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Wrong Color

Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for the delivery of her new chair. But the
delivery man brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green called the store manager.

"I ordered a brown chair," she said, "not green!"

"Don't be angry," said the manager. "We all make mistakes, don't we?"

"Some people make bigger mistakes than others!" Ms. Green answered.

The manager found her order.

"Ha," he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green chair and got your chair
instead. Isn't that funny?"

"No, it isn't. I want my chair. I paid enough money for it," said Ms. Green. "Come to the store
now and get a different chair," he said.

But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was already closed.
A handsome young man was also there.

"I'm late," he said. "Now I have to wait until tomorrow for my green chair."
"Are you Mr. Brown?" she asked. "Yes, but ... "

"I can help you with your chair," said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that day.

Dieters Are Feeling Great!

Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her "Fit Feels Great" diet book three
months ago. Thousands of people are already losing weight. "They feel wonderful! This diet is
healthy and safe. You don't need to buy special foods. Anyone can use my diet!"

David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman. He's doing the "Fit Feels Great" diet. "Before, I only
ate a piece of cake for breakfast. Now I understand that breakfast is the most important meal of
the day. The body needs energy after a long night without any food," he explains. Mr. Meals
now eats some bread and some fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast.

Rock singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too, and she feels terrific. Now, she never eats fried
foods. She eats a lot of turkey and chicken; they have less fat than ham and steak. Maxi also
doesn't use much salt. "I look ten years younger, don't I?" the superstar says.

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