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8 V May 2020
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

A survey on Image Musicalization using Image

Emotion Analysis
Soorya Vinod1, Swathi Uttarkar2, Umme Kulsum3, Mansi R Setty4, Prof. Prasad AM 5
1, 2, 3, 4
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

Abstract: In this survey paper, we summarize various other papers and as a result of these reviews we propose a project with the
most suitable paper that gives methodologies to musicalize images based on their emotions. We choose our base paper which
proposes to extract visual features, inspired by principle-ofart, to recognize image emotions. We musicalize the images by
comparing these emotions to the emotions extracted by music data. The final part deals with what to do with this converted music
data where we address network security involving the study of Encryption and Decryption of the music data so generated.

Conversion of image data to musical/audio data has applications in a variety of fields, ranging from sensing augmentation, helping
visually impaired in analyzing pictures, network security and multimedia applications. In the proceeding paragraphs, we review
some of the most relevant contributions for the same.
Some of the papers have methods and algorithms for the same which are tested practically over a variety of data sets, and we
conclude by the end of this paper, which method is the most appropriate to be used and why. We also review papers that talk about
optimization of these algorithms and the input data set.
Since we use the converted musicalized image data in the network security space, we see methodologies for doing so and also to
convert the music back to its original form at the decryption end.
Following sections have a brief review of literature about Image Musicalization using image emotion analysis:

A. This paper introduces a first-time approach for conversion of image data to sound. In this approach from the input image data it
considers the music parameters pitch and rhythm in order to translate images to sounds. This paper uses the methods like
Auditory Perception which provisions mapping data to specific dimensions of sound. But it is not suitable for complex
parameters of music as this method uses only the parameters such as loudness, pitch, intensity, tone etc. The other method is the
voice print technique. In this method, the user is trained for the outcomes and the non - trained users were unable to relate to the
produced sound. The proposed method in the paper uses the parameters such as rhythm and pitch of transformation image to
sound. It supports various instruments like piano, guitar and trumpet.
B. This paper talks about a method for producing an optimized and resized version of the input image. It deals with searching for
the most aesthetic part of an image and cropping accordingly using various guidelines of aesthetic images which are rule of
thirds, Diagonal dominance and Visual balance. Here, computationally the rule of thirds, Diagonal dominance and Visual
Balance scores are calculated and an aesthetic score function is generated as the combination of these three scores. The score
generated is then used to optimize the image using a method called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The objective of
referring this paper is that it helps in refining the input image data in our project to a standard quality before converting it to
sound as it helps in maintaining uniformity in the input data.
C. In the paper, we talk about the relationship between visual arts and music. With the increasing amount and interest in
sonification techniques and image processing techniques using machine learning, it is now a real possibility to transcribe visual
experiences into appropriate auditory experiences. The use of these advances in technology, however, has been focused on the
general sonification of images and increased accessibility through short sound feedback. On that basis, we decided to design a
sonification algorithm designed to transcribe visual artworks and communicate its wider cognitive and emotional meaning
appropriately, with the goal of setting guidelines for the sonification of artworks based on their characteristics.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

To compose and differentiate sound outputs for different artworks, the sonification algorithm would use mapping strategies between
a variety of visual and musical parameters (Table 1).
Data processing techniques, including shape detection and sentiment analysis machine learning algorithms, would add further
accuracy to the sonification program following the proposed experiments. Future tests and implementation for art galleries would be
evaluated using the completed algorithm, which should achieve the goals set at the beginning of the project.

D. In this paper, the authors try to summarize different types of methods for mapping different dimensional images to sound. They
collectively find out various methods for sonification. Methods like query based which ask the user for information about
images, tour based methods which has previously routed the information of the images for the model. They use parameters like
paths which is like a pipeline which defines the order of the information of images using path points, spans which define the
boundary or the neighborhood for the points to depict the data from. There are many other parameters which support these
models and different types of paths to identify the images. This information collected about images are mapped or connected to
sounds via functions. Then they create a prototype system for this information collected by the model. So, this paper mainly
deals with finding different methods of sonification and its journey.
E. This paper presents a unique method of sonifying various graphic objects, such as color pictures, based on an approach that is a
combination sound communication with speech. A special color model is introduced in the paper, which supports this approach.
The color model introduced has properties that can be used in a convenient way to make the graphical information available for

