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It was late at night and the sky had turned dark. One could scarcely see in the dusk.

James was
making his way home from the pub. He'd had a good time drinking and laughing in the
company of his dear friends. But he had promised to be home by 3 am. And the time was close
at hand. By the time he was turning the corner, he caught a glimpse of something moving out
of the corner of his eye. He instantly and instinctively turned his head to face it and saw
nothing. "Must be in my head" was his first and only conclusion. He walked on, not looking
back. When he was approaching home, he saw a distinguished figure of an old man, walking
with the help of a cane, who was thinking out loud as walking down the street across from
where James was standing. " You need any help, Sir?" shouted James, in the hope the old man
would be able to hear him. He heard some mumbling and swear words, so he just let him go.
He must be raving, he thought to himself.

Standing in front of the front door, he heard another noise. This time coming from behind him.
He hesitated at first, but then turned around. Much to his surprise, there was nothing else
again. He was suspicious, so he started to creep along the garden, hoping to find something
that could have made such noise. Someone showed up by the house. It took a while for James
to recognize it was the very same old man to whom he had offered help a few minutes back.
"Can I help you, Sir?"

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