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Zombies (actually all entities), sleeping or awake, can see, hear, and smell you.
Hearing and smelling work similar.

If a zombie sees you, you become "hunted".

If you are "hunted" and disappear out of sight (stepping into a very dark place
where the zombie can not see you)
you immediately lose the "hunted" status.

The zombie will still continue moving to your last known *location* for 30 seconds.

The light level of your environment matters.

If you stand in the shadows and move slowly or not at all you are harder to see. A
zombie would have to get closer before it can see you.

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Movement and stance affect how easy you are to see.

Hardcoded. Search "player.MovementState > 1" for constants.

0.5 crouching and standing still

1.25 crouching and walking
1.5 crouching and running
1.5 standing and walking
2.0 standing and running

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Item Light Properties (items.xml)

What if you are holding a torch?

Items have a <property name="LightValue" value="0.98" />

When the object is held it increases your light level by that much.
Max is 1 which means 100% or a value of 100 on the debug UI.
On a gun with attached flashlight this is added only while the light is
turned on.

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How does cover work?

There is no complex concept of cover. Vision is either completely blocked by

an object or not.

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AWAKE Zombie Properties (entityclasses.xml)

* SightRange="distance in meters" : The absolute max range that a zombie can see
Not randomised itself but used to LERP the *required* light levels
for detection at the current distance. (math speak, look it up)

* SightLightThreshold="MinRangeLight,MaxRangeLight" : defines how well lit you have

to be for the zombie to see you.
2 constants for this entity class. Not randomised.
At the zombies furthest sight distance, any player who is brighter than
MaxLight will be seen.
At 0 distance from the zombie any player that is brighter than MinLight will
be seen.
While not random *per* zombie, the constantly shifting distance and light
with multiple zombies make it playable.
Used only in the "ApproachAndAttackTarget" AI task.

* NoiseAlertThreshold="volume"
* SmellAlertThreshold="smell value"
If the total sum of the sounds or smells near a zombie exceeds it's value
then the zombie will be alerted to this *location* and go to investigate.

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SLEEPER Zombie Sight Properties (entityclasses.xml)

* SightRange : see above

* SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin="min,max" : One number is rolled for this

individual zombie inside the min,max range.
* SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax="min,max" : One number is rolled for this
individual zombie inside the min,max range.
The two numbers are the "I see you" light value at point blank and

The zombie's "SleeperWakeupSightDetection" LERPs between these 2 values

depending on distance.
Your "Player Light Value" is constantly adjusted by light level and stance.
If your current number is higher than the zombie's current
and it can see you... the zombie wakes up.

* SleeperSenseSightDetectionMin="min,max" : One number is rolled for this

individual zombie inside the min,max range.
* SleeperSenseSightDetectionMax="min,max" :
Similar to above. Determines the "Player Light Value" at which the zombie
stir and groan, warning you that it might wake up if you get any closer.

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Zombies and Sound - More than grunting and groaning!

Each sound is a discrete and local event, defined in sounds.xml.

A zombie does not hear *you* making the sound. It hears a sound occurring at your

Sounds can and typically will have a duration.

Since they do, sounds can stack.

So you have a sound that lasts 10 second with a Noise Volume of 50.
3 seconds after generating the sound, you do it again. Now for the next 7 seconds
you have 2 sounds originating from your location, stacking to a Noise of 100.

So the sound and smell "volumes" of such individual events overlap.

If the total noise of multiple events ends up alerting the zombie, *which* specific
sound/smell location is the zombie going after?
The one with the highest value?
In most cases it will be the player but with distractions etc...

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Sound Properties (sounds.xml)

<SoundDataNode name="44magnum_fire">
<Noise range="70" volume="50" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.5" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

* range : Distance in meters at which zombies can hear this sound. There is no
scaling for range. Sounds have their full noise volume at max range.
* volume : The noise has a value of this many "points". A volume 120 sound wakes
up a zombie with 90 SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold.
* time : The "noise volume" created by this sound will be active for this many
seconds. Noise volumes can stack.
* muffled_when_crouched : This multiplies both the range and the noise volume of
the sound.
* heat_map_strength : how much heat the event contributes to the chunk's heat
* heat_map_time : the time in seconds it takes for the heat to dissipate.
Dissipation is not modeled, it's instant off after the time.

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Item Smell Properties (items.xml)

How does an item GET a smell value? What is the syntax for that?

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SLEEPER Zombie Sound Properties (entityclasses.xml)

These thresholds are the zombie's ability to hear.

If the sound is in range and louder than SleeperNoiseXxxxxxThreshold, the zombie
hears it and groans... or wakes up.

* SleeperNoiseSenseThreshold="min,max" : One number is rolled for this individual

zombie inside the min,max range.
At this sound noise level a sleeping zombie stirs and groans.

* SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold="min,max" : One number is rolled for this individual

zombie inside the min,max range.
At this sound noise level a sleeping zombie wakes up.

Keep in mind that sounds have a duration. The sound that made the zombie wake up
will still be there for it to notice after it woke up.

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SLEEPER Zombie Smell Properties (entityclasses.xml)

* SleeperSmellSenseThreshold="min,max" : One number is rolled for this individual

zombie inside the min,max range.
At this player smell level a sleeping zombie stirs and groans.

* SoundSleeperSenseChance=".5" : Random chance to play "SoundSleeperSense" when

"SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" is triggered.

* SleeperSmellWakeThreshold="min,max" : One number is rolled for this individual

zombie inside the min,max range.
At this player smell level a sleeping zombie wakes up.

If the total sum of the smells near a zombie exceeds it's value, the zombie will be
alerted to this "location" and go to investigate.

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Sleeper / Stealth Debug info (F3)

F3 will show sleeper data above sleeper zombies.

It shows 3 things above their head. They are all based on your current distance
from the zombie:
Wake, Groan, Dist
Wake and Groan are your "Player light levels" that will trigger those actions and
are affected by your current distance.

If Wake says 100 and your lighting level is 110, the zombie would see you and start
getting up.

F3 also has a panel on it that shows your light level and stealth light level.
Stealth is your lighting level after being affected by your stance and motion.

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<SoundDataNode name="Pistol_Fire"> <AudioSource
name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="25" volume="15" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />
<SoundDataNode name="44magnum_fire"> <AudioSource
name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="55" volume="50" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

<SoundDataNode name="pump_shotgun_fire"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="50" volume="40" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

<SoundDataNode name="ak47_fire_start"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="60" volume="60" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

<SoundDataNode name="hunting_rifle_fire"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="60" volume="60" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

<SoundDataNode name="sniperrifle_fire"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="60" volume="60" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

<SoundDataNode name="mp5_fire_start"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="10" volume="5" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.15" heat_map_time="6" />

<SoundDataNode name="m136_fire"> <AudioSource

name="Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire"/> <NetworkAudioSource
<Noise range="35" volume="25" time="2" muffled_when_crouched="0.9" prio="1"
heat_map_strength="0.3" heat_map_time="120" />

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