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Q1. Prove that if two lines intersect each other, then the vertically opposite angles are equal.

Q2. In Fig., ray OS stands on a line POQ. Ray OR and ray OT are angle bisectors of ∠ POS and ∠
SOQ, respectively. If ∠ POS = x, find ∠ ROT.

Q3. In Fig. , if PQ || RS, ∠ MXQ = 135° and ∠ MYR = 40°, find ∠ XMY

Q4. State and prove the Angle Sum Property of a triangle.

Q5. In Fig. , the side QR of ∆ PQR is produced to a point S. If the bisectors of ∠ PQR and ∠ PRS meet at point
T, then prove that ∠ QTR = 1/2 ∠ QPR.

Q6. An angle is 5 times its supplement. Find both the angles.

Q7. AB is a line segment and P is its mid-point. D and E are points on the
same side of AB such that ∠ BAD = ∠ ABE and ∠ EPA = ∠ DPB (see Fig.).
Show that: (i) Δ DAP ≅ Δ EBP (ii) AD = BE
Q8. BE and CF are two equal altitudes of a triangle ABC. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that the triangle
ABC is isosceles.

Q9. D is a point on side BC of Δ ABC such that AD = AC (see Fig.). Show that AB > AD.

Q10. ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC (see Fig.). Show that ∠ ABD = ∠ ACD.

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