The semantic color model offers an effective basis for complex graphic object sonification. The client has a limited set of common
primary colors to work with. There are only two primary colors presenting any color.
Such properties make the system interesting and convenient for both the sound and verbal modes of information delivery.
Obviously, the different arrangements of these features are not invariant. To describe specific semantics and emotions the elements
must be carefully arranged and constructed into meaningful regions and images. The rules, techniques or instructions for the
arrangement and orchestration of art elements in a work of art are known as the principles of art. Hence our base paper includes
principles of art.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

F. In this paper image is represented using audio sound series. Initially the image input is represented in an array of 4 rows and
columns. For every sound element assign intensity and an audio. The audio is assigned to position of sound element. From
these elements image intensity is computed. Audio for the element is the audio for element being played at that computed
intensity. On merging 16 audios generated for the elements the audio for image is obtained. One finding says that mostly more
sound is generated from images which is impossible for a person to detect minute differences among audios when more noise is
present. This can be brought down by constraining the generated amount of noise. This leads to a less noisy result.
The below figure shows representation of octaves, notes for the divisions of sound element for the image.

G. In this paper, it is mentioned and explored how the roundness and complexity of shapes are the two important factors to
understand an image’s emotions. According to this paper, valence, arousal and dominance are the three dimensions that affect
any image and these three dimensions have been defined accordingly. SVM regression with RBF kernel is used to model the
valence- arousal values and it is found from the MSE values that visual shapes provide use in understanding valence instead of
color, texture and composition. Line segments, angles, orientation, continuous lines, curves are the shape parameters used in
this paper to capture emotion. The paper also stresses on why and how the IAPS dataset is important to use in this process.
H. This paper on music emotion recognition, talks on how the regression technique is better than Arousal-Valence modelling,
Fuzzy Approach and System Identification Approach of detecting music emotions. The graph depicts a valence arousal plane
with various emotions which holds true for music as well as images. The second half of our project is feature extraction from
the music dataset and feeding music emotions, which are then used to compare to the image emotions and hence produce the
final output of music for the respective image. The approach mentioned in this paper produces near accurate detection of music
emotions which forms the music subsystem of our project.
I. In this paper the design of the SUM tool, a graphical user interface software library inside PWGL's computer-aided
composition environment, aimed at image and sound integration. It allows image and sound to be integrated via a graphical
interface. It offers a greater temporary technique to spatial composition via sonification – facts representation thru auditory
manner. SUM believes in a multi-dimensional spatiotemporal technique to sonification, which distinguishes it from other
strategies like sonart. One of the excellent applications of the sum tool is image sonification, the sum tool helps the sonification
of any shade-coded picture with its image-based input and user-defined mapping. Which means that it's miles feasible to sonify
any bitmap photograph in step with its personal color key. Picture and sound integration in more than one spatial and temporal
dimensions are supported through the sum tool. As seen in this paper, we can use it to jot down and perform a multi-
dimensional visible musical score from many perspectives. Sum's flexible structure typically lets in audiovisible representation
of more than one such relationships, from an urban gadget to a musical rating.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

J. In this paper, the concept of musical vision is introduced, a gadget that makes use of the music to symbolize a pixel-based

Musical vision is an extremely flexible, sonifying device that converts colored pictures into periodic sounds by imitating the human
eye in terms of their subject of vision. MV can code any color into music in preference to codifying a confined range of colors or
hues. Furthermore, flexibility is the main strength in this proposal. MV allows more than one aspect of preprocessing image data
and music rendering techniques to be configured.

Almost every aspect of sonification is controlled by the Musical Vision user. The consumer of musical vision, as referred to above,
has an excessive level of manipulate of the sonification parameters, however the versatility of the machine makes it usable for
specific purposes of image sonification. This makes it possible, relying on the want for photo definition fidelity, to render melodies
of very one-of-a-kind length and complexity.

