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How to Change a Belief

(from the book “Nlp Neuro Linguistic Programming Re-program your control over emotions and behavior, Mind Control
by Fred Cremone ( “ )

20May2020, Wed.

The action of changing a negative thought into a positive thought is an excellent NLP technique. Here is another simple
process to do just that:

Find a quiet location and close your eyes.

Create a visual representation in your mind of the bad belief. (such as a fanged wolf or bat)

Starting from a small little picture, grow this image really large in your mind.

Gradually shrink it in your head until it virtually disappears.

Using your arm (in your imagination) brush the tiny image of it away.

Create a warm and positive image of the new belief you want to have.

Grow it larger and larger until it fills up the mental screen.

Open your eyes. You are finished!

Repeat this daily until you start feeling different from that particular belief.

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