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Rae Ho e000 & AFT Aumont 2011-2014 Student Evaluation of Classroom Instructor Los Angeles Community College District lo ay Sonne | ASL 00 | College Section Number Course Title “Trade Tech ome TermYoar Instructor e ood 00000) E z vin $e Bring Ie Andy Lilt Tnstructions + The insracor must lave the classroom forte duration of th sey. A student from the clase pas ons and collec each sve. One tbesurneys are complete, ty are 1 be realed,signad acres the sel, and rwrned othe department of te nsractr being sersyed bythe student Students should’ mark ony ome answer por question by completely filing m tbe appropriate cre 1S Brae completely any answer change and tay marks; the eer side ifr writen commen Excellent \Very Poor Part A- Overall Rating of Instructor lcood Fair Poor How would you rate the instructor’ overall caching abiicy? Don't Know/ot Appi Part B- Gonoral Questions J] Strongly Agrow seo tisaee Clase 1. The instructor clearly defined the course requirements 2 Asyllabus, which clearly outlined the course objectives and grading cei was iseributed by the second class meeting oO 5. The insructor is well prepared and organized The instruction eelaes to the course objectives Sl now fel able to communicate course material 1 otben “The class meets forthe specified amount of rime. Ly Se enn or pda aon wy pelos J 2 B. The inseructor is available during posted office hous LV 9. The instructor inceracts with students in ways tha are fre of disrimination. 10.1 would recommend this iaseructor to others TI The inseructor mocivates me and encourages my interes in the subject 12The instructor ereares an environment in which ici safe vo seck help, ask quertions or express opinions, which differ from those ofthe faculey member ~ Ti. The inseructor is knowledgeable in ehe subjec aren LI The instructor points out where the couse material is elevane to daily life 15 The iaseructor create seodents with respect TE Tie anctr malin good cas cont wo Cindi adam ‘Stuoer EvALuamon oF CLAssH00M InsTRUCTON cote) Part C- Additional Questions (audded by the department fr all departmental evaluations) CO] 1} Dy strony asree O}D]O) Ose OHO!O Gy ovsonee LO] OD) sens oisaaroe CI} Oy oontknownvr appliabte Part D- Communication tothe Instructor Use the space below for written a He is fle / ict, ye fair, Very Cool cond good / Za vory Pwo fe SS0r :

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