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Paul Joshua P.




Pros and Cons of Governmental Efforts against COVID-19

1. The protocols regarding lockdowns 1. Face-to-face classes are
and community quarantine helped discontinued, thus the quality of
avoid further spread of virus. Also, education is compromised.
community contamination is 2. Most-awaited graduation
avoided. ceremonies were suspended.
2. School administrators were 3. On-the-job trainings as an
advised to make disinfection of academic requirements were
facilities, therefore, school facilities suspended.
are more conducive when face-to- 4. Online classes has been exclusive
face classes resume. only for those privileged of having
3. People have the realization on how enough digital capacities.
important it is to have proper 5. The mental health state of some
hygiene. citizens are stooping.
4. A new mode of learning 6. The economy is highly affected
transmission (online) was due to business closures. Also, the
developed. increasing governmental debts is
5. Citizens are being more critical making a huge drawback on the
and ingenious. economy.
6. The government was reminded 7. The situation is spelling out the
how important to prioritize health, gap of citizen’s social and
science and research. economic status.
7. People are given enough time to
reflect and develop new skills.

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