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Ingles unit 2

Datos de identificación

Nombre del Módulo: Ingles
Nombre de la Evidencia: Homework unit 2

Fecha de elaboración: 11/11/2017

Nombre del asesor:

Write 5 sentences with Apostrophe + S

1. This is Antonio's homework

2. Those are the operators' gloves.
3. These are the Hugo's toll.
4. Those are Adcoles' cards
5. This is Luis' computer

Write 10 sentences with the verb " To have"

1. I have an hungry
2. You have a personal problems
3. We have a football match tomorrow
4. They have a good team.
5. Hugo has the key to the office.
6. My wife a lot of clothes and shoes.
7. It has a computer with Autocad.
8. I have an allergy it this time.
9. Luis has new hearing aids
10. My wife has a new bicycle.

Write 10 Sentences with "there is/are + preposition On/at/in (deben haber enunciados afirmativos,
negativos e interrogativos)

1. There is my office.
2. There is the dog on the chair.
3. There are two equal part serial numbers!
4. There are not any records of the pieces.
5. There is not any room available for the course
6. There is not any water in the colony.
7. ¿Why is there not record of the piece?
8. ¿Are there few places to go out on the weekend?
9. ¿Is there a dog in the room?
10. There is the money.

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