that covered The fact that her father was a fairly wealthy
the black monoplane. man had not exactly spoiled her, but she was
The instant he was concealed under not accustomed to being told what to do in
the brush, Doc glanced back to see if he had such short fashion.
been observed. Apparently he was unseen. “But,” she snapped, “I want to know
He was under the right wing of the what—”
plane. Doc crawled to the big radial motor, “There’re lots of things we both want
and his deft fingers explored its innards. to know!” Doc told her. “We can save them
Doc’s familiarity with airplane motors until we get clear.”
was as profound as his other lines of Patricia seemed about to express an
knowledge. He had, in fact, designed a motor opinion contrary to this. But a loud, fierce
which was in use on a large air line in the shout from behind caused her to change her
United States. This was not public mind.
knowledge, it being popularly supposed that “Buenos!” was the cry. “Here is the
the motor was the work of an elderly and trail!”
kindly inventor whom Doc had befriended. “Darn it!” cried Patricia, and saved
Nor did any one but the inventor, who was her breath for running.
also the manufacturer, know that the design
for the motor had saved the old gentleman’s
business. THEY reached the rope which
The motor of this black plane was spanned the gorge below the falls. The
fitted with two carburetors. Doc removed canyon was like a great cauldron in which
both, his corded fingers loosening the water boiled thunderously and poured up
fastener nuts after a little straining. frost-cold steam.
Fortunately, they were not tight. Patricia glanced over the brink and
Doc buried both carburetors under shuddered.
the plane, carefully replacing the dirt so that “I was never so scared in my life as I
the hiding place would not be noticed. was when they hauled me over in this thing,”
Peering through the fur of brush she declared, indicating the rickety cage
which camouflaged the ship, Doc saw the which could be pulled across the rope.
swarthy men. They were in a group, and Doc was somewhat at a loss to know
heading for the opposite side of the clearing. why the swarthy men had spanned the river
A moment later, veering behind the immense in this fashion. He put a question to clear that
wad of inky smoke, they were lost to view. up.

“I presume there is no other point Doc Savage crossed back over the
near by where the river can be crossed?” he chasm, running lightly on the rope.
asked. Tiny was waiting there. She gazed
“Not for miles in either direction,” into the chasm and shuddered.
Patricia replied. “Wait!” she grunted uneasily. “Me
She peered over the brink once take um chance—stay on this side.”
more, and watched bucketfulls of spray being The voluminous Tiny never was
flung higher than the canyon walls by the exactly sure what happened after that. The
force of the torrent. bronze hands pressed her head. She
Patricia had been under a great became helpless. Then she, also, was borne
strain for the last few hours. The thought of out over the thundering abyss.
crossing this ominous chasm was the last Doc seemed to handle the squaw’s
straw. Her grip on her nerves slipped. weight as easily as he had managed
She clapped her hands tightly to her Patricia’s.
eyes and shrieked: “I won’t go over! I can’t!” Safely across, he loosened the
Doc reached for her. There was no pulley from the anchor tree, and let the rope
time to be lost. fall back into the torrent. This blocked pursuit.
Patricia struck at him hysterically, Patricia had said that, for several
shrieked again. miles, there was no other way of crossing the
The young woman realized what she violent little river.
was doing, and was not at all proud of her
performance. Nevertheless, she could not
help it. She had a bad case of what is DOC SAVAGE’S five men greeted
generally called the jitters. their chief noisily when he appeared. They
She felt herself seized. One of the were no little impressed by the exquisite
bronze man’s hands glided past her cheek beauty of Patricia Savage.
and pressed a certain spot near the cranial “Look at that bronze hair!” Monk
nerve center. There was a slight tingling breathed ecstatically in an aside. “Say, she
sensation, and Patricia suddenly found might almost be Doc’s sister!”
herself powerless to move a muscle. It was “She’s a knockout for looks!” agreed
weird. the debonair Ham, forgetting himself so
She was tossed lightly across Doc’s much as to agree with Monk.
shoulders. Then the mighty bronze man “Back to the cabin,” Doc directed.
seemed to leap outward, straight into the “We’ve got some talking to do.”
cauldron below the falls. However, his feet Doc had encountered his aides some
landed on the rope, and he came to a perfect distance from the cabin. They retraced their
balance. He glided along the hemp strands. steps to the structure.
During any one of the dozen Out of courtesy to the young woman,
seconds which followed, Patricia would have Doc unfolded his part of the story first. He
died cheerfully. It was the most ghastly began with the fake telegram on the train,
interval of her existence. She had admired and omitted few details.
the work of circus performers in the big top— “To sum up,” he finished, “the whole
trapeze and tight-wire artists who did thing is pretty baffling. The gang who just
amazing things. But she had never seen a kidnaped you seem to be after an ivory block.
feat which equaled this bronze man’s And in some fashion, they must have learned
seemingly unconcerned defiance of death. we were coming here on a visit.”
Patricia was placed safely on her “They probably learned that by
feet on the opposite side. Doc’s bronze robbing the mail box,” Patricia Savage
fingers found nerve centers again. The young suggested.
woman recovered use of her limbs magically. “That would explain it,” Doc agreed.
Patricia knew enough of human “They attacked me on the train in an effort to
anatomy to comprehend some of the prevent me coming here. Then there’s Señor
enormous skill which lay in Doc Savage’s Corto Oveja, his daughter, and El Rabanos
fingers. She crouched on the edge of the cliff, They headed in this direction, although we
dazed. She was frankly ashamed of herself. have seen no signs of them being around

“What part do they play?” Patricia She shoved a hand confidently

asked. inside, and groped around. Then she bent
“That’s more mystery,” Doc told her. over and stared into the recess.
“They were attacked on the train. They laid it “It’s gone!” she gasped.
onto me. And their assailants left one of
those werewolf marks.”
Patricia shuddered violently. “The “DID Boat Face know where the
werewolf marks! I have found several of them cube was hidden?” Doc asked. His
around this cabin.” remarkable voice was smoothly unexcited,
“We saw one on the cabin floor,” Doc and told nothing.
admitted. “Yes,” Patricia admitted.
“Yes. That one appeared when I “And he could have removed it
found Boat Face and Tiny afflicted with that without your knowing it?”
weird sleep.” Patricia hesitated. As yet, she had
Doc and his men exchanged no knowledge of the half-breed’s duplicity.
glances. They had by no means forgotten “He could have,” she admitted. “But I
their own experience with the weird slumber. would rather think he did not take it. No doubt
But what the fantastic affliction was, they had he heard a prowler, went to investigate, and
not yet learned. was knifed.”
“When did this all start?” Doc asked “Boat Face—him no good!” said
Patricia. Tiny, with scant consideration for her dead
“Some weeks ago. My father found a husband. “Him no mean. Him just weak. And
prowler in our cabin. The fellow fled. A little him foxy.”
later, a mysterious voice called from the “Boat Face was killed at a secret
woods and demanded that dad hand over the meeting,” Doc declared.
ivory cube. Dad refused—” “How do you know?” Patricia asked.
“What ivory cube?” Doc interjected. “There were tracks.”
“One father found on a rock ledge “I didn’t see any tracks!”
near here,” Patricia replied. “Several human “They were there,” Doc assured her.
skeletons lay around the little block. It was “I’m sorry, Pat, but Boat Face seems to have
years ago when he found it.” been a crook.”
Speaking rapidly, the young woman Patricia nodded slowly. She felt an
told of the repeated demands for the ivory agreeable tingling. Doc Savage had called
trinket. her “Pat.” This seemed to indicate that he
“Then my father was found—dead!” had accepted her as one of the gang.
she finished jerkily. “Doctors said his heart Patricia was pleased.
had gone back on him. I think he was “I don’t know who took the ivory
murdered—a victim of that fantastic sleep.” block,” she said. “This thing is getting more
Doc Savage indicated the lifeless involved all the time.”
figure of Boat Face. “When did that happen?” Doc Savage now made a second
“Last night, sometime,” Patricia said survey of the cabin and its vicinity. This
slowly. “Tiny and I found his body this search was so intense that it made his earlier
morning, just before the rain. We carried it to hunt seem but a careless glance in
the cabin. A few minutes later, those swarthy comparison.
men came and seized us. They took us by From a pack, which he had carried to
surprise.” this wilderness retreat, he removed what
“You haven’t the slightest idea why looked like a pair of tiny binoculars mounted
the ivory cube is in demand?” Doc in spectacle frames. The lenses of these
questioned pointedly. were extremely powerful, and adjusted for a
“No.” short distance.
“Let’s have a look at it.” Doc’s unaided eyes were keen. But,
“Of course!” Patricia went to the wearing these eyeglasses, he could cover
bark-sheathed pillar which supported the the ground with microscopic thoroughness.
living-room ceiling. She pressed a concealed It was around the boathouse that his
catch, and the door flew open. scrutiny became most intensive. In addition
to the launch, the boathouse contained

several canoes. There was also a rack of Monk, the chemist, was first to
holding spades, saws, axes, and other tools. receive orders.
Doc studied one of the spades “Got your portable laboratory?” Doc
closely. asked him.
“Has this been used recently, Pat?” The question was hardly necessary.
he asked. Monk was rarely to be found far from his
Patricia thought it over before she remarkable outfit of chemicals. This piece of
answered. equipment was wonderfully compact, yet
“No,” she said, “I’m quite sure it Monk could do work with it which called
hasn’t.” ordinarily for a great outlay of equipment.
Lifting down the canoes one at a Monk was something of a Houdini with the
time, Doc examined them. Especially did he test tubes.
concentrate on the floor boards. On one of “I’ve got it,” he said.
these he found a semicircular scar. When he “I want you to go to work on the
tried the tip of the spade, it exactly fitted the inside of the cabin,” Doc told him. “Analyze
mark. and test everything.”
Doc laid the spade aside. Monk did not comprehend fully.
Patricia picked it up, examined it. To “But what will I look for?” he
her astonishment, she found nothing. demanded.
“I don’t understand!” she said, “Anything that might give a clew as
puzzled. to what caused the weird sleep,” Doc
Johnny came forward hastily, explained.
removing his glasses which had the “I get you, Doc.”
magnifying lens. He let the young lady “Renny,” Doc said; “think you can
inspect the spade under magnification. find our plane?”
“Oh!” Patricia ejaculated. “This spade Renny flicked an enormous hand
has been used recently to dig in sand! There inland. “Sure! I remember the way we came.”
are tiny scratches which are not a bit rusted.” “You have a small mapping camera
Inspecting further, Doc found where in your luggage, haven’t you?”
a canoe had been carried to the water. The “A special mapping lens which fits
canoe had been floated to an out-of-the-way our regular camera,” Renny said. “It amounts
spot under some overhanging brush. There to the same thing.”
was no reason why it should be used for a “O. K.,” Doc told him. “I want aërial
regular point of launching. Yet marks in the photos of the vicinity of this cabin. Cover the
sand showed that the canoe had arrived and region for several miles up and down the
departed numerous times. All of the tracks coast. Take one set of photos at a height of
had been made by Boat Face’s moccasins. about five hundred feet. Take the others from
Doc noticed that bushes prevented a much higher altitude, at least a mile.”
the landing place from being seen from the “Got you!” boomed Renny.
cabin. Patricia’s pretty face was frankly
“Boat Face seems to have made incredulous.
numerous excursions!” he announced. She exclaimed, “You can’t get
Patricia stared at Tiny. “Did you pictures in this fog!”
know about his trips?” The squaw shrugged “We use cameras equipped to utilize
stoically. “Me sleep sound! Me not hear!” infra-light,” Doc told her. “Haze and fog don’t
Doc collected his men before the faze these infra-rays.”
door of the cabin. Renny gathered his equipment
“Let’s get organized,” he said. together and moved off, a giant of a man who
was made to look smaller than he was by the
incredible hugeness of his hands.
DOC’S five aides brightened visibly Doc Savage now addressed Long
at the words. So far, they considered Tom and Johnny.
themselves as having been rather useless. “You two fellows will work at the
At least once in each adventure, Doc usually same job, but using different methods,” he
had occasion to make use of the particular advised. “Long Tom, I want you to take
talent which each of his men claimed. electric-wave tests that will help to determine

the possible presence of oil or deposits of taking them. They were solely responsible for
mineral underground. Johnny will prospect Doc’s amazing physical and mental powers.
outcroppings in search of anything that might He made his muscles pull one
be valuable. We, of course, are hunting for against the other, straining until a fine film of
whatever this gang is after.” perspiration covered his mighty bronze body.
The two men lost no time getting He juggled a number of a dozen figures
busy. Few living men knew more of the mentally, extracting roots, multiplying,
earth’s structure than did Johnny; if there dividing.
were mineral outcroppings, the gaunt In a small case, Doc carried an
geologist with his magnifying-lens spectacles apparatus which made sound waves of
could find them. frequencies so high and low that an ordinary
The electrical device which Long ear could not detect them. Through a lifetime
Tom would use, employed several principles of practice, Doc had perfected his hearing to
known to scientific oil prospectors and a point where the sounds were audible. He
others. Wave impulses, both sonic and named several score of different odors after
electric, were sent into the earth. Their a quick olfactory test of small vials racked in
subsequent reaction betrayed any unusual the case which held his exercising
subterranean formation. equipment.
“What about me?” Ham demanded. He read pages of Braille printing—
“You will guard Miss Patricia,” Doc the writing for the blind, which consists of tiny
said. upraised dots. He did this as rapidly as
The rather handsome Ham grinned another would peruse ordinary type. This
widely at this. attuned his sense of touch.
Homely Monk, who had overheard, The whole exercise routine was
emitted a loud groan. If there was anything pushed with an unbounded vigor. Five
Monk hated, it was seeing Ham enjoying minutes at the clip would have prostrated an
himself in the company of an attractive girl. ordinary man—and an ordinary man would
Disgusted with the latest have found it impossible to do most of the
developments, Monk turned away to conduct work.
his chemical experiments. Monk came outdoors to get a breath
of air. The chemical analysis he was
conducting at the moment was giving off a
Chapter XIII most unpleasant odor.
AN OFFER The sight of Ham and Patricia
together seemed painful to Monk. He turned
IT was mid-afternoon of the following his gaze away, letting it rove the brush
day. Things were pretty much at a status surrounding the cabin. Suddenly, his little
quo. Nothing had happened; nothing had eyes almost popped from their sockets.
been discovered that was of value. And it Monk emitted a yell! The howl had
was still foggy. tremendous volume. It scared birds off their
Renny was off continuing his limbs almost a mile away.
mapping, using the old plane. Johnny and “A hand!” Monk bawled.
Long Tom were still prospecting. They had Ordinarily, Monk’s voice was small,
found nothing the day before. weak as a baby’s. But it underwent a startling
Monk was dividing his time between change when he was excited. It became
scowling at Ham, who was enjoying himself tremendous, bawling, and made even
entertaining Patricia, and dabbling with his Renny’s thunder seem puny by comparison.
chemical equipment. As he shouted, Monk pointed with
Doc Savage was just completing his both hands.
exercise routine. He had been at it without The others followed his gesture.
pause for two hours. From the cradle, he had They saw—nothing!
never missed a day of this ritual.
They were unlike anything else in the
world, those exercises. Doc’s father, a great “WHAT is it?” Patricia gasped, racing
surgeon and adventurer, had started him to Monk’s side.

