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Nama : ……………… Hari, Tanggal :...................

Kelas : X- ………….. Tahun Pelajaran :2018/2019
Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris Jam ke :……………

Answer the questions bellows!

1. What the symbol is? And after you see this symbol, what will you think!
a. d.

…….. ………
b e.
……….. ………

2. What the recount text is?

3. Write the structure of the recount text!
4. Tahun lalu dia tidak bertamasya ke Hongkong. (make a simple past tense)
5. Dia menari jaipong kemarin. (make a simple past tense)
6. Mereka duduk di pantai sore tadi. (make a simple past tense)
7. Dia bermain piano tahun lalu. (make a simple past tense)
8. Write the comparative and superlative form of these word and make a sentence it.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Faithful ……….. ………..
Sentence: ………………….. Sentence: ………………... Sentence: ………………….
…………………………….. …………………………... …………………………….
9. Look at the list of the words below and find their meaning in English.
a. Belok kiri : ………………….
b. Belok kanan : ………………….
c. Bundaran : ………………….
d. Pertigaan (T) : ………………….
e. Perempatan : ………………….
10. Write the compression of the asking and giving directions!

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