K. In this paper, focus is on prediction of the probability distribution of categorical image emotions and the experiments that are
carried out, demonstrate the superiority of categorizing images using principles-of-art over state-of-the-art approaches. There
are two emotion representation models- CES and DES of which prediction in CES form is highlighted here. They have
introduced three baselines and then one main algorithm to predict image emotions. Global weighting, K-nearest Neighbor
Weighting and SoftMax Regression are the three baseline models and Shared Sparse Learning is the algorithm used which is
iteratively reweighted least squares to get the optimized result.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 2132

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

L. This paper introduces us to the two emotion representation models and the principles of art approach which shall be used by us
for the development of our project. On research of most recent work on image emotion analysis uses “visual features based on
elements of art” (EAEF). But these lowlevel elements have weak link to emotions i.e., it is said to be vulnerable. It is also not
invariant to different arrangement of elements. This results in poor performance for emotion recognition for the given image.
As low-level features include color, space, value, texture, line space and form, these low-level features are not capable of
representing high level emotions. Therefore, we prefer PAEF (principles of art-based emotion features). They include the
parameters like emphasis, balance, harmony, movement, gradation and variety. They are more semantic than EAEF and also
that symmetry and variety are human understandable when compared to texture and line. PAEF effectiveness is evaluated by
two ways namely AIC and Emotion score prediction. AIC depends on emotion category such that various combinations of
principles express various emotions. In Affective image classification balance and harmony positive emotions often whereas
variety and emphasis classify all 8 categories of emotions. Therefore, the results of experiments on AIC have demonstrated that
the PAEF has superior performance.
M. In this paper, they use the emotions or the feelings of the visuals or images to collect data from them to convert them later into
sound or music as a form of security encryption or for visually impaired people to get to know the visuals in depth.

They use emotion based models to categorically collect graphical image information or by using regression machine learning
techniques. They collect certain parameter which not stable to changes as the image are at a stable state, for videos they collect
information which can change as we can select the music accordingly.
They use parameters like balance, hue , contrast, etc for measuring the images.
They use different datasets for music and different dataset for images which have pre defined parameters in them. They compare
these two collections based on the similarity levels to conclude which music is apt for which image.
They used human intervention to know the comaprisons as they told humans to select music for the images at first. Based on this
huge data, they regressed the model. They then selected random image for which the model gave the apt music which had most
similarities with.
As emotions of the images are unique to the images, they selected this method. As a result, it turned to be very efficient compared to
the primitive methods used in previous papers.

N. This paper proposes a method for encryption of sound/audio signals which is a secured mode for transferring of audio using
encryption. This combats the unintended users who then cannot decode user’s confidential and precious data. Data is scrambled
on encryption and then a secret message is produced which is then read or can also be decrypted by a password or a key. Here
we use diffusion and confusion principles to produce the encoded data. Confusion is making bond between encrypted output
and the key as complex as possible whereas diffusion is that many of the characters of cipher-audio changes if single character
of plain-audio is changed which is the input. Cryptography is implemented using hashing algorithm. This is one of the most
secured hash functions. DWT is used together with Inverse DWT. These increases time efficiency. For efficiency and security,
hashing and encryption are two frequently used terms. Plain audio is the input for hash function here and then alphanumeric
string of constant size (called a message digest or hash value) is generated. Then encryption is performed on music file that is to
be stored initially in LX2 matrix form. Then we perform confusion and diffusion to make sure that the audio is not vulnerable.
To improve timing efficiency, both the mentioned methods are included with decryption and encryption. Later we analyze key
using statistical analysis such as peak sound to noise ratio, correlation analysis and histogram. The data distribution for matrix
of plain audio is as shown.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

Histogram of original audio.

The below shown figure says that data is uniform and closer which says it is a good encryption and that distributions that are closely
packed are hard to be decrypted without the external keys.

We choose [13] as our reference base paper as they use regression and classification techniques instead of just color-based
classification technique to extract emotion from the images, as emotions depict better understanding of images rather than just
colors and lines as they are invariant to changes.
Also, the paper has many advantages over other papers like:
First, the method proposed exceeds performance compared to the other two methods as it considers the prediction over average
Secondly, the music data chosen in this method is far better than the ones selected randomly for Image Musicalization.
Finally, the method hence proposed has better performance and efficiency for the images with strong emotions and Humans

Histogram for encrypted audio. can pick up the images with less emotions, as emotions are subjective. All these reasons summarize
why we find this paper as the best reference to go ahead with our project.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at

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