“You’ll have to get used to him,” undergrowth, yet the creeper swung slowly
Ham said, jerking his thumb at Monk. “He’s from side to side. Below it were feminine
part ape. You can never tell how he’ll act.” footprints.
Ignoring this pleasantly, Monk “Señorita Oveja!” Doc called softly.
charged for the clearing edge. He hit the There was no answer. The swayings
brush like a bull moose. He had, he was of the creeper, however, gradually became
mortally certain, seen a hand projecting from shorter and shorter.
the brush. A slender, white hand, it was. It “There’s no one with me, Miss
looked like a woman’s. Oveja,” Doc called.
The hand had been visible for only a This secured results. Attractive, dark-
fractional moment, but Monk was certain it haired Señorita Oveja appeared in the
had been there. As he searched through the shrubbery some distance ahead.
brush, however, he became less positive. “Buenos dias,” she greeted. “Good
There was no sign of any young woman. morning. I wanted to talk with you, Señor
Monk studied the ground. As a Savage.”
woodsman, he was no amateur. But in this “I recognized your hand,” Doc told
tangle of rocks and shrubs, not a track could her.
he discover. “Your man—the big, hairy one—
Disgusted, he returned to the cabin. frightened me away,” Señorita Oveja smiled.
“Don’t get excited at what the “Monk makes a lot of noise,” Doc
missing link does,” Ham told the attractive agreed. “But he wouldn’t hurt a fly—unless
Patricia. “Just look at his monkey face, and the fly bit him.”
you’ll understand. There couldn’t possibly be “We have been thinking things
good sense behind a mug like that.” over—my father, El Rabanos, and myself,”
“Oh, yeah?” Monk grinned. “Listen, said the girl.
you shyster, where has Doc gone to?” She came closer. Doc noted her
The men glanced about hastily. olive cheeks were flushed from running.
Monk’s words had prepared them for what “You haven’t decided you and I may
they found. Doc Savage was not around. have the same enemies?” Doc asked dryly.
“He’s gone!” Patricia gasped. “What “Then it is that way?” the girl gasped.
on earth can that mean?” “It looks very much like it,” Doc
A grin on his homely face, Monk admitted. “Our common enemy is a fellow
began: “Well, you see, Doc has a habit of—” who uses a likeness of a werewolf for his
“Shut up!” Ham snapped. “I’m doing mark.”
guard duty here. Go play with your test The beautiful Spanish woman
tubes!” shivered from head to foot. “That is what my
Monk rambled off, Habeas Corpus at father and El Rabanos decided after we
his heels. talked it over.”
“This enemy seems to be after an
ivory cube,” Doc offered.
THERE was hardly a mystery about Cere started. “You know that, too?”
Doc’s disappearance. He had simply glided “Yes,” Doc replied. “My cousin,
away while the others were watching Monk’s Patricia Savage, has the cube—or did have
wild charge. Once in the brush, he quickened it.”
his pace and swung in a wide circle. At this, the Castilian girl showed
Doc had seen the hand which had every evidence of unbounded surprise.
excited Monk. In fact, the hand had been Doc was an expert at reading human
gesturing at Doc when Monk chanced to character. He was watching her closely. As
glimpse it. far as he could tell, her astonishment was
The hand had been feminine, and its genuine. Doc had a suspicion, however, that
owner unquestionably wanted to talk with the man did not live who could read a young
Doc. woman’s mind unfailingly by looking at her
Doc had not gone far when he found pretty face.
a leaf crushed on a rock. A bit farther on, a “Patricia Savage has it?” gasped
creeper dangled, torn from its anchorage. Cere.
There was no breeze here in the

“Had it,” Doc corrected. “The cube crew had mutinied, murdered the merchants
seems to have complicated things by and the others aboard, and seized the
disappearing.” treasure.”
“Suppose you tell me—” “There is no historical record of such
“Suppose you tell me,” Doc an occurrence!” Doc told her.
interposed. “We’ll start off with: What gave “In a moment I’ll explain how I know
you the idea that I was your enemy?” it is true,” Cere retorted. “These men who
The girl said promptly: “More than a mutinied and seized the galleon loaded with
week ago, your uncle, Alex Savage, shot at treasure, were not very intelligent. One of
us from the woods, saying he would kill us them had heard that there was a water
unless we left the vicinity.” passage around North America. He
“Did you see Alex Savage at that converted his companions to his belief. They
time?” sailed north.
“No. Nor did we see him two days “The journey was long and full of
ago when he came again and said that he hardship. The coast became bleak, and the
had sent for you, and that you would come climate cold. Finally, it was necessary to
and kill us for not leaving the vicinity.” anchor in a small bay, careen their boat, and
“Alex Savage warned you again two make repairs to the hull. They pulled the
days ago?” galleon up on the sandy floor of a small,
“Yes.” canyonlike inlet. Bad luck plagued them. An
“It was not Alex Savage!” Doc said earthquake caused the gulley side to topple
flatly. over, burying the boat in a sort of cavern.”
“But he said his name was Alex The Castilian beauty paused to stare
Savage!” steadily at Doc. “The spot where the boat
“Alex Savage has been dead more met disaster was only a few miles from here!”
than a week.” “How do you know that?” Doc
Cere placed a hand over her heart. demanded.
“In that case we have been terribly mistaken. Señorita Oveja shrugged. “My story
This other man was a fake!” will bring that out, Señor Savage. To get
“Any one can be misled,” Doc back to what happened hundreds of years
assured her. “Now, suppose you tell me ago: not all the crew were on the galleon
exactly what is behind all this.” when it was entombed. About a dozen had
The girl nodded. “You have heard of camped near by. They dug a tunnel to the
Sir Henry Morgan?” tomb where their fellows lay. That took many
“The pirate?” days. Their comrades were dead when
“That is the one,” Cere replied. “In reached. No doubt, by now, only their
the year 1670 he started across the Isthmus skeletons remain.
of Panama with twelve hundred men. The “The survivors thought to remove the
Spaniards received warning of his coming. treasure from the boat, but hostile Indians
Treasure from the Panama City cathedral, made that impossible. They determined to
and wealth belonging to merchants, was leave it and travel southward until they found
loaded onto a galleon. This craft fled out to men of their own race. Later, they would
sea, carrying some of the owners of the come back by sea.
treasure besides the crew.” “One of the men was an expert
“That incident is a matter of history,” carver of ivory. He took six small flat pieces
Doc told her. “The pirate Esquemeling, who of ivory and made a relief carving of the
was with Morgan at the sacking of Panama, vicinity where the boat lay. He fitted these
wrote of the galleon in his book. Shortly after ivory pieces together, carved portions inward,
he had captured Panama, Morgan heard of and made a box. This he packed with clay.
this treasure craft. He knew the treasure to Due to the cleverness of his construction,
be of more value than all else the expedition and the clay packing, the box seemed solid.”
had secured put together. He seized several “The ivory cube!” Doc said
Spanish boats, and sent them out in pursuit understandingly.
of the galleon. But they did not find the craft.” “Si, si!” Cere assured him. “Even
“And for a very good reason, Señor when opened and spread flat, the relief map
Savage,” Cere resumed. “Part of the galleon

inside the box would be apparent only to a The prettier the young women were,
close observer.” the harder Doc found it to gently repulse
“Go ahead with your story,” Doc them. The more beautiful the girl, the more
directed. stunned she was when the bronze man failed
“The men closed up the hole which to bow before her charms; and the more
led to the buried ship,” Cere resumed. “They vigorous her renewed efforts to ensnare him.
started south. Almost at once, they were “You have not answered my
attacked. Several were slain, including the question,” Doc reminded her.
one who carried the box. The massacre took Señorita Cere Oveja colored prettily.
place under a rock ledge in this vicinity. “We were on the train to get rid of you, so
Those who escaped had to leave the box that you would not give us trouble.”
behind.” “I trust you didn’t contemplate a
The girl made a somewhat murder, señorita?” Doc said dryly.
shamefaced gesture. “One of those men who “Gracias, no!” the Castilian beauty
escaped was an ancestor of mine. He left a ejaculated.
written account of the incident. It was handed
down in our family for centuries.”
“This clears the situation a lot,” Doc DOC SAVAGE nodded slowly. “I can
told her, “you and your father came for the see now why you suspected me,” he said. “It
treasure, eh?” was the work of the prowler—the fellow who
“Myself, my father, and El Rabanos,” said he was Alex Savage.”
Cere corrected. “El Rabanos is financing us.” Dark-eyed Cere said eagerly: “He
“You hoped the ivory block would still told us he had sent for you to come and take
be under the ledge where the men were our lives. Naturally, when we got upon the
massacred?” Doc questioned. train, we looked upon you as a sort of ogre.
Cere bobbed her attractive head. We had heard that you were famous for
“Yes. But we were disappointed, señor. It deeds of violence.”
was gone.” “Violence against those who have it
“Then you began searching for the coming to them,” Doc corrected the pretty
galleon itself?” señorita.
“Si, si! But on this rugged coast, that “My first sight of you brought doubts,
is a hopeless task.” Señor Savage,” said Cere.
“And then this fake Alex Savage Doc hastily headed her off.
appeared with his lies, eh?” “On the train, some one tried to
“Si, si!” choke you to death with a leather strap,” he
“One thing puzzles me,” Doc said. said. “Naturally, you thought that was my
“Quien sabe?” said the girl. “What is work.”
that?” “Si, si,” said Cere. “That is, father
“How did you happen to be on the and El Rabanos did.”
train?” She paused expectantly, as if
The young woman smiled archly at inviting Doc to ask what her own opinion had
Doc. Obviously she was captivated by the been. Doc passed up the opportunity.
bronze man’s manners and unmistakable “It looked suspicious when you fled
character. For the last few minutes she had the train,” he reminded.
hardly taken her eyes off him. “Father and El Rabanos were in
Doc realized this, but carefully kept terror of you,” said the girl. “When the train
his bronze face expressionless. To Doc, stopped we decided to flee.”
young women were something of a problem. “That brings us down to the present
There was no provision in his perilous moment, I believe,” Doc told her. “Now, what
existence for feminine company. It was is the purpose of this conversation?”
necessary for Doc to ignore all eligible girls— Cere’s entrancing dark eyes
for the personal safety of the young things, if dropped.
for no other reason. “Father and El Rabanos are still a
Doc’s enemies were legion. They little doubtful of you, I regret to say. But they
would not hesitate to strike at him through a have agreed to talk with you. I wish you
girl whom they thought he liked. would do that.”

