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Water conservation and energy conservation are related to each other.

To generate electricity it needs

the quantity of water: steam to power the turbines and water for the cooling waters and control devices
for pollution. Likewise, it proceeds a considerable amount of energy to produce clean energy and treat
the wastewater: electricity for pumps, blowers, compressors, mixers, centrifuges, and ozone and
ultraviolet generators (Warmer, 2018).

Many tradition related to the energy efficiency measures also have the benefit of the water
conservation. For system of boiler steam, eliminating leaks, repairing the failed steam traps, and
returning condensate will result in savings the water and natural gas. For cooling systems, optimizing the
cooling tower operations will result in saving the water and electricity. This article helps to summarize
the selection of efficiency projects that we have assessed, describing the the implications of natural gas,
electricity, and saving the water.

According to Algburi (2016), one of the many ways we can get electricity is through hydroelectric power
generation. It works to harvest energy of moving water by going through the turbine converting the
energy to mechanical energy. Then the mechanical energy is converted to electricity. The flow of water
and pressure head must be known in order to choose the appropriate generator. Hydropower on a
small scale is also considered as one of the most cost effective energy techniques. . He stated that the
development of hydro-electricity was associated with the building of large dams which if not properly
use could result to destruction of human habitat.

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