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You are going to listen to an ex-US Navy pilot talking about oxygen equipment for pilots flying at high altitude. Vocabulary 1 Find two words on the right with a similar meaning to the ones on the left. Copy them next to the words on the left. a hose (n) b internal (adj) © external (adj) _ bent (adj) e tough (adj) 9 __ f flexible (adj) 9 block (v) case? What are the differences? inner hard outer soft exterior crimped rigid pliable interior stop close off tube folded line Discuss with a partner. Do all three words have exactly the same meaning in each Listening 4 Listen once to the recording and answer these questions. @ Which system was causing problems in this case, LOX or OBOGS? bb Was it a design fault, a maintenance problem ot pilot error? © Was it just one aircraft or a general problem? Theft Unit 7 Lesson 8: Hiden problems. Escaneado con CamScanner pe ON Mn Re ees eS 2. §@Listen again. Choose the correct information from the two options in each case. the LOX system, oxygen is stored on board the aircraft. b __ With the OBOGS system, oxygen is stored on board the aircraft. © —— LOX is more reliable than OBOGS. d_ —— OBOGS is more reliable than LOX. @ —— The OBOGS system worked correctly when the planes were on the ship. f —— The OBOGS system worked correctly at high altitude. g —— The mechanics were following the procedure in the manual. hh __ The mechanics thought the OBOGS hose was the same as the old LOX hose. i —_ The warning light was connected to an oxygen monitor downstream. j —— The warning light went on if the oxygen level inside the concentrator was low. 3 Compare and discuss your answers. flexible blocked crimped internal hose rigid intact bent 4 Complete the paragraph below, using external hose sleeve lines damage vocabulary from the box. ‘The concentrator on the OBOGS oxygen supply was tested and had no defects. However, when the ________— on one of the aircraft was inspected, the was broken, and the true condition of the could easily be seen. It was found to be crimped, which meant that the flow of oxygen was partly Several of the other aircraft were also found to have _ or oxygen lines. The reason, was that the mechanics who maintained the system thought that the OBOGS line was like the old LOX lines. In fact, OBOGS lines are —______.. To remove the concentrator, they bent the inner plastic ____________ forcefully out was not seen metal-braided of the way. This action crimped the hose, although the we sleeve remained because the Speaking and writing Write three or four questions to ask your partner about the problem. Take turns to ask and answer questions using your own words. Use the diagrams below to help you. rigid pipe Workbook page 113 rn flexible pipe Escaneado con CamScanner

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