“You came to persuade me to meet

Señorita Oveja nodded. “Si! Si! “THAT bronze caballero is no fool,”
Please do.” El Rabanos reminded seriously. “Are you
“I shall be delighted to accommodate sure that he did not suspect he was being
you.” tricked?”
“Buenos, señor!” Cere exclaimed. “He was like a lamb in my hands,”
“You make me so happy!” Cere said loftily.
Doc looked like a fellow who had El Rabanos shrugged. “He will be a
taken a big swallow of too-hot coffee. He lion on our hands, if he suspects, señorita.”
asked: “Shall I go with you now and meet “What did you tell him?” Señor Oveja
them?” demanded.
“Oh, no!” the young woman said “As you say, he is clever,” the pretty
hastily. “We are away from our camp now, Castilian girl replied. “I did not trust myself to
searching the coast for the buried galleon. lie to him, so I told the truth. I told him all
You must meet them tonight. Let us say— about our ancestor, and the galleon of
shortly after sundown. Come alone.” treasure from Panama. He claimed to know
“Alone?” Doc asked sharply. none of the story.”
“Please! If you bring your men, father “He has a tongue tied in the middle—
and El Rabanos will be suspicious of you.” loose at both ends to tell lies!” Señor Oveja
Lifting on tiptoe, Cere pointed snarled. “It was he who made the attempt on
through the trees. There was a line of cliffs the train to kill us.”
perhaps a quarter of a mile distant. She Cere looked doubtful. “I am not so
seemed to be indicating a gap in these. The sure about that, padre.”
opening was like a knife slash. The father eyed his daughter
“Our camp is just beyond that,” she severely. He made a tongue clicking sound
smiled. “You can come there?” of disapproval.
“Just through the gap in those cliffs,” “This bronze caballero is very
Doc said. “I’ll come—and alone, too.” handsome,” he said. “A young woman’s
Usually Doc was an extraordinarily opinion of such a man is not to be trusted.”
quick mover. There were men who claimed Señorita Oveja stamped her foot. “I
the bronze giant could dodge a bullet. This knew you would say that! But Señor Savage
was a rank exaggeration, of course, but it is not to be harmed!”
gave an idea of the speed with which Doc “Of course he will not be harmed,” El
could maneuver himself. Rabanos put in sharply. “We will merely
Nevertheless, he now got kissed full seize him and hold him as a hostage to
on the lips—before he could avoid it. The insure our securing the ivory cube. We will
kiss was clinging, and quite ardent. The trade the bronze man for the cube.”
Señorita Oveja’s lips were entirely delicious, “I could slit the big hombre’s throat!”
Doc decided. Señor Oveja growled.
As if appalled by her act, pretty Cere “There must be no violence!” El
turned and fled. However, she paused before Rabanos rapped. “I insist on that.”
she was out of sight, and looked back. “Si, si!” the older man mumbled. “As
Doc Savage had vanished. you wish.”
Cere turned hastily and went on. She They walked off in the direction of
did not head for the gap in the cliff beyond their camp.
which, according to what she had told Doc, The camp was nowhere near the
her camp lay. Instead, she angled off to the cliff, but nearly a mile to the northward. It
right. nestled in a forest of large boulders near a
Unexpectedly, her father and El rather rocky stretch of level ground.
Rabanos appeared before her. At one end of the comparatively level
“We were watching, hija mio!” Señor field stood a plane. It was canted over on one
Oveja chuckled. “It was excellently done!” wing. A landing wheel was smashed, and the
“As the Americans would say,” Cere rocks had damaged the wing tip.
smiled proudly, “he fell for it—hook, line, and El Rabanos stared at the plane and
sinker.” growled in Spanish:

“It is unfortunate that the ship had to “There is no chance of a mistake?”

hit a rock while I was landing it. We are asked one of the men nervously. “This man
virtually marooned here in this wilderness.” Savage has an uncanny way of avoiding
For shelter, the party had tents. traps.”
These were small, and of a leaf-green in The drumlike voice boomed a hollow
color. laugh. “It was a woman who tricked Savage
Cere entered a tent and busied this time. He was too dizzy to suspect
herself improving her appearance. The anything. You should have seen how still he
woods country, she had discovered, was stood after she kissed him.”
hard on complexions. Moreover, it was “It was clever—using the woman,” a
difficult for a young woman to be captivating man muttered.
in hobnailed boots, corduroy trousers, and a “The beauty of it is that she does not
flannel shirt. This was the garb Cere was know she is being used,” said the concealed
wearing, because it was the only raiment voice.
which would withstand the rigors of her A man began sharply: “But I thought
surroundings. that—”
Señor Oveja and El Rabanos retired “Oh, the señorita knows she is
to their tents. They were city men, not used drawing him into a trap,” said the concealed
to hardship, and each period of exertion man. “But she does not know that he is to be
called for a corresponding rest. killed.”
The woods were quiet. The fog rolled “How will we manage it?” questioned
like smoke. It was an altogether dreary day. one of the group.
Faintly, from the distance, came the mushy “Look off to your right. Do you see
noise of the waves on the rocky shore line. that gap in the line of cliffs?”
There was no need of an answer.
The rent in the cliffs was plainly
POSSIBLY an hour later, in a gloomy distinguishable through an opening in the
stretch of timber something over a mile from trees.
the Oveja’s camp, a sinister meeting “You will post yourselves just inside
occurred. It was a convention of evil that opening,” said the unseen voice. “You
conducted with a furtive caution. It began have your machine guns?”
with the appearance of eleven men. They “Si,” one fellow muttered, “we have
were swarthy fellows, and they skulked along them.”
as if afraid of being seen. Their visages were “Set them up just inside the opening
anything but pleasant to look on. in the cliff,” their hidden chief ordered. “When
These were the men who had Savage appears, you will turn them on him
kidnaped pretty Patricia Savage. instantly.”
The ominous little caravan of men “Si, si. It will work.”
progressed to a spot where the timber was “That is all. Go! Vamos!”
particularly dense. They clustered together
and waited, making no disturbing sound.
“Cere led Doc Savage into the trap Chapter XIV
for us,” a hollow voice said suddenly. THE TRAP IN A TRAP
The portentous words were spoken
slowly. This, and the fact that the voice was THE time was approximately one
dull and resonant, gave the impression of an hour before sundown. Doc Savage had not
exotic drum beating. yet informed his men of his meeting with
Obviously, it was a disguised voice. Señorita Oveja. Anyway, of the five, only
The speaker was fifty feet or so to the left. He Monk and Ham were around the cabin.
was thoroughly hidden from the group of men Monk was absorbed in the kitchen.
by the trees. Test tubes, retorts, mixing bowls, and glass
The men showed no surprise at the containers of chemicals stood about. Once
voice. They had been expecting it. Several unpacked, Monk’s chemical laboratory
peered furtively in the direction from which it seemed of considerable size. Monk was
had come. It was as if they were trying to get making numberless analysis tests.
a glimpse of the speaker.

So far, he had not announced Fifteen minutes later, Monk

whether he had drawn any conclusions appeared in the cabin door. His homely face
regarding the weird sleep. was innocent.
The debonair Ham was having a “Doc!” he called.
very enjoyable time entertaining Patricia The bronze man appeared from the
Savage. The young lady had altogether direction of the boathouse.
captivated Ham. Not only was she one of the “I can’t find a thing to indicate what
most beautiful specimens of femininity Ham causes the weird sleep,” Monk reported.
had ever seen, but she was also one of the
most intelligent.
Ham and Patricia were occupying a NUMEROUS times during the
rustic bench in front of the cabin. afternoon, a plane had prowled overhead.
“You wouldn’t think it,” Ham was This ship was traveling back and forth
saying, “but that homely missing link, Monk, systematically. It seemed to be searching for
has a wife and thirteen children.” something. It covered the ground twice.
“You don’t say!” exclaimed Patricia. One hunt was made at a very low
Ham nodded solemnly. “Not only altitude—less than five hundred feet. The
that, but the thirteen children are just like second search was conducted at a greater
their father. You know—they swing from height—so high that the roar of the motor
chandeliers and things.” was barely audible.
Patricia looked curiously at Ham. Renny was flying the ship, making an
The dapper lawyer’s expression was sober aërial photographic map. An uninitiated
as a judge’s. person would have sworn that no one could
Patricia knew something was amiss. take pictures in the fog. But Renny, utilizing
With a face just as straight, homely Monk infra-rays, was no doubt securing pictures
had told her the same story about Ham. equal to those which could be obtained by
Monk’s yarn had differed only in that Ham’s sunlight.
thirteen children were half-witted. For an interval now, however, the
“You and Mr. Mayfair are very good plane had not been in evidence.
friends, aren’t you?” Patricia asked. Not unexpectedly, Renny came out
Ham blinked. He so seldom heard of the brush and strode toward the cabin.
Monk called Mr. Mayfair that he had failed to The disappearance of the plane from the
recognize the name. skies indicated that he had landed some time
“Friends!” Ham exclaimed ago. Under an arm, he carried a bulky
indignantly. He flourished his sword cane. package which held camera and
“Nothing would give me more pleasure than photographs.
to chop the ears off that missing link!” Entering the cabin, Renny spread his
The pig, Habeas Corpus, wandered prints on the table. It was not necessary to
into the vicinity. The shoat sat down and lose time developing them. The camera was
eyed Ham. The pig’s actions were strangely an ingenious type which printed its pictures
human. It raised on its rear legs. as they were taken.
“Who is your trampy-looking pal, “I got a fair layout of the district,”
Miss Pat?” Monk’s ventriloquial voice asked Renny reported.
through the medium of the pig’s jaws. Patricia Savage came in to inspect
Ham launched an indignant kick at the work. She was still a bit skeptical about
the shoat. He might as well have tried to kick securing pictures in the fog.
a mosquito. The pig evaded him easily. “Why!” she ejaculated, “I never saw
Ham glared about in search of the clearer photographs!”
homely chemist. Monk, however, was not in “Taking pictures with films and
sight. He must have thrown his voice from lenses sensitive to infra-rays isn’t a new
concealment. idea,” Renny told her. “It was a military secret
Patricia was laughing heartily. There years ago. And for some time it has been
was something about the easy fearlessness utilized on a commercial scale.”
of these men, and the frequent touches of “The pictures are in harsh shades,”
comedy which relieved their doings that was Ham took up the explanation for Patricia’s
highly satisfying. benefit. “Because of that, photography with

infra-light is unsuitable for portrait work. A eyed skulls bore marks hacked by a knife
picture taken with infra-light makes you look ages ago. These marks explained
ugly as sin—like Monk, for instance.” themselves—the victims had been scalped.
Monk only grinned at the insult. “These are the skeletons of white
With a powerful magnifying glass, men,” said Johnny, whose knowledge of
Doc went to work on the prints. He arranged archaeology made his opinion practically
them in the order in which they had been indisputable. “They are well preserved, due
taken. This gave him an aërial map of the to the fact that the overhang of the cliffs kept
region. off the weather. This is really a pocket in the
Johnny and Long Tom were still side of the mountain.”
missing. But the bronze man had hardly Doc Savage glanced at Long Tom.
begun his examination when they appeared. “Did you dig up the sand around these
Johnny removed his spectacles and bones, then smooth it out again?”
polished the magnifier on the left side. “No,” said Long Tom in a startled
“I have little to report,” he said. “Of voice. He peered at the ground.
course, I could make only a sketchy The sand had been disturbed. All
inspection of the vicinity. But there was no over the ledge it had been dug up and sifted.
sign of a valuable ore outcropping. Nor are Then it had been carefully replaced to give
the rock formations favorable for it.” the appearance of having been unmolested.
Doc Savage eyed Long Tom. “You were mistaken,” Doc told
“What did you find?” he asked the Patricia. “Your father was not the only visitor
electrical wizard. to this ledge before today. From the condition
“Nothing particularly unusual about of the sand, it seems a search was made
the underlying rock strata,” Long Tom said about a week ago.”
wryly. “They were hunting for the ivory
“So you guys both drew a blank!” cube!” Patricia gasped.
Ham put in. Doc nodded. “Yes—the cube which
“Wait a minute!” Long Tom said. “Let remained behind with the massacred galleon
me finish! I found something, all right!” crew.”
“What?” Doc demanded. Doc became a magnet for astounded
“A rock ledge,” Long Tom replied. looks.
“With a bunch of skeletons on it.” “Huh!” Monk ejaculated. “You must
“That must be where my father found know something that we don’t!”
the ivory cube,” Patricia offered. Doc nodded. Then he told them of
Doc said: “Let’s take a look.” his meeting with attractive Señorita Oveja.
Gathering Renny’s aërial He repeated, exactly as the girl had told it to
photographs together, he stuffed them in a him, the story of the treasure galleon from
pocket Panama, and the crew who had mutinied. He
failed to mention the kiss.
“According to the girl’s story,” he
THE ledge was well up on the stony finished, “the galleon is entombed near here.
face of a mountain. Too, it was more of an The relief map inside the ivory cube is the
elongated pit dug in a wall of stone, than a clew to its location.”
ledge. A beetling overhang above made the “But where in blazes is the ivory
spot almost a cave. To reach the recess, it block?” Monk demanded.
was necessary to make a laborious and
sometimes dangerous climb.
“Until today, my father was probably TO Monk’s query, no answer was
the only visitor to this spot,” Patricia declared. forthcoming. Doc Savage, if he had any
“I don’t wonder,” Ham puffed. The knowledge on the subject, did not put it into
climb was wreaking more damage on Ham’s words. The others frankly had not the
clothing. slightest idea what had become of the
“This is a swell spot for a goat!” he troublesome white cube.
growled. Monk peered at the red blur in the
The skeletons met their gaze. The fog which marked the position of the sun. It
bone heaps were white as snow. Cavernous- looked like a bonfire on the horizon.

