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Vocabulary Test

1) However incredible we may now find it,

engineers did not ---- welcome the idea of a
general purpose microchip.

A) instantly
B) urgently
C) crudely
D) scarcely
E) reliably

2) In the life sciences, biologists need to be

more aware of the ---- between science and

A) approach
B) departure
C) complexity
D) extremity
E) gap

3) The theory is interesting enough, but is it --


A) solvable
B) expressive
C) intensive
D) coherent
E) resistant

4) His efforts to ---- the threat of global

warming with new forms of energy have
been much appreciated.

A) excuse
B) counter
C) pursue
D) uphold
E) deliver

5) In England, the general public’s ---- of

medical advice from the government stems
from the fact that, in the past such
information has often proved vastly

A) approval
B) inadequacy
C) mistrust
D) distraction
E) preference

6) Many researchers now focus on poverty

and poor education as explanations for ----

A) probable
B) intense
C) preventive
D) occasional
E) excess

Vocabulary Test

7) Heart disease, stroke and lung cancer ----

constitute 35 per cent of all deaths in the

A) together
B) readily
C) exactly
D) fairly
E) well

8) Controlled diet studies ---- that saturated fat

increases cholesterol levels.

A) prescribed
B) confirmed
C) disturbed
D) regretted
E) deduced

9) The Maastricht Treaty, which laid down the

rules for euro membership, says that
governments may not have budget ---- of
more than 3% of their GDP.

A) deficits
B) restrictions
C) rates
D) allocations
E) assets

10) The European Commission is opposed to

any ----change in current banking practices.

A) reluctant
B) emotional
C) relentless
D) crucial
E) resentful

11) For the information systems to work

properly, you need to ---- the technology to
suit the situation.

A) convince
B) adjust
C) reduce
D) sustain
E) explain

Vocabulary Test

12) Though it is fashionable to denounce

negative campaigning, every political
expert knows it can be ---- effective.

A) defiantly
B) suitably
C) extremely
D) sensitively
E) lately

13) Copper is replacing aluminium in the metal

interconnections on some chips to improve

A) creativity
B) credibility
C) sustainability
D) conductivity
E) respectability

14) It is hoped that these ---- projects will lead

to a better understanding of typhoons and
improve short-term weather forecasting.

A) defensive
B) excessive
C) comprehensive
D) regrettable
E) forceful

15) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if science and

scientists were taken more ---- in the
political process?

A) sullenly
B) seriously
C) satisfactorily
D) ingeniously
E) pretentiously

16) The Sun’s gravitational pull on the moon is

more than twice that ---- by the Earth.

A) attempted
B) undertaken
C) magnified
D) replaced
E) exerted

Vocabulary Test

17) The ---- of wasting in people with AIDS is

similar to that seen in people who die from

A) degree
B) solution
C) cure
D) reversal
E) relief

18) Only a few foods supply ---- amounts of

vitamin D, notably those derived from

A) decisive
B) significant
C) compulsive
D) previous
E) alien

19) By protecting the global community

frominfection before it strikes, one can ----
savemillions of lives.

A) precisely
B) crucially
C) potentially
D) preferably
E) forcefully

20) Normal dietary iron intake cannot usually --

-- for iron loss from chronic bleeding.

A) compensate
B) account
C) request
D) ensure
E) exchange

21) The laws concerning the breeding of

animals for research could turn out to be to
the ---- of medical research.

A) admission
B) detriment
C) exclusion
D) preference
E) cohesion

22) At present, interest rates are comparatively

---- ;let‘s hope they remain that way.

A) frequent
B) uneasy
C) consecutive
D) comprehensive
E) steady

Vocabulary Test

23) In some parts of Western Europe, ---- in

France, Denmark and Sweden, cohabitation
has become almost as common as

A) completely
B) deceptively
C) notably
D) voluntarily
E) relatively

24) What are some of the things that

differentially affect siblings and help ----
their success or failure?

