HKR Vocab Quiz 1 Gastrology 22 Words PDF

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HKR Vocab Quiz 1 Gastrology 22 words

1. study of the stomoch

2. the trunk of the human body
3. 췌장,이자 An organs in the abdominal cavity with two roles.
The first is an exocrine role: to produce digestive enzymes and
bicarbonate, which are delivered to the small intestine via the
pancreatic duct. The second is an endocrine role: to secrete
insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream to help regulate blood
glucose levels.
4. A muscular sac attached to the liver that secretes bile and
stores it until needed for digestion
5. produces bile
6. Catalysts for chemical reactions in living things
7. membrane that holds small intestine to abdominal wall
8. The fluid released when the mouth waters that plays an
important role in both mechanical and chemical digestion
9. A soft mass of chewed food.
10. A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
11. Melt, Make a solution out of, or turn into a liquid
12. A substance produced by the liver that breaks up fat
13. mixture of enzymes and partially-digested food
14. The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the
wall of the digestive system into the blood
15. to break down into constituent parts; dissect; dismantle
16. the starches and sugars present in foods
17. Tiny finger-shaped structures that cover the inner surface
of the small intestine and provide a large surface area through
which digested food is absorbed
18. large intestine
19. feces
20. the tube along which food passes after it has been through
the stomach, especially the end where waste is collected before
it is passed out of the body
21. Fluid wastes removed from the body by the kidneys
22. frequent passage of loose, watery stools

gastrology bolus bile deconstruct stool diarrhea pancreas mesentery absorption

carbohydrate bowel gallbladder torso enzyme saliva esophagus dissolve colon chyme
urine liver villi

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