“You say you are to meet the Oveja “Holy cow!” ejaculated Renny after a
girl and the two men right after sundown, glance.
Doc?” “Well, is it a secret?” snapped Long
“Right.” Tom, who had not yet secured a look.
“Then you had better be on your “There’s a gob of machine guns
way,” Monk said. “It’s almost that time.” planted around that opening in the cliffs,”
“Ham, you take Patricia back to the Monk explained. “Men are crouched beside
cabin,” Doc suggested. “The rest of us had them. The guys didn’t bother to get out of
better be, as Monk says, on our way.” sight when they heard Renny’s plane. They
For once, Ham looked as if he were didn’t dream we could take pictures through
not wholly in accord with his job of guarding this fog.”
Patricia. He sensed that he was going to “It’s an ambush!” Long Tom
miss some action. Nevertheless, he offered snapped.
the young lady his arm and guided her away. “Take the head of the class, son,”
“Wait!” Monk called after them. “Miss Monk said dryly.
Pat, would you mind taking Habeas Corpus Ignoring him, Long Tom turned to
back with you. The going with us may get Doc. “Say, did you suspect this before you
kinda tough for the pig.” saw the aërial photographs?”
“Yes, she would!” Ham said Doc was slow to answer. “The young
indignantly. “She don’t want to do it!” woman’s insistence that I come alone was
“Why, I’ll be glad to,” Patricia said slightly suspicious. I’ll confess, though, that
contrarily. “I think the pig is very intelligent!” my doubts were not strong.”
“Sure he is!” Monk laughed. “What do we do now?” queried big-
“Habeas, follow the prettiest girl in the world!” fisted Renny. “Go after the guys with the
Habeas Corpus instantly trailed after machine guns?”
Patricia and the disgusted Ham. “We’ll call on Señor and Señorita
“The rest of us are going with you, Oveja and El Rabanos, first,” Doc decided.
eh?” Monk asked Doc. “But where is their camp?”
“It looks like it.” Doc indicated the aërial photograph.
“But didn’t you say you told the girl “It shows on here, and is not very far away.
you would go alone to the meeting place You’ll notice the plane they flew here is lying
beyond the opening in the cliffs?” Renny put in the clearing beside their camp, apparently
in. wrecked.”
“We’re not going to that meeting A grimly silent, purposeful file, Doc
place,” Doc replied. and his men clambered down from the ledge
“Huh?” Monk exclaimed. which held the macabre collection of
To explain his change of mind, Doc skeletons.
drew Renny’s aërial photographs from his
pocket. He spread them on the smooth sand
beside the skeletons, then borrowed gaunt THE night had descended with an
Johnny’s spectacles. He used the magnifier unexpected abruptness. Surprisingly, with
which was the left lens. the coming of darkness, the fog had
Beckoning his men close, Doc disappeared. Bright stars speckled the sky. A
indicated an irregular whitish line on the map. fat, milky bag of a moon leaked its beams.
“There is the line of cliffs,” he said. The night was offering better visibility
“And there is the opening which the girl told than the fog-filled day.
me to walk through. Look close. Notice An air of expectancy gripped the
anything peculiar?” Señor and Señorita Oveja and El Rabanos,
“Blazes!” Monk exploded. “That in their camp. They had consumed an
opening is the mouth of a blind canyon. evening meal cooked over a gasoline stove
There’s no sign of a camp in it.” which gave forth no smoke.
“Look still closer,” Doc suggested. Pretty Señorita Oveja had cleaned
Monk did so, squinting and making the dishes outdoor fashion, by scouring them
grotesque faces. He let out a surprised gasp. with sand, and rinsing them. From the
“Look at this!” he told big-fisted grimaces she made, she apparently did not
Renny, mild voice suddenly fierce. think much of dish-washing.

“Is it not about time we were going?” that El Rabanos knew what was going on,
she demanded in Spanish. but was powerless to move or speak.
“You are staying here!” her father
said calmly.
“But I wish to go!” the young woman WHAT had just happened was the
retorted. most uncanny occurrence the pretty señorita
“No!” the elder Oveja refused firmly. had ever encountered. She gazed about in
That settled it as far as Cere was terrified bewilderment.
concerned. In her country, young people did There was not a mark on her father
not argue with their parents. or El Rabanos. There was not a sound from
“You will not harm the bronze man?” the surrounding shadows to show what had
she asked anxiously. happened.
“What happens to Doc Savage is Suddenly, Cere sought to spring
not your affair!” her father snapped. He wildly to one side. She moved a trifle too
turned to El Rabanos. “Come, señor, let us slowly, however.
be on our way. The meeting time is near.” Bronze hands, floating out of the
Señor Oveja went over to get his shadows beside her, trapped her arms. The
rifle. It was leaning against a large rock, a fingers inclosed like steel bands. The grip, for
rock the size of an automobile. all of its strength, however, was not tight
He reached out for the weapon. enough to inflict pain. It was just snug
Moon shadows darkened the base of the enough to hold the girl tightly.
rock like thickly roosting crows. Cere gave one violent wrench, then
Señor Oveja suddenly emitted a realized the futility of that. She relaxed. She
sound between a whimper and a sob, and fell knew that Doc Savage must be responsible
backward. His body remained perfectly stiff for the uncanny happening to her father and
as it tumbled; it retained its rigidity when it hit El Rabanos.
the sand. “What have you done to them?” she
It was as if the señor had turned to demanded.
stone. The momentum of his fall caused him Doc did not answer. Renny and
to rock, like a frame of sticks, from side to Monk, two mountainous figures, came up in
side. His arms and legs stuck up with weird the murk. Johnny and Long Tom approached
stiffness. from the opposite direction.
“Padre!” Cere cried shrilly. “Father!” Doc released Cere. The young
Darting forward, the young woman woman instantly started to run. She had
sank beside her parent. She grasped his taken only her second stride when Doc
strangely stiffened arm. The muscles were Savage overhauled her, picked her up, and
rigid under her touch. By wrenching, she tried carried her back. His touch was still
to change the position of one of the arms. impersonally gentle, but the Castillan beauty
The arm remained at the angle to found herself absolutely helpless against his
which she moved it, like the cold limb of a strength.
dead man. Cere did not learn what had
“Oh, oh!” wailed Cere. She turned happened to her father and El Rabanos. The
wildly in El Rabanos’s direction. She huge forms of Monk and Renny blocked her
intended to demand his help. But her lips view as Doc went to the two strangely
parted and her dark eyes became staring. paralyzed men.
El Rabanos had also fallen a victim With an experienced sureness, Doc
of the fantastic paralysis. The swarthy, girl- stroked certain nerve centers. Previous
faced man was spread-eagled, as if staked pressure on these had induced a sort of
out. His face was turned sidewise, so that paralysis. Doc’s practiced touch relieved this
moonbeams spilled on it. The features condition.
showed no agony—only an unbounded Use of their limbs did not return
wonder. instantly to the two men; full recovery
“El Rabanos!” Cere cried. required perhaps a minute. During that
She was close enough to see the interval, Doc searched Señor Oveja and El
man’s eyes roll in her direction. It was plain Rabanos. Each had a pair of revolvers belted
about his middle. Doc removed those. He

also took a knife, which he found in a sheath

inside Señor Oveja’s shirt.

Bronze hands trapped her arms.

“What does this mean?” Señor Oveja As he spoke, Doc was already
demanded indignantly. gliding away through the moonlight. Renny
“It means that you weren’t as slick as and Monk pounded after him.
you thought!” rumbled big-fisted Renny. “Where are we headed for?” Monk
Oveja glared. “What do you—” demanded.
“We have no time for an argument!” “For that machine-gun ambush at the
Doc interrupted. “Long Tom, Johnny—you cliff,” Doc told him.
guard the prisoners. Monk, you and Renny
come with me.”

Chapter XV Señor and Señorita Oveja and El

WHEN TROUBLE DOUBLES Rabanos stood in the moonlight. Long Tom
and Johnny were near. Doc Savage was to
“THEY’RE gone!” Monk exclaimed in one side.
his small voice. The pig, Habeas Corpus, was
“Yeah,” Renny rumbled. “You can galloping slow circles in the moonlight. The
see that they were around recently, too. shoat’s running gait was more than ever like
Here’s a match one of them was chewing on. that of a dog.
The end is still wet.” Monk stared at his pet. “Where did
Doc and the two men stood on the Habeas come from?”
edge of the blind canyon which penetrated “It came tearing through the brush,”
the line of cliffs. They had approached with Doc explained. “Thinking it was a prowler,
the greatest of caution. They were sure the Johnny fired a couple of shots in the air.
ambushers had not seen or heard them. Yet Those were the shots we heard.”
the gang was gone. “I’m sure Patricia took him back with
Doc Savage listened intently; training her,” Monk declared. “Ham must have turned
had given his ears a keenness which rivaled him loose. That’s the kind of a trick the
that of a jungle creature. But they picked up shyster would pull. He don’t think a whole lot
no sound. of Habeas Corpus.”
“The gang isn’t in the vicinity,” he “I imagine his opinion of the pig is
decided aloud. improving a little,” Doc declared.
“But how’d they get tipped off?” Monk’s jaw fell. “What do you mean,
Renny growled. “How did—” Doc?”
He shut his thin lips tightly on the By way of answer, Doc Savage
rest. produced his tiny lantern, which threw ultra-
Two loud reports came snapping violet rays. He switched it on, and played the
through the night! They were sharp. Their beam on Habeas Corpus.
echoes bounced back and forth with an Letters in an electric blue flame
uproar that sounded like a fantastic dragon sprang out on the pig’s back. Due to the
coughing! uncertainty of the bristled surface on which
Monk, confused by the multitude of they had been drawn, the letters were large
echoes, demanded: “Where did the shots and irregular. Each time the pig moved, they
come from?” seemed to convulse. The letters spelled two
“From the Oveja camp!” Doc words.
They listened. But a dead stillness SLEEP—GETTING—
had fallen. There were no more shots.
“We’d better go back!” Doc declared. “Holy cow!” Renny muttered. “What’s
The bronze man whipped over the that mean?”
brink of the cliff. Below, the drop was almost “Ham’s idea of a joke!” Monk
sheer. Footholds were few and unpleasantly growled.
precarious. Yet, Doc seemed to take no Doc Savage set out swiftly in the
particular pains with his going. His speed direction of the cabin.
seemed unaffected by the peril of a fall. “I hardly think it’s a joke,” he called
Monk and Renny, tackling the grimly. “Long Tom, you stay here and guard
dangerous descent, found it necessary to these three prisoners.”
lower themselves a few inches at a time. Doc The electrical wizard nodded, and
was far ahead of them by the time they turned back to watch Señor and Señorita
reached the bottom. Oveja and El Rabanos.
Coming in view of the camp some The other three men ran in Doc’s
time later, Monk and Renny received a wake toward the cabin.
surprise. They had expected to find violence.
However, there was nothing about the scene
to indicate anything desperate had occurred. THE cabin was silent as a house of
death. It might have been a tomb of logs,
erected on the shore of the little inlet. There

was no night breeze to flutter leaves in the were well-educated men, but it was doubtful
surrounding brush. Small waves were piling if either could have picked two
sloppily against the shore. Out on the sea, comprehensible words out of the list.
moonbeams glanced in long silver shafts. Monk nodded with perfect
Doc Savage was first to approach understanding, however. Behind Monk’s low
the cabin. Renny, Monk, and Johnny brought forehead, there did not seem room for a
up the rear. They did not want to spoil any teaspoonful of brains. But his looks were
sign with their clumsy tramping. deceiving. A roster of the three greatest living
Using his flashlight, which gave a chemists would certainly have included
powerful beam, Doc Savage made a quick Monk.
inspection of the house. If he had expected Taking the platter of butter, Monk
signs of violence, he was disappointed. The went into the room where he kept his
place was in a no more topsy-turvy condition portable laboratory. He set to work.
than it had been when he left. Doc Savage peered closely at the
But there was no sign of Patricia, kitchen floor, then took his portable ultra-
Ham, or the fat Indian servant. violet lantern out of his pocket, switched it on,
“It’s all right for you fellows to come and played the invisible beams on the floor.
in!” Doc called, after his first cursory A puddle of blue fire seemed to
inspection. spring into being.
Monk lumbered in and looked Renny dropped to a knee and
around. “That’s funny! I don’t see any signs rubbed an enormous hand through the
of a fight. And Ham ain’t the kind to give up glowing spot.
without a scrap.” “It’s the chalk we use to do invisible
Instead of answering this directly, writing,” he said. “Ham must have dropped
Doc Savage indicated a black smear on the his piece. It’s been stepped on.”
wall of a bedroom. This had the shape of a “I think we stepped on it while
wolf, with an unpleasantly human face. wandering around in here,” Doc said. “My
“The werewolf!” Monk ejaculated. opinion is that Ham, Patricia, and the squaw
“Placed there recently—no doubt by were in here eating when they felt the weird
the gang who captured our friends,” Doc sleep begin to creep over them. Ham
replied. “The presence of the werewolf mark managed to scrawl those words on the pig,
indicates why there was no struggle.” Habeas Corpus. He dropped the chalk as he
“How do you figure that?” Monk passed out.”
questioned. Outdoors, a voice hailed loudly.
“The strange sleep we have not been “Ahoy, the cabin!” it cried. “Don’t
able to explain,” Doc reminded him. “It seems shoot me!”
to strike coincident with the appearance of
these werewolf marks.”
Doc led the way to the kitchen. Fresh RENNY and Johnny sprang to a
food stood on the table. A sandwich lay on a window and looked out. They could see
plate. One bite was missing. nothing.
“They must’ve been having a snack Doc’s flashlight went out. It made no
to eat when the thing happened,” Renny sound doing so, for the switch was noiseless.
said. The darkness which clamped down was
A saucer, holding a large lump of black enough to be solid. Silence lay over the
butter, stood on the table. Doc handed this to cabin and the surrounding timber. The man
Monk. who had hailed did not do so again.
“Analyze it,” he said. “That was Long Tom!” Doc said
“For crying out loud!” Monk grunted. unexpectedly.
“What for?” “If it was, his voice was changed!”
“Search for the presence of the rumbled big-fisted Renny.
following chemicals,” Doc said, and rattled off “Something has happened to him, all
a half dozen highly technical laboratory right,” Doc agreed. “But it was his voice.”
terms. The bronze man’s tone, without
The chemical terminology was seeming to become any louder, suddenly
unintelligible to Renny and Johnny. Both acquired a remarkable carrying quality. It