A) pursue
B) recognize
C) recreate
D) determine
E) reinstate

25) A strong ---- exists between a country‘s

wealth and the freedom afforded its

A) coincidence
B) correlation
C) consideration
D) determination
E) interpretation

26) Satellite television transmission now

makes it ---- for us to watch events as they
unfold in other countries.

A) worldwide
B) substantial
C) aware
D) commonplace
E) liable

27) Latin American countries on average

export only about 10 per cent of their
products to other Latin American countries
but ---- 20 per cent of them to the US.

A) almost
B) fairly
C) respectively
D) initially
E) extensively

Vocabulary Test

28) Until the sixteenth century, when the first

international postal agreement was ----,
there was no postal system as we know it

A) assigned
B) maintained
C) enacted
D) seized
E) conducted

29) In the 1990s the Belgian government was

involved in numerous scandals that
contaminated it with a reputation for
incompetence and ----.

A) participation
B) despair
C) corruption
D) dislike
E) certainty

30) Queen Mary’s attempts to restore

Catholicism to England during her reign
(1553-1558) resulted in---- turmoil and much

A) internal
B) reasonable
C) stable
D) arrogant
E) versatile

31) In spite of the widespread effects of

Christianity on the Anglo-Saxons, they
clung ---- to many of the superstitions and
customs from their pagan past.

A) hardly
B) firmly
C) rapidly
D) fairly
E) urgently

32) In 1968, Bermuda, which used to be a

British colony, was ---- a new constitution
and autonomy except for foreign relations,
defence and internal security.

A) leased
B) exploited
C) appropriated
D) granted
E) abolished

Vocabulary Test

33) Volcanoes are built by the ---- of their own

eruptive products, which are lava, ash
flows, airborne ash and dust.

A) accumulation
B) destruction
C) explosion
D) instability
E) growth

34) China and India serve as models for Africa

because their experiences hold lessons for
countries on how to manage ---- economic
and political transformation.

A) deceitful
B) persuasive
C) accessible
D) irregular
E) gradual

35) In the largely closed economies of the Gulf,

private as well as public funds have ----
turned to real estate and equity markets,
fuelling a dangerous speculative boom.

A) unlikely
B) nominally
C) rapidly
D) still
E) tightly

36) Certain nations have ---- the use of prenatal

diagnostic techniques to select the sex of
an unborn child; but, bribery and human
ingenuity have made it easy for prospective
parents to bypass the statute.

A) removed
B) outlawed
C) explored
D) sustained
E) retained

37) Anthony Powell, the contemporary British

novelist, shows in his writing great
familiarity with the work of Proust while
avoiding much direct ---- to him.

A) interest
B) dependence
C) quotation
D) reference
E) obsession

Vocabulary Test

38) Despite its small population and ----

remoteness, Australia occupies a powerful
position in global science in general and
life science in particular.

A) ultimate
B) sizeable
C) relative
D) extensive
E) recurrent

39) The Allied bombing campaign against

Germany in World War II exacted terrible
damage on the country‘s factories,
transportation network, population, and ----
very limited fuel-production capacity.

A) already
B) solely
C) immediately
D) inadequately
E) rightly

40) Soccer‘s many creative possibilities ---- in

part from its being played on such a large

A) entail
B) consist
C) conclude
D) claim
E) derive

41) The genetic fingerprinting technique, which

was developed in the UK and is now used
as a ---- of legal identification, determines
the pattern of certain parts of the genetic
material DNA that is unique to each

A) benefit
B) structure
C) sufficiency
D) combination
E) means

42) In Existentialism, it is argued that people

are responsible for, and the ---- judge of,
their actions.

A) expansive
B) sole
C) previous
D) irresistible
E) prevalent

Vocabulary Test

43) By the start of the 1990s, popular music

had become ---- globalized, with seventy
per cent of all production resting in the
hands of just five companies.

