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STIW2044: Mobile Programming

Semester 181
School of Computing, CAS, UUM

Lab 2 – Project First Deliverable


1. Create your project with Splash Screen, Login, Registration, and MainPage Screen
2. Backend system (php/mysql only) must be stored on a public hosting
a. You can use for free hosting
b. Or share with your friend using paid hosting such as from
3. Working Login and Registration page.
4. Splash Screen – Login Screen – Registration/MainPage flow layout.

Save the following into word document

o Java classes file.
o activity_main.xml and layout blueprint
o PHP for each page operation.
o PHPMYADMIN database screen shot
o Interface output for each operation
Make sure the source code is readable and the interface screenshot is clear.

Save your word document and upload to:

 UUM Learning

Evaluation will be based on the following:

- Interface design (clean interface design and logical interface flow) - 2 Marks
- Class files (correct code notation and error free) - 3 Marks
- Completion of Program (successfully execute all requirements) - 5 Marks
- Input-process-output flow (logical process flow) - 2 Marks
- PHP/MYSQL codes – 2 Marks

Late submission will be not accepted, tolerated and given 0.

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