rolled out of the cabin and far away into the “Yeah. They must have had other
brush. weapons hidden in the brush.”
“Come on in, Long Tom!” he said. Doc said: “Monk, how about
“What’s happened to you?” analyzing that butter?”
There was the sound of shuffling Monk nodded and returned to his
footsteps. Long Tom appeared. The pale- work over the portable chemical laboratory.
skinned electrical wizard was something of a He had spread his paraphernalia over a large
wreck. He was skinned and bruised, and table. Several of the mixing trays were giving
carried the beginnings of two black eyes. off strong-smelling odors.
Long Tom’s front teeth were of a Going outdoors, Doc searched for
large protruding variety. Two of these were tracks. Finding them was a simple matter for
missing. The missing teeth had the effect of his trained eye. In addition to the tracks of
giving his voice a rather comical, lisping Patricia, Ham, and the squaw, there were
quality. He sounded very much like an irate prints of at least half a dozen other men. The
turkey gobbler. trail did not wander, but headed for the
Monk thrust his head in a door, shore.
looked at Long Tom, said: “For cryin’ in my The procession of footprints crossed
sleep! Don’t he look funny without them buck a spot where the ground was soft. Doc got
teeth!” down on all fours to make an examination;
“What happened to Señor and then he stood up.
Señorita Oveja and El Rabanos,” Doc asked “The same gang that we rescued Pat
Long Tom. from has seized her again,” he said. “I’ve
“They took a powder!” gritted the seen some of those footprints so often
electrical wizard. they’re beginning to look like the tracks of old
“I thought you were guarding them,” friends.”
Renny snorted. A wide grin sat on the big- The trail terminated near the
fisted engineer’s usually solemn face. He boathouse. Certain marks in the soft sand
seemed tickled by the ludicrous appearance might have been made by canoe keels. Doc
which the missing teeth gave the electrical looked into the boathouse. The canoes which
wizard. had been stored there were missing.
“Señor Oveja picked up a rock and “They came by land,” he said. “But
whangoed me,” Long Tom growled through they left by water. That was a wise trick on
his missing teeth. their part. We haven’t a chance of trailing
“How’d he catch you off guard?” them over water.”
The truth, even if it hurt, was the At this point, Monk came running
custom of Doc’s aides. Long Tom squirmed, from the direction of the cabin. He was
felt of the gap where his teeth were missing. excited. He had never looked more like a
“The darn girl was making eyes at gorilla than now.
me,” he admitted. The pig, Habeas Corpus, bounded at
Everybody laughed. his heels, making frantic efforts to keep up.
“They hit you, then fled?” Doc asked. “I’ve got it!” Monk shouted. “I’ve got
There was no criticism in his tone. it!”
“Yep,” Long Tom admitted. “Señor “Got what?” Doc demanded.
Oveja followed the rock up with his fists. He “The stuff in the butter!” Monk
walloped me plenty, what I mean! The rock bawled. “You know how butter absorbs the
had knocked me too dizzy to dodge.” odor of any smelly food you put in the
“Didn’t you try to trail ‘em?” refrigerator with it? Well, when the house
“Sure! Kind of a strange thing was saturated with this stuff, the butter
happened then, Doc. They had not gone far absorbed enough of it for me to find it by
before they managed to get guns. They cut making an analysis.”
down on me with several shots. I couldn’t see “Listen, you homely missing link!”
‘em. Monkeying around after ‘em was Renny rumbled. “What have you found?”
useless, with me disarmed.” “The stuff which caused the
“Guns!” Renny ejaculated. “But we mysterious sleep,” Monk grinned. “It’s an
took their guns when we seized them in their odorless and colorless gas which is
camp.” poisonous if inhaled long enough.”

Monk was very earnest. Although

Monk and Ham seemed continually on the
RENNY, Long Tom, and Johnny point of flying at each other’s throats, and
were plenty surprised at this development. insulted each other with vigor and delight,
Doc Savage, however, had expected it. He either would have risked his life for the other.
had already surmised the probable cause of On occasion, each had done so.
the weird slumber. So closely had he “What do you want?” Doc called to
guessed that he had told Monk what the distant men.
chemical components to look for. “The ivory block, Señor Savage!” the
“No doubt the stuff was used to kill fellow shouted back.
Alex Savage,” Monk said. “To a physician
who did not have much experience, and who
did not suspect foul play, the effects of the “WE haven’t got the block!” Doc told
stuff might look like heart failure.” him.
Long Tom grimaced, felt of the gap “You cannot deceive us, hombre!”
in his teeth. “I didn’t think the stuff was the reply came volleying back. “The Señorita
poisonous. You know it didn’t kill us on the Savage had it. She admitted that fact when
train.” she was our prisoner earlier.”
“That was because you didn’t get “She thought she had it,” Doc
enough of it,” Doc replied. “I thought at first corrected him. “When she looked in the
that the attack on the train was made merely hiding place, the block was gone.”
to frighten us. Since then, I’ve learned more “We are not interested in hearing a
of the nature of these fellows. They would as smooth story, Señor Savage,” said the
soon kill us as try to scare us. distant man. “I came to inform you of a fact.”
“Just why such a small quantity of “What fact?”
gas was injected into our train compartment “Simply, señor, that we now have
is hard to explain. Perhaps the fellow your six friends in a very safe place.”
administering the gas was frightened away. Several seconds of surprised silence
The stuff must have been sent into the followed these words.
compartment through the crack at the bottom “Six!” Renny’s big voice rumbled.
of the door.” “Ham, Patricia, and the squaw—
Doc ended his long speech abruptly, that’s only three!” muttered Johnny. He took
and cupped a palm back of an ear. He stood off his glasses with the magnifying lens,
thus for several seconds, perfectly rigid. fingered them thoughtfully.
“There’s a boat coming!” he said. “It “Did you say six?” Doc called to the
sounds like an outboard engine.” boatman.
A minute passed—two—three. The “Si, si,” the fellow shouted back.
others began to wonder if Doc could have “He can only mean one thing,” Long
been mistaken. Then they heard the sound of Tom said slowly. “I told you that the Ovejas
the boat. and El Rabanos started shooting at me right
“Probably the kidnapers coming back after they escaped.”
to make a deal!” Renny boomed. “You were evidently mistaken,” Doc
“The boat is coming straight in from told him.
the open sea,” Doc decided. “Sure I was!” Long Tom agreed. “It
The boat nosed in past the floating was this other gang shooting at me. They
mail box. It became distinguishable in the must have grabbed Señor and Señorita
moonlight. It was simply a square-sterned Oveja and El Rabanos.”
canoe, fitted with an outboard motor. Renny banged his big fists together.
“Ahoy, Señors!” called a hoarse “It beats me!”
voice. “Me, too,” Monk agreed.
“I’ve got a notion to take a shot at Bewilderment was on his homely face. “I
him!” Renny rumbled. “Bet I can hit him!” figured Señor Oveja, his daughter, and El
“And then they’d bump Ham, Rabanos were in with the other gang. The
Patricia, and the squaw!” Monk grunted. ambush they fixed for Doc made me think
“Don’t be a dope!” that.”

“I figured the same way,” said Chapter XVI

Johnny. “There must have been a contact INSIDE THE IVORY BLOCK
between the two parties. Otherwise, how did
they know of the meeting with Doc?” THE boat had hardly started its
“The girl and the two men might have seaward retreat when Doc Savage whirled
set a snare to capture me,” Doc pointed out. on Long Tom.
“The other gang, hearing of it, could have “Your electrical ear!” he said. “Get it!”
tried to turn it into a death trap.” Long Tom dashed for the cabin.
“That might be, too,” Johnny Just as Monk always carried
admitted. chemical equipment, so did Long Tom carry
The man in the distant boat had a variety of electrical devices. Among these
been waiting. His boat had drifted near a was an apparatus which had been useful on
large rock which thrust out of the bay; he had many occasions. This consisted of a
wedged the end of a boat hook into a crack compact, highly sensitive parabolic
in this rock, and was holding his little craft microphone pick-up, together with an
stationary. The rock was a bullet-proof amplifier of great power. The thing was no
shelter. radical departure from the listening devices
“Do you understand me, Señor?” the military men use to spot enemy airplanes.
man yelled. “I have your six friends! They are However, it was infinitely more compact.
all safe—so far!” Long Tom hurriedly assembled the
“Ham, Patricia, and the squaw!” Doc mechanism. The microphone was directional.
called. “Who are the other three?” He pointed it at the receding motor canoe.
“El Rabanos, Señor Oveja, and his The outboard engine was no longer audible
daughter!” came the reply. to the unaided ear.
“I told you so!” said Long Tom. Long Tom twisted the dial on his
“When the three got away from me, they amplifier. There was a loud-speaker device.
jumped from the fryin’ pan to the fire. That The sound of the retreating canoe poured out
explains why the machine gunners weren’t at with loud volume.
the cliff when you arrived. They were They listened to the noise which the
watching the Ovejas’ camp, and saw us sensitive device picked up. After a while the
show up there. Then they skipped.” outboard died suddenly.
“This seems to indicate the señorita Long Tom turned the amplifier on full
is straight, after all,” Monk grunted. force. A mosquito flew across the front of the
“When she said they were camped microphone, and sounded like a tri-motored
behind the cliff, she lied,” Johnny reminded airplane. Then the listener picked up several
him. faint shouts, but they were not
“You want to make a swap?” Doc understandable.
shouted. “Holy cow!” Renny thumped. “They
“Si, si, Señor!” the man in the canoe must be holding the prisoners in a boat out at
called hastily, “We will trade our prisoners for sea!”
the ivory cube.” “Take flashlights,” Doc directed
“I told you we haven’t got the ivory suddenly. “And hunt for birds’ nests in pine
cube!” Doc called back. trees.”
“You are lying, señor,” called the “Huh?” Monk grunted, and looked as
canoeman. “I will return in two hours. If you if he had not understood.
do not give me the ivory cube, one of the “Birds’ nests in pine trees,” Doc
prisoners will be shot, and the body tossed repeated. “We’re not interested in birds’
out where it will drift ashore!” nests in any other kind of trees, though.”
With that, he started the outboard “What do we do when we find them?”
motor, and the square-stern canoe skipped Monk wanted to know. He was still puzzled.
out to sea. Apparently, he had laid down an “Climb up and look in them,” Doc
ultimatum about which there could be no said.
argument. “Then what?”
“When you find the right bird’s nest,
you won’t need to be told.”

The four men went looking for birds’ “Sure!”

nests. Each had a dubious and puzzled look “It was gum off a pine tree.”
on his face. Just why Doc was abruptly Monk whistled softly,
interested in nests in pine trees, they had no comprehending. “There was some bark stuck
idea. to his trousers, and tiny feathers stuck to his
Monk cast his light up a tree and hands.”
spied a telltale knot of twigs, stringy bark, “Bark off a pine tree and feathers
and feathers. He prepared to shin up to the from a bird’s nest,” Doc agreed.
nest. Monk dived a furry hand into the
“Huntin’ birds’ nests!” he snorted. bird’s nest.
“I’m glad Ham ain’t here to see! Would he “Hocus pocus presto!” he grinned.
hand out razzberries!” He brought out a block of ivory more
“I wouldn’t blame him!” Renny than two inches square.
boomed. “Especially since you’re looking for Renny and Johnny and Long Tom
nests in pine trees.” came up. They stared at the block.
“Pine trees—sure!” “Boat Face stole it!” Renny
“That’s a spruce you’re starting to thundered. “That’s where it went! He hid it in
climb!” Renny chuckled a bird’s nest!”
“Yeah, it is at that,” Monk admitted Doc took the block and turned it in
sheepishly, after taking a second look. his hand. The workmanship was wonderful.
Doc Savage returned to the cabin. The thing looked perfectly solid.
He switched on his flashlight, which gave the Crooking a finger at Monk, Doc said:
brilliant beam. From a pocket he drew the “I’ve got a job for you.”
aërial photographs which Renny had made. The bronze giant and the homely
As yet, Doc had not had time to make a chemist retired to the room which held
complete examination of these photographic Monk’s portable laboratory. Two or three
prints. He did so now. minutes elapsed. When Doc reappeared, he
On a picture which had been taken was alone. He carried the block in one hand.
something like seven miles up the coast, he On a foundation of books, Doc
found a tiny grayish spot. This might have arranged two flashlights so that they
been a faded, elongated flyspeck. But under splashed a brilliant glare on the table. He
a magnifying glass, it became a small placed the ivory cube in the illumination.
schooner. Johnny promptly handed over his
A tender dangled on a painter behind glasses with the magnifying left lens. The
the schooner—a canoe, fitted with an magnifier disclosed narrow, straight cracks
outboard. along all four corners of the ivory block. They
The discovery convinced Doc that it were too small for the eyes to see unaided.
was upon this boat that the prisoners were With his powerful hands, Doc tested
being held. the construction of the cube. He was
The craft was now standing out to uncertain just how it opened. He tried gentle
sea, of course. pressure, without result. He shook it violently,
Monk came plunging in from the much as one would shake the mercury down
night. in a thermometer. This caused the block to
“I found it, Doc!” he howled. separate into six sections. It had been held
together by tiny, ingenious dowel pins.
The core of the cube was a hard,
THE gorillalike giant of a chemist square block of dried mud. Doc inspected
held his prize in both hands. It was a bird’s this curiously. He turned the mud slowly in
nest—the nest of a very large bird, judging his palm. Then, wheeling abruptly, he went
from its size. into another room.
“How did you know what to look for, Boat Face had been buried. His
Doc?” Monk questioned. squaw, however, had kept the clothing he
“Remember the amber-colored, had been wearing at the time of his death.
sticky stuff we found on the trousers and on Doc selected the trousers and turned the
the hands of the murdered Indian?” Doc pockets inside out. He had done this on a