A) possibly
B) rarely
C) negligently
D) significantly
E) respectively

44) The League of Nations, established in

Geneva in 1920, included representatives
from states throughout the world, but was
severely weakened by the US decision not
to become a member, and had no power to
---- its decisions.

A) impress
B) compel
C) accomplish
D) implicate
E) enforce

45) The greatest ---- to the spread of nuclear

technology and nuclear power reactors to
developing countries is that it will increase
risks of nuclear weapon proliferation.

A) obligation
B) contribution
C) solution
D) condition
E) objection

46) A combination of factors made the 1984

accident in a storage tank at a Union
Carbide plant in India almost ----.

A) crucial
B) inevitable
C) vulnerable
D) bearable
E) permanent

Vocabulary Test

47) In the opinion of most scientists,

engineering does not ---- offer universally
acceptable solutions.

A) randomly
B) previously
C) necessarily
D) excessively
E) extremely

48) Scientists suggest that huge amounts of

greenhouse gases will be ---- into the
atmosphere if rising temperatures cause
the Arctic permafrost to melt.

A) produced
B) accelerated
C) disrupted
D) released
E) joined

49) Damage to the liver is the main health ----

for long-term heavy drinkers.

A) consideration
B) conclusion
C) attentiveness
D) examination
E) regulation

50) Health risks from pesticide exposure are

probably small for healthy adults, but
children, the elderly,
and people with compromised immune
systems may be ---- to some types of
pesticide poisoning.

A) hostile
B) substantial
C) severe
D) reversible
E) vulnerable

Vocabulary Test


1 the 59 used
2 a 60 world
3 d 61 england
4 b 62 preference
5 c 63 made
6 e 64 pesticide
7 ---- 65 life
8 of 66 damage
9 to 67 vulnerable
10 in 68 aware
11 and 69 pursue
12 for 70 comprehensive
13 is 71 improve
14 that 72 we
15 it 73 if
16 from 74 developing
17 s 75 research
18 as 76 such
19 on 77 ash
20 be 78 british
21 their 79 health
22 are 80 work
23 with 81 medical
24 was 82 crucial
25 have 83 substantial
26 countries 84 internal
27 but 85 postal
28 by 86 all
29 science 87 small
30 people 88 well
31 some 89 can
32 more 90 american
33 which 91 than
34 per 92 between
35 its 93 certain
36 us 94 latin
37 cent 95 population
38 not 96 information
39 now 97 combination
40 become 98 consideration
41 much 99 solution
42 global 100 iron
43 political 101 no
44 general 102 other
45 will 103 power
46 nuclear 104 has
47 scientists 105 rates
48 almost 106 his
49 may 107 risks
50 they 108 animals
51 technology 109 systems
52 fairly 110 nations
53 many 111 products
54 india 112 amounts
55 public 113 parts
56 genetic 114 previous
57 had 115 at

Vocabulary Test

116 government 174 appropriated

117 past 175 contaminated
118 interest 176 accelerated
119 new 177 saturated
120 notably 178 enacted
121 rapidly 179 exacted
122 extremely 180 conducted
123 respectively 181 limited
124 only 182 exploited
125 urgently 183 resulted
126 country 184 granted
127 - 185 attempted
128 africa 186 disrupted
129 bermuda 187 exerted
130 idea 188 regretted
131 australia 189 argued
132 dna 190 derived
133 china 191 involved
134 lava 192 removed
135 geneva 193 proved
136 economic 194 outlawed
137 chronic 195 played
138 music 196 seized
139 arctic 197 globalized
140 diagnostic 198 laid
141 lead 199 did
142 spread 200 field
143 widespread 201 child
144 prescribed 202 unfold
145 disturbed 203 hold
146 replaced 204 uphold
147 deduced 205 could
148 produced 206 find
149 afforded 207 commonplace
150 included 208 advice
151 bloodshed 209 twice
152 established 210 france
153 abolished 211 coincidence
154 magnified 212 dependence
155 allied 213 defence
156 controlled 214 reference
157 confirmed 215 incompetence
158 weakened 216 convince
159 assigned 217 denounce
160 retained 218 enforce
161 maintained 219 reduce
162 sustained 220 carbide
163 joined 221 worldwide
164 turned 222 conclude
165 hoped 223 degree
166 developed 224 marriage
167 explored 225 manage
168 leased 226 average
169 released 227 storage
170 compromised 228 judge
171 closed 229 ----change
172 opposed 230 exchange
173 appreciated 231 large

