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Roads t Student Evaluation of Classroom Instructor Las Angeles Community College District College Section Nomber Cours Tile O Gy © Southwest ASL 00) oa om—” TerniYeur Taseator os oe SPRING 2Olb | ANDY LIM Instructions + The icra mas lave be classroom forthe duration ofthe sary. A stot from the lass it pac one ad allt eac survey. Once the surveys are completed, they are be ele, signad acs the sal, and resernd 0 the deparment of be instructor being raved by the ade. “+ Students sould mark ony ne answer per question by completely filing tm he appropriate cre © Erase compeiely ary answer changes and ray marks; he tbr tides for writen comment \Very Poor Good Fair Poor Part A- Overall Rating of Instructor How would you rate the inseructor's overall caching ability? : & Agree Disagree Part B- General Questions 1 The instructor clearly defined the course eequirement. 2.A syllabus, which clearly outlined the course objectives and grading civria, was diseribuced by the second class meeting. 5, The instructor is well prepared and organized. 4. The instruction relates to che couse objectives 5. now fel able vo communicate course material co others, 6. The class meccs forthe specified amouac of time 7. The instructor eegulaslygrades/evaluaces or provides Feedback on my Oo performance, The inserucor is available during posced office hours. 9. The inseuetor interacts with sudents in ways that ae fee of disrimination Q Oo a 10.1 would recommend this instructor c others. Ta The instructor motivates me and encourages my iaterest in the subject 12. The instructor reates an environment in which i is safe co sek help, , ask questions o express opinions, which differ from those ofthe faculey member. TS. The inseructor is knowledgeable i the subject area. 14. The insructor points out where tbe course material is relevant co daily ie 1. The inseructoreretsseudencs with respec 16, The inseructor maineains good class contol a ‘Contnsed on Back Rida saan ‘Sruoeur Evasion oF CLASSROOM INSTRUCTOR conus) Part C- Additional Questions (added by the department for all departmental evaluations) COD} Ca] oon nowstat apticable OD} OD} OD] stongty agree O}0)] OD} sore COO} O) Ly iseareo COC!) Co seen oisagroe Part D- Communication tthe Instructor Use dhe space below for writen comments: Ham 1S an AMAZING Tercher! te sino kest ASL ysinebe hve, ever Kad. wish We taut ASLOOZ cause | NEED tnat class Ma. Lins Super patierit and VSt_AGrLAT ACACK. Ye Is Wy Fovoeve. SSL Is TH favokite class. MR.UM \S tHE BEST ASL INSTRUCIOR. Qe VUMm @ fayse. BAN ASLOOZ +o West LA college |

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