previous search, but he wanted to make Nothing happened for three or four
sure. seconds. Then, high overhead, there was
Several flat leaves, fragments of another report and a blinding flash.
chewing tobacco, came to light. The tobacco “Regular Fourth of July!” said Renny.
was very black in color. “It was a flash rocket, fired as a
Doc turned his attention to the mud signal,” announced Johnny.
cube which he had crushed in his palm. “The prisoners will soon be here,”
There was a leaf of the black tobacco in the called the man from the outboard canoe.
mud. Boat Face’s chewing tobacco inside the Nothing more happened for possibly
cube! fifteen minutes. Then, far out to sea, the slow
From Monk’s room came brisk throb of a marine engine came into hearing.
tinkling of test tubes and mixing beakers. Doc listened intently to the engine
Doc’s other three aides had been noise.
watching the bronze man. Their expressions “It’s a gasoline motor,” he decided.
showed plainly that they were going to ask “That means there is probably an auxiliary
questions. power plant in the schooner.”
But before they could interrogate
him, they all heard the mutter of an
approaching outboard motor. SHORTLY afterward, using glasses,
Doc was able to discern the craft. It was not
more than fifty feet long, but had a wide
DOC Savage whipped outdoors. beam and stout lines. The boat was built for
Three of his men followed him. Monk, service.
however, stayed with the job he was doing. Outside the inlet, it swung into the
The sputter of the outboard teeth of a light breeze. The auxiliary motor,
loudened. A blurred spot appeared out to turning slowly, held it stationary.
sea. It soon resolved into the square-sterned “The prisoners are aboard the
canoe. The speedy little craft was crowded schooner, señor!” called the man in the motor
with men. canoe.
In the gloom, little could be seen of “How do you know that?” Doc
the canoe passengers. Their forms were dark countered.
humps. From each hump a slender, black Shouts passed between the canoe
thorn seemed to project. This proved they and the schooner. Following this, Ham’s
were not the prisoners—the thorns were rifle voice rang strongly from the schooner. Ham
barrels. had a powerful orators’ voice, developed by
The outboard stopped, and the much courtroom work.
canoe coasted behind a rock. The armed “We’re all O. K.!” he shouted. “If
passengers used boat hooks to keep they’re trying to bargain for our release, Doc,
themselves sheltered behind the stony hump. tell ‘em to go take a jump at the moon!”
One or two could be seen using binoculars. “Are there six of you?” Doc
They discerned Doc Savage and his aides. demanded.
“Your decision, Señor Savage!” one “Sure! Señor and Señorita Oveja,
shouted. and El Rabanos, are prisoners, tool”
“We have found the block,” Doc told Then the spokesman in the canoe
him. interrupted the conversation.
“You had it all the time!” the man “Will you turn over the ivory cube for
jeered. their release?” he called to Doc.
Doc did not argue. “Where are the Doc lowered his voice so that it could
prisoners?” he called. by no chance reach any of the swarthy men.
“They will be produced when you “Monk!”
are ready to make the trade.” “Coming up!” said Monk, also low-
“I’m ready now.” voiced.
The men in the motor canoe held a The homely chemist ambled out of
brief consultation. One of the gun barrels was the cabin. His hairy hands swung well below
pointed upward. There was a loud report. his knees. One paw gripped an object
Evidently the weapon was a shotgun. wrapped in a handkerchief.

“All set?” Doc asked. were made to charge the lungs with oxygen,
“Yep. But I was sure pushed for and the dive was then made with a normal
time.” amount of air in the lungs. Doc had learned
Doc and Monk strode together down this trick from the men who could do it best—
to the water’s edge. For a moment, they were South Sea pearl divers.
lost to view in the moonlight as they worked Keeping close to the sandy bottom,
through the brush. They waded out until the Doc swam under water. He did not go toward
lapping waves came somewhat above their the canoe. Nor did he swim fast enough to
knees. raise a betraying ripple.
“Come and get it!” Doc called. “But The water was vibrant with hollow
you must release the prisoners!” chunging noises—rifle shots. The men were
“Si, si!” called the man in the canoe. driving lead at random, in hopes of making a
“The captives will be turned loose the instant hit.
we have the ivory block.” As he swam, Doc’s hands
The outboard motor bawled; its encountered a rock. He eased around it, still
propeller threw up a fan of spray. The canoe submerged. When the rock was between
darted inshore with the speed of a frightened himself and the canoe, he floated to the
duck. surface.
At a low word from Doc, Monk He was in time to hear the first of a
retreated hastily and got under cover. series of remarkable sounds.
The canoe swerved inshore and These noises resembled the moan of
slackened speed. The boat passed Doc a gigantic bull fiddle. They were so loud they
slowly at a distance of thirty feet. hurt the ears. The moans were very short,
“Throw the cube!” commanded a none lasting more than two seconds. The
man. “It had better fall in the canoe, too! We cove throbbed with their volume.
dare not come too close to you. We will free These sounds were strings of shots,
the prisoners when we have it!” although a human ear could not distinguish
Doc’s arm drew back, shot forward. between the reports. They came so swiftly as
Square and white, the little block sailed to seem a single shot. The shots were fired
through the moonlight. The man in the canoe by the remarkably compact little machine
caught it. guns which were Doc’s invention.
“Bueno!” he barked. “Good! Now— Doc chanced to look. Being in
this is how we intend to return the prisoners.” shadow, he was fairly safe from discovery.
As if the exclamation were a signal, The little machine guns were charged with
every man in the canoe lifted his rifle. The bullets which carried unconsciousness rather
muzzles lipped flame. Gun sounds blended than death—mercy bullets.
in a ragged roar! Three men were down in the canoe.
This was not such good shooting,
considering that all of Doc’s men were good
AT the moment when he tossed the marksmen. Rather, it was evident, they were
white cube, Doc Savage was standing in not trying to capture the gang.
water above his knees. He was not taken The canoe turned wildly and
unawares. The first rifle barrel was hardly skittered out toward the bay mouth. A few
swaying toward him when he doubled, bullets followed it, fighting wave crests like
flopping forward violently into the water. He angry bees. It was noticeable that none of
was completely submerged before the shots the slugs came close to the canoe, which
crashed. was now in wild flight.
The perfect physical condition in “It is bad shooting, and this is lucky
which Doc kept himself had given him an for us!” squawked a man.
ability which had saved his life on other “Those guns!” shivered another.
occasions. This was the capacity to hold his “Never before have I heard anything like
breath for a seemingly impossible interval! them, señors!”
Actually, the breath—holding did not The terrific rate at which the little
depend entirely on physical condition. There machine guns fired had produced a near
was a trick to it. Instead of taking as deep a terror. They all showed the effects of it.
breath as he could, several rapid inhalations

The three men who had been hit lay Chapter XVII
motionless in the bottom of the canoe. As INTO THE EARTH
soon as the ugly moans of the machine guns
ceased, the three victims were examined. THE apparent magic which had
“Bueno!” ejaculated one of the gang. felled the opener of the box reached swiftly to
“They are not dead!” the other members of the crew. One went
Continuing his inspection, the man down. Another! There was no outcry, no
gave a grunt of surprise. attempt to flee. They simply keeled over.
“What is this? The bullets seem to Each man began snoring softly a few
have penetrated only skin deep, and then seconds after he had sprawled out.
burst!” After perhaps twenty seconds, not a
Evidently the man had never seen a man on the schooner’s deck remained
mercy bullet. He and his fellows were upright.
puzzling over the slugs when the canoe Ham and the other prisoners were
reached the schooner. They clambered below. They had been locked in a small, not
aboard, after lifting their three motionless too clean cabin. The wrists of each were
companions over the rail. bound tightly. A long rope had been knotted
“Did you get the ivory block?” asked to the lashings of Ham’s wrist, carried to
a fellow who seemed to be in charge of the those of pretty Señorita Oveja, and tied,
boat. thence to the señorita’s father, and the rest of
“We did!” declared one of the group. the prisoners.
He pulled the white cube from a pocket, and While men were dropping so
passed it over. mysteriously on deck, the prisoners were
The other examined it. doing something that seemed inexplicable.
They were holding their breaths.
Señor Oveja’s cheeks were puffed with the
FROM the shore, a strange sound effort. He seemed about to explode.
drifted. It was a series of guttural, booming With one hand, Ham made slow
words—words which were intelligible to no counting gestures, as if he were measuring
one on the schooner deck. the passage of a certain length of time.
It was Doc Savage, shouting in a Finally, Ham let his breath out in a
strange dialect. rush and said: “O. K.! You can start breathing
The man holding the white block again.”
looked at his fellows. “Do any of you “What was the idea of telling us to
understand that language, amigos?” he hold our breaths, Ham?” Patricia Savage
asked. questioned curiously.
There was a general shaking of “Did you hear Doc shout in that
heads. The tongue in which the shout had strange language?” Ham asked.
been couched was wholly foreign to anything “Yes. I couldn’t understand a word of
they had ever heard. it.”
Dismissing the shout as unimportant, “Probably not a dozen people in the
the men examined the white cube closely. so-called civilized world could understand it,”
They sought to get it open. Finally, they Ham told her. “The language was ancient
shook the cube violently. It separated into six Mayan. Doc and the rest of us speak it and
sections. understand it.”
What happened then was strange. “What did Doc say when he
The holder of the cube stared stupidly at the shouted?”
segments. Then he leaned over and gazed “He said he had some of his
foolishly down at the deck. And, as if he had anaesthetic gas in the ivory cube,” Ham
found a place to lie down, he toppled replied. “He said for us to hold our breaths,
forward. because the stuff would be released when
His fall upon the deck produced a the cube was opened.”
loud thump. He lay quite motionless “But why hold our breath?” Patricia
afterward. queried, puzzled.

“The anaesthetic gas spreads with rifles. They were coming from two directions.
lightning swiftness,” Ham explained. “In less Evidently they were shooting at the schooner
than a minute it dissolves and becomes as a whole; at that distance they could not
ineffective. We simply held our breaths until it pick out individual targets.
was dissipated.” “It’s the rest of the gang!” Ham
Ham now got to his feet. His ankles gritted.
were not bound, so this was comparatively El Rabanos wailed: “Diablos! The
simple. The others followed his example. devils! They will kill us!”
Ham headed for the deck. The others had no “Get in the canoe,” Ham
choice but to follow him. They were tied in a commanded. “Let me in the stern, where I
chain by the rope. can start the motor.”
Patricia gasped in surprise when she Patricia cried: “But the schooner
saw the sleeping forms of her late captors. was—”
“The gas got them!” Ham chuckled. “No time to get it under way,”
“Now, if we can just get this boat headed for explained Ham. “Come on, those birds
shore, we’ll be all right.” must’ve been listening. They heard us talking
“Did it work?” Doc called loudly from to Doc, and knew something had happened
the beach. to their pals.”
“You tell ‘em!” Ham bellowed back. Privately, Ham had no use for
“Like a charm!” canoes. Years ago, one had ducked him
“The engine of the launch won’t when he was togged out in his immaculate
run,” Doc called. “There’s no gasoline in the clothes. They were tricky things, even when
tank. But we’ll paddle out and help you get to there was plenty of time to get into them.
shore.” Getting six excited individuals, all
“You want to be careful!” Ham called. linked together by a rope, into the canoe,
“The whole gang wasn’t on the boat. We’ve proved to be an agonizing job. Twice the
only got about half of them.” canoe rocked sickeningly. Ham groaned and
“Any idea where the others are?” yelled by turns.
Doc shouted. The instant he could reach the
“No!” Ham said. “They’re liable to be outboard motor at the stern, he went to work
around somewhere.” on it. The motor was still hot. That was lucky,
Doc made no answer. for, with his hands bound, he would never
Ham, unable to distinguish the have got it started otherwise.
bronze man in the moonlight, decided Doc Rifle bullets were still hitting the
had gone to get the launch. schooner with loud chugs. Some bit at the
Patricia glanced uneasily at the water and ricocheted with piercing wails!
swarthy men lying senseless on deck. Others traveled on without touching water or
“Aren’t you afraid they’ll revive?” she schooner, and spanged noisily among the
asked Ham. rocks on the inlet shores.
“It will take them nearly two hours to The outboard motor popped a blue
wake up,” Ham told her. “Doc has been using flame through its exhaust ports. It fired again,
this anaesthetic gas for a long time. I know then began to moan regularly.
exactly how it functions.” Patricia, in the bow, had already
Patricia heaved a relieved sigh. thrown off the painter. Ham gave the
“Then we’re safe!” outboard all the gas it would take. The canoe
She was too optimistic. swerved away from the schooner.
Unexpectedly, from either side of the A spatter of lead followed them as
schooner, rifles banged! The shots echoed they raced for shore.
back noisily from the cliffs. Bullets chopped The riflemen, approaching from two
savagely at hull and deck house. A slug tore directions, were not yet close enough to
a ragged hole in the furled sail. shoot accurately, however.
A bullet spanged through the thin
canvas side of the canoe, just at the water
THE men doing the shooting were as line. The hole, near the bow, began to let
yet some distance away. Ham, peering hard, water in.
could locate them only from the flash of their