Vocabulary Test

232 huge 290 ultimate

233 die 291 inaccurate
234 intake 292 compensate
235 dislike 293 estate
236 stroke 294 reinstate
237 probable 295 private
238 sizeable 296 satellite
239 liable 297 spite
240 fashionable 298 despite
241 reasonable 299 statute
242 bearable 300 ----constitute
243 inevitable 301 league
244 acceptable 302 technique
245 stable 303 unique
246 regrettable 304 five
247 solvable 305 derive
248 incredible 306 persuasive
249 terrible 307 decisive
250 responsible 308 compulsive
251 reversible 309 expansive
252 accessible 310 defensive
253 irresistible 311 intensive
254 while 312 extensive
255 versatile 313 excessive
256 hostile 314 expressive
257 sole 315 creative
258 welcome 316 negative
259 determine 317 relative
260 one 318 speculative
261 airborne 319 effective
262 immune 320 prospective
263 hope 321 preventive
264 europe 322 eruptive
265 atmosphere 323 consecutive
266 there 324 serve
267 severe 325 recognize
268 were 326 relief
269 before 327 gulf
270 restore 328 bombing
271 cure 329 replacing
272 failure 330 bleeding
273 ensure 331 breeding
274 exposure 332 avoiding
275 structure 333 understanding
276 departure 334 being
277 increase 335 banking
278 disease 336 fuelling
279 these 337 warming
280 intense 338 campaigning
281 those 339 poisoning
282 purpose 340 concerning
283 use 341 engineering
284 cause 342 during
285 because 343 rising
286 excuse 344 protecting
287 greenhouse 345 writing
288 implicate 346 fingerprinting
289 recreate 347 forecasting

Vocabulary Test

348 wasting 406 aluminium

349 resting 407 an
350 interesting 408 european
351 strong 409 pagan
352 lung 410 belgian
353 clung 411 human
354 each 412 wouldn
355 approach 413 sweden
356 watch 414 been
357 though 415 seen
358 enough 416 queen
359 accomplish 417 when
360 wealth 418 alien
361 sixteenth 419 taken
362 earth 420 undertaken
363 growth 421 children
364 ii 422 often
365 tank 423 campaign
366 denmark 424 reign
367 network 425 foreign
368 uk 426 in----
369 real 427 explain
370 legal 428 main
371 material 429 remain
372 normal 430 sustain
373 occasional 431 vitamin
374 international 432 opinion
375 gravitational 433 union
376 emotional 434 cohesion
377 reversal 435 decision
378 prenatal 436 television
379 metal 437 explosion
380 gradual 438 obsession
381 individual 439 admission
382 approval 440 commission
383 compel 441 transmission
384 entail 442 conclusion
385 turmoil 443 exclusion
386 until 444 identification
387 powell 445 education
388 still 446 obligation
389 pull 447 correlation
390 cholesterol 448 regulation
391 forceful 449 accumulation
392 wonderful 450 transformation
393 powerful 451 examination
394 deceitful 452 determination
395 resentful 453 participation
396 them 454 proliferation
397 system 455 interpretation
398 claim 456 cohabitation
399 him 457 quotation
400 freedom 458 transportation
401 boom 459 reputation
402 long-term 460 situation
403 short-term 461 starvation
404 catholicism 462 distraction
405 existentialism 463 frominfection