“I hope lightning doesn’t strike twice were going to kill us! Unquestionably you
in the same place,” Patricia said, and put a saved our lives.”
hand over the bullet hole to shut out the Doc said nothing. He kept on
water. walking; he was headed for the cabin.
It was the little supermachine guns in “We owe you an explanation also,” El
the hands of Doc and the others which Rabanos continued in an ingratiating voice.
insured their reaching shore. The small guns “In case you do not know it, we prevailed
began to emit the amazing bull-fiddle moans. upon the Señorita Oveja to deceive you this
The bullets, charged with tracer afternoon.”
chemical in addition to the sleep—producing “I knew it.”
potion, raced like red-hot wires through the “We did not intend to harm you with
moonlight. It was probably the sight of the the trick,” El Rabanos said desperately. “We
red cords of tracer snapping past their faces were merely going to seize you. We had the
that moved the riflemen to stop shooting. silly idea that we could trade you to your
Whatever the cause, they fell silent. friends for the ivory cube. We had finally
Ham ran the canoe against the decided you must have the cube, but did not
beach so hard that it skidded up half its know its significance.”
length on the sand. He piled out, dragging Pretty Señorita Oveja overhauled
the others. them and joined in the conversation.
The giant form of Doc Savage “That is the truth, Señor Savage,”
materialized silently beside them. Doc she added her insistence. “Harm to you was
produced a knife and cut through their bonds. the last thing in our minds.”
“Your scheme was swell!” Patricia Doc bowed politely, but said nothing.
told Doc. A few minutes later, however, when
“Give Monk the credit,” Doc replied. Doc and Monk were together, the homely
“He is the one who made up that fake ivory chemist expressed a private idea.
block. He’s a wizard as a chemist, or he “Doc,” said Monk, “I may be wrong,
couldn’t have done it so quickly.” but I believe there’s a connection between
Ham overheard this, and he our three visitors and that gang out there.”
grimaced. Praise for the homely Monk was a “What makes you think so?”
pain to his ears. “The fact that the trap set for you
The tall, girl-faced El Rabanos came was a death trap.”
up. Doc’s strange flake-gold eyes rested
“I wish to apologize for any trouble I intently on the homely chemist. “Who do you
may have caused you, Mr. Savage,” he said suspect, Monk?”
earnestly. “I know now that you are not our Monk tugged slowly at an ear which
enemy.” resembled a gristle tuft.
Señor Oveja approached in time to “Señor Oveja,” he said.
listen. He emitted a surly growl. Doc Savage did not change
“En verdad!” he snapped. “Indeed! I expression. Neither did he speak further on
am by no means convinced that Savage is the subject. Instead, he spread a piece of
our friend.” paper on the table, then he drew an envelope
from a pocket, and tore off the corner. From
envelope to paper, he poured a tiny heap of
BIG, bronze Doc Savage did not clean white sand.
seem particularly interested in what Señor “Where’d that sand come from?”
Oveja thought. He turned away. Monk queried curiously.
Girl-faced El Rabanos said in a low “From the moccasins of the dead
voice: Boat Face,” Doc told him, “Guess you were
“I am terribly sorry for my friend’s not around when I took it out.”
actions, Señor Savage.” Going to the door, Doc called: “Pat!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Doc said Patricia, alert, and prettier than ever,
wryly. entered. She gave Monk a gorgeous smile,
“But, Señor Savage, it is ungrateful apparently by way of thanking him for his
of him, I am sorry to say,” El Rabanos work in constructing the trick ivory block
insisted. “Those hombres on the schooner which had been responsible for their escape.

Monk reacted with the look of a deciding Patricia’s mission would have to be
homely cat which had just dined on the a mystery for the present.
canary. Doc had entered the cabin. On a
Patricia was by far the prettiest girl table, he spread the six sections which had
Monk had ever seen. He would have liked to been fitted together to form the ivory block.
stay and talk with her. A glance at Doc, At first glance, the inner surfaces of these
however, showed that the bronze man seemed merely carelessly carved. They were
wanted to be left alone with Patricia. a bit rough. However, when a magnifying
Monk ambled out, leaving the two glass was put on them, the roughness
together. assumed a definite form. It was possible to
Hardly more than a minute later, tell that the block held a cleverly carved relief
Patricia reappeared. She looked neither to map of the region around the cabin.
right nor left, but walked away, along the It was necessary to rearrange the
shore of the inlet. parts several times before Doc had them in
She was swallowed by the black their proper positions.
shadows which gorged the wilderness of “That’s it!” Renny said at last. Renny
brush. was looking over Doc’s shoulder. The big-
fisted fellow probably knew as much about
maps as any man. It was part of his
DOC Savage came out of the cabin engineering training.
and moved about in the darkness until he Doc ran the magnifying glass along
found Long Tom. the irregular line which indicated the shore on
“Take your listening device and climb the carving. It was not hard to find the
up on top of the cabin,” Doc directed the location of the entombed galleon.
electrical wizard. “Swing the thing in slow The spot was marked by a tiny,
circles. Report whatever you hear.” exquisitely carved skull. There was no other
Long Tom hastily complied. The peculiar mark on the map, which made it
microphone of his contrivance was so almost certain the skull identified the location
sensitive, and the amplifier so powerful, that of the galleon.
it would be almost impossible for any one to “The darn thing isn’t over a mile from
approach the cabin without being heard. here!” Renny boomed.
Long Tom hooked wires together, clicked Señor Oveja, his daughter, and El
switches, and thumbed dials. Instead of a Rabanos had not been parties to the
loud-speaker for listening, he used a head inspection of the insides of the ivory block.
set. This was more sensitive. Chancing to come into the room now, they
“Hey, Doc!” he called almost at once. observed what had been going on.
“I hear somebody already. It sounds like one “I demand that block!” Señor Oveja
person walking.” said angrily. “It is mine!”
“Is the person making three sharp “By what right?” Doc queried.
rapping sounds at frequent intervals?” Doc Señor Oveja sputtered indignantly.
asked. “Sounds such as would be made by “My ancestor—”
sticks beaten together?” “Your ancestor was a thief,” Doc said
Long Tom strained his ears. “Yes.” shortly. “The ivory block was admittedly not
“Then it’s Patricia,” Doc told him. “I his property. Nor was the galleon or its
gave her two pieces of wood, and told her to contents.”
beat them together three times every few Señor Oveja seemed about to
steps. Whenever you hear that, you’ll know explode. Before he could do that, Doc walked
it’s her. If you hear anybody else, though, fire away. The bronze man had the sections of
two shots in the air. That’s to warn Patricia to the ivory block in a pocket.
hide herself, or to hurry back.” “You fellows drift out in the brush,”
“What’s Patricia doing?” Long Tom Doc told Monk in a low voice. “I’ll join you a
asked. bit later. It’ll save trouble with Señor and
There was no answer from the Señorita Oveja and El Rabanos, if they do
bronze man. Long Tom looked over the cabin not know we are going. We’ll leave Long
roof. He could see no sign of Doc in the Tom here to watch them. Long Tom has to
moonlight. He returned to his listening, stay anyway, to protect Patricia with his

listening device. He has to give Pat warning if The men came to life as if lightning
any of our enemies come close, so she can had struck near by. They scrambled down
duck.” the steep slope toward the spot Doc’s voice
“We’re going to have a look at that had come from.
galleon?” Monk guessed in a hushed The bronze man stood beside a
whisper. waist-high pile of evergreen brush. The spot
“You have guessed it,” Doc told him. was in a cuplike depression. On all sides,
stone walls sloped up steeply.
The gaunt Johnny looked around
TWENTY minutes later, Ham was vacantly. He took off his glasses, put them
hissing peevishly at Monk, “Can’t you be back on again.
quiet, you missing link! You make more fuss “I don’t see anything,” he said.
than all the rest of us together!” Doc Savage grasped a limb which
This was hardly true. Ham had just projected near the bottom of the brush pile.
fallen down, making a considerable racket. He lifted it, and upset the entire pile.
Monk only sniffed. “Why don’t you The brush had covered a hole in the
throw that sword cane away, shyster? That’s steep slope of the hill—the mouth of a tunnel.
what you’re stumbling over.” It was perhaps three feet wide, four high.
The dapper Ham had retained his For a few feet, the tunnel penetrated
sword cane through the excitement. He had soft earth. For that distance, it was timbered.
lost it in the cabin when the gang seized him. The timbers were bright and new. In some
Upon escaping, his first act had been to find spots, twigs still clung to them. Leaves on
it. these were still green.
“You tripped me!” Ham growled. Beyond the timbering, the tunnel
“You big accident of nature—” dived into solid rock and sloped sharply
“Cut out the funnyboning, you culls!” downward. Its floor became a series of crude
Renny’s big voice boomed softly. “The dog- steps.
gone galleon should be around here some “This work was done a long, long
place!” time ago,” said Johnny. If any one was
The sloppy smack of waves began to qualified to judge the age of mankind’s
reach their ears. Each smack was followed handiwork, the gaunt archaeologist was. He
by a long flutter of falling spray. This could look at a goblet from an Egyptian tomb,
indicated the shore was a rock wall climbing and tell what Pharaoh drank out of it.
sheer from the water. “But the work at the entrance was
Like mountaineers, the men were very recent,” Monk muttered. “It hasn’t been
carrying a long rope. This was vitally done over a week or two, I’ll bet.”
necessary. The way they were traversing The steps ended. The tunnel
was incredibly rough. Deep gashes appeared traveled straight ahead for a few feet. It
underfoot with the unexpectedness of emptied then into what appeared to be a
crevasses in a glacier. subterranean room.
More than once, they had to lower a Doc snapped a long, glaring white
man over a lip of stone until he touched beam from his flashlight, and roved it slowly
bottom. Just as often, they had to remain at about.
the foot of a wall of stone while Doc Savage “Holy cow!” breathed Renny in awe-
climbed with the end of the rope, later to haul stricken tones.
them up. To Doc’s enormous strength, agility,
and sense of balance, the canyon walls
presented no great obstacles. Chapter XVIII
Eventually, Doc’s men sank on the THE SKELETON CREW
crest of a small ridge, panting. They rested
there. Doc had gone on ahead while they THE underground recess was not as
climbed. They presumed he was searching large as it had seemed at first. It was, in fact,
for the spot marked on the map within the hardly more than enough to contain the thing
ivory cube. it held.
“Here it is, men!” Doc called

The walls to the right were solid and Doc popped his light into the bole.
smooth—once a canyon side. To the left was There were more skeletons—five, six, seven
rock—cracked, distorted slide-in rock, but of them, this time. They were gray things,
solid for all of that. made utterly hideous by the mold which
A small rill of water crawled across covered them.
the sandy floor. It looked like a flow of molten It was indeed a macabre argosy, this
silver. ship from another age, with its crew of
The galleon had bulked big in front of skeletons.
their eyes. It had been blocked up on rocks Doc entered. He sank ankle-deep in
for a hull-scraping when disaster had the spongy timbers. It seemed inevitable that
overtaken it. The fact that it had been the whole ship would come down about his
blocked up had preserved it from dampness ears.
to a certain extent. But it was not exactly Going on, his light picked up objects
seaworthy. which bore a marked resemblance to the
Once the galleon might have been a brass-bound chests which historians write of.
gilded pride of the Spanish Main. No telling He dropped the glittering thread of light into
what colors had bedecked it. But it was gray one of these.
now—gray because of a repulsive mold “Empty!” Renny thundered. “The
which covered it like a carpet. treasure is gone!”
To the left of where Doc and his men
stood, a skeleton lay on a rock. It lay in a
curled position, like a slumbering dog. One of DOC Savage stepped swiftly to each
the hands, from which part of the finger of the chests in turn. He worked his way aft
bones had dropped, was over a gaping eye through a bulkhead. More of the chests were
socket, as if to keep out the light. there. He picked up a small circular piece of
“One of the galleon crew I guess,” metal and a green, glittering object which
said Renny. The big engineer’s enormous might have been colored glass—but wasn’t.
voice was a booming roar which assumed He carried the articles back and
ear-splitting proportions in the cavern showed them to his men.
confines. “A piece-of-eight, and a small
“Use your muffler!” Monk whispered. emerald!” Monk muttered. “That indicates
“You’ll shake this place down on us.” there was really a treasure here.”
Doc Savage turned. His flash beam, Ham punched angrily at a bulkhead
like a rod of white flame, impaled each of his with his sword cane. The cane sank part of
men in turn. In their eagerness, all four had its length in the soggy wood.
followed him into the tunnel. “It’s gone!” he snapped. “Who got it?”
The flash beam went to the sandy “You noticed those tracks,” Doc said.
floor. Tracks were there. Fresh tracks! The “They were made by feet shod in
imprints were those of moccasins! moccasins.”
Doc moved along the side of the Ham frowned. “You mean—Boat
galleon, his men trailing him. They passed Face?”
three more skeletons. Rusty streaks beside “Boat Face made the tracks,” Doc
the bone assemblies might once have been said. “Not only did the Indian have the ivory
blunderbusses or swords. cube, but he knew its significance. The gang
Several piles of rust along the cavern who was after it must have told him what it
wall hinted at cannons which must have been was. Probably they hired him to get it for
removed to lighten the galleon for careening. them. Then, when he double-crossed them,
Reaching out, Doc placed a finger they killed him.”
against the hull. With a little pressure, the “It looks like our job now is to find out
finger sank for half its length into the mold- where Boat Face put the treasure,” Renny
covered wood. The galleon was a pile of rot. grumbled.
Doc came to a halt. Before him in the “Maybe he didn’t take it out of here,”
hull of the galleon, a hole gaped. It was a Monk offered. “After all, this is as good a
fresh bole, and at least four feet square. It hiding place as any. Let’s look around.”
looked like it had been dug open with a Monk started for the stern. Doc was
spade. at his side. They passed through an aperture