Vocabulary Test

464 objection 522 occupies

465 production 523 factories
466 fuel-production 524 possibilities
467 destruction 525 makes
468 condition 526 strikes
469 position 527 rules
470 corruption 528 determines
471 contribution 529 does
472 constitution 530 volcanoes
473 common 531 types
474 moon 532 temperatures
475 weapon 533 increases
476 western 534 gases
477 pattern 535 states
478 unborn 536 techniques
479 turn 537 lives
480 sun 538 representatives
481 own 539 things
482 down 540 siblings
483 who 541 deaths
484 euro 542 scandals
485 into 543 models
486 gap 544 levels
487 gdp 545 stems
488 microchip 546 customs
489 membership 547 forms
490 help 548 means
491 similar 549 citizens
492 particular 550 savemillions
493 irregular 551 decisions
494 popular 552 allocations
495 war 553 relations
496 member 554 explanations
497 soccer 555 actions
498 cancer 556 interconnections
499 offer 557 restrictions
500 her 558 superstitions
501 weather 559 solutions
502 together 560 typhoons
503 copper 561 lessons
504 counter 562 anglo-saxons
505 better 563 chips
506 however 564 engineers
507 liver 565 researchers
508 deliver 566 drinkers
509 despair 567 reactors
510 or 568 factors
511 poor 569 bypass
512 aids 570 success
513 hands 571 process
514 funds 572 excess
515 foods 573 relentless
516 practices 574 remoteness
517 sciences 575 attentiveness
518 experiences 576 impress
519 studies 577 loss
520 economies 578 effects
521 companies 579 projects

Vocabulary Test

580 markets 638 export

581 assets 639 suggest
582 deficits 640 greatest
583 adults 641 request
584 governments 642 novelist
585 parents 643 consist
586 events 644 against
587 attempts 645 most
588 efforts 646 permafrost
589 biologists 647 first
590 exists 648 dust
591 focus 649 just
592 dangerous 650 adjust
593 numerous 651 proust
594 laws 652 mistrust
595 shows 653 out
596 flows 654 about
597 knows 655 throughout
598 says 656 you
599 t 657 few
600 great 658 how
601 threat 659 know
602 fat 660 sex
603 what 661 today
604 fact 662 way
605 affect 663 inadequacy
606 select 664 sufficiency
607 direct 665 already
608 budget 666 steady
609 diet 667 energy
610 let 668 healthy
611 maastricht 669 probably
612 benefit 670 reliably
613 suit 671 preferably
614 melt 672 suitably
615 built 673 possibly
616 significant 674 hardly
617 arrogant 675 scarcely
618 plant 676 crudely
619 reluctant 677 largely
620 resistant 678 unlikely
621 accident 679 solely
622 prevalent 680 rarely
623 agreement 681 severely
624 detriment 682 precisely
625 permanent 683 immediately
626 coherent 684 lately
627 current 685 inadequately
628 recurrent 686 completely
629 present 687 extensively
630 frequent 688 excessively
631 account 689 relatively
632 cannot 690 comparatively
633 except 691 sensitively
634 heart 692 deceptively
635 part 693 readily
636 start 694 necessarily
637 expert 695 voluntarily

Vocabulary Test

696 satisfactorily 754

697 crucially 755
698 initially 756
699 differentially 757
700 potentially 758
701 nominally
702 universally
703 usually
704 forcefully
705 randomly
706 firmly
707 sullenly
708 supply
709 elderly
710 properly
711 ingeniously
712 seriously
713 pretentiously
714 previously
715 exactly
716 rightly
717 tightly
718 significantly
719 defiantly
720 instantly
721 negligently
722 vastly
723 autonomy
724 any
725 germany
726 anthony
727 colony
728 mary
729 contemporary
730 dietary
731 bribery
732 very
733 every
734 theory
735 century
736 easy
737 uneasy
738 treaty
739 capacity
740 mortality
741 sustainability
742 respectability
743 instability
744 credibility
745 extremity
746 christianity
747 community
748 familiarity
749 security
750 ingenuity
751 equity
752 creativity
753 conductivity


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