which had been spaded in a molded “We know all about the gas!” said the
bulkhead. guttural voice which had spoken previously.
Doc suddenly dropped a hand on “I mean, Señor Savage, the gas which does
Monk’s shoulder. Monk’s gristled, apish its work while you hold your breath. Do not
frame weighed in the neighborhood of two try to use it. If the man who just came near
hundred and fifty pounds, but Doc’s hand you drops, we will begin shooting. Sabe?”
brought him up as sharply as if he had been Monk and Ham exchanged uneasy
a child. looks. They had forgotten their animosity.
“Back!” Doc rapped. Johnny and Renny stood perfectly still.
“Blazes! What’s wrong?” Monk had Each of Doc’s men carried one of the
wheeled, was diving back the way he had little supermachine guns under his coat. They
come as he asked the question. debated their chances of seizing the guns
Doc Savage made no answer. He and making a fight of it. The chances
was close behind Monk. Just before leaving seemed slim.
the compartment, he halted, half turned, and “Easy does it,” Doc said in an
popped his flashlight ahead. expressionless voice. “If we start fireworks,
The light disclosed a thin thread as we haven’t a chance.”
gray as the mold which covered every inch of “That is very sensible, hombres,”
the ancient galleon. The thread was about six said the voice above. “Each of you will
inches above the floor. remove his upper garments. Strip to the skin.
Wheeling, Doc followed Monk back Roll up your trousers legs to show no
to the others. They all stared at him, weapons are concealed beneath them. Turn
expecting an explanation. They were all a bit your trousers pockets inside out.”
on edge. This place they were in—a grave The speaker was not one of the ring
which covered a hideous ship and its of gunmen. He stood behind them, hidden
macabre crew of skeletons—had got under from view.
their skin somewhat. Doc and his four men stripped off
Doc did not explain. coats, shirts, and undershirts. Doc shed his
“Outside!” he said. remarkable vest. They rolled up trousers
They scrambled into the rock tunnel, legs, then turned pockets out.
mounted the steps, and stumbled out into the “Bueno!” said the masked man. “We
night. can now be sure that they have no weapons
The cup-shaped depression into left. Go, amigos, and seize them!”
which the tunnel mouth opened was fairly Men came sliding down the side of
deep. The moon was low in the sky. Its the depression.
beams did not penetrate to the depression Doc Savage had seen all of the gang
bottom. on other occasions. They were the kidnapers
“Whe-e-ew!” said Monk. “I’m glad to of Patricia Savage. Doc counted eleven of
get out of that place! What went wrong, them. That was the entire gang, except the
Doc?” leader.
“Plenty has gone wrong—for you, Their chief did not appear. He
amigos!” announced a guttural voice. remained above, unseen.
With that, several flashlights poked The men carried ropes. They began
white funnels down over the depression rim. tying the prisoners. One fellow’s rope was of
Doc and his men were wrapped in a white extraordinary length, and it was he who
glare of light. bound Doc Savage.
Squinting against glare, they could The ropes were not of hemp, but of
see men with guns on all sides of them. braided Cotton. They were very strong. The
men doing the knotting knew how it should
he done.
ONE of the encircling gang hastily Apparently, Doc submitted meekly to
left his fellows and darted down the side of the binding. But a close observer might have
the depression. His gait down the steep noticed that the cables of muscles on his
slope was a series of grotesque hops. He wrists were even larger than usual. Doc was
came to a stop about halfway down. holding the tendons tense. If he were tied
while they were thus, he had merely to relax

to get sufficient slack to shake off the binding “Isn’t his walk familiar?”
ropes. Monk considered, acting as if the
One of the swarthy gang had a individual they were discussing were not
canvas bag slung over a shoulder. From this, present.
he drew a bottle-shaped object of shiny “Ain’t able to tell, Doc,” he said.
metal. The neck was fitted with a valve. “You’ll have to spill it.”
“Now, I will give the hombres the “O. K.,” said Doc. “The bird is—”
same thing I gave Alex Savage!” growled the The masked man snarled. He
man. doubled and scooped up one of the tiny
From the same sack, which had held supermachine guns which Doc had been
the metal flask, the fellow withdrew two forced to drop. Leveling it, he shot Doc in his
fragments of rather floppy rubber. These unprotected chest.
were carved, rubber-stamp fashion. The
carving was that of a wolf with strangely
human features. These were obviously the Chapter XIX
stamps used to leave the weird werewolf THE KILLING DEAD
The gold flakes in Doc’s eyes DOC dropped. The tiny machine gun
seemed to have turned to a tawny frost. happened to be latched into single-shot
Here was the murderer of Alex position. That was fortunate. Even though the
Savage! gun was charged with mercy bullets, at that
“No!” called the unseen leader from short range a flood of the slugs would have
above. “Not the gas!” wrought fatal injury.
“We can leave them somewhere,” As it was, Doc took only one mercy
muttered the man with the gas flask. “No one bullet in the chest. The stupefying chemical
can tell but what they died of heart failure.” worked swiftly. Doc was probably asleep
“No! Not yet!” before he hit the ground.
Reluctantly, the swarthy man Monk and the others stared at their
replaced the metal gas bottle in the canvas bronze chief. They were dazed. Now that
bag container. they thought back, this was the first time they
Another dark man drew a knife. He could remember having seen Doc entirely
juggled the blade in a way which showed helpless.
remarkable dexterity. His manner indicated They themselves, being bound with
he was the knife-throwing expert of the rope which was beyond their strength to
group, and that he was proud of it. break, were powerless to aid their bronze
“Then I will dispose of them as I did chief.
Boat Face, amigos,” he smirked. “Bueno!” said the swarthy man who
Doc Savage said nothing, made no wielded knives. “Let us give him another
move. It was a bad sign, the frank way these bullet—a real bullet!”
fellows were speaking of past crimes. It The masked man shook his head
meant that they had little intention of Doc and slowly. “No, amigos! We will delay that.
his men living to bear witness—to tell a jury These men may have removed the treasure.
what they had heard. If so, we will have to make them lead us to
“No!” said the concealed chief. “No it.”
knife—yet!” The fellow stepped into the tunnel,
The hidden leader now showed his followers crowding eagerly after him.
himself. He came skidding down the slope. They were hungry for sight of this loot which
He was a tall man; little more than that could they had gone to such pains to get.
be seen of him. He wore a mask—a great None troubled to watch the
bandanna handkerchief which covered his prisoners. They were bound too tightly to
head as well as his features. escape, it seemed.
Doc Savage glanced at Monk. The last man vanished into the
“Do you know this fellow, Monk?” he tunnel.
asked dryly. Monk and the others wrenched at the
Monk squinted at the masked man. ropes. They tried to untie each other’s bonds
“Nope. Can’t recognize ‘em.

with their teeth. The task was not hopeless, The quaking of the earth stopped;
but it would take many minutes. the rumbling died. A few rocks galloped the
“We’ll never make it!” Johnny last of the distance down the slope. Then
groaned. there was silence.
Repeatedly, the men glanced at Doc. Renny used the exclamation he
They knew the bronze giant was a wizard as employed on such occasions.
an escape artist. These ropes, as vigorously “Holy cowl” he exploded. “What
as they had been tied, would hardly hold happened?”
Doc. But the metallic giant was a victim of the Doc Savage did not answer
mercy bullet. immediately. Instead, he twisted his arms
Or was he? into various positions. The great muscles that
The swarthy men had left a flashlight had been tense when he was bound had
stuck in the side of the depression. The relaxed now. The rope which had secured
beam of this played directly on Doc. The him fell away.
bronze man’s lids seemed to flutter—they did He started untying his friends,
flutter! making explanations as he worked.
“Doc!” Renny rumbled softly. “There was a thread stretched
Renny was incredulous. He knew the across one of the galleon cabins,” he said. “It
stupefying power of the mercy bullets; he had ran to a contact that was barely visible at one
not believed a man could recover from their side. The contact could have only one
effects in less than thirty minutes. purpose—it was connected to an electric
Hardly ten minutes had elapsed detonator for dynamite or gunpowder.”
since Doc collapsed. His recovery so soon “So that’s why you rushed us out of
was a tribute to his fine physical condition. the galleon!” Monk exclaimed.
Doc lay perfectly motionless for a Doc nodded. “There was a chance of
time. When finally he spoke, his voice was other contacts, better concealed, in other
unexcited. parts of the craft.”
“Where did they go?” “Boat Face’s work, huh?” Monk
“You mean the gang that grabbed guessed. “But why’d he do it?”
us—and the masked big shot?” Monk asked. “Boat Face evidently did it,” Doc
“Yes.” agreed. “He was the only visitor to the place
“They went into the tunnel.” before ourselves; his tracks prove that. He
With a tremendous, convulsive effort, must have known he was mixed up with bad
Doc gained his feet. The wound on his chest actors. Possibly he set the trap to get rid of
was small, merely a puncture which hardly them. He might have intended to give them
oozed crimson. the ivory block so that they would visit the
“They’ll be killed—at the galleon!” he galleon.”
rapped. “We may have time to get ‘em out Monk stared at the tunnel which had
before—” closed like a mouth.
“Boat Face did a great job—for a
dead man,” he said, “They’re all finished—
DOC’S words were still banging down below.”
through the surrounding night, when the Doc nodded. “No doubt of it.”
earth seemed to heave several inches Monk swung his gaze back to Doc.
underfoot. “Who was the masked guy, Doc?”
There was a tremendous, bellowing Doc started to answer, but held the
roar! It seemed to start deep in the earth, and words back when he heard a distant cry. The
gain and gain in volume. The ground vibrated sound was shrilly feminine, cutting through
as if it were about to fall to pieces! Boulders the night. Patricia Savage’s voice! She was
and gravel showered down the depression anxious as to the fate of the men.
sides! “They heard the explosion, and are
Out of the tunnel maw came a worrying about us!” Doc decided aloud,
dragon-breath spout of crimson fire. A gush instead of answering Monk’s question. “We’d
of yellow smoke followed it. Then the tunnel better let them know we’re safe.”
seemed to shut itself like a big mouth closing. Doc went to meet Patricia. He
encountered her within two hundred yards.

With the girl were Long Tom, ample Tiny, Doc Savage ignored him.
Señorita Oveja, and Señor Oveja. Somewhere behind, there was a low
Girl-faced El Rabanos was not with rumbling noise. A great boulder, loosened by
them. the underground explosion, had broken
Long Tom was excited. away. The noise was vast, as if the earth
“What happened?” he gulped. were being shaken.
“Where’s El Rabanos?” Monk The earth being shaken! That might
countered. have been a herald call of what the future
“Blasted if I know!” Long Tom held for this remarkable man of bronze and
retorted. “He disappeared, somehow, without his aids.
me hearing him with the listening device. The The Man Who Shook The Earth! He
only way he could have done it was to creep was to be their next foe. A master of
off at the same time you birds left—following ingenuity, of diabolic cunning, of
you. Your noise covered his footsteps.” ruthlessness! “The Man Who Shook The
“That explains how the gang found Earth” plotted against—not one individual, a
us,” Doc told Monk. city, a State, a nation—he sought to
Monk emitted a long whistle. “So the dominate the world!
guy in the mask was El Rabanos!” Mighty man of bronze Doc Savage
might be, with powers seemingly without
limit—but in “The Man Who Shook The
“THE master mind behind all this Earth,” he would find a foe more vicious and
violence was El Rabanos,” Doc agreed. clever than any he had as yet encountered.
“Eso hace temblar!” Señor Oveja Not knowing any of this, Doc Savage
moaned. “It is shocking! El Rabanos—my strode along in silence.
best friend! A double-crosser!” “What disposition will be made of the
“The same gentleman who ordered treasure,” Patricia asked. Then, lest motives
his men to throttle you on the train—using my be misunderstood, she added: “I don’t want
baggage straps,” Doc agreed. “Give him any.”
credit for a devilish mind! He covered himself “Nobody will get any,” Doc said dryly.
by making you think I was an enemy.” “Some of it came from the churches of old
“But the treasure!” exclaimed Monk. Panama City. That portion should be easily
“Where is it?” identified. It will be turned over to the church,
Doc Savage turned to Patricia. “I its rightful owner.”
showed you the sand from Boat Face’s He considered. “The rest will be
moccasins,” he said. “You said you knew of used to build public hospitals here in
a pool in a creek which had that kind of sand Canada, and to establish a trust fund to keep
in its bottom. You said you remembered them operating without charge to patients.
wading there. You went to examine it. What That is what we usually do with any money
did you find?” that comes our way.”
“The treasure,” Patricia said. “Boat “Wonder how much the stuff is
face had carried it out and sunk it. The stuff worth?” Monk pondered.
was in fairly deep water. It was in carrying it “Several millions at least,” Patricia
out to deep water that Boat Face got the said. “I know a little of jewels—enough to
sand in his moccasins.” guess at the value.”
From a pocket, she produced a thin Señor Oveja waved his arms
string of scintillating color. It was a bangle of excitedly and shrieked: “But what do I get out
emeralds strung on gold. of it?”
“Here’s a sample of the stuff.” “You,” Doc told him, “get the air.”
Señor Oveja stared at the bauble.
He suddenly forgot his grief over his friend’s
treachery. THE END
“I demand a share, amigos!” he said
aggressively. “At least three fourths of the

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